Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

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The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

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that only applies if his mother was over the age of majority when he was born, she wasn't.
The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

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that only applies if his mother was over the age of majority when he was born, she wasn't.
No racist. No.

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The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

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you are correct that it doesn't matter, because no one is going to do anything about it with only a year and a half left for him to screw up the country. But eventually the truth will come out, and it won't be pretty for you worshipers of the great obozo.
The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

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that only applies if his mother was over the age of majority when he was born, she wasn't.
No racist. No.

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What? he is half white, his mother was white, how is talking about her racist? YOU are the racist here, my little simple minded libtard.

Do you find it funny that his grandmother died shortly after his visit to her in Hawaii? The visit that happened on an emergency basis just after that interview? .

Why would you find the death of his grandmother humorous?

Or do you mean you found it odd that an elderly woman who was in very poor health- that the President visited specifically visited because she was in poor health- died shortly afterward?

If you find that suspicious, I have a list of friends who visited their ill parents days or weeks before they passed away that you better alert the FBI to.

Their rightwing foolishness and jackassness knows no bounds.

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The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

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you are correct that it doesn't matter, because no one is going to do anything about it with only a year and a half left for him to screw up the country. But eventually the truth will come out, and it won't be pretty for you worshipers of the great obozo.

Yeah- you Birthers have been saying that for 7 years now.....and still the only truth that has come out is that Birthers lie, speculate and use innuendo- but Birthers do not use facts.
Your college records aren't available to the public.

If I was running for president they would be.

You would be the first.

Since no President has voluntarily ever released his college records.

The only ones who want to see them are his enemies.

Bush's records were made public, so were Romney's and Kerry's. So were John Edward's.

Yes, his enemies would like to see what he is hiding, thats just politics, grow up and get over it.
No. That's a lie. Part of Bush 43s records were illegally released to the public, but not his Harvard records. Nix Kerry and Co.

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Romney released his voluntarily, so did Kerry. Edward's were released as part of the investigation into his affairs.

But thats not the issue here. Why did obozo spend over a million to keep YOU from seeing his?

Barack Obama never spent any money preventing anyone to see his college records.

Romney never released his college records- just another Birther lie.

And Birthers never gave a damn that he didn't.

John Kerry undergrad transcripts were released by Kerry- but neither Bush or Kerry ever released their grad school transcripts.

Kerry is I believe the only Presidential candidate who voluntarily released his transcripts- probably why he got elected.

Birthers just went on to lie, speculate and spread innuendo.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


You never read the other side, do you? Are you aware of any of the problems with the long form, the one that Obama spent millions to keep sealed and only released after Trump challenged him to do so?

That's a lie too. Donald Trump claims Obama has spent 2 million in legal fees defending lawsuits about his birth certificate PolitiFact
Yepp, just another lie.

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nope, truth

Perkins Coie becomes strong arm for Obama and FCC Communities Digital News

No- just another Birther lie- Obama's campaign paid Perkins Cole for representing his presidential campaign.
I am saying you are a liar.

And post bullshit all of the time.

And no- the Clinton campaign did not start the Birther movement- though it is humorous to imagine all of you Right wing idiots being completely led by the nose by her campaign- but no- started in March 2008 on right wing blogs.

That's hearsay from a conspiracy monger. It is of the same credibility as you saying it without posting the video.

And one of the biggest Commie propagandists just wrote that.... You people are mentally ill!

Do you want to dispute that it's hearsay, or dispute that the source is a conspiracy monger?

Bullshit, the clinton machine was trying to destroy obama with the birthplace stuff. They backed off when he promised her the SecState job if she would shut up and kiss his ass.

Despite any evidence to support that Birther claim.

Birthers- showing once again that all they have is lies, speculation and innuendo.
And who says that Obama has never heard of Judicial Review.

Let me guess: the same hapless idiot who says that Obama went to college as a foreign student?

then post some of his writings from the review. post a copy of his student ID. tell us how he paid the very expensive tuition.

If you believe that Obama has never heard of Judicial Review, prove it. You can't.

If you believe that Obama was a foreign student, prove it. You can't. You have nothing to back the claim.

You've claimed that Obama was either born in Kenya or lied to his college. Prove it. You can't. As you have nothing to back the claim.

This is why Birthers aren't taken seriously, why they're a punchline and national laughing stock: you have nothing but innuendo, speculation and empty insinuation. But you can't actually back any of your bullshit with evidence.

Which obligates no one to do anything.

each of those things have been proven many times (in this thread). The fact that your brainwashing or lack of thinking ability prevents you from reading and comprehending them is not my problem.'

Your messiah is a fraud. History will bear that out.

All that has been proven is that you lie.

That has been proven over and over.

nothing I have said is untrue. but no one expects you to believe anything but the pro-obozo propaganda that has been pumped into your little head.

I imagine if I looked hard enough- I could find some claim you made that is not a lie.

But I can't remember a post of yours that wasn't.
Why are Bush's records still 'hidden'? Why are Clinton's? Why were Romney's? Why are Trumps? And Jeb Bush's?

Oh wait- they are all protected by the same privacy laws as my school records.

So why do you demand school records only from this specific President- and only this President?
Which one of those people were born to a father that was a communist leader in a Foreign country?

So you demand school records only of persons whose father was a communist leader in a foreign country?

LOL..........why not say 'which one of those people were born to a black father' which would be as accurate and much closer to the truth.
What does the color of his skin have to do with anything? Are you a racist?

