Yes Guns Kill People - Thats ALL they do

Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough

What I want to know is who you really are. You waltz in here as a new member currently with only 47 posts (most in this thread I would presume) and right off the cuff you're throwing around "Obummer" and "hash oil smoking liberal" like you've been on this board for years. Your avatar is clearly intended to give the implication that it is an actual picture of yourself, but your username implies a birth year of 1975, which would make you 40 years old, which is inconsistent with the picture. Not to mention that your instant comfort in posting and expressing yourself as you have done here shows that you're well seasoned in the--er, art....of otherwise anonymous online messageboards and communities; as such using an actual picture of yourself as avatar is less consistent still, though highly consistent with an intention to deceive and hide an otherwise not so anonymous identity.
Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough

Don't forget pipe bombs kill people too. Are you going to ban pipe bombs now? The terrorists had 12 in their house and had IED making equipment.

How about banning pressure cookers? Because pressure cookers can kill. Just like they did at the Boston marathon.

Where there is a will there is a way. If someone is a whacked out crazy dying to kill, they will find a way.
Yes, Guns Really Do Kill People. In Fact, That’s All They Do

But I believe law abiding citizens should have the right to have them - the amount of paranoia though is off the charts and being made worse by these gun nutters who for the past seven years have been crying Obummer's this ----close to taking all our gunz....I've never heard any politician or hash oil smoking liberal say anything remotely close to that...some sensible restrictions? yeah there's been a lot of dialog about that but..That's what we should do....#thoughtsandprayers aren't enough

Don't forget pipe bombs kill people too. Are you going to ban pipe bombs now? The terrorists had 12 in their house and had IED making equipment.

How about banning pressure cookers? Because pressure cookers can kill. Just like they did at the Boston marathon.

Where there is a will there is a way. If someone is a whacked out crazy dying to kill, they will find a way.

they can't stop there, they have to ban fertilizer, vans, 55 gallon barrels, knives, bats, hatchets, machetes, the internet, oh heck they can have a banning ball. probably give them jollies for years
Typical - change the subject - nobody will answer exactly who is calling for a gun ban for law abiding citizens and why does the NRA block research into gun violence if the facts are on their side? Also, why are they against smart gun technology....but yeah...cuz abortion!

I had to spank my gun the other day..

When two or three guys on the terrorist watch list legally buy themselves enough weapons to kill a hundred people in a mall somewhere, what you gun freaks gonna say then?


You gun freaks are your own worst enemy. Gun ownership is around 30% of the population.

The COTUS has been amended before.

The 2nd amend is not written in stone.

What is it you want non gun nutters to DO? Nothing??
When two or three guys on the terrorist watch list legally buy themselves enough weapons to kill a hundred people in a mall somewhere, what you gun freaks gonna say then?


You gun freaks are your own worst enemy. Gun ownership is around 30% of the population.

The COTUS has been amended before.

The 2nd amend is not written in stone.

What is it you want non gun nutters to DO? Nothing??

You Communists claimed that Farook and Malik bought the guns they used legally.

It turned out to be a lie, but that was the claim all through the weekend, despite Colt M&P having restricted sales to police only.

So what are you Communists going to do? Laws don't stop illegal acquisition of guns.

So grow some balls and take your war against civil rights legitimate. Have Hillary declare that she intends to do away with the bill of rights once and for all. Be honest about your goals.
I suppose ye scadery cats carry a fire extinguisher everywhere you go too...Can't be caught in a fire free zone....still waiting answers about this so-called gun grab that is imminent....Still waiting for the right wing nut jobs to do something other than lie and repeat debunked talking points
I suppose ye scadery cats carry a fire extinguisher everywhere you go too...Can't be caught in a fire free zone....still waiting answers about this so-called gun grab that is imminent....Still waiting for the right wing nut jobs to do something other than lie and repeat debunked talking points
I'm still waiting for you to propose how you will reduce gun violence aside from banning guns

What's your plan to predict who will become violent or who might be crazy as you put it?

