Yes, illegal aliens do vote

$9 billion over 10 years lefard?

wow idiot; out of a program expected to cost a TRILLION over 10 years?

well bowl me over with a feather
Do you understand that fewer people would need food stamps if job creators created jobs with higher wages and better benefits?

that's funny leftard; because the Left is all over the boards today insisting that Household income has risen by trillions under obama; clearly implying that everybody has gained.

since you LWNJs love to whine about "trickle-down"; how is it all that wealth doesnt mean food stamps and welfare can be cut drastically UNLESS.

WAIT FOR IT..............

Your topic is shit based on an opinion piece from

sorry leftard; but i couldnt get Pravda; or MSNBC to cover the issue
Yeah, I just explained to you that MSNBC is part of the global 1% elite media. Owned jointly by Comcast and GE, neither of which is a "left-wing" corporation. GE had weapons contracts in Iraq that Rachel Maddow is paid to not mention. Do you understand?

Just because MSNBC isn't as far right as FOX Noise, it doesn't mean that MSNBC is "leftist".

oh they also arent far ENOUGH to the Left for your tastes?'

geez i would have though a trickle down the leg; or wanting to take a sh*t in Palin's mouth would be far enough on the lunatic left fringe for your stupid ass
requiring ID didnt stop fraud? and your conclusion is we shouldnt even try then?

Serious comprehension fail.
good genius; then clarify it for me; cuz it looks like babble

The irony is thick here. I'm sorry that sentences written with proper punctuation and spelling throw you.

My point is that we have been provided yet more evidence that Voter ID is an utter failure when it comes to preventing the types of voter fraud which occur. Therefore, it is past time for the rubes who think they are conservatives to stop demanding an expansion of government power and a completely ineffective government program. My conservative upbringing demanded we call people who insist on ineffective government programs be called liberals.

Voter ID is inefficacious, and wastes time and valuable taxpayer money.

We should instead be focusing on things which will actually deter and/or catch the types of voter fraud which occur. I want you to take special note that I am talking about fraud which occurs and am in no way saying voter fraud does not happen. The builders of straw man fallacies like to claim people like me say there is no voter fraud, or that we want voter fraud for some reason.

What would be effective are things like a mechanism which informs the state voter registrar when a registered voter has passed away. What would be effective would be a mechanism which tightens up the voter registration process.

The OP's suggestion to eliminate the motor voter registration is idiotic. If a citizen gets a license, they should be able to register to vote at the same time. After all, there they are getting an ID just like you wanted! Kill two birds with one stone and save the taxpayers some money, for chrissakes.

If the person getting a license is not a citizen, then they should not be registered to vote.

Now how retarded do you have to be to not have figured this out? How retarded does a person have to be to keep providing evidence of the total ineffectiveness of Voter ID at preventing the types of fraud which occur as evidence we need Voter ID instead of putting all that tremendous energy into promoting things which will actually work?
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Serious comprehension fail.
good genius; then clarify it for me; cuz it looks like babble

The irony is thick here. I'm sorry that sentences written with proper punctuation and spelling throw you.

My point is that we have been provided yet more evidence that Voter ID is an utter failure when it comes to preventing the types of voter fraud which occur. Therefore, it is past time for the rubes who think they are conservatives to stop demanding an expansion of government power and a completely ineffective government program.

Voter ID is a waste of time and valuable taxpayer money.

We should instead be focusing on things which will actually deter and/or catch the types of voter fraud which occur. I want you to take special note that I am talking about fraud which occurs and am in no way saying voter fraud does not happen. The builders of straw man fallacies like to claim people like me say there is no voter fraud, or that we want voter fraud for some reason.

What would be effective are things like a mechanism which informs the state voter registrar when a registered voter has passed away. What would be effective would be a mechanism which tightens up the voter registration process.

The OP's suggestion to eliminate the motor voter registration is idiotic. If a citizen gets a license, they should be able to register to vote at the same time. After all, there they are getting an ID just like you wanted! Kill two birds with one stone and save the taxpayers some money, for chrissakes.

