Yep, It’s Official: Elizabeth Warren Did Not Pay Voluntary Higher Tax Rate in MA

So what you're saying is that liberals don't act according to their stated values unless everyone else is forced to act accordingly?

If the stated value is an equitable tax code, it's impossible to "act according" to that proposal without altering the tax code. I haven't seen any suggestion in this thread that Warren doesn't favor doing that.

I'm curious if anyone who believes the deficit/debt is the nation's biggest problem has voluntarily paid extra income taxes in the last decade or so. If not, why?
Of those who earn more than 250K yearly and post on this board, I doubt one pays more taxes voluntarily.

That's true, but they aren't constantly whining about "the rich paying their fair share."

This OP has no significance.

Yeah, we know liberals see no significance to their despicable hypocrisy.

Typical wing nut wackery from the far right: when the OP fail, attack the 'outsiders' with cries of 'vile liberals!' :lol:
700 K.

She's a 1%er.

I don't hear the left blasting her for being out of touch.

More important, she and others like her are hypocrites. They want us to pay higher taxes and say that is the right thing to do, yet they won't do it unless someone makes them. If they felt it was fair, they'd do it regardless of tax laws. Even when taxes are raised, I bet she and her liberal buddies will be looking for every loophole (which they be sure to write in themselves) to get out of paying. Buffet owes over a billion in back taxes and he's fighting against paying.

Reid didn't even want to pay his taxes and I bet he wouldn't have if he hadn't got caught. I lost count of the tax evaders and cheaters in Obama's cabinet, but now we're getting the 'do as I say, not as I do' line.

none issue from non personalities.
So what you're saying is that liberals don't act according to their stated values unless everyone else is forced to act accordingly?

If the stated value is an equitable tax code, it's impossible to "act according" to that proposal without altering the tax code. I haven't seen any suggestion in this thread that Warren doesn't favor doing that.

I'm curious if anyone who believes the deficit/debt is the nation's biggest problem has voluntarily paid extra income taxes in the last decade or so. If not, why?

Warren would vote to raise her own tax rate...

Would Scott Brown or Mitt Romney?
and isnt it rather peculiar that Warren has had over 76 dogs in the last three years,,,hmm, so where did they go? McDonalds? Burger King? Obama's White House Freezer?
She preaches that people should voluntarily pay more than they have to?

I'm still waiting for an answer to that question myself.

What are you waiting for?

The rw's are doing what they always do - making up answers and then swearing its fact.

... and avoiding the truth.

When do liberals ever preach that anything should be voluntary?

That's the whole point here, numb nuts. Liberals are all about forcing others to participate in the nefarious schemes to bring on the new Utopia, but they aren't even willing to participate themselves voluntarily.

You're all a bunch of goosestepping totalitarian hypocrites.
More voluntarily?

So what you're saying is that liberals don't act according to their stated values unless everyone else is forced to act accordingly?

Liberals stated values include that taxes should be voluntary?

No, the last thing a liberal would endorse is making anything voluntary.

Their stated value is that "the rich should pay their fair share." Apparently, in the case of liberals, that means only at gunpoint.
No, the last thing a liberal would endorse is making anything voluntary.

They why would Warren support this voluntary tax rate and thus be a hypocrite for not paying it?

You still haven't cited anything to prove that she does support or has called others to pay it.

Their stated value is that "the rich should pay their fair share."

Yet nowhere in their is a "if they feel like it"

Your thread is a massive fail.
So not one of the so-called conservatives here can link Warren to stating that liberal values include voluntary payment of taxes?

Hypocrisy. Real conservatives are ashamed of these bozos.
The so-called conservatives in this thread are in their native country of Hypocrisy.
How many of you pay more voluntarily? Or send your SS checks back? Or don't drive on the highways and roads? Send your kids to public schools?

If your house was on fire, how many of you would let it burn rather than call the "socialist" fire department?

You're a bunch of hypocrites.

Liberals are the ones that are complaining that the rich don't pay enough, yet here is a perfect chance for liberals to give more and they don't. I am all for the cutting of spending.
How many of you pay more voluntarily? Or send your SS checks back? Or don't drive on the highways and roads? Send your kids to public schools?

If your house was on fire, how many of you would let it burn rather than call the "socialist" fire department?

You're a bunch of hypocrites.

Liberals are the ones that are complaining that the rich don't pay enough, yet here is a perfect chance for liberals to give more and they don't. I am all for the cutting of spending.

Liberals want to raise taxes as part of a deficit reduction plan and not on an "if you feel like it" basis.

This voluntary rate is actually a conservative dream. It's conservatives who are the ones always saying that if you want the rich to pay more "there's nothing stopping you from writing a check to the government". This thread is doing an excellent job showing exactly how much of a failure that method is.

I'm all for cutting spending too, BTW but that's only one side of the equation.
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The so-called conservatives here are hypocrites. The GOP can beat Obama, but does not need this type of stuff that drives thinking people away from folks like bripat and the other poseurs.
700 K.

She's a 1%er.

I don't hear the left blasting her for being out of touch.

Because she's not out of touch. She has consistently lambasted the right for ripping the heart of the middle class, the result being the US might be turning into the same type of countries you have in south america - 1% very rich, the rest very poor...

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