Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Amazing how Trump is older than Hillary yet his age is never brought up by the right wing....

C'mon......90% of the shit that comes out of wingers' mouths is proxy bullshit. Do you really think they give a fiddler's fuck about age? Reagan was 2 years older when elected than Hillary is now. Yet they've built damn near a cult around the man's memory.

McCain was 5 years older than Hillary is now when he ran against Obama. And they didn't say shit.

If not for double standards, fringe wingers would have none at all.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??

That is because he has more integrity than useful idiot sheep like yourself.

You don't know the first thing about the facts that make Obama and all his coverup pals blatant liars. Because you do not care to know or research it, and because you do not want to believe it.

The jokes on you.

Birthers- what they have are lies, speculation and innuendo.

And what you have is a total reluctance to face the truth because it goes against your wishes.

You cannot win this one. the guy is a liar and so are his handlers and his so-called birth certificate he finally released 2 1/2 years later is a phony as he is. But he has his beloved mainstream media to protect him and fool the rest of you.

I am quite comfortable with the truth.

The State of Hawaii has repeatedly confirmed the truth- and idiots like you can never accept that voters elected this particular man.

Oh, the State of Hawaii confirmed this. Does that mean their word is as certain and unassailable as say.. the IRS's? Or Hillary? Or Barack? Or the Justice Dept? Or the NYTimes?

Are you really that gullible? Or just committed to defending this phony no matter what?

This is the stuff you and your kind laugh off because it was from I really do not care, but if you did care it is there for the reading. To date it is unexplainable by Barack & Co.

A tale of two birth certificates


So now, birthers go so far as to say that the state of Hawaii is lying.

Gawd, this just gets better and better....
Amazing how Trump is older than Hillary yet his age is never brought up by the right wing....

C'mon......90% of the shit that comes out of wingers' mouths is proxy bullshit. Do you really think they give a fiddler's fuck about age? Reagan was 2 years older when elected than Hillary is now. Yet they've built damn near a cult around the man's memory.

McCain was 5 years older than Hillary is now when he ran against Obama. And they didn't say shit.

If not for double standards, fringe wingers would have none at all.

It was made in seven layers on a program that didn't exist in the 1960's. It's a fake and you being a left loon Obamabot was duped. Of course you're duped by most're a dumb fuck

Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Sassy I know a lot IT people and I'm also involved in label making and printing business.
What are trying to claim is just bullcrap. So far none of you haters prove that Obama was born in Kenya but you can always continue your fantasy about Obama.
If Obama was born in Kenya don't you think someone could have come out by now? Your friends at Fox will pay million$ for that information.
Indeed. Because even Fox debunked the "fake longform birth certificate" meme.

Fuck, Obama is in year SEVEN of his two-term presidency and to think that burfers still exist...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

This whole thing on his birthplace was started by Hillary Clinton during the 08 primaries. So "original birther" = the hildebeast.
Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Sassy I know a lot IT people and I'm also involved in label making and printing business.
What are trying to claim is just bullcrap. So far none of you haters prove that Obama was born in Kenya but you can always continue your fantasy about Obama.
If Obama was born in Kenya don't you think someone could have come out by now? Your friends at Fox will pay million$ for that information.
Indeed. Because even Fox debunked the "fake longform birth certificate" meme.

Fuck, Obama is in year SEVEN of his two-term presidency and to think that burfers still exist...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

This whole thing on his birthplace was started by Hillary Clinton during the 08 primaries. So "original birther" = the hildebeast.

Shhhhhh you're upsetting them with a fact
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Sassy I know a lot IT people and I'm also involved in label making and printing business.
What are trying to claim is just bullcrap. So far none of you haters prove that Obama was born in Kenya but you can always continue your fantasy about Obama.
If Obama was born in Kenya don't you think someone could have come out by now? Your friends at Fox will pay million$ for that information.
Indeed. Because even Fox debunked the "fake longform birth certificate" meme.

Fuck, Obama is in year SEVEN of his two-term presidency and to think that burfers still exist...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

This whole thing on his birthplace was started by Hillary Clinton during the 08 primaries. So "original birther" = the hildebeast.

Shhhhhh you're upsetting them with a fact

yes, I know, facts cause their little liberal heads to implode.
Actually, in 1961, Obama's birth certificate was scanned and posted on the internet
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Sassy I know a lot IT people and I'm also involved in label making and printing business.
What are trying to claim is just bullcrap. So far none of you haters prove that Obama was born in Kenya but you can always continue your fantasy about Obama.
If Obama was born in Kenya don't you think someone could have come out by now? Your friends at Fox will pay million$ for that information.
Indeed. Because even Fox debunked the "fake longform birth certificate" meme.

