Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

your linky youtube has fudged the ''1962''... it's fabricated....the date is cleary 1961 NOT 1962 and if you look at the other # 1's on the BC they are the same shape, PLUS everything on the BC is dated with 1961, not this 1962 that the video is showing?

Here is the original BC of the twins...


vigil, and as far as the numbers on the birth certificates, they are issued when the delivery nurse fills out the pertinent information from the birth....if she had several deliveries that she was working on in labor and delivery, it may not be filed until the next day.... it's not like the mothers were going anywhere.... A woman who delivered a baby in the hospital was required by protocol, to stay in the hospital for a week back then....

That's it? That's all you find? What about the other testimonies?...They are all lying. right?:rolleyes:
I can ask you the same question...what about all the evidence that shows and proves he was born in Hawaii...they are all lying right?

Here's a FACT, it is lunacy to repeat the same birther lies over and over and over again, even when they have proven to be FALSE, and lunacy to pretend the proof of the birther lies being false, never happened.
You keep asking us to be like a birther- and rely upon speculation, lies and innuendo.

We don't know how she made her error- and unlike you- we do not have to lie or speculate as to how she made her error.
Screw you, ya lying piece of shit.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit.

7 years of lying about Obama- and you nothing but constant defeat to show for it.
You're a lying piece of dog shit.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit- 7 years of lying about Obama and all you have is a pile of shit you are sitting in.
You're nothing but dog shit to me you lying piece of shit racist ass hole.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit- 7 years of lying about Obama and all you have is a pile of shit you are sitting in
Still waiting for you to explain why out of all the President's- and Presidential candidates- you suddenly asked for the school records of this President.

Was it because of the color of his father's skin? If not- why?
Obama's the POTUS not Bush ya dumb ass. I told you why I wanted to see his records, ya dumb ass. I want to see his records to see if he was a foreign exchange student, ya dumb ass.

What the hell does the color of his father's skin have to do with anything? ya dumb ass racist piece of shit...

LOL- and why didn't you ever want to see the records to see whether any white President was a foreign exchange student?
Because he's the first one born to a communist leader of a foreign country ya dumb shit.

Oh- so its not just because of his color

Because his father may have been a communist from Africa.

So you need to see his college records.

To see if he was a foreign exchange student.

Again, what hell does his skin color have to do with where he's from? You dumb ass racist piece of shit. My dog has an IQ that soars over your retarded ass.

And what does his father being a communist have to do with him being a foreign exchange student?

Hmmm nothing of course. It does sound better than "I want to see his college records because his father was black" though

your linky youtube has fudged the ''1962''... it's fabricated....the date is cleary 1961 NOT 1962 and if you look at the other # 1's on the BC they are the same shape, PLUS everything on the BC is dated with 1961, not this 1962 that the video is showing?

Here is the original BC of the twins...


vigil, and as far as the numbers on the birth certificates, they are issued when the delivery nurse fills out the pertinent information from the birth....if she had several deliveries that she was working on in labor and delivery, it may not be filed until the next day.... it's not like the mothers were going anywhere.... A woman who delivered a baby in the hospital was required by protocol, to stay in the hospital for a week back then....

That's it? That's all you find? What about the other testimonies?...They are all lying. right?:rolleyes:
I can ask you the same question...what about all the evidence that shows and proves he was born in Hawaii...they are all lying right?

Here's a FACT, it is lunacy to repeat the same birther lies over and over and over again, even when they have proven to be FALSE, and lunacy to pretend the proof of the birther lies being false, never happened.

