Yes Guns Kill People - Thats ALL they do

Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough
You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

You mean the most ILLEGAL guns don't you?

No just guns. The guns don't know that they're illegal. That's why we need to restrict who can get their hands on them and make accountability and tracing guns much stricter.

Ok so how do you do that?

I've already outlined the CC requirements in my state so tell me what more would you add to that already sizable set of hoops one must jump through

Every owner must be licensed and insured. And re-licensed every 2 years. Every single gun must be registered and accounted for every single year by the owner. If a gun is sold, even between private parties that transaction must be filed so that the gun can be traced to it's new owner. If a gun is stolen it must be reported immediately. If a crime is a committed with a gun, the person gets 25 years minimum, no matter the crime. If a person is found to be in possession of an unregistered gun, 25 year minimum jail sentence. If someone is convicted of a felony or violent crime they may never be allowed to own a firearm.If someone has a gun stolen from them or they lose a gun of theirs, they will not be able to purchase any additional guns until that lost/stolen gun is recovered. You may not be allowed to possess a gun if you can't get insured for possession of a gun. Meet all of those criteria and you can own anything and as many of the guns as you want.

When does reasonable become ridiculous?

I have no problem banning private sales but the registering every gun every two years is ridiculous as every sale is already recorded so banning private sales eliminates the need for biannual registration

I already have to renew my CC permit every 5 years at considerable cost so the 2 year renewal is again ridiculous

Insurance is a bit much but maybe I'd agree to a clause on a homeowners policy if and only if the premium is refundable after a few years

And I'll go one better on the punishment

Life in prison no parole for anyone committing any crime even a misdemeanor while in possession of a firearm whether it be legal or illegally owned

People can't go and register to vote with a valid ID, but you have to re register a gun every two years?

Oh, and I guess only the rich would be allowed to own a gun? I'm sure the libs would make the insurance requirement incredibly high.
You gun haters needs a lesson on how our country and Constitution works. now go whine over the waiting line for welfare or something

this was a comment with the article of the Maryland AG wanting to take away our guns here: Maryland Deputy AG Comments Refute ‘No One Wants to Take Your Guns’ Lie

the comment :

Oath breaking is a FELONY crime. It is also the crime of Perjury.

Remember, that the first LAW statute of the United States of America, enacted in the first session of the First Congress on 1 June 1789, was Statute 1, Chapter 1: an act to regulate the time and manner of administering certain oaths, which established the oath required by civil and military officials to support the Constitution. That is correct, it is LAW, constitutional LAW.

The requirement for all Federal and STATE Civil officers to give their solemn and binding Oath is established in the US Constitution, Article VI, Section 1, Clause 4. Again it is the supreme LAW that all who serve within our governments MUST take and KEEP that Oath.

5 U.S.C. 3331, provides the text of the actual oath of office the three branches of our government, the military, all law enforcement, the heads of the States, all federal employees are required to take before assuming office.

5 U.S.C. 3333 requires the three branches of our government, the military, all law enforcement, the heads of the States, all federal employees sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath of office required by 5 U.S.C. 3331 and have not or will not violate that oath of office during their tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law.

Then there is 18 U.S.C. 1918 which provides the penalties for VIOLATION OF OATH OF OFFICE described in 5 U.S.C. 7311 which include: (1) removal from office AND; (2) confinement or a fine.

It is important to realize that 5 U.S.C. 7311 explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense for anyone employed in the United States Government to “advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government”.

ANY form of Gun Control is not only a crime, it is Treason against the American people, the USA, US Constitution. It is put into the Bill of Rights to make sure that it was/is in writing that it is above, and NOT PART OF THE delegated duties to those that serve within our governments – state or federal.

