I didn't say they were absolutely not Christians. I did not say the vast majority of the first wave of settlement in North America were not Christians. All anyone has ever said on this thread is that the Supreme Being mentioned in the founding documents is not your 700 Club fundamentalist God. It's been pointed out upthread, but you and yours have simply taken that as an invitation to cut and paste more proof texts that are not terribly responsive to the question.

It's a shame your faith is so weak that you have to pretend to vanquish all opposition. Fortunately bigots like you aren't in charge of this country (yet), as I'm damned certain you'd love to have people like me shoveled into ovens.

You are being a little dramatic, don't you think?
I'm not the one claiming people are running sock accounts with no proof of same.

Seriously, what grade are you in?

Ask Hollie/Rugged Touch. She has already admitted it. Her pride got the best of her and she wanted to take credit for her other posts.
Oh well, if you insist...

IslamiCity Forum - Islamic Discussion Forum: Are Khanazeer Allowed here?

Duende: "Like many regular posters, I've been lurking lately, since
RuggedTouch appeared, feeling bruised by this man's (it is only ever
men who behave this way)
consistent attacks against Islam. Like
Hanan I felt upset so few people were standing up to him, but even
when I tried, he either ignores or doesn't even bother reading,
therefore protecting his biases and prejudices against rational
argument and even the presentation of proof negating his views.
Who does that sound like????? Can you believe this bozo has been doing this since 2006???

Hollie, or whatever your name is, you seriously need to get a life. Got tired of spewing hate on the Muslims and thought you would try your hand at Creationists. Guess that works on some but this retired cop isn't falling for your lies and your fraudulent postings. I really seriously wonder what your real story is. I guess we will never know.
The references to the Lord were clearly shown in the "state" Constitutions. A "single" reference to the Lord was shown in the US Constitution. It has become back and forth of "this is blue", troll, "no it's not".

If someone is intellectulally dishonest, you cannot use facts. They have now started "braying".
The reference to "lord" in the constitution is, of course, not what you want it to be. In the context of these posts, the issue was in connection with references to a religious figure or ideology as having some meaningful impact in the formulation of the constitution. It did not.

Regardless of the context, you still got owned. You claimed it wasn't there and you were flat wrong.

The "context" (mambie, pambie) used in the Constitution was "OUR" "LORD". That is not some impersonal diety in a galaxy far, far away. A possesive pronoun was used for a purpose. Those signing the Constitutions acknowledged by their signatures that "LORD" was indeed "their" personal "LORD". Now feel free to go off on another tangent about them being cult members or Satanic followers because the word "LORD" did not have a definition written behind it for the willfully ignorant. But, please provide some evidence for your "braying".

"IF" those signing the Constitution disagreed with that (if they were all truly deists and atheists) why would they have not had that word changed to "the" or "a"?
Last edited:
Oh well, if you insist...

IslamiCity Forum - Islamic Discussion Forum: Are Khanazeer Allowed here?

Duende: "Like many regular posters, I've been lurking lately, since
RuggedTouch appeared, feeling bruised by this man's (it is only ever
men who behave this way)
consistent attacks against Islam. Like
Hanan I felt upset so few people were standing up to him, but even
when I tried, he either ignores or doesn't even bother reading,
therefore protecting his biases and prejudices against rational
argument and even the presentation of proof negating his views.
Who does that sound like????? Can you believe this bozo has been doing this since 2006???

Hollie, or whatever your name is, you seriously need to get a life. Got tired of spewing hate on the Muslims and thought you would try your hand at Creationists. Guess that works on some but this retired cop isn't falling for your lies and your fraudulent postings. I really seriously wonder what your real story is. I guess we will never know.
O-kay. :wtf:

I've never even heard of you, Hollie, or this other forum before today.

Whatever medication you're skipping, you seriously shouldn't be skipping it.
I didn't say they were absolutely not Christians. I did not say the vast majority of the first wave of settlement in North America were not Christians. All anyone has ever said on this thread is that the Supreme Being mentioned in the founding documents is not your 700 Club fundamentalist God. It's been pointed out upthread, but you and yours have simply taken that as an invitation to cut and paste more proof texts that are not terribly responsive to the question.

