Yes, Dems Really Believe a Few Dozen Unarmed Trespassers Almost Overthrew the US Government

Like can you show us this so-called 'resistance'?
I kinda think it is more a bit of paranoic imagination than reality.
But, l'll keep an open mind.
Show us the resistance that is vexing you so much.


"criminal failed impeachments"??
C'mon, poster 'eastyt', 'criminal'?
I know you are vexed by the impeachments, vexed by the Committee investigating January 6th, I get it.
But hyperbolic screeching really ain't helping your credibility or helping your imagined cause.


Do this, poster 'easyt65', sit down in front of your telly on Thursday. Watch the hearings with keen interest and sincere intent. And an open mind. Maybe then you can hear or see whether all of your "Why haven'ts"....get addressed.
Good luck.


Mine too.
So maybe both of us can be relieved that this long investigation is finishing up and sharing what they have found. Let the chips fall where they may. May those responsible have the consequences laid at their door.
Tomorrow's televised hearings should be interesting for you.


Your kids do that? Sheeeesh!!
Beat the hell out of cops with iron rods? Taser 'em? Spray 'em in the face with MACE? Smash window? Doors? Steal laptops?
Smear their poo on the walls? (just how old are they? were they, or they, being competently potty-trained?)
That never happened. LOL the cops high fived them and walked them into the building.
Trumpleton's believe it. As you know, lies like the ones associated with the BLM protests dominated right wing media during the protests. They've been absorbed in to the fatuous narrative so many of Trump's cult accept such that no amount of factual rebuttal will dislodge the lies.
It goes without saying the same applies for dozens of events.......everything from Mueller's report to the attempted coup.
The bot is back lol


IOW, left with accepting that Durham's case was weak to the extent it never should have been brought to trial, or making up another bullshit conspiracy theory, you chose door #2.
Interesting. Your position reminds me of white supremacists in the deep South in the 60's, Berg! Back then people would claim that a case was "weak" after a jury packed with whites and presided over by a racist judge found a KKK thug "innocent"! That wasn't justice then and what happened in Washington DC with this trial wasn't justice now! How is a jury filled with Clinton supporters and presided over by a liberal judge any different than those juries back in the early days of the Civil Rights movement?
The latest emotional fairy tale
BUT-as we have discovered with Covid hoax up thru today current moment, 50% of Americans are stupid, gullible and easily swayed. Still wearing masks. They can’t discern facts or stats (like how would this small group take over anything must less continue on to do so) and being absent fact processing they absorb the feelings of the puppet show.
Thinkers see 1/6 as the orchestrated continuation of the endless Trump witch hunt but emoting lib loons can’t and don’t want to because thinking is Hard and probably racist white supremacy.
LOL the cops high fived them and walked them into the building.
How many cops?
How many 'high fives' to how many people?

Yes, at one or more of the 8 exterior breaches officers tactically retreated from the overwhelming crowd and did not resist.
But, importantly, how many did those retreated-from doors allow in?.....Say, compared to the numbers steaming in through windows and doors that were violently smashed?
How many cops?
How many 'high fives' to how many people?

Yes, at one or more of the 8 exterior breaches officers tactically retreated from the overwhelming crowd and did not resist.
But, importantly, how many did those retreated-from doors allow in?.....Say, compared to the numbers steaming in through windows and doors that were violently smashed?
1000s of hours of video that hasn’t been released but will be post the Nov 22 election. You ll see then. Thank you.
1000s of hours of video that hasn’t been released
Well, poster Defiler you had an opportunity to watch some of 'em last night on the telly.
I'd suggest you watch all 6 of the scheduled hearings by the Select Committee.
I'd predict more of this 'unreleased' videos you fret about.....will be released.
Well, poster Defiler you had an opportunity to watch some of 'em last night on the telly.
I'd suggest you watch all 6 of the scheduled hearings by the Select Committee.
I'd predict more of this 'unreleased' videos you fret about.....will be released.
Biased last night. Let’s see all of it…not the scripted kind. I do Not trust the media. Funny how you cannot understand that. I predict you still won’t understand it even after reading this post.
Just think of what we Americans with 435 million guns have learned from that dry run then.

“The select committee has found evidence about a lot more than incitement here, and we’re gonna be laying out the evidence about all of the actors who were pivotal to what took place on Jan. 6,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) toldthe Washington Post.

Raskin claims the partisan committee has evidence of “concerted planning and premeditated activity” and that the forthcoming hearings will “tell the story of a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election and block the transfer of power.”

None of them believe that. None of them believed Russian Collusion.

Their only function is to parrot lies and throw spaghetti to the wall to see if any of it sticks. No lie, no dastardly deed is too low for these people to do in order to forward their agenda. They have no souls, no redeeming values and I award them zero points for being human.
What confuses me about the whole "insurrection" is that the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military in history used unarmed cosplay convention escapees as troops.

So many republican white-wingers willing to go as far as get arrested and maybe even die for trump and his lies.
None of them believe that. None of them believed Russian Collusion.

Their only function is to parrot lies and throw spaghetti to the wall to see if any of it sticks. No lie, no dastardly deed is too low for these people to do in order to forward their agenda. They have no souls, no redeeming values and I award them zero points for being human.
The mouthbreather Democratic party base believe everything they are told.
I love the smell of fear on the right. They know this is going to be a big deal. Trying to hard to get out in front of it. :)
You notice it isn't having any effect.
That's because, try as hard as the media is, only a relative handful of Americans give a flying rat's patoot. They care a lot more about how much it costs to fill their gas tanks and how hard it is to find baby formula.
Her family should sue the former President for her wrongful death during the mobs rampage through the Capitol in search of lawmakers.

‘There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day.’ – Sen. McConnell.
McConnell's an authority now?
That's because, try as hard as the media is, only a relative handful of Americans give a flying rat's patoot. They care a lot more about how much it costs to fill their gas tanks and how hard it is to find baby formula.
Maybe. But they'll be enough independents who will give a rat's patoot.
I don't expect the hardcore believers (on either side) to change their minds.

However, after last night's presentation, I think we can dispense with the notion this was a protest.

It was an attempted coup.

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