Yes Guns Kill People - Thats ALL they do

If more guns means a safer society why aren't we the safest country in the world? It's pretty obvious to anyone who understand even basic logic than increasing the number of guns in a society does not lead to increased safety. In fact, most stats point to the very opposite.

But logic has no place in this conversation, now does it?

Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

You mean the most ILLEGAL guns don't you?

No just guns. The guns don't know that they're illegal. That's why we need to restrict who can get their hands on them and make accountability and tracing guns much stricter.

Ok so how do you do that?

I've already outlined the CC requirements in my state so tell me what more would you add to that already sizable set of hoops one must jump through
yes...gun free zones and criminals dont obey laws...straight out of the talking point handbook - no original thought needed....I suppose we should just do away with all laws because criminals break them...solid logic there

Talking points? So criminals do obey laws? LOL, wow, you're an intellectual powerhouse. Here's a plan, Cutie. Look up the word "criminal"...

Again, how'd your gun laws work out for you in France? How'd they work out for you in the Washington Navy Yard, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Aurora and Columbine to name a few? How many people have to die from your policies for you to, oh, you know, question them?

The laws actually work quite well in France, would you like to compare gun violence statistics between the two countries?

You didn't answer the full question, Holmes
There will never be a gun confiscation but if there were, You'll hand everything over just like the bitch you are, who are you kidding.

Ah yes, you Communists are so tough.

Some fucktard on the Soros hate sites told you that the Military would back your war on the Constitution - and you're just stupid enough to believe them.

Consider this sploogy; one side own guns and practices with them. Hunts and hits the target. You on the other hand do not. IF you ever started kicking in doors to fulfil your dream of a nation wide gulag, how will you enforce it? The FBI, NSA, BATF, and IRS? Well, that gives your 20,000 agents to fight 200 million well armed and trained Americans.

Good luck with that Comrade.
Hahahahahaha, your fat ass would take 20 minutes just to unglue yourself from the sofa before you had a chance to get your cheetos stained fingers on any weapon.
Oh come on I thought you were maybe, just maybe smarter than that....everyone knows that guns used in murder in chicago are coming most from down the road in Indiana who have much softer gun laws

Why is it then that the gun murder rate in the gun controlled city is higher than in the city where the guns originated? I mean…..the crooks don't have to leave to get guns there, right? So the gun murder rate should be way higher…right? And in the other parts of the state that actually allow gun stores…and where you can carry a gun for self defense…those areas should have far higher rates of gun murder than chicago…since they have far more access to guns…right?
LOL You guys are hilarious! Too bad its usually always the ones who are insulting others who normally live a pathetic existance....I love to study your type though...fascinating to see adults slap each other with hot mops :)
yes...gun free zones and criminals dont obey laws...straight out of the talking point handbook - no original thought needed....I suppose we should just do away with all laws because criminals break them...solid logic there

Talking points? So criminals do obey laws? LOL, wow, you're an intellectual powerhouse. Here's a plan, Cutie. Look up the word "criminal"...

Again, how'd your gun laws work out for you in France? How'd they work out for you in the Washington Navy Yard, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Aurora and Columbine to name a few? How many people have to die from your policies for you to, oh, you know, question them?

The laws actually work quite well in France, would you like to compare gun violence statistics between the two countries?

You didn't answer the full question, Holmes

What question? All you did was highlight that our gunlaws don't work and yet do seem to work better in every other country. So is that because those countries have better gun laws or perhaps those countries don't have criminals. Which is it?
LOL You guys are hilarious! Too bad its usually always the ones who are insulting others who normally live a pathetic existance....I love to study your type though...fascinating to see adults slap each other with hot mops :)

Who are you talking to?

Learn to backquote. You'll still be seen as stupid, but maybe not as crazy as the leftist shrieking at lamposts, as you now appear to be.
yes...gun free zones and criminals dont obey laws...straight out of the talking point handbook - no original thought needed....I suppose we should just do away with all laws because criminals break them...solid logic there

Talking points? So criminals do obey laws? LOL, wow, you're an intellectual powerhouse. Here's a plan, Cutie. Look up the word "criminal"...

Again, how'd your gun laws work out for you in France? How'd they work out for you in the Washington Navy Yard, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Aurora and Columbine to name a few? How many people have to die from your policies for you to, oh, you know, question them?

The laws actually work quite well in France, would you like to compare gun violence statistics between the two countries?

You didn't answer the full question, Holmes

What question? All you did was highlight that our gunlaws don't work and yet do seem to work better in every other country. So is that because those countries have better gun laws or perhaps those countries don't have criminals. Which is it?

Read the question
If more guns means a safer society why aren't we the safest country in the world? It's pretty obvious to anyone who understand even basic logic than increasing the number of guns in a society does not lead to increased safety. In fact, most stats point to the very opposite.

But logic has no place in this conversation, now does it?

Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

You mean the most ILLEGAL guns don't you?

No just guns. The guns don't know that they're illegal. That's why we need to restrict who can get their hands on them and make accountability and tracing guns much stricter.

Ok so how do you do that?

