What do you fear in admitting you are the man Rugged Touch or the woman Hollie? Do you feel your admission will expose you as a fraud?
Do you have an obsession with men?

There's no need to hide these feelings.

There is no need to dodge the question, liar. And it was four universities, ALL prestigious law universities, which was my point to the other poster, so now you've proven you can't count.
There are some 30,000 colleges and universities in the U.S.

You named four. How desperate is that?
Do you have an obsession with men?

There's no need to hide these feelings.

There is no need to dodge the question, liar. And it was four universities, ALL prestigious law universities, which was my point to the other poster, so now you've proven you can't count.
There are some 30,000 colleges and universities in the U.S.

You named four. How desperate is that?

How desperate you can't answer a simple question, liar. Here is another question for you. How many Universities were around in 1776? Because what you posted above is totally IRRELEVANT, like most your posts.
Princeton, 1746 - Associated with the Great Awakening, Princeton was founded by the Presbyterians in 1746. Rev. John Dickinson became its first president, declaring, "cursed be all that learning that is contrary to the cross of Christ."

It's fortunate he understood the dangers of theocratic totalitarianism and signed a secular constitution free of religious tyranny.
There is no need to dodge the question, liar. And it was four universities, ALL prestigious law universities, which was my point to the other poster, so now you've proven you can't count.
There are some 30,000 colleges and universities in the U.S.

You named four. How desperate is that?

How desperate you can't answer a simple question, liar. Here is another question for you. How many Universities were around in 1776? Because what you posted above is totally IRRELEVANT, like most your posts.

You're back to using gargantuan text?

Fundies are so cute when they're out of control of their emotions.
Columbia University's Seal:

The seal was designed by President Samuel Johnson and approved by the Governors of King's College on June 3, 1755.[1] According to Johnson's original description, the college is represented by a lady sitting on a throne, with several children (her pupils) at her knees. Beneath them is a reference to 1 Peter 2.1-2, expressing the way in which the children should recieve instruction: "laying aside all malice and guile and as new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby." The lady has her left hand on one child and holds open a bible in her right hand, and the words LOGIA ZONTA, an allusion to St. Stephen's words in Acts 7:38 meaning roughly "the Living Word" (or in Johnson's time the "Lively Oracles") are written in Greek. The hebrew Tetragrammaton, YHVW (Jehovah), appears within a radiant triangle. The school's motto "In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen", meaning "In thy light we shall see light" Psalms 36:9, arcs across the top. Out of the ladies mouth is a label with the words "Auri Al", "God is my Light", alluding to Psalms 27:1 ("The Lord is my light and my salvation"). In the background is a rising sun, alluding to Malachi 4:2, a prophecy of Christ that "The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings." Lastly, all this is surrounded by the latin text Sigillum Collegii Columbia Novi Eboraci, "Seal of Columbia College, New York."[2][3]
Attempting to force your religion on others by re-writing history is sleazy.

Yet the rewriting of history seems to be primarily on your part.

The basic framework of law for the U.S. is the constitution.

And who wrote that? Was it not the Rev. James Madison?

In spite of your sweaty, chest-heaving efforts to corrupt the constitution with your religion, the U.S. is not a Christian nation.

The Federal government was designed as a secular system. To claim that the nation was not Christian is either ignorant or astoundingly dishonest.

I challenged the troll Jillian to list the signers of the DoI who were Deist - I now extend that to you.

I read the cross-board thread you posted, where the member of the other message board claimed that most of the FF were Deist, then proceeded to name Franklin, Paine, and Jefferson.

No question that Franklin was a Deist - that's one. Paine? Are fucking kidding me? Have none of you read the "Age of Reason?" Paine was an Atheist, from top to bottom. Jefferson called himself a Christian and a Methodist. He never accepted the title "Deist," though his views did align with Deist thought at times, veering more to Paine's Atheism as he got older.

So out of 55 signers of the DoI - ONE was a Deistm, 54 were Christian. Neither Paine nor Jefferson signed.