BUT that's just it, they haven't been proven false... and now seeing how the poser LIES and REFUSES to obey law, it becomes even more important that we didn't get that MANCHURIAN muslim that most of us understand that he is!
Why do Obama's old neighbors say that Obama was a black foreign exchange student? Why are Obama's school records being hidden from us?
Kinda odd that people who knew Obama and commented about him have always realized they were mistaken and misspoke. Every damn one of them. His mailman when he was going to school said Obama told him he was a foreign exchange student. Then he realized he was mistaken. A classmate who said he was a flaming faggot and smoked a lot of marijuana. She realized she was wrong and was thinking of some other deadbeat dood. His Granny, Uncle and other relatives who said he was "Born right here in this house." Then realized granny was hallucinating, senile and confused. (It was the intrepeters misunderstanding, of course. Maybe next time.

Why do idiots like you lie- or just eat up Birther lies?

Obama's neighbors have never said that Obama was a black foreign exchange student.
Obama's school records are 'hidden' just like every Presidents- and mine.
His mailman never said he was a foreign exchange student.
No classmate of his ever said he was a f*ggot- but Obama told us all he smoked lots of pot.
No grandmother of his ever said he was born in Kenya- his step grandmother said he was born in Hawaii.

Birthers got to believe what is fed to them by their handlers.
Who were all those people who were interviewed, made statements (all on videotape) , and lo and be damned if everyone of them didn't have an attack of brainfarts and retract everything they said. Something is fishy here.

Nothing fishy- just you spewing the usual Birther lies.
It seems the Left is in full agreement with Hussein's Kenyan origination.

I mean....

I can't count the number of times Leftists have referred to him as African-American. all African Americans are from Kenya?
Screw you, ya lying piece of shit.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit.

7 years of lying about Obama- and you nothing but constant defeat to show for it.
You're a lying piece of dog shit.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit- 7 years of lying about Obama and all you have is a pile of shit you are sitting in.
You're nothing but dog shit to me you lying piece of shit racist ass hole.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit- 7 years of lying about Obama and all you have is a pile of shit you are sitting in

The simple answer is that the FECKLESS Republican ELITES REFUSED to pursue this issue to it's end! They really are DomocRAT lights!

your linky youtube has fudged the ''1962''... it's fabricated....the date is cleary 1961 NOT 1962 and if you look at the other # 1's on the BC they are the same shape, PLUS everything on the BC is dated with 1961, not this 1962 that the video is showing?

Here is the original BC of the twins...


vigil, and as far as the numbers on the birth certificates, they are issued when the delivery nurse fills out the pertinent information from the birth....if she had several deliveries that she was working on in labor and delivery, it may not be filed until the next day.... it's not like the mothers were going anywhere.... A woman who delivered a baby in the hospital was required by protocol, to stay in the hospital for a week back then....

That's it? That's all you find? What about the other testimonies?...They are all lying. right?:rolleyes:
I can ask you the same question...what about all the evidence that shows and proves he was born in Hawaii...they are all lying right?

Here's a FACT, it is lunacy to repeat the same birther lies over and over and over again, even when they have proven to be FALSE, and lunacy to pretend the proof of the birther lies being false, never happened.

BUT that's just it, they haven't been proven false... and now seeing how the poser LIES and REFUSES to obey law, it becomes even more important that we didn't get that MANCHURIAN muslim that most of us understand that he is!

Yeah- yeah they have.

Just the usual loons, making the same looney claims- 7 years after the election.
Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit.

7 years of lying about Obama- and you nothing but constant defeat to show for it.
You're a lying piece of dog shit.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit- 7 years of lying about Obama and all you have is a pile of shit you are sitting in.
You're nothing but dog shit to me you lying piece of shit racist ass hole.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit- 7 years of lying about Obama and all you have is a pile of shit you are sitting in

The simple answer is that the FECKLESS Republican ELITES REFUSED to pursue this issue to it's end! They really are DomocRAT lights!

The simple answer is that Birther are just idiots.

your linky youtube has fudged the ''1962''... it's fabricated....the date is cleary 1961 NOT 1962 and if you look at the other # 1's on the BC they are the same shape, PLUS everything on the BC is dated with 1961, not this 1962 that the video is showing?