It's a shame your faith is so weak that you have to pretend to vanquish all opposition. Fortunately bigots like you aren't in charge of this country (yet), as I'm damned certain you'd love to have people like me shoveled into ovens.

Do you have evidence of the "first wave of settlement" religions?
Where have I ever claimed that the Supreme Being was the "700 Club fundamentalist God"?

I do not "vanquish" all opposition. I do shine light on falsehoods.

Where was the evidence to support your statements?
Weren't you leaving?

You didn't even read what I wrote, as shown in the bolded portions. Why should I waste time providing more that you obviously won't read?

Sorry, missed "NOT".

You were saying (before I shovel you into an oven, ka, ka, ka, ka)
Here is where revisionism gets Christians riled up. It is people like Hollie who want to erase our traditions. I love living in a nation where people are free!!! I don't expect everyone to be Christians or Hetero or whatever. But please don't try to monkey with history to justify your lifestyle.

I have just one question for the folks that claim our nation was not founded on the Christian tradition. Are you okay with other religions coming to our nation and imposing their "other religion inspired" legal systems? Or do you want to stick with the Christian inspired one we got? I mean, where do you draw the line. If we aren't a Christian nation, then you should be okay with Sharia law in your neighborhood right?

I digress. Here is man Hollie posing as Rugged Touch and complaining about how the word God on our currency should be removed. This is what Christians are standing up for when they get peeved about the direction we are headed, and folks that want to pretend all the things that made us a great nation never happened. Grrrrr.

What 'God' in America? | bloggie

Hollie is proud of this so I'm sure SHEMAN will claim it. She also loves to frequent this hate infested site on facebook, that promotes persecution of Christians.

This site is less about celebrating materialism and more about demonizing Christians and spewing the most caustic vitriol on the web. And you said Christians were trying to force their religion???? I guess it is all in where you are sitting.

Atheist - Photos | Facebook

Hollie did sort of state she was a man back in 2005 when asked, although male persuasion could mean alot of things.

#7 Ruggedtouch at 11:43 am on Nov 19, 2005

I'm of the male persuasion.
Last edited:
Oh well, if you insist...

IslamiCity Forum - Islamic Discussion Forum: Are Khanazeer Allowed here?

Duende: "Like many regular posters, I've been lurking lately, since
RuggedTouch appeared, feeling bruised by this man's (it is only ever
men who behave this way)
consistent attacks against Islam. Like
Hanan I felt upset so few people were standing up to him, but even
when I tried, he either ignores or doesn't even bother reading,
therefore protecting his biases and prejudices against rational
argument and even the presentation of proof negating his views.
Who does that sound like????? Can you believe this bozo has been doing this since 2006???

Hollie, or whatever your name is, you seriously need to get a life. Got tired of spewing hate on the Muslims and thought you would try your hand at Creationists. Guess that works on some but this retired cop isn't falling for your lies and your fraudulent postings. I really seriously wonder what your real story is. I guess we will never know.
O-kay. :wtf:

I've never even heard of you, Hollie, or this other forum before today.

Whatever medication you're skipping, you seriously shouldn't be skipping it.

I'm not sure what HE/SHE does for a living, but she has been spewing hate against all religions since 2005. You think it would get old after a while. If you think I am being disrespectful by calling her/him a he/she, it is because even when confronted, Hollie has never admitted if she is a man or a woman, although I am fairly confident, she struggles with same sex attraction because one of her put downs is to tell men they like little boys. Perhaps she was sexually abused as a child, a horrific tragedy that many times results in homosexual feelings, and even more tragically, ostracizing from one's "700 club style" family, borrowing from your reference. This rejection by so called Christians (the freaky assholes with the "God hates fags" sign come to mind), can result in the intense hatred that motivates one to persecute and attack Christians, and also seek atheism as a denial coping mechanism to reconcile guilt and shame that are present for their same sex attraction and upbringing. Don't you think it at times it seems like the militant homosexual left is going overboard to ram their lifestyle down everyone's throat (no pun intended). Is it because they want us to accept their behavior, or because they are not okay with it themselves? Every employer I have ever worked for in the last 20 years offered bennies for same sex couples living together. What do they gain by forcing states to accept them participating in a Judeo-Christian/Islamic tradition?

