Yellowstone Volcano Alert System Just Detected 250% Increase in Activity

Then you would know small earthquakes in Yellowstone are common. So why did some recent small earthquakes there call for PredictionsOfDoom?

And your evidence for this claim is ... what? Yes, Steamboat Geyser has been erupting more often, after a long dormant period, but that's one geyser. Other geysers, such as Old Faithful, erupt less often.
Someone in Yellowstone told the story on a youtube run. Sometimes you find stuff out by hitting "" and they put the headlines on their home page. You can pick what interests you. It sent me back to USGS, because I go there every other week or so. Just a habit. Scientists frequently put out a youtube story. It's a great center for what is going on in the world. I lived in Wyoming 35 years of my adult life. I love the place. Unfortunately, I got fibromyalgia (immune problem) in cold weather. We made plans to return to our home state, TX. Made our move in 2009. My new doctor zeroed in on what was causing the fibromyalgia response, and in one surgery, the fibromyalgia disappeared, but I still love living in the state of my birth. Often things that are probable never happen, and things you never dreamed of come knocking on your door. I'm a very plain person, mamooth.
But God's beautiful earth just lights my fire! :yes_text12:
I say if God will that super volcano to erupt , it will. Sad thing is any survivors will probably sue God for willfully destruction or something. Even sadder is the fact they will likely win, after all, where is God gonna find a lawyer?
It's going to take some time to answer your questions, but if I find what I was reading yesterday, you'll see some pictures nobody wants or needs to see. Back in a bit.

Edit: I found something, but it doesn't look either good or bad as far as the future is concerned, but they did close down the Park June 30 or 3 days ago.

Beautress, I found this also on youtube.

It may take several millenia to equal what happened millions of years ago. I'm going to pray for our country some more this evening. My belief that God is in charge, and I hope others will pray for our nation and our world to start getting along better and stop the pickpocketing of our neighbors. Putin knew better than to do the things that Hitler did. If he makes it through the blasting his country is getting in retaliation for shooting it up against schools, womens' hospitals, and people he hated in the Ukraine. Surely the Russian people will convince him to return to peace if he survives the flak he is literally taking right now.
Too late. Putin is a dead man walking.
Yellowstone National Park is experiencing a lot of earthquakes, overactive geysers, and smoke coming out of the ground

Enough with the fucking Henny Penny. Yellowstone Park has been the site of volcanic activity thousands of years, the hot springs there are heated by vents leading up to the surface. Tremors are normal. 1.5 - 3.5 ain't shit.

The 1989 Loma Prieta Quake 6.9. I had just gotten home from work when it hit. We were living out on 35th and Balboa at the time. I remember the house moving left and right. Then suddenly it felt the house move straight up and down. I turned of the gas and the electric. My wife was a bus coming home. At every street corner the bus stopped letting people on and off. It took her about an hour to get home.

Several of local restaurants remained open and served people for free.

Both of us went to work the next day, St. Anthony Foundation needed people to serve out sandwich's. On one table was the bread with peanut butter and jelly. Other had apples and oranges. I was putting carton of milk or juice in the bags. Over 2,000 bag lunches were served out that day. I was not able to call my Dad for over week.

Yellowstone shaking only means the earth is doing its thing.
Enough with the fucking Henny Penny. Yellowstone Park has been the site of volcanic activity thousands of years, the hot springs there are heated by vents leading up to the surface. Tremors are normal. 1.5 - 3.5 ain't shit.

The 1989 Loma Prieta Quake 6.9. I had just gotten home from work when it hit. We were living out on 35th and Balboa at the time. I remember the house moving left and right. Then suddenly it felt the house move straight up and down. I turned of the gas and the electric. My wife was a bus coming home. At every street corner the bus stopped letting people on and off. It took her about an hour to get home.

Several of local restaurants remained open and served people for free.

Both of us went to work the next day, St. Anthony Foundation needed people to serve out sandwich's. On one table was the bread with peanut butter and jelly. Other had apples and oranges. I was putting carton of milk or juice in the bags. Over 2,000 bag lunches were served out that day. I was not able to call my Dad for over week.