Here is the original BC of the twins...


vigil, and as far as the numbers on the birth certificates, they are issued when the delivery nurse fills out the pertinent information from the birth....if she had several deliveries that she was working on in labor and delivery, it may not be filed until the next day.... it's not like the mothers were going anywhere.... A woman who delivered a baby in the hospital was required by protocol, to stay in the hospital for a week back then....

That's it? That's all you find? What about the other testimonies?...They are all lying. right?:rolleyes:
I can ask you the same question...what about all the evidence that shows and proves he was born in Hawaii...they are all lying right?

Here's a FACT, it is lunacy to repeat the same birther lies over and over and over again, even when they have proven to be FALSE, and lunacy to pretend the proof of the birther lies being false, never happened.

BUT that's just it, they haven't been proven false... and now seeing how the poser LIES and REFUSES to obey law, it becomes even more important that we didn't get that MANCHURIAN muslim that most of us understand that he is!

Yeah- yeah they have.

Just the usual loons, making the same looney claims- 7 years after the election.

What's the matter bunky, you subversives just can never hang with the TRUTH.... Your tongue might rot!
Kinda odd that people who knew Obama and commented about him have always realized they were mistaken and misspoke. Every damn one of them. His mailman when he was going to school said Obama told him he was a foreign exchange student. Then he realized he was mistaken. A classmate who said he was a flaming faggot and smoked a lot of marijuana. She realized she was wrong and was thinking of some other deadbeat dood. His Granny, Uncle and other relatives who said he was "Born right here in this house." Then realized granny was hallucinating, senile and confused. (It was the intrepeters misunderstanding, of course. Maybe next time.

Why do idiots like you lie- or just eat up Birther lies?

Obama's neighbors have never said that Obama was a black foreign exchange student.
Obama's school records are 'hidden' just like every Presidents- and mine.
His mailman never said he was a foreign exchange student.
No classmate of his ever said he was a f*ggot- but Obama told us all he smoked lots of pot.
No grandmother of his ever said he was born in Kenya- his step grandmother said he was born in Hawaii.

Birthers got to believe what is fed to them by their handlers.
Who were all those people who were interviewed, made statements (all on videotape) , and lo and be damned if everyone of them didn't have an attack of brainfarts and retract everything they said. Something is fishy here.

Nothing fishy- just you spewing the usual Birther lies.
It seems the Left is in full agreement with Hussein's Kenyan origination.

I mean....

I can't count the number of times Leftists have referred to him as African-American. all African Americans are from Kenya?
All African Americans were born in Africa, not America.
Why do idiots like you lie- or just eat up Birther lies?

Obama's neighbors have never said that Obama was a black foreign exchange student.
Obama's school records are 'hidden' just like every Presidents- and mine.
His mailman never said he was a foreign exchange student.
No classmate of his ever said he was a f*ggot- but Obama told us all he smoked lots of pot.
No grandmother of his ever said he was born in Kenya- his step grandmother said he was born in Hawaii.

Birthers got to believe what is fed to them by their handlers.
Who were all those people who were interviewed, made statements (all on videotape) , and lo and be damned if everyone of them didn't have an attack of brainfarts and retract everything they said. Something is fishy here.

Nothing fishy- just you spewing the usual Birther lies.
It seems the Left is in full agreement with Hussein's Kenyan origination.

I mean....

I can't count the number of times Leftists have referred to him as African-American. all African Americans are from Kenya?
All African Americans were born in Africa, not America.

And all Irish Americans were born in Ireland? And all Italian Americans were born in Italy?

Simple human error.
Simple? Simple is misspelling a name. Not writing a sentence out of the blue about him being a foreigner born in Kenya. That's not a mistake that's either the truth or a complete falsification for some unknown benefit.

If someone, particularly a white person, heard this unknown kid Obama was Kenyan, that is exotic sounding enough that it could confuse them into believing he was from Kenya. Whereas if you told someone said you were Irish, that is not as exotic and probably would not lead them to believe you are from Ireland.