Fuck, Obama is in year SEVEN of his two-term presidency and to think that burfers still exist...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

This whole thing on his birthplace was started by Hillary Clinton during the 08 primaries. So "original birther" = the hildebeast.

That's your defense of Trump? lol, good one.
Trump in April 2011:

The remarks from the potential presidential candidate prompted Vieira to ask Trump if he had people on the ground in Hawaii searching for proof of the president's citizenship.

He signaled he did, saying, "And they cannot believe what they're finding. And I'm serious."

I don't remember being told what they

Donald Trump Obama Birth Certificate Details Being Sought By Investigators In Hawaii
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Sassy I know a lot IT people and I'm also involved in label making and printing business.
What are trying to claim is just bullcrap. So far none of you haters prove that Obama was born in Kenya but you can always continue your fantasy about Obama.
If Obama was born in Kenya don't you think someone could have come out by now? Your friends at Fox will pay million$ for that information.
Indeed. Because even Fox debunked the "fake longform birth certificate" meme.

Fuck, Obama is in year SEVEN of his two-term presidency and to think that burfers still exist...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

This whole thing on his birthplace was started by Hillary Clinton during the 08 primaries. So "original birther" = the hildebeast.

That's your defense of Trump? lol, good one.

just pointing out the truth, carbon head. Hillary started it.
The Internet, Gore's Internet or the Internet that didn't exist in 1961. My mind is all agoogle over this news.

In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Sassy I know a lot IT people and I'm also involved in label making and printing business.
What are trying to claim is just bullcrap. So far none of you haters prove that Obama was born in Kenya but you can always continue your fantasy about Obama.
If Obama was born in Kenya don't you think someone could have come out by now? Your friends at Fox will pay million$ for that information.
Indeed. Because even Fox debunked the "fake longform birth certificate" meme.

Fuck, Obama is in year SEVEN of his two-term presidency and to think that burfers still exist...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

This whole thing on his birthplace was started by Hillary Clinton during the 08 primaries. So "original birther" = the hildebeast.

That's your defense of Trump? lol, good one.

Trump doesn't need me to defend him. He is doing quite well on his own. He is telling the truth and shaking up the assholes in both parties. whether he wins or loses, he is doing what needs to be done and causing the rest of the political flunkies to address our real problems.
In the firm my husband worked at previously there was an IT guy and he explained to me how the document was made and why it was a fake. After he finished there was no doubt in my mind it was a forgery

Sassy I know a lot IT people and I'm also involved in label making and printing business.
What are trying to claim is just bullcrap. So far none of you haters prove that Obama was born in Kenya but you can always continue your fantasy about Obama.
If Obama was born in Kenya don't you think someone could have come out by now? Your friends at Fox will pay million$ for that information.
Indeed. Because even Fox debunked the "fake longform birth certificate" meme.

Fuck, Obama is in year SEVEN of his two-term presidency and to think that burfers still exist...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

This whole thing on his birthplace was started by Hillary Clinton during the 08 primaries. So "original birther" = the hildebeast.

That's your defense of Trump? lol, good one.

just pointing out the truth, carbon head. Hillary started it.

No she didn't.
Sassy I know a lot IT people and I'm also involved in label making and printing business.
What are trying to claim is just bullcrap. So far none of you haters prove that Obama was born in Kenya but you can always continue your fantasy about Obama.
If Obama was born in Kenya don't you think someone could have come out by now? Your friends at Fox will pay million$ for that information.
Indeed. Because even Fox debunked the "fake longform birth certificate" meme.

Fuck, Obama is in year SEVEN of his two-term presidency and to think that burfers still exist...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

This whole thing on his birthplace was started by Hillary Clinton during the 08 primaries. So "original birther" = the hildebeast.

That's your defense of Trump? lol, good one.

just pointing out the truth, carbon head. Hillary started it.

No she didn't.

Yes, she did!

She didn't say she put the pamphlet together, actually.

She said, without any ambiguity, that Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya. She was there. She worked on the pamphlet in question. She's the world's leading authority on the topic.

Yet inexplicably, you insist what she REALLY meant was that Obama told her was born in Kenya. Despite never having met her, not working at the agency, and playing no role in the creation of the pamphlet.