What does the politics of his father have to do with anything? Are you a racist?
Are you a fucking moron?
No fool, you are.

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The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

you are correct that it doesn't matter, because no one is going to do anything about it with only a year and a half left for him to screw up the country. But eventually the truth will come out, and it won't be pretty for you worshipers of the great obozo.

Yeah- you Birthers have been saying that for 7 years now.....and still the only truth that has come out is that Birthers lie, speculate and use innuendo- but Birthers do not use facts.
Strangely there aren't a whole lot of facts supporting the claim Bucky was born in Hawaii either. A forged birth certificate produced several months after the controversy arose?

Not only was he born in Kenya, but he had his grandmother whacked just a few weeks before the election during a visit in Hawaii lest in the throes of senility she let out where he was really born.

"My grandson is going to be president of the United States! But I always thought you had to be born here to be president and Barry, he was born in maybe I was wrong."

She died just a few days after Bucky left Hawaii to continue it couldn't be tied to him.
Obama's the POTUS not Bush ya dumb ass. I told you why I wanted to see his records, ya dumb ass. I want to see his records to see if he was a foreign exchange student, ya dumb ass.

What the hell does the color of his father's skin have to do with anything? ya dumb ass racist piece of shit...

LOL- and why didn't you ever want to see the records to see whether any white President was a foreign exchange student?
Because he's the first one born to a communist leader of a foreign country ya dumb shit.

Oh- so its not just because of his color

Because his father may have been a communist from Africa.

So you need to see his college records.

To see if he was a foreign exchange student.

Again, what hell does his skin color have to do with where he's from? You dumb ass racist piece of shit. My dog has an IQ that soars over your retarded ass.

And what does his father being a communist have to do with him being a foreign exchange student?

Hmmm nothing of course. It does sound better than "I want to see his college records because his father was black" though

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

you are correct that it doesn't matter, because no one is going to do anything about it with only a year and a half left for him to screw up the country. But eventually the truth will come out, and it won't be pretty for you worshipers of the great obozo.

Yeah- you Birthers have been saying that for 7 years now.....and still the only truth that has come out is that Birthers lie, speculate and use innuendo- but Birthers do not use facts.
Strangely there aren't a whole lot of facts supporting the claim Bucky was born in Hawaii either. A forged birth certificate produced several months after the controversy arose?

The State of Hawaii affirmed he was born in least 5 times. Twice in press confernces, once on their website, and 2 more times in court documents.

Remember, you ignoring evidence isn't the same thing as evidence not existing.

Not only was he born in Kenya, but he had his grandmother whacked just a few weeks before the election during a visit in Hawaii lest in the throes of senility she let out where he was really born.'ve gone full batshit. Can you provide the slightest evidence that his grandmother was 'whacked'? Of course not. You don't even know how she died. Nor care.

That's how little evidence or reason has to do with your argument. You're running on pure conjecture, innuendo and emotion. And the part about birthers that defines their worthiness for being mocked and ridiculed?

They don't even care if their accusations are true.

That's why you're ilk are a national laughing stock. And should be.

Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Sheriff Joe launches intoObama's birth certificate– again 5, 2015
Trumpand Arpaio both have claimedObama's birth certificate may be forged. Arpaio's office has been investigating the birth certificate since

Here's the part that I never understood; why didn't Sheriff Joe just call the issuing agency, the State of Hawaii? Its the first thing any credible investigator would do. But in nearly 4 years, Joe refuses to do.

What credible investigator would refuse to contact the issuing agency on the credibility of a document? Its like investigating if someone lives at a given address. But refusing to go to that address and ask if they live there.
Because it's not intended to be credible, it's intended to be political.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
The truth of the matter is that it doesn't matter if President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. It wouldn't matter if he was born in Iraq for that matter he'd still be eligible to be President. His mother was American, therefore he's a natural born American. Case closed.

Folks who are perpetuating this claptrap are only showing the world how ignorant and racist they are.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

you are correct that it doesn't matter, because no one is going to do anything about it with only a year and a half left for him to screw up the country. But eventually the truth will come out, and it won't be pretty for you worshipers of the great obozo.

Yeah- you Birthers have been saying that for 7 years now.....and still the only truth that has come out is that Birthers lie, speculate and use innuendo- but Birthers do not use facts.
Strangely there aren't a whole lot of facts supporting the claim Bucky was born in Hawaii either. A forged birth certificate produced several months after the controversy arose?

The State of Hawaii affirmed he was born in least 5 times. Twice in press confernces, once on their website, and 2 more times in court documents.

Remember, you ignoring evidence isn't the same thing as evidence not existing.

Not only was he born in Kenya, but he had his grandmother whacked just a few weeks before the election during a visit in Hawaii lest in the throes of senility she let out where he was really born.'ve gone full batshit. Can you provide the slightest evidence that his grandmother was 'whacked'? Of course not. You don't even know how she died. Nor care.

That's how little evidence or reason has to do with your argument. You're running on pure conjecture, innuendo and emotion. And the part about birthers that defines their worthiness for being mocked and ridiculed?

They don't even care if their accusations are true.

That's why you're ilk are a national laughing stock. And should be.
Obviously when Bucky whacked his grandmother he didn't leave evidence. He even made sure it didn't happen until just after he left Hawaii. Old people are murdered all the time because they are so close to the edge people assume the natural causes. That's why serial killer nurses manage to go undetected so long. Grandma wasn't sick, yet she died right before the election immediately after Obama's visit.

Murder she wrote.

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