Yes Guns Kill People - Thats ALL they do

lolol yup the low info crowd always resort to name you're gonna call me a "looser" I bet because you disagree with me.
If more guns means a safer society why aren't we the safest country in the world? It's pretty obvious to anyone who understand even basic logic than increasing the number of guns in a society does not lead to increased safety. In fact, most stats point to the very opposite.

But logic has no place in this conversation, now does it?

Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?
anyone against doing the research to find out what more can be done obviously either a. doesn't care or b. has a dog in the fight ($)
I suppose ye scadery cats carry a fire extinguisher everywhere you go too...Can't be caught in a fire free zone....still waiting answers about this so-called gun grab that is imminent....Still waiting for the right wing nut jobs to do something other than lie and repeat debunked talking points

Can you name one of the places that a mass shooting occurred without fire extinguishers? Sprinkler systems?

Most, if not all, didn't allow guns.
wow I guess you really don't know about holding gun manufacturers somewhat liable?

Hold them responsible for what?

You are a democrat, ergo stupid. If you get your hands on a razor sharp Henkel chef's knife, try to chop tofu and end up cutting your finger off, is Henkel liable?

Product liability is for products that fail to work the way they are designed. If a moron like you deliberately misuses a product and causes harm, there is no liability to the manufacturer.

how about universal background checks and closing the loopholes that most certainly exist the very least allow extensive research into gun violence...think and learn besides throwing up your hands and being ok with it...stop blocking smart gun technology...stop letting the NRA influence our elected officials...I swear if even half of you keyboard warriors would stop pretending to be a "patriot" and actually do something besides be a shill online this country could accomplish anything...take a deep breath...nobody wants to take your stupid guns away...take another deep breath....

Given the failure rate of fingerprint readers on cell phones, your talking point is beyond stupid.

Now you're a good Communist, you seek a totalitarian state where rulers decide the peasants obey. But under a free republic, how would you "stop letting the NRA influence our elected officials?" Would you declare that all NRA members are prohibited from voting? That speaking by NRA members must be approved by a DNC commissar before anything is said? What is your plan here?
If more guns means a safer society why aren't we the safest country in the world? It's pretty obvious to anyone who understand even basic logic than increasing the number of guns in a society does not lead to increased safety. In fact, most stats point to the very opposite.

But logic has no place in this conversation, now does it?

Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!
just like religion....the bible says god created man no matter how much evidence points to the contrary....dissmiss it immediately because you dont wanna hear it...they call it "faith" I call it a learning disability because - while religion can be a great thing - it can also dumb you down
If more guns means a safer society why aren't we the safest country in the world? It's pretty obvious to anyone who understand even basic logic than increasing the number of guns in a society does not lead to increased safety. In fact, most stats point to the very opposite.

But logic has no place in this conversation, now does it?

Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

You mean the most ILLEGAL guns don't you?
just like religion....the bible says god created man no matter how much evidence points to the contrary....dissmiss it immediately because you dont wanna hear it...they call it "faith" I call it a learning disability because - while religion can be a great thing - it can also dumb you down

Who you talking to?


If more guns means a safer society why aren't we the safest country in the world? It's pretty obvious to anyone who understand even basic logic than increasing the number of guns in a society does not lead to increased safety. In fact, most stats point to the very opposite.

But logic has no place in this conversation, now does it?

Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

You mean the most ILLEGAL guns don't you?

No just guns. The guns don't know that they're illegal. That's why we need to restrict who can get their hands on them and make accountability and tracing guns much stricter.
If more guns means a safer society why aren't we the safest country in the world? It's pretty obvious to anyone who understand even basic logic than increasing the number of guns in a society does not lead to increased safety. In fact, most stats point to the very opposite.

But logic has no place in this conversation, now does it?

Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

You mean the most ILLEGAL guns don't you?

Take Chicago for example

I doubt that there are more guns in that city than in say the state of NH and yet the gun violence rate in NH is basically nonexistent in comparison

So why is Chicago so bad? It can't be just the guns. And keep in mind that NH has far far more relaxed gun laws than does Chicago
There will never be a gun confiscation but if there were, You'll hand everything over just like the bitch you are, who are you kidding.

Ah yes, you Communists are so tough.

Some fucktard on the Soros hate sites told you that the Military would back your war on the Constitution - and you're just stupid enough to believe them.

Consider this sploogy; one side own guns and practices with them. Hunts and hits the target. You on the other hand do not. IF you ever started kicking in doors to fulfil your dream of a nation wide gulag, how will you enforce it? The FBI, NSA, BATF, and IRS? Well, that gives your 20,000 agents to fight 200 million well armed and trained Americans.

Good luck with that Comrade.
When two or three guys on the terrorist watch list legally buy themselves enough weapons to kill a hundred people in a mall somewhere, what you gun freaks gonna say then?


You gun freaks are your own worst enemy. Gun ownership is around 30% of the population.

The COTUS has been amended before.

The 2nd amend is not written in stone.

What is it you want non gun nutters to DO? Nothing??

Lighten up Francis... you don't want a gun don't get a gun. Spend your money on pot or whatever you get off on.

The 2nd amendment isn't going anywhere.. deal with it.

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