The Bill of Rights are – as William Blackstone (in his “Commentaries on the Laws of England”) defined unalienable rights – “Those rights, then, which God and nature have established, and therefore called natural rights, such as life and liberty, need not the aid of human laws to be more effectually invested in every man than they are; neither do they receive any additional strength when declared by the municipal laws to be inviolable. On the contrary, no human legislature has power to abridge or destroy them, unless the owner shall himself commit some act that amounts to a forfeiture.”

Brookfield Construction Company V. Stewart 284 F Sup. 94: “An officer who acts in violation of the constitution ceases to represent the government.”

Olmstead v U.S., 277 US 348, 485; 48 S. Ct. 564, 575; 72 LEd 944 U.S. versus Verdrigo-Urquidez, 110 S. Ct. 1056, 1060-61 (1990) South v.Maryland/Bowers v. DeVito: “Decency, security, and liberty alike demand that government officials be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a Government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Crime is contagious. If government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law it invites every man to become a law unto himself and against that pernicious doctrine, this court should resolutely set its face.”

He needs to be charged with the felonies that he has committed openly, and with TREASON. Until we start enforcing and using the SUPREME LAW (and the highest law of each state) we will continue to lose our nation, and the people themselves.

Think about it.

How can those who serve wtihin law enforcement or in the military take the Oath seriously when we allow those that serve to commit FELONIES daily? How can the people themselves believe in the US Constitution when we who support her, or profess to, allow those crimes to go unchallenged?
I accept your challenge. Show that the same number of people are struck by lightning as shot and robbed by criminals.

i'm calling you out, pussy. back it up

Looky here, another internet tough guy who likes to think he'll go all James Bond on a thug who sticks a gun in his face and demands his money.

You're calling me out? I'm calling you an asshole.

Right, you can't back up your ridiculous analogy, so you're going to total deflection. You're a pussy, QED
Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough

Sorry we won't give one damn inch on restrictions reasonable or otherwise. You cannot negotiate or compromise with gun control advocates, they are blatant liars. Nothing short of an outright ban on owning a gun is acceptable to them. They will lie and pretend to compromise, all the while scheming to come back for more and more until they reach their ultimate goal. Its death by a thousand cuts. So the lying scum gun control advocates can pound sand up their ass.
Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough

First, just to be factual, guns do not just kill people. That is simply factually wrong. Guns are also used for target practice, for hunting, and for deterring would-be robbers and murderers. For example, the would-be mass shooter at the Clackamas Mall in Oregon stopped shooting people just after he got started because, thank heavens, one of the patrons happened to be carrying a gun and pulled it out and aimed it at him, and so the guy ran off and shot himself.

Second, France already has every "sensible restriction" that liberals on this board have been advocating over the last week--an outright ban on automatic weapons, strict limits on ammo, a virtual ban on handguns, and mandatory licensing and background checks for anyone who wants to buy a regular gun/rifle of any kind. Obviously, those laws did nothing to stop the Muslim terrorists in the two most recent jihadist attacks in Paris from getting AK-47s (which can fire as machine guns) and tons of ammo.
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gun control advocates can pound sand up their ass.
and the dead people and their families at the next massacre can "pound sand too" up their ass ...mass killings are our tradition and we intend to keep them...

Your just mad the 2nd amendment protects us from tyranny.
you are just mad not angry just crazy ass and proud of it... we love having mass killings routinely...,its worth it so numb nuts can strut around intimidating people with guns
gun control advocates can pound sand up their ass.
and the dead people and their families at the next massacre can "pound sand too" up their ass ...mass killings are our tradition and we intend to keep them...

Your just mad the 2nd amendment protects us from tyranny.
you are just mad not angry just crazy ass and proud of it... we love having mass killings routinely...,its worth it so numb nuts can strut around intimidating people with guns

Your argument is simply irrational. France already has very strict gun laws and has been governed by politicians who have been liberal or very liberal by American standards. Yet, France just suffered two horrible jihadist terrorist attacks with automatic weapons. Why do you keep pretending that there's any evidence that French-style gun laws would work here anymore than they have worked in France in terms of preventing jihadist terrorist attacks?

