Yes Guns Kill People - Thats ALL they do

America's a tough place. Guns and violence make up the very fabric of the nation. Without them, there would be no America. Just look at how many wars the U.S. Government wages all around the world. Guns and violence is America. It's a Constitutional Right to bear arms. That's just the way it is.

But there are many other nations around the world that have banned guns. So if you can't handle it here in America, there's always other nations to relocate to. Gun Grabbers are welcome to leave. I'm ok with it.

hear hear:
and they won't be missed. some people can't handle living in Free country. so they really should move to one that restricts everything their people do there.

America's always been a rough tough place. It's not a wuss Nanny State. You gotta be tough to make it here. Owning a firearm is a legal Constutional act. So if the Gun Grabbers can't handle that reality, i encourage them to relocate to nations that have banned guns. America's not for everyone. It is what it is.

Freedom is not easy….Freedom = Responsibility over and above everything else…you must be responsible for all of your actions, you can't hand control off to someone else…like they do in nanny states.

Yep, but over the generations we've raised a bunch of wusses. who it seems would give up their freedoms for a little bit of safety. that what most tyrant Governments relies on. they are as dangerous to our freedoms as anyone.

I have this in signature. many should live by it:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Ben Franklin

Yeah, guns and violence are the very fabric of the nation. There wouldn't be an America without it. How do Americans think they get all their cheap products and comfort? How do they think they've come to live in the most prosperous nation on earth? That was achieved by having the most guns and bombs, and a willingness to use them. You dont get to be the most powerful nation on earth by being soft and whiny. You get there by being the most brutal.

So, America is a very tough place. It's not for everyone. The Gun Grabbers really do need to consider relocating to a Nanny/Police State of their choosing. There's lots of nations out there to choose from. I encourage them to explore the possibilities.
Typical - change the subject - nobody will answer exactly who is calling for a gun ban for law abiding citizens and why does the NRA block research into gun violence if the facts are on their side? Also, why are they against smart gun technology....but yeah...cuz abortion!

You didn't get the point? Seriously? Wow. Did you dye your hair from blond?
Thoughts and prayers?

Now you've really pissed off our liberal contingent.....even more pissed than when they normally wake up each morning!

Pity we'll never know if existing gun laws can prevent deaths - because they're not being enforced.

But that's why we need new ones - so they can be ignored, too.
I have an idea.
A war of guns on guns !
Eric Holder~berg for referee.
He can borrow some from Mexico !

You posting this from a coffee shop in the Netherlands?
false...never happened...this is made up and 100% pure propaganda

I take it you are a democrat? Seeing how you lack integrity and all.

Even as authorities were still working to clear the Inland Regional Services complex and find the attackers who caused the San Bernardino mayhem, Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to call for more gun control.
Clinton tweeted, “I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence.”

I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now. -H The New York Times on Twitter

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 2, 2015
Hillary Clinton Calls For More Gun Control Before San Bernardino Attackers Apprehended - Breitbart


#fucktardObama and #crookHillary decided that an Islamic terror attack was a good platform for them to climb atop the victims still bleeding bodies and pursue their war on civil rights.
I take it you don't know anything...I'm an independent and free of mind to change my mind unlike the brainwashed
"Gun Grabbers" made up term by NRA focus groups and spoon fed to their brainwashed little sheep soldiers

If all the facts are on their side, why does the NRA (congress) refuse to let any research be done on gun violence? Why is the NRA so against smart gun technology?

Research on gun violence is done all the time. What lie are you attempting to promote here? The anti-liberty left even employs the bureaucracy of the CDC to promote your war on civil rights.
Since the VAST majority of annual gun discharges neither harm nor kill anyone, it stretches credulity to claim that the only thing they do is kill people.
What's the matter Wozzy, your "GOD GUY WITH A GUN" thread isn't enough for you anti-Constitution, anti-GUN freaks... Perhaps being RAPED with NO PROTECTION would change your mind...just saying little 2 digit IQ girl!
ah yes Breitbart - the far far right nutjob publication - I should have known - still noone calling for a "gun grab" or taking away guns from law abiding citizens......uber fail
again...WHO is proposing a gun ban? Please educate me. I've NEVER heard ANYONE call for an all out gun ban - this is propaganda - all the hashish in the world couldn't bring a progressive politician to even suggest such a stupid thing

No one has called for an all out gun ban,because it would be unconstitutional. So who here has just done some propaganda of their own?

Have you forgot Dianne Feinstein's bill in 2013 ban on some assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons?
God forbid someone would want to do something about mass killings....I suppose everyone should just shut up and learn to like it like the RWNJ's seem to do
I take it you don't know anything...I'm an independent and free of mind to change my mind unlike the brainwashed

I wouldn';t tell people they don't know anything when you don't know what an analogy is. I'm also pro-choice, it was an ANALOGY. Also, brainwashed is thinking gun laws keep guns from criminals when in fact they are the only ones gun laws don't keep guns from
yes because somehow you think you're going to overthrow obummer and all the syrians who are breaking into your house every night you need an automatic weapon....just a substitution for having a small ---nis
"Gun Grabbers" made up term by NRA focus groups and spoon fed to their brainwashed little sheep soldiers

If all the facts are on their side, why does the NRA (congress) refuse to let any research be done on gun violence? Why is the NRA so against smart gun technology?

Last study was completed by the CDC in 2012, how often do you want them done?
God forbid someone would want to do something about mass killings....I suppose everyone should just shut up and learn to like it like the RWNJ's seem to do

Further ensuring mass shooting victims are unarmed. Nice job, I'm sure they appreciate the help. How'd your gun laws work out in France for you? They have them now.

Seriously you think mass murderers can't get guns if they are illegal. you really thought that through, didn't you? Not
yes...gun free zones and criminals dont obey laws...straight out of the talking point handbook - no original thought needed....I suppose we should just do away with all laws because criminals break them...solid logic there
God forbid someone would want to do something about mass killings....I suppose everyone should just shut up and learn to like it like the RWNJ's seem to do

Isn't the answer that you democrats proposed to bring in tens of thousands of people from ISIS hotbeds like Syria?

Isn't what #fucktardObama saying that we need more people like Farook in this nation?

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