Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

She didn't say she put the pamphlet together, actually.

She said, without any ambiguity, that Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya. She was there. She worked on the pamphlet in question. She's the world's leading authority on the topic.

Yet inexplicably, you insist what she REALLY meant was that Obama told her was born in Kenya. Despite never having met her, not working at the agency, and playing no role in the creation of the pamphlet.

The world's expert wins. And you're still gloriously irrelevant.
Why does Obama's bio say he was born in Kenya? Promotional Booklet

What earthly reason would the person that put the bio together have had to make that type of mistake? Why would she have just decided to say hey this guy was born in Kenya? Why?
Simple human error.
Simple? Simple is misspelling a name. Not writing a sentence out of the blue about him being a foreigner born in Kenya. That's not a mistake that's either the truth or a complete falsification for some unknown benefit.

If someone, particularly a white person, heard this unknown kid Obama was Kenyan, that is exotic sounding enough that it could confuse them into believing he was from Kenya. Whereas if you told someone said you were Irish, that is not as exotic and probably would not lead them to believe you are from Ireland.

Simple human error.

Yeah, it would never occur to people who write biographies for a living that people don't necessarily grow up where they were born. You're an all day sucker
Obama's publisher, he told them and they put it in his bio

Says who? Per the woman that put the pamphlet together, Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

Do you have a better source? Of course not. You have you. And you're nobody.

She didn't say she put the pamphlet together, actually.

She said, without any ambiguity, that Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya. She was there. She worked on the pamphlet in question. She's the world's leading authority on the topic.

Yet inexplicably, you insist what she REALLY meant was that Obama told her was born in Kenya. Despite never having met her, not working at the agency, and playing no role in the creation of the pamphlet.

The world's expert wins. And you're still gloriously irrelevant.
Why does Obama's bio say he was born in Kenya? Promotional Booklet

What earthly reason would the person that put the bio together have had to make that type of mistake? Why would she have just decided to say hey this guy was born in Kenya? Why?
His Father was born in Kenya with the same name... perhaps lead to her confusion? Its not like she knew who he was in person or any of the people in the bio clips she had to write up for the staff of the publishing company she was an assistant or intern at? This was not bios that were written for Public was strictly for the editors and staff of the Company to become familiar with their new authors they were publishing or considering publishing....

Walk me through how that happens, you are writing a bio of an unknown author and somehow you write down his father's birthplace as his birthplace.
In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Thanks for the good laugh, you nutter you.

You got your theory from Alex Jones, and you know it.

New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Well you could prove it,lesbo. But since we both know you can't zip your hairy lip
You calling someone else a lesbo, how quaint....

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What's quaint about it? I'm normal, pee wee puffer

You keep telling yourself that, Crotch Sniffer.
You're a lying piece of dog shit.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit- 7 years of lying about Obama and all you have is a pile of shit you are sitting in.
You're nothing but dog shit to me you lying piece of shit racist ass hole.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit- 7 years of lying about Obama and all you have is a pile of shit you are sitting in

The simple answer is that the FECKLESS Republican ELITES REFUSED to pursue this issue to it's end! They really are DomocRAT lights!

The simple answer is that Birther are just idiots.

Entire bio? Don't be an ass. Only three words are in error. "...born in Kenya..."

She heard he was Kenyan and assumed that meant he was "born in Kenya".
Who did she hear he was Kenyan from? I thought he was supposed to be American?

You keep asking us to be like a birther- and rely upon speculation, lies and innuendo.

We don't know how she made her error- and unlike you- we do not have to lie or speculate as to how she made her error.
Screw you, ya lying piece of shit.

Sad, sad little Birther piece of shit.

7 years of lying about Obama- and you nothing but constant defeat to show for it.
You're a lying piece of dog shit.

The Majority of the occupants in the White House are bithers too. Obama was the original birther and Michelle referred to Kenya as Obama's "Home Country."

Michelle Obama: "When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country, in Kenya..."
This kind of retardation actually hurts to look at.


Pug break...

what about Michelle? she's not even of this earth. maybe she was born in guam or canada?

As amazing as she is, I have no doubt she is a gift from Heaven.


Not the stupidest post of the day, but certainly in the top ten. Congratulations

Refute it! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

I wouldn't refute that any more than I would refute my 3yo niece when she told me she was a fluffy bunny. It doesn't hurt little minds to pretend some fantastical stuff, and it's so darn cute when they give you that little mean look and demand that you agree with them.

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