Simple human error.
So you're saying she made up the entire bio based on his name?
Entire bio? Don't be an ass. Only three words are in error. "...born in Kenya..."

She heard he was Kenyan and assumed that meant he was "born in Kenya".


What a rube

Obama told them he was born in Kenya. It's what he told his colleges and universities too

Says who? There's absolutely nothing to back that claim up. Its like a religion with you people. There's no evidence necessary for you to believe. And none that can affect your faith.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Sheriff Joe launches intoObama's birth certificate– again 5, 2015
Trumpand Arpaio both have claimedObama's birth certificate may be forged. Arpaio's office has been investigating the birth certificate since

Here's the part that I never understood; why didn't Sheriff Joe just call the issuing agency, the State of Hawaii? Its the first thing any credible investigator would do. But in nearly 4 years, Joe refuses to do.

What credible investigator would refuse to contact the issuing agency on the credibility of a document? Its like investigating if someone lives at a given address. But refusing to go to that address and ask if they live there.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Sheriff Joe launches intoObama's birth certificate– again 5, 2015
Trumpand Arpaio both have claimedObama's birth certificate may be forged. Arpaio's office has been investigating the birth certificate since

Here's the part that I never understood; why didn't Sheriff Joe just call the issuing agency, the State of Hawaii? Its the first thing any credible investigator would do. But in nearly 4 years, Joe refuses to do.

What credible investigator would refuse to contact the issuing agency on the credibility of a document? Its like investigating if someone lives at a given address. But refusing to go to that address and ask if they live there.
They know Hawaii isn't telling to truth.
"Oh my God, Barack Obama's running the old Kenyan Prince birth announcement scam. Here's how it goes: you want to destroy America from the inside but you can't because you're a foreigner. So first, you gotta find yourself a good ol' American to reproduce for you. Then, you have that child on foreign soil, while simultaneously placing the birth announcement of that child in one of our "fringe" state's local newspapers, your Hawaiis, your Alaskas, your Pennsylvanias. Alright, then, kidding. And then, hold on, you wait. Until this baby is a middle-aged man. Now the trap is set. You just sit back and let that child go out and win the election for President of the United States. Now here's where the scam gets tricky; they can't just win the popular vote. He or she must have a strategy to win the electoral vote; that's what trips up most drifters. But, if you pull it off, you and your puppet child can sit back and destroy the fabric of the country you both hate so much. It's almost too easy." –Jon Stewart
A lot of idiotic young naive idiots think of Jon Stewart as an esteemed historian and consider strawman arguments to be perfectly logical.

A birther calling others idiots....that is rich. Out with the tin foil hats!!!
I think you're a birther.

I think you're an idiot.
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Thanks for the good laugh, you nutter you.

You got your theory from Alex Jones, and you know it.

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Well you could prove it,lesbo. But since we both know you can't zip your hairy lip
You calling someone else a lesbo, how quaint....

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What's quaint about it? I'm normal, pee wee puffer

You keep telling yourself that, Crotch Sniffer.
Obama's publisher, he told them and they put it in his bio

Says who? Per the woman that put the pamphlet together, Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Do you have a better source? Of course not. You have you. And you're nobody.

She didn't say she put the pamphlet together, actually.

She said, without any ambiguity, that Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya. She was there. She worked on the pamphlet in question. She's the world's leading authority on the topic.

Yet inexplicably, you insist what she REALLY meant was that Obama told her was born in Kenya. Despite never having met her, not working at the agency, and playing no role in the creation of the pamphlet.

The world's expert wins. And you're still gloriously irrelevant.
Why does Obama's bio say he was born in Kenya? Promotional Booklet

What earthly reason would the person that put the bio together have had to make that type of mistake? Why would she have just decided to say hey this guy was born in Kenya? Why?
Simple human error.

Someone as a "simple human error" sad down and wrote with no basis for it that Obama was "born in Kenya."

What a sap you are, no wonder you are a Democrat

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