I've already outlined the CC requirements in my state so tell me what more would you add to that already sizable set of hoops one must jump through

Every owner must be licensed and insured. And re-licensed every 2 years. Every single gun must be registered and accounted for every single year by the owner. If a gun is sold, even between private parties that transaction must be filed so that the gun can be traced to it's new owner. If a gun is stolen it must be reported immediately. If a crime is a committed with a gun, the person gets 25 years minimum, no matter the crime. If a person is found to be in possession of an unregistered gun, 25 year minimum jail sentence. If someone is convicted of a felony or violent crime they may never be allowed to own a firearm.If someone has a gun stolen from them or they lose a gun of theirs, they will not be able to purchase any additional guns until that lost/stolen gun is recovered. You may not be allowed to possess a gun if you can't get insured for possession of a gun. Meet all of those criteria and you can own anything and as many of the guns as you want.
"Yes Guns Kill People - Thats ALL they do"

Target Practice
Skeet Shooting
PTSD Therapy
Varmint Extermination
Signaling the start of races
Signaling if lost in the woods
Self-defense - just letting someone know you have a weapon can be a deterrent

'All Guns do is kill people' is Liberal B$ propaganda. A gun is a TOOL, just like hammer, a screwdriver, etc....

I grew up in the south where almost EVERYONE owned a gun, and we did have the historically huge number of shootings and killings we have now. We had almost NONE. We did not have a 'gun' problem because back then PEOPLE RESPECTED LIFE, respected THE LAW, and were disciplined and knew what a gun was for and how to use them.

Blaming guns for shooting people today is like blaming a hammer for putting a hole in your dry wall. Don't blame the TOOL, 'dude' - that was all 'YOU'!
I accept your challenge. Show that the same number of people are struck by lightning as shot and robbed by criminals.

i'm calling you out, pussy. back it up

Looky here, another internet tough guy who likes to think he'll go all James Bond on a thug who sticks a gun in his face and demands his money.

You're calling me out? I'm calling you an asshole.
Oh come on I thought you were maybe, just maybe smarter than that....everyone knows that guns used in murder in chicago are coming most from down the road in Indiana who have much softer gun laws

And that would be relevant if it wasn't an accurate picture.....

Here are the population levels for the top gun murder cities in 2010, the year I could get the numbers.....and their populations...

L.A., Chicago Rank 1 and 2 for Gun Murders; N.O. Has Highest Rate

Overall number of gun murders:

1. Los Angeles.......................1,141

2. Chicago..............................1,139

3. New York.............................1,101

4. Philadelphia...........................729

5. Houston..................................701

6. Detroit.....................................686

7. Miami.......................................594

8. Dallas......................................469

9. Washington.............................440

10. San Francisco......................439

Populations of these cities 2010:

City Mayors: Largest 100 US cities

Los angeles...... 3,792,621

Chicago..... 2,695,598

New York.... 8,175,133

Philadelphia.... 1,526,006

Houston...... 2,099,451

detroit........ 713,777

Miami......... 399,457

Dallas...... 1,197,816

Washington.... 601,723

San Francisco.... 805,235

What you are saying is that cities with higher populations than Chicago....but with the same or lower gun murder rates...what? There criminals can't leave the state to buy guns, like they do in Chicago....or the fact that Houston, that is closer to Chicago in population......but has guns everywhere....has a lower gun murder rate...even though it is also on the border with Mexico that has drug cartels running wild and crossing the border...

the argument that Chicago gun murder only happens because they buy their guns in Indiana is a dumb argument............

Considering New York also has a huge population compared to Chicago...yet has about the same gun murder rate in 2010.....what, their criminals can't leave the state?

Los Angeles....higher population.......same gun murder rate.....and same strict gun control.....and yet....their criminals can't cross a border? When they are right next to a whole bunch of gun states?
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Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

You mean the most ILLEGAL guns don't you?

No just guns. The guns don't know that they're illegal. That's why we need to restrict who can get their hands on them and make accountability and tracing guns much stricter.

Ok so how do you do that?

I've already outlined the CC requirements in my state so tell me what more would you add to that already sizable set of hoops one must jump through

Every owner must be licensed and insured. And re-licensed every 2 years. Every single gun must be registered and accounted for every single year by the owner. If a gun is sold, even between private parties that transaction must be filed so that the gun can be traced to it's new owner. If a gun is stolen it must be reported immediately. If a crime is a committed with a gun, the person gets 25 years minimum, no matter the crime. If a person is found to be in possession of an unregistered gun, 25 year minimum jail sentence. If someone is convicted of a felony or violent crime they may never be allowed to own a firearm.If someone has a gun stolen from them or they lose a gun of theirs, they will not be able to purchase any additional guns until that lost/stolen gun is recovered. You may not be allowed to possess a gun if you can't get insured for possession of a gun. Meet all of those criteria and you can own anything and as many of the guns as you want.

