Yep, It’s Official: Elizabeth Warren Did Not Pay Voluntary Higher Tax Rate in MA

Of those who earn more than 250K yearly and post on this board, I doubt one pays more taxes voluntarily.

This OP has no significance.
In that event? Neither does Lizze Warren...another elist shitbag that got caught preaching and NOT practicing the sermon...

Of those who earn more than 250K yearly and post on this board, I doubt one pays more taxes voluntarily.

This OP has no significance.
In that event? Neither does Lizze Warren...another elist shitbag that got caught preaching and NOT practicing the sermon...


She preaches that people should voluntarily pay more than they have to?
Some on this board are elitist, having trouble with the concept of majoritarian rule.
It's a very valid point. And typical liberalism. They scream for the rich to pay higher taxes yet when given the option to pay more themselves they choose to pay less in taxes.

I haven't been following that race very closely: is Warren running on some kind of "optional taxation" platform?

I think she means that all the other rich people should pay their "fair share"
Just not herself.

She's a hypocrite like ALL Statists.
700 K.

She's a 1%er.

I don't hear the left blasting her for being out of touch.

OWS hasn't been taught about her...she leads a shielded life by the ones leading the charge...Top up-Bottom down.

I'll bet she was friends with Cloward and Piven...she sure sounds like them.
Did Romney pay?

Did he fess up and pay for those offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands?

After all, he has been complaining about the national debt
So none of you can pull up any statement of Warren's calling for people to pay this voluntary higher tax rate nor can you pull a statement of hers saying that the rich should pay more taxes voluntarily.

Looks like this case of fauxrage is closed.
700 K.

She's a 1%er.

I don't hear the left blasting her for being out of touch.

More important, she and others like her are hypocrites. They want us to pay higher taxes and say that is the right thing to do, yet they won't do it unless someone makes them. If they felt it was fair, they'd do it regardless of tax laws. Even when taxes are raised, I bet she and her liberal buddies will be looking for every loophole (which they be sure to write in themselves) to get out of paying. Buffet owes over a billion in back taxes and he's fighting against paying.

Reid didn't even want to pay his taxes and I bet he wouldn't have if he hadn't got caught. I lost count of the tax evaders and cheaters in Obama's cabinet, but now we're getting the 'do as I say, not as I do' line.

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