Yes Guns Kill People - Thats ALL they do

yes because somehow you think you're going to overthrow obummer and all the syrians who are breaking into your house every night you need an automatic weapon....just a substitution for having a small ---nis

what the hell are you talking about?
"Gun Grabbers" made up term by NRA focus groups and spoon fed to their brainwashed little sheep soldiers

If all the facts are on their side, why does the NRA (congress) refuse to let any research be done on gun violence?

What do you think of studying the negative mental effects of women who get abortions? Why might you oppose that if it was driven by Republicans? I mean duh

Why is the NRA so against smart gun technology?

No one is against the technology, the issue is making it mandatory

I'm against it, like any machine, the more complicated you make it, the more reliability you will lose. I don't want to doubt a firearm if I have to use it for self defense.
arm every man woman and child to the teeth...thats the answer for everything if your IQ level cannot be charted. I know tonight when I go to a birthday party I'm going to be packing some serious heat just in case I get caught in a gun free erogenous zone
arm every man woman and child to the teeth...thats the answer for everything if your IQ level cannot be charted. I know tonight when I go to a birthday party I'm going to be packing some serious heat just in case I get caught in a gun free erogenous zone

so our choices are to prevent people from being armed or to force them to be armed. Got it. You trying to get more useless with every post? the idea of choice doesn't even occur to you as a possibility?
"Gun Grabbers" made up term by NRA focus groups and spoon fed to their brainwashed little sheep soldiers

If all the facts are on their side, why does the NRA (congress) refuse to let any research be done on gun violence?

What do you think of studying the negative mental effects of women who get abortions? Why might you oppose that if it was driven by Republicans? I mean duh

Why is the NRA so against smart gun technology?

No one is against the technology, the issue is making it mandatory

I'm against it, like any machine, the more complicated you make it, the more reliability you will lose. I don't want to doubt a firearm if I have to use it for self defense.

"Gun Grabbers" made up term by NRA focus groups and spoon fed to their brainwashed little sheep soldiers

If all the facts are on their side, why does the NRA (congress) refuse to let any research be done on gun violence? Why is the NRA so against smart gun technology?

That's part of the game on any issue like this. Slap a label on in order to dehumanize the opposition and give folks a jingoistic term to use.

Both sides do this. In reality the left is quite good at it also to focus the ire of their "little sheep soldiers" as well, and call gun owners, "gun nuts" so I don't see how anyone can be pissed that the nuts have coined their own term for the folks that are busily degrading and demeaning them whenever possible.

Research has been done. I've posted this link elsewhere, but am sticking it here also, as it's informative, at least I think so.

Gun Rhetoric vs. Gun Facts

One of the primary issues seems to be the lack of ability to establish control groups for statistical analysis. Without that cause/effect analysis is vastly more difficult, so drawing conclusions is sketchy, at least to this point.

Should we do more studies? Maybe but I don't see why it has to be the CDC. Why isn't the ATF or someone else doing this?

That's a serious question, actually, as I've wondered about it and can't seem to find the reasoning. I know bitching will commence on the issue of "it's a disease", "no it's not", blah, blah, blah, but I'm just wondering if anyone actually knows why the CDC was chosen and why a statistical analysis can't be performed elsewhere, if this or that group opposes the CDC performing it for some reason....
i'd love to chat all day but I need to work....i'll back later to hear some more talking points and no real solutions :)
yes because somehow you think you're going to overthrow obummer and all the syrians who are breaking into your house every night you need an automatic weapon....just a substitution for having a small ---nis

You DO realize there is an election coming up, doncha?

#fucktardObama is leaving office. #crookHillary want's to continue the reign of error, but there is virtually no chance of the most hated women in America actually winning the office.
arm every man woman and child to the teeth...thats the answer for everything if your IQ level cannot be charted. I know tonight when I go to a birthday party I'm going to be packing some serious heat just in case I get caught in a gun free erogenous zone

erogenous zone ?

can I go too?

By the sound of these paranoia types you would think they are fighting off robbers on a nightly basis - so far in 30 years my deadbolt has done a decent job of protecting the house - I have a weapon if it fails me but my Lord...

There's also a chance of being struck by lightning when you go out.

But do they carry lightning arrestors with them?

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yes...gun free zones and criminals dont obey laws...straight out of the talking point handbook - no original thought needed....I suppose we should just do away with all laws because criminals break them...solid logic there

Reverting to the absurd, you just LOST.
Who are they killing if shot in the sky? God?

You're killing the sky!!!

Maybe we have found the true reason for the hole in the Ozone and it is all the guns being fired in the air!!!

( Yes, I am being an ass )

Now being factual and the fact is the law President Obama want passed to use the No-Fly list to prevent someone buying a firearm is stupid.

The reason why:

1. The No-Fly list has many times been found inaccurate and would caused American Citizens to prove beyond a doubt that they are not a threat to our national security because some Bureaucrat in D.C. that is on a government paycheck put their name on it.

