Yes Guns Kill People - Thats ALL they do

Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough

Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

The gun is the tool. The person using the gun is the weapon. If no one uses the gun its just a hunk of metal, completely harmless. Useless until someone with the mindset to use it picks it up.

All gun owners I know treat them with the respect that the tool deserves. Sorry to say there are many who will use it to rob, assault and murder.

To bad we can't get rid of the weapons and not the tools.
God forbid someone would want to do something about mass killings....I suppose everyone should just shut up and learn to like it like the RWNJ's seem to do

We could

1. Start locking up crazy people


2 NOt import more muslims.

That would have a position impact.
arm every man woman and child to the teeth...thats the answer for everything if your IQ level cannot be charted. I know tonight when I go to a birthday party I'm going to be packing some serious heat just in case I get caught in a gun free erogenous zone

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.
When two or three guys on the terrorist watch list legally buy themselves enough weapons to kill a hundred people in a mall somewhere, what you gun freaks gonna say then?


You gun freaks are your own worst enemy. Gun ownership is around 30% of the population.

The COTUS has been amended before.

The 2nd amend is not written in stone.

What is it you want non gun nutters to DO? Nothing??

1. Lock up crazy people

2. NOT import Muslims.
wow I guess you really don't know about holding gun manufacturers somewhat liable? how about universal background checks and closing the loopholes that most certainly exist the very least allow extensive research into gun violence...think and learn besides throwing up your hands and being ok with it...stop blocking smart gun technology...stop letting the NRA influence our elected officials...I swear if even half of you keyboard warriors would stop pretending to be a "patriot" and actually do something besides be a shill online this country could accomplish anything...take a deep breath...nobody wants to take your stupid guns away...take another deep breath....

Holding Gun manufactures liable for the misuse of their product will end domestic production of firearms. That is serious "gun grabbing stuff".

Do you hold car manufactures liable for the damage caused by drunk drivers?
again...WHO is proposing a gun ban? Please educate me. I've NEVER heard ANYONE call for an all out gun ban - this is propaganda - all the hashish in the world couldn't bring a progressive politician to even suggest such a stupid thing

In the past, Obama has advocated banning handguns, and semi-automatic guns.
Not an outright ban on all guns, but heading down that road.
If more guns means a safer society why aren't we the safest country in the world? It's pretty obvious to anyone who understand even basic logic than increasing the number of guns in a society does not lead to increased safety. In fact, most stats point to the very opposite.

But logic has no place in this conversation, now does it?

Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

I'm not aware that democratic controlled urban areas have the most guns.

The people I know who have a lot of guns mostly live in the suburbs.
Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough
What exactly is your proposal? And just because you haven't heard of gun registration doesn't mean it hasn't been proposed.
gun control advocates can pound sand up their ass.
and the dead people and their families at the next massacre can "pound sand too" up their ass ...mass killings are our tradition and we intend to keep them...

Your just mad the 2nd amendment protects us from tyranny.
you are just mad not angry just crazy ass and proud of it... we love having mass killings routinely...,its worth it so numb nuts can strut around intimidating people with guns

OH poor baby, you let it slip, you're intimidated by guns, any other machines intimidate you?
If a gun is pointed at me yes I would be concerned...with the clowns struts of the open carry numb butts I would just point at them and laugh..,.I would pretend they were trick o treating and give them candy
You mean the people left defenseless by regressive gun free zones, those people?

Look at these liberals and their gun free zone...gee I wonder why they do not want folks wandering around in their gun shows with loaded guns...Must be a Liberal Pussy Gun show LOL
gun control advocates can pound sand up their ass.
and the dead people and their families at the next massacre can "pound sand too" up their ass ...mass killings are our tradition and we intend to keep them...

Your just mad the 2nd amendment protects us from tyranny.
you are just mad not angry just crazy ass and proud of it... we love having mass killings routinely...,its worth it so numb nuts can strut around intimidating people with guns

OH poor baby, you let it slip, you're intimidated by guns, any other machines intimidate you?
If a gun is pointed at me yes I would be concerned...with the clowns struts of the open carry numb butts I would just point at them and laugh..,.I would pretend they were trick o treating and give them candy

In San bernardino it would have been the last thing you would have done.

But enjoy your fall into denial

You seem good at it
and the dead people and their families at the next massacre can "pound sand too" up their ass ...mass killings are our tradition and we intend to keep them...

Your just mad the 2nd amendment protects us from tyranny.
you are just mad not angry just crazy ass and proud of it... we love having mass killings routinely...,its worth it so numb nuts can strut around intimidating people with guns

OH poor baby, you let it slip, you're intimidated by guns, any other machines intimidate you?
If a gun is pointed at me yes I would be concerned...with the clowns struts of the open carry numb butts I would just point at them and laugh..,.I would pretend they were trick o treating and give them candy

In San bernardino it would have been the last thing you would have done.

But enjoy your fall into denial

You seem good at it
I do not own a gun and I am not scared of any man.............. you all gun owners are sufficiently scared...that is why I laugh at you and mock and sneer at you....folks like you all need to live inside a Sherman tank...but even there you all would live scared...because all of you are rabbits on the run from your personal death but your personal death will get you [and me] by and by no matter how many guns or armor you surround yourself with..., I don't care what you all do " I would not want to be like you"

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