Every owner must be licensed and insured. And re-licensed every 2 years. Every single gun must be registered and accounted for every single year by the owner. If a gun is sold, even between private parties that transaction must be filed so that the gun can be traced to it's new owner. If a gun is stolen it must be reported immediately. If a crime is a committed with a gun, the person gets 25 years minimum, no matter the crime. If a person is found to be in possession of an unregistered gun, 25 year minimum jail sentence. If someone is convicted of a felony or violent crime they may never be allowed to own a firearm.If someone has a gun stolen from them or they lose a gun of theirs, they will not be able to purchase any additional guns until that lost/stolen gun is recovered. You may not be allowed to possess a gun if you can't get insured for possession of a gun. Meet all of those criteria and you can own anything and as many of the guns as you want.

Okay.....working on this silliness....

Every owner must be licensed and insured.

What does licensing gun owners do to stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns?

Criminals steal their guns or get someone who can legally buy a gun get the gun for them...and they don't get a license when they get the gun...sooooo...

Every two years?....and how often to you anticipate criminals will license their illegal guns?

What you have just done here is make felons out of law abiding gun owners who make a clerical error...congratulations....


Registering all guns........

Every single gun must be registered and accounted for every single year by the owner.

Okay...did you know that it is unConstitutional to require felons to register their illegal guns? Did you know that?

See Haynes v. United States...I believe that is the case....

So in essence, you will only be able to require law abiding gun owners to register their guns, the very people who don't commit crimes with guns. have registered all guns....something no other country has been able to fact Canada just gave up doing it and they tried with only 15 million long guns...

What does registering law abiding gun owner's guns do to stop crime or mass shootings with guns?

Please be specific...considering registering guns did not solve any crimes in the states that tried it....

So have create a felony trap for law abiding gun owners and done nothing to stop mass shooters or criminals from getting guns.

So....a normal, law abiding gun owner who doesn't register their guns goes to jail for 25 years...someone who never shot anyone and who never used a gun for an actual crime....but a simple clerical error gets them 25 years..bravo...

And of course...if you catch an actual criminal with a can't get him for not registering his illegal gun, so no 25 year sentence for the actual criminal...because he does not have to register his illegal gun.


If a gun is sold, even between private parties that transaction must be filed so that the gun can be traced to it's new owner.

How again would this stop any gun crime or mass shooting.....? Since criminals steal their guns or use someone who can get a gun legally who then reports it stolen or lost.....and the mass shooter......he will record the transaction, dutifully...and then go and murder a whole bunch of people with it....


What does immediately reporting a stolen gun do to stop or solve a crime with that gun...again...if the gun owner doesn't report his gun get him in a felony trap...right? Someone who never shot anyone or used the gun to commit a crime..right?

Again...bravo for your crime fighting strategy....


If someone is convicted of a felony or violent crime they may never be allowed to own a firearm.

This is already the law.....again...this is already the law.


If someone has a gun stolen from them or they lose a gun of theirs, they will not be able to purchase any additional guns until that lost/stolen gun is recovered.

So....if you are the victim of a crime by a criminal, or lose a piece of legal property, you are denied a civil right.....thank you chairman mao.....


You may not be allowed to possess a gun if you can't get insured for possession of a gun.

So...if you are do not have access to the Bill of Rights? Right...that is what you are saying here......So if you can't afford a don't get one...right? Oh...that's right.....we pay for your lawyer......

so what you are really saying is if you can't afford insurance for your gun.....we will provide it for you...right?


The only actual law that makes sense...and would actually work and help to reduce gun crime is this one.....

If a crime is a committed with a gun, the person gets 25 years minimum, no matter the crime.

And see...if you did this last one...all by don't have to do any of the other crap......and you actually target criminals who use guns to commit crimes....

You are not targeting law abiding, normal gun owners........which every other item you list does.....

Care to revise your list?
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Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

You mean the most ILLEGAL guns don't you?

No just guns. The guns don't know that they're illegal. That's why we need to restrict who can get their hands on them and make accountability and tracing guns much stricter.

Ok so how do you do that?

I've already outlined the CC requirements in my state so tell me what more would you add to that already sizable set of hoops one must jump through

Every owner must be licensed and insured. And re-licensed every 2 years. Every single gun must be registered and accounted for every single year by the owner. If a gun is sold, even between private parties that transaction must be filed so that the gun can be traced to it's new owner. If a gun is stolen it must be reported immediately. If a crime is a committed with a gun, the person gets 25 years minimum, no matter the crime. If a person is found to be in possession of an unregistered gun, 25 year minimum jail sentence. If someone is convicted of a felony or violent crime they may never be allowed to own a firearm.If someone has a gun stolen from them or they lose a gun of theirs, they will not be able to purchase any additional guns until that lost/stolen gun is recovered. You may not be allowed to possess a gun if you can't get insured for possession of a gun. Meet all of those criteria and you can own anything and as many of the guns as you want.

When does reasonable become ridiculous?

I have no problem banning private sales but the registering every gun every two years is ridiculous as every sale is already recorded so banning private sales eliminates the need for biannual registration

I already have to renew my CC permit every 5 years at considerable cost so the 2 year renewal is again ridiculous

Insurance is a bit much but maybe I'd agree to a clause on a homeowners policy if and only if the premium is refundable after a few years

And I'll go one better on the punishment

Life in prison no parole for anyone committing any crime even a misdemeanor while in possession of a firearm whether it be legal or illegally owned
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