The world's expert wins. And you're still gloriously irrelevant.
Why does Obama's bio say he was born in Kenya? Promotional Booklet

What earthly reason would the person that put the bio together have had to make that type of mistake? Why would she have just decided to say hey this guy was born in Kenya? Why?
His Father was born in Kenya with the same name... perhaps lead to her confusion? Its not like she knew who he was in person or any of the people in the bio clips she had to write up for the staff of the publishing company she was an assistant or intern at? This was not bios that were written for Public was strictly for the editors and staff of the Company to become familiar with their new authors they were publishing or considering publishing....

Walk me through how that happens, you are writing a bio of an unknown author and somehow you write down his father's birthplace as his birthplace.
How about YOU walk me through what YOU THINK happened as well?

This was after he finished college and law school cum laude I believe?

I read that she was a young assistant or intern and given the duty of writing quick blips about the Publishing company's new authors for all the editors that worked there could be made aware of a little bit about them...

I have no idea how she made the rookie mistake, other than taking short cuts and not reading the book Obama was having published by them which spoke of his Kenyan Father, and NOT that he (Barak) was born in Kenya, but his father was....? She took shortcuts and didn't speed read well is just a guess... the book itself, that they were publishing said nothing of the sort, so she clearly made a mistake.

Trying to brush it off with she's an intern blah blah doesn't make how ridiculous your proposition is that she would sit down and write the words he was "born in Kenya" without getting that from Obama.

I think what happened was that his first publisher for a book he never wrote he told he was born in Kenya out of liberal snobbishness. A little later when he actually did write an actual book he either blew it off or regretted it and cut the shit. However, his publisher had already distributed the bio and he won't just man up and say he is the one who made the stupid "rookie" mistake. Manning up still isn't something he does ever so no wonder. It wasn't complicated.

Miriam's story was completely vague. She didn't say actually she wrote it, she didn't say who did, she didn't say who "us" encompassed when she said he didn't tell "us", she didn't say why she didn't actually fact check it or ask Obama himself. The media came to her and asked her if she's calling the President of the United States a liar. Damn yeah she said no, and she gave a complete smoke screen so she couldn't get caught in a lie herself.

Simple question for you. If Obama had nothing to do with it, who wrote it? Don't just say Miriam, she never said that
She said, without any ambiguity, that Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya. She was there. She worked on the pamphlet in question. She's the world's leading authority on the topic.

Yet inexplicably, you insist what she REALLY meant was that Obama told her was born in Kenya. Despite never having met her, not working at the agency, and playing no role in the creation of the pamphlet.

The world's expert wins. And you're still gloriously irrelevant.
Why does Obama's bio say he was born in Kenya? Promotional Booklet

What earthly reason would the person that put the bio together have had to make that type of mistake? Why would she have just decided to say hey this guy was born in Kenya? Why?
His Father was born in Kenya with the same name... perhaps lead to her confusion? Its not like she knew who he was in person or any of the people in the bio clips she had to write up for the staff of the publishing company she was an assistant or intern at? This was not bios that were written for Public was strictly for the editors and staff of the Company to become familiar with their new authors they were publishing or considering publishing....

Walk me through how that happens, you are writing a bio of an unknown author and somehow you write down his father's birthplace as his birthplace.
How about YOU walk me through what YOU THINK happened as well?

This was after he finished college and law school cum laude I believe?

I read that she was a young assistant or intern and given the duty of writing quick blips about the Publishing company's new authors for all the editors that worked there could be made aware of a little bit about them...

I have no idea how she made the rookie mistake, other than taking short cuts and not reading the book Obama was having published by them which spoke of his Kenyan Father, and NOT that he (Barak) was born in Kenya, but his father was....? She took shortcuts and didn't speed read well is just a guess... the book itself, that they were publishing said nothing of the sort, so she clearly made a mistake.

Its far simpler: Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya. There were multiple articles with national syndication that said as much. And this was pre-internet. So topics were researched via these nationally syndicated articles.

The that Barack Hussein Obama II, our president, was born in Hawaii. And the Barack Hussein Obama mentioned in the articles as being born in Kenya was his father. Its an easy enough mistake to make given that they have virtually identical names and are cited in the same articles.

Kaz knows this. But really hopes you don't. And demonstrates yet again why in a contest of Kaz v. Miriam Goderich.....Miriam wins with laughable ease.

True, you and your ego out voted me 2-1.

