Yes Folks, THIS is What Trump Has Brought the U.S. to...

She was being stupid. Trying to get the ignorant riled up.
Look who got riled up :D
Hey Lew, let's talk about the constitutionality of it. Roads and immigration are a constitutional power of the fed govt.
Your turn
Deporting criminals is not xenophobia, it's following the law of the land.

Having U.S. citizens being detained just so that they can check them all to see if they are U.S. citizens when they are inside the United States is wrong. This isn't the same as a DUI check point where a person could be an inherent danger to the people around them.

It is the same as a DUI checkpoint, everyone in that area knows about the border patrol checkpoints we've all been through them before, they are there to find dangerous illegals, drug trafficker, and human traffickers. The dumb lady keeps throwing out that she's a teacher, as if that's going to change what is going on. Drama queens have done this before at these checkpoints it's nothing new. All she had to do was say "yes" and they would had let her go through. She intentionally acted like a drama queen just to get it on video and promote her dumb liberal Agenda of acting like she is being persecuted. I know plenty of "brown" people that drive through these check points all the time with no problems. They are all over the place in southern New Mexico because there are so many illegals.

No... if you say that then you don't know WHY DUI check points were deemed Constitutional.

Border checkpoints within 100 miles of the US border are perfectly legal:

United States v. Martinez-Fuerte - Wikipedia

The court ruled 7 to 2 that the internal checkpoints were not a violation of the Fourth Amendment, but rather were consistent with the amendment. They went on to say that it would be impracticable for the officers to seek warrants for every vehicle searched and that to do so would eliminate any deterrent towards smuggling and illegal immigration. The court felt that any intrusion to motorists was a minimal one and that the government and public interest outweighed the constitutional rights of the individual.[1]

The court also ruled that the stops were Constitutional even if largely based on apparent Mexican ancestry.[2]

The opinion stated:

"As we have noted earlier, one's expectation of privacy in an automobile and of freedom in its operation are significantly different from the traditional expectation of privacy and freedom in one's residence. United States v. Ortiz, 422 U.S. at 422 U. S. 896 n. 2; see Cardwell v. Lewis,417 U. S. 583, 417 U. S. 590-591 (1974) (plurality opinion)."
Hey Lew, let's talk about the constitutionality of it. Roads and immigration are a constitutional power of the fed govt.
Your turn

Check points are ruled unConstitutional, except the Supreme Court ruled that with a DUI check point, as long as the check point is advertised beforehand, the amount of time a person is inconvenienced is outweighed by the number of people that are caught in them drunk and the fact they pose a danger to other citizens. That doesn't hold true with this type of check point, and doesn't fit the same guidelines.
Trump and his xenophobia has now brought our country to the point that U.S. citizens are no longer free in their own country. Like the woman says in the video, this really seems eerily similar to Germany going door to door finding out who is Jewish.

I will say this:

What makes you think Trump had anything to do with this, or that it just started under Trump? The lady made it clear that many of her friends had been harassed to the point to where they were sick and tired of it! The card the guy held up was not recent; it included some ruling(s) made by the Supreme Court! I got no sense that any of this was new. You seem to always try to take any issue you can as an excuse to bash Trump and blame him. You seem to forget the MANY things that Obama actually did that were just as onerous if not more. What kind of America was Barry making when he was tapping journalist's phone calls, weaponizing the IRS, trying to unmask hundreds of people in violation of the Espionage Act so much more to fill a book? I don't see any evidence presented by you that there is ANY direct connection here between these people and anything the President has done, which makes this entire thread SPECIOUS AND BOGUS, a way of life for Liberals.

I will admit that the collective IQ of the government is about 50, somewhere between moronic and imbecilic, A BLIND IDIOT should have been able to tell immediately this lady was an American, and not a foreigner sneaking into the country. How many pale white women with a perfect American accent and little kids in the back seat full of snacks and toys are foreigners from Central America trying to sneak into the country? And doing it on a patrolled highway? It defies credulity! These people are beyond pedantic and take the letter of the law to an extreme level of utter stupidity. The entire situation was ridiculous. I can't blame the lady for her rage and disbelief. I mean: if you WERE an illegal, would you go out of your way to make a big scene with the agents?!

The woman herself was a jackass as well, all she had to say when she pulled up was "You betcha!" and she would have been on her way. She went out of her way to force the issue. Not the guards. Not Trump. Like the guy said, stupid as it is, they don't make the laws. What is the big problem with just saying: "Yep! I'm as American as Apple Pie! Thank You officer, have a good day and thank you for your vigilance."? Let me guess: She is another idiot member of the 'Resist' Movement. I get that she was trying to make a point, but was it worth an hour of her time? And to what end? These people are NOT going to change policy over her! She could have pulled any number of cards out of her purse proving she was an American, lived and worked in the US. She was an ASS. Typical California Liberal. Next time maybe she ought to try COOPERATING with others and let each do their job whether she understands or approves of it.

The GOOD news is that they ought to not ever forget that lady, and the next time she comes their way, they ought to say: "Oh YOU again! Keep driving." I mean, HOW MANY TIMES do you have to keep saying you're an American Citizen?
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Hey Lew, let's talk about the constitutionality of it. Roads and immigration are a constitutional power of the fed govt.
Your turn

Check points are ruled unConstitutional, except the Supreme Court ruled that with a DUI check point, as long as the check point is advertised beforehand, the amount of time a person is inconvenienced is outweighed by the number of people that are caught in them drunk and the fact they pose a danger to other citizens. That doesn't hold true with this type of check point, and doesn't fit the same guidelines.
Why are you lobbying for illegals?
Hey Lew, let's talk about the constitutionality of it. Roads and immigration are a constitutional power of the fed govt.
Your turn

Check points are ruled unConstitutional, except the Supreme Court ruled that with a DUI check point, as long as the check point is advertised beforehand, the amount of time a person is inconvenienced is outweighed by the number of people that are caught in them drunk and the fact they pose a danger to other citizens. That doesn't hold true with this type of check point, and doesn't fit the same guidelines.