Stereotype me if you want, but I do not advocate the persecution of homosexuals. If Jesus were here, he would be dining with them and loving them (in a totally non-gay way) while at the same time calling the behavior for what it is, sin. I believe there is intent in God's design so even if the claim were true the Bible is not clear on homosexuality, I can look at God's design and infer (sorry for being crass) that the anus hole is for excrement- exit only. This also follows logically that I don't believe sodomy is acceptable in a hetero relationship either.

If Christians are following the Bible, they should be showing love for homosexuals, even while at the same time not being willing to compromise their beliefs regarding the behavior. In contrast, Islam is pretty clear about what to do with homosexuals, and over 4000 homosexuals, or accused homosexuals, have been executed in Iran since the Shah was booted and Islam imposed. This is way I think Diane Sawyer is such a liberal doofus. On one hand, she produces a show that totally misrepresents and sugar coats Islam for the sake of Political Correctness, and on the other hand she clamours for acceptance of homosexuals being able to marry.

Why am I going on so about homosexuality? Because I find that those trapped in it tend towards atheism.
You are being a little dramatic, don't you think?
I'm not the one claiming people are running sock accounts with no proof of same.

Seriously, what grade are you in?

Ask Hollie/Rugged Touch. She has already admitted it. Her pride got the best of her and she wanted to take credit for her other posts.

Admitted to what?

Your conspiracy theories are making you quite the paranoid fundie.

In the meantime, we're atill waiting for you to bring proof or acknowledge your lies regarding others posting under multiple accounts.
Oh well, if you insist...

IslamiCity Forum - Islamic Discussion Forum: Are Khanazeer Allowed here?

Duende: "Like many regular posters, I've been lurking lately, since
RuggedTouch appeared, feeling bruised by this man's (it is only ever
men who behave this way)
consistent attacks against Islam. Like
Hanan I felt upset so few people were standing up to him, but even
when I tried, he either ignores or doesn't even bother reading,
therefore protecting his biases and prejudices against rational
argument and even the presentation of proof negating his views.
Who does that sound like????? Can you believe this bozo has been doing this since 2006???

Hollie, or whatever your name is, you seriously need to get a life. Got tired of spewing hate on the Muslims and thought you would try your hand at Creationists. Guess that works on some but this retired cop isn't falling for your lies and your fraudulent postings. I really seriously wonder what your real story is. I guess we will never know.
O-kay. :wtf:

I've never even heard of you, Hollie, or this other forum before today.

Whatever medication you're skipping, you seriously shouldn't be skipping it.

I'm not sure what HE/SHE does for a living, but she has been spewing hate against all religions since 2005. You think it would get old after a while. If you think I am being disrespectful by calling her/him a he/she, it is because even when confronted, Hollie has never admitted if she is a man or a woman, although I am fairly confident, she struggles with same sex attraction because one of her put downs is to tell men they like little boys. Perhaps she was sexually abused as a child, a horrific tragedy that many times results in homosexual feelings, and even more tragically, ostracizing from one's "700 club style" family, borrowing from your reference. This rejection by so called Christians (the freaky assholes with the "God hates fags" sign come to mind), can result in the intense hatred that motivates one to persecute and attack Christians, and also seek atheism as a denial coping mechanism to reconcile guilt and shame that are present for their same sex attraction and upbringing. Don't you think it at times it seems like the militant homosexual left is going overboard to ram their lifestyle down everyone's throat (no pun intended). Is it because they want us to accept their behavior, or because they are not okay with it themselves? Every employer I have ever worked for in the last 20 years offered bennies for same sex couples living together. What do they gain by forcing states to accept them participating in a Judeo-Christian/Islamic tradition?

Stereotype me if you want, but I do not advocate the persecution of homosexuals. If Jesus were here, he would be dining with them and loving them (in a totally non-gay way) while at the same time calling the behavior for what it is, sin. I believe there is intent in God's design so even if the claim were true the Bible is not clear on homosexuality, I can look at God's design and infer (sorry for being crass) that the anus hole is for excrement- exit only. This also follows logically that I don't believe sodomy is acceptable in a hetero relationship either.