The problem with you revisionists isn't that you don't know history; it's that the history you know is fabricated to promote a political agenda.

BTW, I'm an Agnostic Libertarian. I just prefer fact to politically motivated bullshit.
There are some 30,000 colleges and universities in the U.S.

You named four. How desperate is that?

How desperate you can't answer a simple question, liar. Here is another question for you. How many Universities were around in 1776? Because what you posted above is totally IRRELEVANT, like most your posts.

You're back to using gargantuan text?

Fundies are so cute when they're out of control of their emotions.

And you are back to never answering the question. Evo Fundies are so foolish in thinking their deceptions fool anyone.
How desperate you can't answer a simple question, liar. Here is another question for you. How many Universities were around in 1776? Because what you posted above is totally IRRELEVANT, like most your posts.

You're back to using gargantuan text?

Fundies are so cute when they're out of control of their emotions.

And you are back to never answering the question. Evo Fundies are so foolish in thinking their deceptions fool anyone.

Your questions are rhetorical and thus are absurd.
Columbia University's Seal:

The seal was designed by President Samuel Johnson and approved by the Governors of King's College on June 3, 1755.[1] According to Johnson's original description, the college is represented by a lady sitting on a throne, with several children (her pupils) at her knees. Beneath them is a reference to 1 Peter 2.1-2, expressing the way in which the children should recieve instruction: "laying aside all malice and guile and as new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby." The lady has her left hand on one child and holds open a bible in her right hand, and the words LOGIA ZONTA, an allusion to St. Stephen's words in Acts 7:38 meaning roughly "the Living Word" (or in Johnson's time the "Lively Oracles") are written in Greek. The hebrew Tetragrammaton, YHVW (Jehovah), appears within a radiant triangle. The school's motto "In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen", meaning "In thy light we shall see light" Psalms 36:9, arcs across the top. Out of the ladies mouth is a label with the words "Auri Al", "God is my Light", alluding to Psalms 27:1 ("The Lord is my light and my salvation"). In the background is a rising sun, alluding to Malachi 4:2, a prophecy of Christ that "The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings." Lastly, all this is surrounded by the latin text Sigillum Collegii Columbia Novi Eboraci, "Seal of Columbia College, New York."[2][3]
I'm going to require that you make an exhaustive list of U.S. universities and post all their mottos.
William Blackstone: Commentaries of the Law

"This will of his maker is called the law of nature. For as God, when he created matter, and endued it with a principle of mobility, established certain rules for the perpetual direction of that motion; so, when he created man, and endued him with freewill to conduct himself in all parts of life, he laid down certain immutable laws of human nature, whereby that freewill is in some degree regulated and restrained, and gave him also the faculty of reason to discover the purport of those laws.

Considering the creator only as a being of infinite power, he was able unquestionably to have prescribed whatever laws he pleased to his creature, man, however unjust or severe. But as be is also a being of infinite wisdom, he has laid down only such laws as were founded in those relations of justice, that existed in the nature of things antecedent to any positive precept. These are the eternal, immutable laws of good and evil, to which the creator himself in all his dispensations conforms; and which he has enabled human reason to discover, so far as they are necessary for the conduct of human actions. Such among others are these principles: that we should live honestly, should hurt nobody, and should render to every one his due; to which three general precepts Justinian[1] has reduced the whole doctrine of law."

Blackstone:Commentaries: Book I Part I Section II
Darwinian thought seizes Harvard Law and the Blackstone is booted out. In 1869, Eliot becomes president of Harvard.

Charles William Eliot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eliot appoints Langdell, who doesn't believe in a ridgid law based on Christianity, as taught in the Blackstone, but as a Darwin disciple, believes the law is evolving. Moral relativism at Harvard is born and Christo is dropped from the Motto, with only Veritas remaining.