2. None of the mass shooters were on the No-Fly list and would have not prevented those people from obtaining the firearms they used to wreak havoc with.

3. Even if you could ban fire arms the reality is Terrorists and Nutters do not care if they are on a list or if owning a firearm for them is illegal and will obtain one anyway through illegal means.

4. Those on the No-Fly list are already being watched by agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DHS and would be flagged the moment they attempt to purchase a weapon legally and would most likely go the Tim McVeigh or Boston Bombers route to wreak their havoc instead.

5. If you believe the No-Fly list is not faulty then remember Ted Kennedy was once on this list and was stopped more than once before being removed from the list because he shared the same name with a IRA member that was flagged.

So there is reason why I do not support some of the ideas our dear President want, and calling for a law based on a faulty list is beyond stupid!
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arm every man woman and child to the teeth...thats the answer for everything if your IQ level cannot be charted. I know tonight when I go to a birthday party I'm going to be packing some serious heat just in case I get caught in a gun free erogenous zone

Learn to backquote.

This isn't twitter.

Your arguments from the Soros hate sites are stupid enough without you adding to the stupidity with your inability to craft a message.
whoa, didn't someone just say they didn't want to take our guns? You can't believe these gun haters/gun controller freaks anymore folks. .

No One Wants To Take Your Guns
BY Herschel Smith
12 hours, 10 minutes ago
David Codrea on the Maryland Deputy Attorney General:

this is the AG speaking.

“My complete answer, off the record, is we should ban guns altogether, period,” he said. “If you want gun practice with a gun, you can go to the gun range and then you leave it there and you go home.”

He said, in his opinion, personal ownership of firearms should be limited to law enforcement and to individuals who pass licensing tests, pay a tax, have insurance and, as technology allows, have fingerprint trigger locks.

This isn’t substantially different from what we already knew about the gun controllers.

The only way we can truly be safe and prevent further gun violence is to ban civilian ownership of all guns. That means everything. No pistols, no revolvers, no semiautomatic or automatic rifles. No bolt action. No breaking actions or falling blocks. Nothing. This is the only thing that we can possibly do to keep our children safe from both mass murder and common street violence.

all of the REST of this gun controller Maryland AG comments here:

The Captain's Journal » No One Wants To Take Your Guns
Who are they killing if shot in the sky? God?

You're killing the sky!!!

Maybe we have found the true reason for the hole in the Ozone and it is all the guns being fired in the air!!!

( Yes, I am being an ass )

Now being factual and the fact is the law President Obama want passed to use the No-Fly list to prevent someone buying a firearm is stupid.

The reason why:

1. The No-Fly list has many times been found inaccurate and would caused American Citizens to prove beyond a doubt that they are not a threat to our national security because some Bureaucrat in D.C. that is on a government paycheck put their name on it.

2. None of the mass shooters were on the No-Fly list and would have not prevented those people from obtaining the firearms they used to wreak havoc with.

3. Even if you could ban fire arms the reality is Terrorists and Nutters do not care if they are on a list or if owning a firearm for them is illegal and will obtain one anyway through illegal means.

4. Those on the No-Fly list are already being watched by agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DHS and would be flagged the moment they attempt to purchase a weapon legally and would most likely go the Tim McVeigh or Boston Bombers route to wreak their havoc instead.

5. If you believe the No-Fly list is not faulty then remember Ted Kennedy was once on this list and was stopped more than once before being removed from the list because he shared the same name with a IRA member that was flagged.

So there is reason why I do not support some of the ideas our dear President want, and calling for a law based on a faulty list is beyond stupid!

#fucktardObama didn't "pass a law" to use the no fly list. He floated a trial balloon to gauge reaction to a similar list being created so that enemies of the party could be prohibited from exercising civil rights. Obama issued no unconstitutional EO or any other edict. He simply bloviated, as is his pansy-assed way.
Who are they killing if shot in the sky? God?

You're killing the sky!!!

Maybe we have found the true reason for the hole in the Ozone and it is all the guns being fired in the air!!!

( Yes, I am being an ass )

Now being factual and the fact is the law President Obama want passed to use the No-Fly list to prevent someone buying a firearm is stupid.

The reason why:

1. The No-Fly list has many times been found inaccurate and would caused American Citizens to prove beyond a doubt that they are not a threat to our national security because some Bureaucrat in D.C. that is on a government paycheck put their name on it.

2. None of the mass shooters were on the No-Fly list and would have not prevented those people from obtaining the firearms they used to wreak havoc with.

3. Even if you could ban fire arms the reality is Terrorists and Nutters do not care if they are on a list or if owning a firearm for them is illegal and will obtain one anyway through illegal means.