Yellowstone shaking only means the earth is doing its thing.
Out in San Diego the tremors are so common I used to sleep right through anything below a 3.0.
There are like 2000 detected rumbles in yellowstone a year. There is no indication that the volcano even has enough magma for a catastrophic blow out event currently.
This year, Yellowstone is in the urgency and frequency mode. Ever so often, one of the volcano has a spew. Here's the one of 1975:

Recalling The 1975 Yellowstone Earthquake​


By NPT Staff - June 27th, 2023

Editor's note: Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This week's contribution is from Dan Dzurisin, emeritus geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey.
“It was a calm, peaceful Thursday afternoon. Birds softly chirped their songs amid babbling brooks as a gentle breeze kissed the treetops of Yellowstone National Park.”
That’s how a local news source in Gillette, Wyoming, set the scene for a recent story about an event that occurred almost 50 years ago and that received only passing interest at the time. The story got the date and day of the week wrong, but that seems oddly appropriate for an event that, despite its importance, has received relatively little attention.

There's a lot more about this eruption here: Recalling The 1975 Yellowstone Earthquake

Todaiy: No Yellowstone activity here:
USGS Latest Earthquake Map

A normal human can't feel anything below 3.0
I can. And it's creepy, because I don't know if it is nearby, in the Pacific Ring of Fire, or in the Middle East, Iran or Turkey. I try to get up and go online to the "Latest Earthquake" page at And I make a little note of what time I felt the indescribably light shake. They can be from a minute or much longer. Why me is my frequent question daylight or dark.
Enough with the fucking Henny Penny. Yellowstone Park has been the site of volcanic activity thousands of years, the hot springs there are heated by vents leading up to the surface. Tremors are normal. 1.5 - 3.5 ain't shit.

The 1989 Loma Prieta Quake 6.9. I had just gotten home from work when it hit. We were living out on 35th and Balboa at the time. I remember the house moving left and right. Then suddenly it felt the house move straight up and down. I turned of the gas and the electric. My wife was a bus coming home. At every street corner the bus stopped letting people on and off. It took her about an hour to get home.

Several of local restaurants remained open and served people for free.

Both of us went to work the next day, St. Anthony Foundation needed people to serve out sandwich's. On one table was the bread with peanut butter and jelly. Other had apples and oranges. I was putting carton of milk or juice in the bags. Over 2,000 bag lunches were served out that day. I was not able to call my Dad for over week.

Yellowstone shaking only means the earth is doing its thing.
Last week he was an expert on Donald Trump, this week he's a volcanologist.
I can. And it's creepy, because I don't know if it is nearby, in the Pacific Ring of Fire, or in the Middle East, Iran or Turkey. I try to get up and go online to the "Latest Earthquake" page at And I make a little note of what time I felt the indescribably light shake. They can be from a minute or much longer. Why me is my frequent question daylight or dark.
So, you're saying your abbey normal? ;)
Too late. Putin is a dead man walking.
I've seen death "pictures" of Putin, but in between times they show up, Putin is picked up by a tv station of him going to this place and that, sans blood or wounds to his face. I can't tell if a photo is dubbed or the real deal, and liars abound out there in cyberspace.
A normal human can't feel anything below 3.0

Tell that to the people in D.C. A couple of years back the Nation's Capitol was hit 3.2 tremor. Gail and I were on vacation and you'd have the world was coming to an end People were pounding doors yelling at others to get out. Neither Gail nor I felt the shake. The next morning all you could hear was about, "This is what San Francisco feels like". My wife just smiled at each and ate our breakfast those people have zero clue about what a real earthquake feels like.
Enough with the fucking Henny Penny. Yellowstone Park has been the site of volcanic activity thousands of years, the hot springs there are heated by vents leading up to the surface. Tremors are normal. 1.5 - 3.5 ain't shit.

The 1989 Loma Prieta Quake 6.9. I had just gotten home from work when it hit. We were living out on 35th and Balboa at the time. I remember the house moving left and right. Then suddenly it felt the house move straight up and down. I turned of the gas and the electric. My wife was a bus coming home. At every street corner the bus stopped letting people on and off. It took her about an hour to get home.

Several of local restaurants remained open and served people for free.

Both of us went to work the next day, St. Anthony Foundation needed people to serve out sandwich's. On one table was the bread with peanut butter and jelly. Other had apples and oranges. I was putting carton of milk or juice in the bags. Over 2,000 bag lunches were served out that day. I was not able to call my Dad for over week.

Yellowstone shaking only means the earth is doing its thing.
Here's a little gift for you to clean out yer filthy math. Remove the taboo verbiage, and someday I'll read your cleaned up version.



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