If Christians are following the Bible, they should be showing love for homosexuals, even while at the same time not being willing to compromise their beliefs regarding the behavior. In contrast, Islam is pretty clear about what to do with homosexuals, and over 4000 homosexuals, or accused homosexuals, have been executed in Iran since the Shah was booted and Islam imposed. This is way I think Diane Sawyer is such a liberal doofus. On one hand, she produces a show that totally misrepresents and sugar coats Islam for the sake of Political Correctness, and on the other hand she clamours for acceptance of homosexuals being able to marry.

Why am I going on so about homosexuality? Because I find that those trapped in it tend towards atheism.

My goodness but that flaming, over the top, anti-gay tirade seems designed only to suppress the stiring of emotions and feelings you are having to your own latent homosexual feelings and desires.

I find that those who are dealing with their own insecurities tend toward religious fanaticism as a way to help suppress their latent desires. The radical "700 Club" militant fundies are a convenient place to find shelter from those latent homosexual thoughts / desires.
Here is where revisionism gets Christians riled up. It is people like Hollie who want to erase our traditions. I love living in a nation where people are free!!! I don't expect everyone to be Christians or Hetero or whatever. But please don't try to monkey with history to justify your lifestyle.

I have just one question for the folks that claim our nation was not founded on the Christian tradition. Are you okay with other religions coming to our nation and imposing their "other religion inspired" legal systems? Or do you want to stick with the Christian inspired one we got? I mean, where do you draw the line. If we aren't a Christian nation, then you should be okay with Sharia law in your neighborhood right?

I digress. Here is man Hollie posing as Rugged Touch and complaining about how the word God on our currency should be removed. This is what Christians are standing up for when they get peeved about the direction we are headed, and folks that want to pretend all the things that made us a great nation never happened. Grrrrr.

What 'God' in America? | bloggie

Hollie is proud of this so I'm sure SHEMAN will claim it. She also loves to frequent this hate infested site on facebook, that promotes persecution of Christians.

This site is less about celebrating materialism and more about demonizing Christians and spewing the most caustic vitriol on the web. And you said Christians were trying to force their religion???? I guess it is all in where you are sitting.

Atheist - Photos | Facebook

Hollie did sort of state she was a man back in 2005 when asked, although male persuasion could mean alot of things.

#7 Ruggedtouch at 11:43 am on Nov 19, 2005

I'm of the male persuasion.

What 'God' in America? | bloggie
It was a good article, don't you think?

This is the second time (in different threads), where you have devoted entire series of posts detailing your fascination with me. It is a little creepy but I've come to learn that christian taliban tend to lose themselves in conspiracy driven paranoia when thier various gods are challenged.

Why not post some relevant portions of my earlier, guest posted article for review and discussion?
The reference to "lord" in the constitution is, of course, not what you want it to be. In the context of these posts, the issue was in connection with references to a religious figure or ideology as having some meaningful impact in the formulation of the constitution. It did not.

Regardless of the context, you still got owned. You claimed it wasn't there and you were flat wrong.

The "context" (mambie, pambie) used in the Constitution was "OUR" "LORD". That is not some impersonal diety in a galaxy far, far away. A possesive pronoun was used for a purpose. Those signing the Constitutions acknowledged by their signatures that "LORD" was indeed "their" personal "LORD". Now feel free to go off on another tangent about them being cult members or Satanic followers because the word "LORD" did not have a definition written behind it for the willfully ignorant. But, please provide some evidence for your "braying".

"IF" those signing the Constitution disagreed with that (if they were all truly deists and atheists) why would they have not had that word changed to "the" or "a"?

That's so silly. In your haste to insert your gods into the constitution, you have mistaken a closing salutation for some relevance to constitutional law.

The bottom line is very common sense related: the FF's knew that religions tend to propogate and that religions tend to be negatively disposed toward those not of that particular religion.

We don't have to guess at their intent in forming a thoroughly secular constitution, we only have to see what they wrote. The writers expressly and intentionally left out any mention of Lord, Jehovah, Gawds, Yahweh, etc., as some of the gods extant at the time.

The contention of the U.S. as a "christian nation" was specifically rejected by the framers of the constitution. Your hope to create the U.S. as a totalitarian fear society of christian fundies is expressly not what the framers of the Constitution intended. As much as you and other fundies would like to strip away fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution, our Supreme Court, in upholding the constitution, has wisely overridden you.
I have just one question for the folks that claim our nation was not founded on the Christian tradition. Are you okay with other religions coming to our nation and imposing their "other religion inspired" legal systems? Or do you want to stick with the Christian inspired one we got? I mean, where do you draw the line. If we aren't a Christian nation, then you should be okay with Sharia law in your neighborhood right?

