Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Trump is definitely broadening his appeal. I know a guy who is a college graduate who told me yesterday that he was voting for Donald! I'm not making this up!
I didn't graduate from college and I'm voting for Trump. My wife did graduate and she's voting for Hillary.

Wait...I'm not making the point I thought I was. :eusa_think:
I wonder ifcthey know where the brother campaign originated? Hillary? Hillary? Hillary?

Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.
I wonder ifcthey know where the brother campaign originated? Hillary? Hillary? Hillary?

Add to the family history shown in this article that Obama's mother was allegedly visiting Kenya with Obama's father in the final months of her pregnancy and was not allowed to board a flight in her late term to return home.

She allegedly had Obama in Kenya and quickly boarded a flight to Hawaii. Airlines do not accept late term pregancies but do not refuse passage to a newborn, usually issuing a 10% or free fare ticket for the trip.

Once in Hawaii, his mother registered him as being born in Hawaii.

LOL.....except for the little fact thing.
  • Barack Obama Sr. never left the United States and returned during the period of the pregnancy- immigration records establish that.
  • And there is no record of a passport being issued in Kenya for the mother and child(yes newborns need passports to enter the United States).
  • The Birth certificate shows not only that Barack Obama Jr. was born in Hawaii- it shows the name of the hospital and has the signature of the doctor who delivered him.
Birthers are so bizarrely idiotic- they believe any lie, rumor, gossip at all- while denying the actual official records.

Birthers- like you and Wash- just NEED for President Obama not to have been born in the United States.
Its always someone elses fault aint it?
Of course a CLOWN doesn't know Hillary campaign started the "birther" movement. But even Hillary gets it right sometimes -- afterall, she occupies bothe sides of a debate when she benefits by a flip flop.
I just gave you a link to where it actually started and it was a rightwing blog, not Hillary.

Learning is a struggle for you, huh?
Its always someone elses fault aint it?
Of course a CLOWN doesn't know Hillary campaign started the "birther" movement. But even Hillary gets it right sometimes -- afterall, she occupies bothe sides of a debate when she benefits by a flip flop.
I just gave you a link to where it actually started and it was a rightwing blog, not Hillary.

Learning is a struggle for you, huh?

Aww another talking point trashed. How sad lol
Sorry clown. Your go-to source disagrees.

New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and her Democrat supporters.

Well, we all got our links

In April 2008 during Clinton’s and Obama’s hotly contested Democratic primary, anonymous emails began circulating by Clinton’s supporters that said, “Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.”

Read more: Hillary — Whose Supporters Started The Birther Movement — Blames Trump
In April 2008 ...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

I post link from March 5th, 2008, about Obama being born in Kenya -- and to show Hillary was the first to make that claim, a fucking idiot responds by saying Hillary started it in April, 2008

I know this is a tough question, so there's only a 50% chance you'll get it right -- which came first... March, 2008 ... or April, 2008? <cue theme from Jeopardy>


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