And how exactly would any of your proposals have stopped any of the mass shootings in recent history
yes...gun free zones and criminals dont obey laws...straight out of the talking point handbook - no original thought needed....I suppose we should just do away with all laws because criminals break them...solid logic there

Talking points? So criminals do obey laws? LOL, wow, you're an intellectual powerhouse. Here's a plan, Cutie. Look up the word "criminal"...

Again, how'd your gun laws work out for you in France? How'd they work out for you in the Washington Navy Yard, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Aurora and Columbine to name a few? How many people have to die from your policies for you to, oh, you know, question them?
i'd love to chat all day but I need to work....i'll back later to hear some more talking points and no real solutions :)

In the meantime, you'll stick with helping mass murderers mow down their victims unopposed until you have a viable plan, huh?
I suppose ye scadery cats carry a fire extinguisher everywhere you go too...Can't be caught in a fire free zone....still waiting answers about this so-called gun grab that is imminent....Still waiting for the right wing nut jobs to do something other than lie and repeat debunked talking points

I keep a fire extinguisher in my truck.

If you Communists ever do get stupid enough to try a gun confiscation, it won't end well for you.
By the sound of these paranoia types you would think they are fighting off robbers on a nightly basis - so far in 30 years my deadbolt has done a decent job of protecting the house - I have a weapon if it fails me but my Lord...

There's also a chance of being struck by lightning when you go out.

But do they carry lightning arrestors with them?


I accept your challenge. Show that the same number of people are struck by lightning as shot and robbed by criminals.

i'm calling you out, pussy. back it up
wow I guess you really don't know about holding gun manufacturers somewhat liable? how about universal background checks and closing the loopholes that most certainly exist the very least allow extensive research into gun violence...think and learn besides throwing up your hands and being ok with it...stop blocking smart gun technology...stop letting the NRA influence our elected officials...I swear if even half of you keyboard warriors would stop pretending to be a "patriot" and actually do something besides be a shill online this country could accomplish anything...take a deep breath...nobody wants to take your stupid guns away...take another deep breath....
I suppose ye scadery cats carry a fire extinguisher everywhere you go too...Can't be caught in a fire free zone....still waiting answers about this so-called gun grab that is imminent....Still waiting for the right wing nut jobs to do something other than lie and repeat debunked talking points

I keep a fire extinguisher in my truck.

If you Communists ever do get stupid enough to try a gun confiscation, it won't end well for you.

There will never be a gun confiscation but if there were, You'll hand everything over just like the bitch you are, who are you kidding.
yes...gun free zones and criminals dont obey laws...straight out of the talking point handbook - no original thought needed....I suppose we should just do away with all laws because criminals break them...solid logic there

Talking points? So criminals do obey laws? LOL, wow, you're an intellectual powerhouse. Here's a plan, Cutie. Look up the word "criminal"...

Again, how'd your gun laws work out for you in France? How'd they work out for you in the Washington Navy Yard, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Aurora and Columbine to name a few? How many people have to die from your policies for you to, oh, you know, question them?

The laws actually work quite well in France, would you like to compare gun violence statistics between the two countries?
If more guns means a safer society why aren't we the safest country in the world? It's pretty obvious to anyone who understands even basic logic that increasing the number of guns in a society does not lead to increased safety. In fact, most stats point to the very opposite.

But logic has no place in this conversation, now does it?
wow I guess you really don't know about holding gun manufacturers somewhat liable? how about universal background checks and closing the loopholes that most certainly exist the very least allow extensive research into gun violence...think and learn besides throwing up your hands and being ok with it...stop blocking smart gun technology...stop letting the NRA influence our elected officials...I swear if even half of you keyboard warriors would stop pretending to be a "patriot" and actually do something besides be a shill online this country could accomplish anything...take a deep breath...nobody wants to take your stupid guns away...take another deep breath....

How about holding all manufacturer liable if a person commits violence with their products?

And what is a universal background check exactly?

To get my CC permit I had to take a class, pass a firing range test, get multiple references, get fingerprinted, get a background check and paid hundreds of dollars for a permit which I have to renew every 5 years

So tell me what about that process is not enough for you for a law abiding citizen with absolutely no history of any aberrant or criminal behavior to have to do to merely exercise my constitutionally protected right to own a firearm?
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