You couldn't reason your way out of a wet paper bag, apparently. Most people who don't want a Christian theocracy also don't want any other sort of theocracy. We prefer a secular legal standard, as is our current standard.
Oh well, if you insist...

IslamiCity Forum - Islamic Discussion Forum: Are Khanazeer Allowed here?

Duende: "Like many regular posters, I've been lurking lately, since
RuggedTouch appeared, feeling bruised by this man's (it is only ever
men who behave this way)
consistent attacks against Islam. Like
Hanan I felt upset so few people were standing up to him, but even
when I tried, he either ignores or doesn't even bother reading,
therefore protecting his biases and prejudices against rational
argument and even the presentation of proof negating his views.
Who does that sound like????? Can you believe this bozo has been doing this since 2006???

Hollie, or whatever your name is, you seriously need to get a life. Got tired of spewing hate on the Muslims and thought you would try your hand at Creationists. Guess that works on some but this retired cop isn't falling for your lies and your fraudulent postings. I really seriously wonder what your real story is. I guess we will never know.
O-kay. :wtf:

I've never even heard of you, Hollie, or this other forum before today.

Whatever medication you're skipping, you seriously shouldn't be skipping it.

I'm not sure what HE/SHE does for a living, but she has been spewing hate against all religions since 2005. You think it would get old after a while. If you think I am being disrespectful by calling her/him a he/she, it is because even when confronted, Hollie has never admitted if she is a man or a woman, although I am fairly confident, she struggles with same sex attraction because one of her put downs is to tell men they like little boys. Perhaps she was sexually abused as a child, a horrific tragedy that many times results in homosexual feelings, and even more tragically, ostracizing from one's "700 club style" family, borrowing from your reference. This rejection by so called Christians (the freaky assholes with the "God hates fags" sign come to mind), can result in the intense hatred that motivates one to persecute and attack Christians, and also seek atheism as a denial coping mechanism to reconcile guilt and shame that are present for their same sex attraction and upbringing. Don't you think it at times it seems like the militant homosexual left is going overboard to ram their lifestyle down everyone's throat (no pun intended). Is it because they want us to accept their behavior, or because they are not okay with it themselves? Every employer I have ever worked for in the last 20 years offered bennies for same sex couples living together. What do they gain by forcing states to accept them participating in a Judeo-Christian/Islamic tradition?

Stereotype me if you want, but I do not advocate the persecution of homosexuals. If Jesus were here, he would be dining with them and loving them (in a totally non-gay way) while at the same time calling the behavior for what it is, sin. I believe there is intent in God's design so even if the claim were true the Bible is not clear on homosexuality, I can look at God's design and infer (sorry for being crass) that the anus hole is for excrement- exit only. This also follows logically that I don't believe sodomy is acceptable in a hetero relationship either.

If Christians are following the Bible, they should be showing love for homosexuals, even while at the same time not being willing to compromise their beliefs regarding the behavior. In contrast, Islam is pretty clear about what to do with homosexuals, and over 4000 homosexuals, or accused homosexuals, have been executed in Iran since the Shah was booted and Islam imposed. This is way I think Diane Sawyer is such a liberal doofus. On one hand, she produces a show that totally misrepresents and sugar coats Islam for the sake of Political Correctness, and on the other hand she clamours for acceptance of homosexuals being able to marry.

Why am I going on so about homosexuality? Because I find that those trapped in it tend towards atheism.

Well...we now know what YOU fixate on.
O-kay. :wtf:

I've never even heard of you, Hollie, or this other forum before today.

Whatever medication you're skipping, you seriously shouldn't be skipping it.