Christopher Columbus Langdell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And so begins the demise of our Christian Nation as it was founded.
Columbia University's Seal:

The seal was designed by President Samuel Johnson and approved by the Governors of King's College on June 3, 1755.[1] According to Johnson's original description, the college is represented by a lady sitting on a throne, with several children (her pupils) at her knees. Beneath them is a reference to 1 Peter 2.1-2, expressing the way in which the children should recieve instruction: "laying aside all malice and guile and as new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby." The lady has her left hand on one child and holds open a bible in her right hand, and the words LOGIA ZONTA, an allusion to St. Stephen's words in Acts 7:38 meaning roughly "the Living Word" (or in Johnson's time the "Lively Oracles") are written in Greek. The hebrew Tetragrammaton, YHVW (Jehovah), appears within a radiant triangle. The school's motto "In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen", meaning "In thy light we shall see light" Psalms 36:9, arcs across the top. Out of the ladies mouth is a label with the words "Auri Al", "God is my Light", alluding to Psalms 27:1 ("The Lord is my light and my salvation"). In the background is a rising sun, alluding to Malachi 4:2, a prophecy of Christ that "The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings." Lastly, all this is surrounded by the latin text Sigillum Collegii Columbia Novi Eboraci, "Seal of Columbia College, New York."[2][3]
I'm going to require that you make an exhaustive list of U.S. universities and post all their mottos.

AS soon is you can tell me how many Universities were in America in 1776.
Princeton's motto:

Dei Sub Numine Viget. The University’s motto translates as “Under God’s power she flourishes.”

Princeton was a Religious Seminary initially, during Colonial times. Surprised you didn't know that.

King of Strawmen!!!! You ASSume a great many things about posts here. Did anything in my post make a comment about it not being a seminary???
Yale History:

Yale College and University was focused on religious and scientific specialties. Along with Latin and Greek, Hebrew was considered a classic language in the theology curricula of New England divinity schools. Ezra Stiles, an early president of Yale, was so committed to the study of Hebrew at the College that he was responsible adding the words “Urim” and “Thummim” to the Yale seal. Urim (“lights”) and Thummim (“perfections”) were special gemstones carried by the high priest of Israel in the “ephod” of his priestly garments. There was a mystical, spiritual element to the Urim and Thummim, but it’s unclear how and when these stones were actually used in ancient Jewish rituals.

At one point in the history of Yale, the Hebrew motto was clarified to mean, "Christ the Word and Interpreter of the Father, our light and perfection.”

Yale also started out as a Seminary....and did Harvard.....and again during Colonial times.

Oh...btw...they are private colleges, NOT part of the U.S. Government.

These are things you should have learned before pulling them out for a Fail argument.
Yale History:

Yale College and University was focused on religious and scientific specialties. Along with Latin and Greek, Hebrew was considered a classic language in the theology curricula of New England divinity schools. Ezra Stiles, an early president of Yale, was so committed to the study of Hebrew at the College that he was responsible adding the words “Urim” and “Thummim” to the Yale seal. Urim (“lights”) and Thummim (“perfections”) were special gemstones carried by the high priest of Israel in the “ephod” of his priestly garments. There was a mystical, spiritual element to the Urim and Thummim, but it’s unclear how and when these stones were actually used in ancient Jewish rituals.

At one point in the history of Yale, the Hebrew motto was clarified to mean, "Christ the Word and Interpreter of the Father, our light and perfection.”

Yale also started out as a Seminary....and did Harvard.....and again during Colonial times.

Oh...btw...they are private colleges, NOT part of the U.S. Government.

These are things you should have learned before pulling them out for a Fail argument.

I'm surprised that you would argue Harvard and Yale didn't influence the law in the late 17th and 18th Centuries.
Yale also started out as a Seminary....and did Harvard.....and again during Colonial times.

Oh...btw...they are private colleges, NOT part of the U.S. Government.

These are things you should have learned before pulling them out for a Fail argument.

The problem here, Shortbus, is that you cannot grasp that the government is not the nation.

While you view the people as merely a resource to be consumed at the pleasure of the government, that is not the actual case.

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