Yellowstone Volcano Alert System Just Detected 250% Increase in Activity

I wouldn't doubt it... As evil as we've become in this country, heck anything is possible. I mean look at what we have running the joint now. That's right it's a joint, just like some creepy shady backwoods southern jook joint is what America has become under the yoke of Biden and his minion's.
But I like creepy shady backwoods southern juke joints! :D
They are always threatening us with ....Yellowstone the super going to explode now...get ready and all that !look for your life......................blah blah blah

...............but the volcano always let us never happens!:(
Until it does. :omg:
Highly unlikely.
Yellowstone is likely to have several large eruptions. but the catastrophic super eruption is not likely.
For a number of reasons. Platonic shifts, decreased magma buildup deep in the caldera.. super cooling rocks that are absorbing heat and energy.
We might see some pretty devastating localized eruptions in the next 100 years.
But everything I read the past few years shows the super eruption is getting fewer and fewer chances as years go by due to the above.
Yellowstone is a gigantic volcano. If it blew up it would make St. Helens look like child's play and there is nothing we can do to stop it. We wouldn't have to worry about global warming because it would be sitting in our laps.
Maybe this is the universes way of ridding the great state of Wyoming of its liberals who are mostly concentrated in that area.
They're already fugitives of natural selection.
Maybe this is the universes way of ridding the great state of Wyoming of its liberals who are mostly concentrated in that area.
Actually most of the entire western half of the United States would become uninhabitable for a few hundred years. As far away as northern Texas would be under feet of ash with no possible way of clearing it out.
But, like I said, this is not going to happen.
Yellowstone is a gigantic volcano. If it blew up it would make St. Helens look like child's play and there is nothing we can do to stop it. We wouldn't have to worry about global warming because it would be sitting in our laps.

Nonsense. Once Trump is back in the White House he will hold that Volcano in abeyance with his steely glare. I’m waiting for Trump to announce that he is ready to appoint an amazing really great Czar of Volcanoes.
Fascinating, how certain conservatives can turn any discussion into a reason to declare how much they hate liberals, and to tell everyone what pathetic little victims they are. They're just not normal.

And as hjmick pointed out, nothing abormal is happening at Yellowstone now. The OP was fooled by a clickbait scam, where someone makes up a crazy story to get clicks, which brings them money.
Mamooth, it isn't liberal people we hate at all. What we hate are dismal decisions made that bring the yoke of slavery to our doorstep. Something bad happened when President Hillary Clinton influenced her weak husband to sweet-talk the FBI to furnish Hillary with the files of people she perceived as enemies to her enthusiasm for the Alinsky method of ousting one governmental system with an easy-to-rule system that Communism is. The Clinton/Obama/Biden schemas are beating themselves up to stop conservatives from speaking out so bitterly that we're feeling what it is like to be under the dark side of Communism's umbrella, which is an oligarchy system that rotates leaders to live in peace with only other powerful oligarches' specialties such as slamming systems in place that brought their countries mostly peace in a world that didn't have to deal with or worry about nuclear attacks that poison entire geographical areas and their neighbors in worse-than-war results. Communism is kissing cousins with fascists like Nazists, that created a world war in the mid-forties of the last century. Christian America stopped Hitler, and they put up a fight with the cold war that Russia and China developed against Western countries. I hope that representative government is here to stay, but the Democrat Party has always opposed it from its beginning. It wants to consolidate power under no restraints nor diplomacy whatever, and it's polyp of selfishness has now become a tumor. I hope that those who favor communist rule expediency will discard the notion. If it doesn't, it is begging a bloodbath which I hope doesn't become anybody's hope for "curing" Democrat dissatisfaction with the Costitution that has been the wind beneath America the Good's wings.
100 foot crack developed in Yellowstone in the past couple of days. (7/31) Is it going to be a regular volcano, or a super eruption volcano? I can't tell at this point. It' looks like a pretty big crack. It could just be a relief of pressure below.

Found on August 3, 2023:

The extremely ancient helium gas is worrisome to scientists of the caldera in Yellowstone. They think it could be millions or even billions of years old. I get the impression that we better start praying.
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Helium is a naturally occurring substance from the breakdown of radioactive elements.
I live in an area where helium is mined in the form of wells that pump it from the ground.
Helium deposits do not influence volcanic activity.
Enjoy your fearporn. It is amusing that people believe this bullshit.

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