I'm not sure what HE/SHE does for a living, but she has been spewing hate against all religions since 2005. You think it would get old after a while. If you think I am being disrespectful by calling her/him a he/she, it is because even when confronted, Hollie has never admitted if she is a man or a woman, although I am fairly confident, she struggles with same sex attraction because one of her put downs is to tell men they like little boys. Perhaps she was sexually abused as a child, a horrific tragedy that many times results in homosexual feelings, and even more tragically, ostracizing from one's "700 club style" family, borrowing from your reference. This rejection by so called Christians (the freaky assholes with the "God hates fags" sign come to mind), can result in the intense hatred that motivates one to persecute and attack Christians, and also seek atheism as a denial coping mechanism to reconcile guilt and shame that are present for their same sex attraction and upbringing. Don't you think it at times it seems like the militant homosexual left is going overboard to ram their lifestyle down everyone's throat (no pun intended). Is it because they want us to accept their behavior, or because they are not okay with it themselves? Every employer I have ever worked for in the last 20 years offered bennies for same sex couples living together. What do they gain by forcing states to accept them participating in a Judeo-Christian/Islamic tradition?

Stereotype me if you want, but I do not advocate the persecution of homosexuals. If Jesus were here, he would be dining with them and loving them (in a totally non-gay way) while at the same time calling the behavior for what it is, sin. I believe there is intent in God's design so even if the claim were true the Bible is not clear on homosexuality, I can look at God's design and infer (sorry for being crass) that the anus hole is for excrement- exit only. This also follows logically that I don't believe sodomy is acceptable in a hetero relationship either.

If Christians are following the Bible, they should be showing love for homosexuals, even while at the same time not being willing to compromise their beliefs regarding the behavior. In contrast, Islam is pretty clear about what to do with homosexuals, and over 4000 homosexuals, or accused homosexuals, have been executed in Iran since the Shah was booted and Islam imposed. This is way I think Diane Sawyer is such a liberal doofus. On one hand, she produces a show that totally misrepresents and sugar coats Islam for the sake of Political Correctness, and on the other hand she clamours for acceptance of homosexuals being able to marry.

Why am I going on so about homosexuality? Because I find that those trapped in it tend towards atheism.

Well...we now know what YOU fixate on.
You read that whole mess? My condolences.
I'm not sure what HE/SHE does for a living, but she has been spewing hate against all religions since 2005. You think it would get old after a while. If you think I am being disrespectful by calling her/him a he/she, it is because even when confronted, Hollie has never admitted if she is a man or a woman, although I am fairly confident, she struggles with same sex attraction because one of her put downs is to tell men they like little boys. Perhaps she was sexually abused as a child, a horrific tragedy that many times results in homosexual feelings, and even more tragically, ostracizing from one's "700 club style" family, borrowing from your reference. This rejection by so called Christians (the freaky assholes with the "God hates fags" sign come to mind), can result in the intense hatred that motivates one to persecute and attack Christians, and also seek atheism as a denial coping mechanism to reconcile guilt and shame that are present for their same sex attraction and upbringing. Don't you think it at times it seems like the militant homosexual left is going overboard to ram their lifestyle down everyone's throat (no pun intended). Is it because they want us to accept their behavior, or because they are not okay with it themselves? Every employer I have ever worked for in the last 20 years offered bennies for same sex couples living together. What do they gain by forcing states to accept them participating in a Judeo-Christian/Islamic tradition?

Stereotype me if you want, but I do not advocate the persecution of homosexuals. If Jesus were here, he would be dining with them and loving them (in a totally non-gay way) while at the same time calling the behavior for what it is, sin. I believe there is intent in God's design so even if the claim were true the Bible is not clear on homosexuality, I can look at God's design and infer (sorry for being crass) that the anus hole is for excrement- exit only. This also follows logically that I don't believe sodomy is acceptable in a hetero relationship either.

If Christians are following the Bible, they should be showing love for homosexuals, even while at the same time not being willing to compromise their beliefs regarding the behavior. In contrast, Islam is pretty clear about what to do with homosexuals, and over 4000 homosexuals, or accused homosexuals, have been executed in Iran since the Shah was booted and Islam imposed. This is way I think Diane Sawyer is such a liberal doofus. On one hand, she produces a show that totally misrepresents and sugar coats Islam for the sake of Political Correctness, and on the other hand she clamours for acceptance of homosexuals being able to marry.

Why am I going on so about homosexuality? Because I find that those trapped in it tend towards atheism.

Well...we now know what YOU fixate on.
You read that whole mess? My condolences.