4. Those on the No-Fly list are already being watched by agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA, and DHS and would be flagged the moment they attempt to purchase a weapon legally and would most likely go the Tim McVeigh or Boston Bombers route to wreak their havoc instead.

5. If you believe the No-Fly list is not faulty then remember Ted Kennedy was once on this list and was stopped more than once before being removed from the list because he shared the same name with a IRA member that was flagged.

So there is reason why I do not support some of the ideas our dear President want, and calling for a law based on a faulty list is beyond stupid!

#fucktardObama didn't "pass a law" to use the no fly list. He floated a trial balloon to gauge reaction to a similar list being created so that enemies of the party could be prohibited from exercising civil rights. Obama issued no unconstitutional EO or any other edict. He simply bloviated, as is his pansy-assed way.

Read it again and notice the edit part and I put in " want passed " and not as he has had it passed already because the GOP will not give him that law!

I also did not write he issued any Executive Order and you are adding more to what I wrote, so stop!
wow, this was a comment with the article of the Maryland AG wanting to take away our guns here: Maryland Deputy AG Comments Refute ‘No One Wants to Take Your Guns’ Lie

the comment :

Oath breaking is a FELONY crime. It is also the crime of Perjury.

Remember, that the first LAW statute of the United States of America, enacted in the first session of the First Congress on 1 June 1789, was Statute 1, Chapter 1: an act to regulate the time and manner of administering certain oaths, which established the oath required by civil and military officials to support the Constitution. That is correct, it is LAW, constitutional LAW.

The requirement for all Federal and STATE Civil officers to give their solemn and binding Oath is established in the US Constitution, Article VI, Section 1, Clause 4. Again it is the supreme LAW that all who serve within our governments MUST take and KEEP that Oath.

5 U.S.C. 3331, provides the text of the actual oath of office the three branches of our government, the military, all law enforcement, the heads of the States, all federal employees are required to take before assuming office.

5 U.S.C. 3333 requires the three branches of our government, the military, all law enforcement, the heads of the States, all federal employees sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath of office required by 5 U.S.C. 3331 and have not or will not violate that oath of office during their tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law.

Then there is 18 U.S.C. 1918 which provides the penalties for VIOLATION OF OATH OF OFFICE described in 5 U.S.C. 7311 which include: (1) removal from office AND; (2) confinement or a fine.

It is important to realize that 5 U.S.C. 7311 explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense for anyone employed in the United States Government to “advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government”.

ANY form of Gun Control is not only a crime, it is Treason against the American people, the USA, US Constitution. It is put into the Bill of Rights to make sure that it was/is in writing that it is above, and NOT PART OF THE delegated duties to those that serve within our governments – state or federal.

The Bill of Rights are – as William Blackstone (in his “Commentaries on the Laws of England”) defined unalienable rights – “Those rights, then, which God and nature have established, and therefore called natural rights, such as life and liberty, need not the aid of human laws to be more effectually invested in every man than they are; neither do they receive any additional strength when declared by the municipal laws to be inviolable. On the contrary, no human legislature has power to abridge or destroy them, unless the owner shall himself commit some act that amounts to a forfeiture.”

Brookfield Construction Company V. Stewart 284 F Sup. 94: “An officer who acts in violation of the constitution ceases to represent the government.”

Olmstead v U.S., 277 US 348, 485; 48 S. Ct. 564, 575; 72 LEd 944 U.S. versus Verdrigo-Urquidez, 110 S. Ct. 1056, 1060-61 (1990) South v.Maryland/Bowers v. DeVito: “Decency, security, and liberty alike demand that government officials be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a Government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Crime is contagious. If government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law it invites every man to become a law unto himself and against that pernicious doctrine, this court should resolutely set its face.”

He needs to be charged with the felonies that he has committed openly, and with TREASON. Until we start enforcing and using the SUPREME LAW (and the highest law of each state) we will continue to lose our nation, and the people themselves.

Think about it.

How can those who serve wtihin law enforcement or in the military take the Oath seriously when we allow those that serve to commit FELONIES daily? How can the people themselves believe in the US Constitution when we who support her, or profess to, allow those crimes to go unchallenged?
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Typical - change the subject - nobody will answer exactly who is calling for a gun ban for law abiding citizens and why does the NRA block research into gun violence if the facts are on their side? Also, why are they against smart gun technology....but yeah...cuz abortion!

Time and time again, I talk to libs about their various "reasonable restrictions".

The more you talk to them, the more you realize that the goal of these " reasonable restrictions" is to increase the cost and difficulty of gun ownership to the point that it become "stealth banning".

And of course, once you destroy the Gun Culture and the Gun Lobby, down the line, then you just formalize it in a law that no one will be there to fight.
Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough

Hey stupid. I shot a wild hog last summer and I didn't use a baseball bat, or a knife, or harsh words. I used a gun. You and the person who wrote that article are absolute idiots.

No one cares about your opinions when all you can say is stupid shit.

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