And you might wanna do a little research on the liberal claims about "mass shootings."
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gun control advocates can pound sand up their ass.
and the dead people and their families at the next massacre can "pound sand too" up their ass ...mass killings are our tradition and we intend to keep them...

Your just mad the 2nd amendment protects us from tyranny.
you are just mad not angry just crazy ass and proud of it... we love having mass killings routinely...,its worth it so numb nuts can strut around intimidating people with guns

Your argument is simply irrational. France already has very strict gun laws and has been governed by politicians who have been liberal or very liberal by American standards. Yet, France just suffered two horrible jihadist terrorist attacks with automatic weapons. Why do you keep pretending that there's any evidence that French-style gun laws would work here anymore than they have worked in France in terms of preventing jihadist terrorist attacks?

And you might wanna do a little research on the liberal claims about "mass shootings."

the terrorist incident in France was carried out by a Syrian war ISIS guerrilla veteran with weapons likely smuggled from Brussels...the shooting incidents here are primarily people with grudges and or mental health problems who have easy access to weapons.
yes...gun free zones and criminals dont obey laws...straight out of the talking point handbook - no original thought needed....I suppose we should just do away with all laws because criminals break them...solid logic there

Talking points? So criminals do obey laws? LOL, wow, you're an intellectual powerhouse. Here's a plan, Cutie. Look up the word "criminal"...

Again, how'd your gun laws work out for you in France? How'd they work out for you in the Washington Navy Yard, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Aurora and Columbine to name a few? How many people have to die from your policies for you to, oh, you know, question them?

The laws actually work quite well in France, would you like to compare gun violence statistics between the two countries?

You didn't answer the full question, Holmes

What question? All you did was highlight that our gunlaws don't work and yet do seem to work better in every other country. So is that because those countries have better gun laws or perhaps those countries don't have criminals. Which is it?

Of course you would never consider a third possibility, like proper enforcement of the laws on the books.
Don't you find it at least a little interesting that if you remove just a few of our democrat controlled urban areas from the stats that our gun violence numbers are quite like those of the countries are comparing us to?

You mean remove the areas with the most guns would reduce the amount of gun violence? Shocking!

You mean the most ILLEGAL guns don't you?

No just guns. The guns don't know that they're illegal. That's why we need to restrict who can get their hands on them and make accountability and tracing guns much stricter.

Ok so how do you do that?

I've already outlined the CC requirements in my state so tell me what more would you add to that already sizable set of hoops one must jump through

Every owner must be licensed and insured. And re-licensed every 2 years. Every single gun must be registered and accounted for every single year by the owner. If a gun is sold, even between private parties that transaction must be filed so that the gun can be traced to it's new owner. If a gun is stolen it must be reported immediately. If a crime is a committed with a gun, the person gets 25 years minimum, no matter the crime. If a person is found to be in possession of an unregistered gun, 25 year minimum jail sentence. If someone is convicted of a felony or violent crime they may never be allowed to own a firearm.If someone has a gun stolen from them or they lose a gun of theirs, they will not be able to purchase any additional guns until that lost/stolen gun is recovered. You may not be allowed to possess a gun if you can't get insured for possession of a gun. Meet all of those criteria and you can own anything and as many of the guns as you want.

Why do you hate poor people, don't they have a right to defend themselves just like rich people? You proposals would place a disproportionate burden on the poor. Here I thought you regressives were all about protecting poor people.
gun control advocates can pound sand up their ass.
and the dead people and their families at the next massacre can "pound sand too" up their ass ...mass killings are our tradition and we intend to keep them...

Your just mad the 2nd amendment protects us from tyranny.
you are just mad not angry just crazy ass and proud of it... we love having mass killings routinely...,its worth it so numb nuts can strut around intimidating people with guns

OH poor baby, you let it slip, you're intimidated by guns, any other machines intimidate you?

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