I skimmed it, it was "atheists blah blah blah the gays blah blah the atheists blah blah blah liberal atheist homosexuals blah blah god hating faggots." I think he cut and pasted from Betty Bowers.
The signatures were not affixed to the attestation (notarization) of Anno Domini. The attestation was affixed to the document.

No legal scholar considers that the attestation according to law meant the signers were affixing their belief in Jesus Christ.

Grow up.

The reference to "lord" in the constitution is, of course, not what you want it to be. In the context of these posts, the issue was in connection with references to a religious figure or ideology as having some meaningful impact in the formulation of the constitution. It did not.

Regardless of the context, you still got owned. You claimed it wasn't there and you were flat wrong.

The "context" (mambie, pambie) used in the Constitution was "OUR" "LORD". That is not some impersonal diety in a galaxy far, far away. A possesive pronoun was used for a purpose. Those signing the Constitutions acknowledged by their signatures that "LORD" was indeed "their" personal "LORD". Now feel free to go off on another tangent about them being cult members or Satanic followers because the word "LORD" did not have a definition written behind it for the willfully ignorant. But, please provide some evidence for your "braying".

"IF" those signing the Constitution disagreed with that (if they were all truly deists and atheists) why would they have not had that word changed to "the" or "a"?
Last edited:
I'm not sure what HE/SHE does for a living, but she has been spewing hate against all religions since 2005. You think it would get old after a while. If you think I am being disrespectful by calling her/him a he/she, it is because even when confronted, Hollie has never admitted if she is a man or a woman, although I am fairly confident, she struggles with same sex attraction because one of her put downs is to tell men they like little boys. Perhaps she was sexually abused as a child, a horrific tragedy that many times results in homosexual feelings, and even more tragically, ostracizing from one's "700 club style" family, borrowing from your reference. This rejection by so called Christians (the freaky assholes with the "God hates fags" sign come to mind), can result in the intense hatred that motivates one to persecute and attack Christians, and also seek atheism as a denial coping mechanism to reconcile guilt and shame that are present for their same sex attraction and upbringing. Don't you think it at times it seems like the militant homosexual left is going overboard to ram their lifestyle down everyone's throat (no pun intended). Is it because they want us to accept their behavior, or because they are not okay with it themselves? Every employer I have ever worked for in the last 20 years offered bennies for same sex couples living together. What do they gain by forcing states to accept them participating in a Judeo-Christian/Islamic tradition?

Stereotype me if you want, but I do not advocate the persecution of homosexuals. If Jesus were here, he would be dining with them and loving them (in a totally non-gay way) while at the same time calling the behavior for what it is, sin. I believe there is intent in God's design so even if the claim were true the Bible is not clear on homosexuality, I can look at God's design and infer (sorry for being crass) that the anus hole is for excrement- exit only. This also follows logically that I don't believe sodomy is acceptable in a hetero relationship either.

If Christians are following the Bible, they should be showing love for homosexuals, even while at the same time not being willing to compromise their beliefs regarding the behavior. In contrast, Islam is pretty clear about what to do with homosexuals, and over 4000 homosexuals, or accused homosexuals, have been executed in Iran since the Shah was booted and Islam imposed. This is way I think Diane Sawyer is such a liberal doofus. On one hand, she produces a show that totally misrepresents and sugar coats Islam for the sake of Political Correctness, and on the other hand she clamours for acceptance of homosexuals being able to marry.

Why am I going on so about homosexuality? Because I find that those trapped in it tend towards atheism.

Well...we now know what YOU fixate on.
You read that whole mess? My condolences.
I know...huh.
I'm waiting to hear how atheists and deists are supposed to measure years without the approximate birth of Christ as a frame of reference.
I'm waiting to hear how atheists and deists are supposed to measure years without the approximate birth of Christ as a frame of reference.

well, i'm neither a deist nor an atheist, but we measure it by the "common era". does it really matter for purposes of whether or not the US was ever intended to be religious in nature?
The signatures were not affixed to the attestation (notarization) of Anno Domini. The attestation was affixed to the document.

No legal scholar considers that the attestation according to law meant the signers were affixing their belief in Jesus Christ.

Grow up.

no. no normal person thinks a notary saying Anno Domini was the signer's assertion of a belief in any deity.

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