And yet while you just declare you believe anything anyone tells you at face value, that is a lie. Miriam said she was incompetent and gave a smoke screen answer and had every reason to lie. It was that or call the POTUS a liar in the media. The media that ganked Democratic activist Kathleen Wiley for a liberal President. You think she's fucking insane? And why the smoke screen if she just screwed up. She didn't say she wrote it, she didn't say who did, she didn't say why she didn't fact check it, she didn't say why she didn't ask Obama, she said nothing to clarify anything.

And you are a complete hypocrite. While you claim to be naively trusting and believe anything anyone tells you, you think the British PM is a liar when he stood behind his words. You don't believe Kathleen Wiley, Paula Jones or Juanita Broderick at face value as you claim you accept everyone's word.

You're a Democratic party ho, that's all there is to see here. That is if one can see you at all around your gargantuan ego. Huge egos like yours in public cover the scared little boy you actually are
She said, without any ambiguity, that Obama didn't say he was born in Kenya. She was there. She worked on the pamphlet in question. She's the world's leading authority on the topic.

Yet inexplicably, you insist what she REALLY meant was that Obama told her was born in Kenya. Despite never having met her, not working at the agency, and playing no role in the creation of the pamphlet.

The world's expert wins. And you're still gloriously irrelevant.
Why does Obama's bio say he was born in Kenya? Promotional Booklet

What earthly reason would the person that put the bio together have had to make that type of mistake? Why would she have just decided to say hey this guy was born in Kenya? Why?
His Father was born in Kenya with the same name... perhaps lead to her confusion? Its not like she knew who he was in person or any of the people in the bio clips she had to write up for the staff of the publishing company she was an assistant or intern at? This was not bios that were written for Public was strictly for the editors and staff of the Company to become familiar with their new authors they were publishing or considering publishing....

Walk me through how that happens, you are writing a bio of an unknown author and somehow you write down his father's birthplace as his birthplace.
How about YOU walk me through what YOU THINK happened as well?

This was after he finished college and law school cum laude I believe?

I read that she was a young assistant or intern and given the duty of writing quick blips about the Publishing company's new authors for all the editors that worked there could be made aware of a little bit about them...

I have no idea how she made the rookie mistake, other than taking short cuts and not reading the book Obama was having published by them which spoke of his Kenyan Father, and NOT that he (Barak) was born in Kenya, but his father was....? She took shortcuts and didn't speed read well is just a guess... the book itself, that they were publishing said nothing of the sort, so she clearly made a mistake.

Don't bother. They have already heard all that before, and they will chose to not believe it next time too.

There is nothing to believe, Miriam didn't clarify anything with her vague statement
His Father was born in Kenya with the same name... perhaps lead to her confusion? Its not like she knew who he was in person or any of the people in the bio clips she had to write up for the staff of the publishing company she was an assistant or intern at? This was not bios that were written for Public was strictly for the editors and staff of the Company to become familiar with their new authors they were publishing or considering publishing....

Walk me through how that happens, you are writing a bio of an unknown author and somehow you write down his father's birthplace as his birthplace.
How about YOU walk me through what YOU THINK happened as well?

This was after he finished college and law school cum laude I believe?

I read that she was a young assistant or intern and given the duty of writing quick blips about the Publishing company's new authors for all the editors that worked there could be made aware of a little bit about them...

I have no idea how she made the rookie mistake, other than taking short cuts and not reading the book Obama was having published by them which spoke of his Kenyan Father, and NOT that he (Barak) was born in Kenya, but his father was....? She took shortcuts and didn't speed read well is just a guess... the book itself, that they were publishing said nothing of the sort, so she clearly made a mistake.

Can you give me an answer for this? Try the 1:15 mark! is where his bloodline comes from, on his father's side...and just as Reagan's visit to Ireland and Ireland welcoming him home to his 'home country' or the people of the country of Ireland welcoming home President Kennedy on his visit....

Do you think Michele Obama, if trying to "hide" her husband's supposed birth in Kenya, would write in her speech that Obama's home country,( his heritage via father,) was his actual place of birth, and say this in front of cameras and the media?

Really? Me thinks you are not using your head on your shoulders, if you do....

You're dealing with a birther. Thinking has nothing to do with it. They run on pure emotion.

And notice, Michelle never says that Obama is born in Kenya. Not once.

Um...I think Obama was born in Hawaii and I think even if he were born in Kenya he's a natural born American because of his mother and I think he's legitimately President.

This word, birther, it doesn't mean what you think it means. Birther does not mean thinking Obama is a pretentious liar, sorry, but you are an idiot

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