They are legal jackass:

United States v. Martinez-Fuerte, 428 U.S. 543 (1976) was a decision of the United States Supreme Court that allowed the United States Border Patrol to set up permanent or fixed checkpoints on public highways leading to or away from the Mexican border, and that these checkpoints are not a violation of the Fourth Amendment.[1][2]
By the way, nice lame ass attempt to blame this on Trump, these border checkpoints have been around for decades, anyone who has ever lived near the Mexico border knows that.

Lewdog seems to have mysteriously run away with his tail between his legs.
My point was already proven by the numbnuts that said all you have to do is say you are a U.S. citizen and then you can go. If people weren't being racially profiled then all you Conservatives should be pissed that your tax dollars are being wasted... because as the supervisor said in the video, "Many illegals can speak perfect English!" Fact is, they are just using the check point as an excuse to pick out people that look Hispanic to give a hard time.

Crazy thing about all this, is people that know me, know that 99% of the time I defend the actions of law enforcement. I often give law enforcement the benefit of the doubt. But this is garbage, and is only getting worse. Just to show how much Trump wants to step on Constitutional rights was his speech about roughing thugs up by the police. It's bullshit, and regardless if someone is an illegal, or whatever their skin color is, people should be treated with RESPECT, until they no longer deserve respect, and even then they should be treated like a human being, and not abused or any type of excessive force.
By the way, nice lame ass attempt to blame this on Trump, these border checkpoints have been around for decades, anyone who has ever lived near the Mexico border knows that.

Lewdog seems to have mysteriously run away with his tail between his legs.

I don't post for 5-10 minutes means I've ran away? :lmao:
Hey Lew, let's talk about the constitutionality of it. Roads and immigration are a constitutional power of the fed govt.
Your turn

Check points are ruled unConstitutional, except the Supreme Court ruled that with a DUI check point, as long as the check point is advertised beforehand, the amount of time a person is inconvenienced is outweighed by the number of people that are caught in them drunk and the fact they pose a danger to other citizens. That doesn't hold true with this type of check point, and doesn't fit the same guidelines.
This has been ruled on. Look above. The federal govt has the right to regulate highways and immigration. Doing this on the border only makes sense. That chick is an idiot and so are you. Dude even explained it in the video
By the way, nice lame ass attempt to blame this on Trump, these border checkpoints have been around for decades, anyone who has ever lived near the Mexico border knows that.

Lewdog seems to have mysteriously run away with his tail between his legs.

I don't post for 5-10 minutes means I've ran away? :lmao:

And you're still refusing to acknowledge the SCOTUS a ruling on border check points.

United States v. Martinez-Fuerte - Wikipedia

That doesn't change racial profiling... which has been ruled against.
By the way, nice lame ass attempt to blame this on Trump, these border checkpoints have been around for decades, anyone who has ever lived near the Mexico border knows that.

Lewdog seems to have mysteriously run away with his tail between his legs.

I don't post for 5-10 minutes means I've ran away? :lmao:

And you're still refusing to acknowledge the SCOTUS a ruling on border check points.

United States v. Martinez-Fuerte - Wikipedia

That doesn't change racial profiling... which has been ruled against.

So was dumb blonde white lady in the video being racially profiled?
How are border checks unreasonable? How fucking dumb do you have to be.. Smh

It's NOT on the border. goddamn you are one dumb motherfucker. No wonder so many people were glad while you were gone.

It doesn't have to be on the border you dumbfuck. The border patrol has the authority to set checkpoints up to 100 miles away. Learn to read.
By the way, nice lame ass attempt to blame this on Trump, these border checkpoints have been around for decades, anyone who has ever lived near the Mexico border knows that.

Lewdog seems to have mysteriously run away with his tail between his legs.

I don't post for 5-10 minutes means I've ran away? :lmao:

And you're still refusing to acknowledge the SCOTUS a ruling on border check points.

United States v. Martinez-Fuerte - Wikipedia

That doesn't change racial profiling... which has been ruled against.

So was dumb blonde white lady in the video being racially profiled?

Do you even read posts before you keep posting?
How are border checks unreasonable? How fucking dumb do you have to be.. Smh

It's NOT on the border. goddamn you are one dumb motherfucker. No wonder so many people were glad while you were gone.

It doesn't have to be on the border you dumbfuck. The border patrol has the authority to set checkpoints up to 100 miles away. Learn to read.

Is 100 miles away form the border ON the border?
How are border checks unreasonable? How fucking dumb do you have to be.. Smh

It's NOT on the border. goddamn you are one dumb motherfucker. No wonder so many people were glad while you were gone.

It doesn't have to be on the border you dumbfuck. The border patrol has the authority to set checkpoints up to 100 miles away. Learn to read.

Is 100 miles away form the border ON the border?

No, it's a hundred miles away. Do you have a point or have you just given up entirely on trying to defend your idiotic arguement that border patrol checkpoints are "unconstitutional" because they are "racially profiling" blonde white women?

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