If the person getting a license is not a citizen, then they should not be registered to vote.

Now how retarded do you have to be to not have figured this out? How retarded does a person have to be to keep providing evidence of the total ineffectiveness of Voter ID at preventing the types of fraud which occur as evidence we need Voter ID?

i'm sorry the best you can manage is to focus on spelling and grammar. i'm ready to go home now. rebutting the stupidity coming from left-wing idots who lie to themselves is hard work
who cares; and who made you the arbiter; of who "think they are conservative"?

who the fuck are you?
who cares; and who made you the arbiter; of who "think they are conservative"?

who the fuck are you?

My conservative upbringing demanded we call people who insist on ineffective government programs be called liberals.
no laws i can think of have managed to stop people from using drugs; robbing banks, molesting children.....................etc

how can people not see how retarded it is to even have these laws?

they need a genius like you to show them the light

moronic right-wingers like you are as arrogant and idiotic as the morons on the far left
no laws i can think of have managed to stop people from using drugs; robbing banks, molesting children.....................etc

how can people not see how retarded it is to even have these laws?

they need a genius like you to show them the light

moronic right-wingers like you are as arrogant and idiotic as the morons on the far left

If we did not have laws against murder, we would not be able to put murderers in prison.
no laws i can think of have managed to stop people from using drugs; robbing banks, molesting children.....................etc

how can people not see how retarded it is to even have these laws?

they need a genius like you to show them the light

moronic right-wingers like you are as arrogant and idiotic as the morons on the far left

If we did not have laws against murder, we would not be able to put murderers in prison.
Hes not that bright. Hes doesnt even understand the gun control debate. Having to explain the difference between murder control and gun control means hes beyond help
There is no system to check citizenship, so it's easy for the left to claim the problem doesn't exist. How can it exist when they not only refuse to look for it, but make it difficult for anyone else to do so? I know the left likes to claim that minorities are so fucking stupid that registering to vote is just too hard for them. Doesn't stop illegal aliens through motor voter registration. When they do that, they appear legit and that's good enough for Dems since the illegals are wanting them to steal from tax payers on their behalf and grant amnesty for their crime of breaking immigration laws, stealing identities of citizens and who knows what else.

We need to stop motor voter registration. Aside from the fact that illegal benefit from it and appear legitimate, there are millions of legally registered voters who don't vote and those unused ballots are up for grabs. There is no way to determine how many legal registrations are being used illegally. There is no way to check for it, but the left wants to ensure that millions of available ballots are there to tilt an election if need be. When we saw over 100% of eligible votes going to Obama in certain areas, that is proof enough that the extra, unused ballots were filled out illegally and counted.

Minorities are not helpless and they are perfectly able to register. Forget photo ID since that won't begin to address the real problem with cheating.

We need to have every citizen who plans to vote re-register and end motor voter. That way, the only ones who register will be those who intend to use their own ballot and we won't have millions of ballots at the disposal of dishonest poll workers and others who will stop at nothing to forge ahead with the far left agenda.

Illegal Aliens Voting
Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Large Numbers | Top Right News

If you really want to stop the potential for votes to be cast illegally, we should stop mail in ballots instead of getting all worked up with who shows up at the polls. But you know why Republicans aren't pushing for that? It's because a higher percentage of Republicans vote by mail. But mail is one way to get a ballot into the system without ever showing an ID at all, isn't it? That's true even despite the voter ID laws.
like i said idiot; because money isnt red or blue; it's green. so if the "corporate media" thinks it can make a buck feeding left-wing lemmings socialist agit-prop; it will do just that. you're a lemming and a useful idiot for rich gazillionaires that want socialism for you and capitalism for themselves

Yep, students, above we have here a full blown case of far right reactionaritis, characterized by dementia and hallucinations and love for dementia media.
There is no system to check citizenship, so it's easy for the left to claim the problem doesn't exist. How can it exist when they not only refuse to look for it, but make it difficult for anyone else to do so? I know the left likes to claim that minorities are so fucking stupid that registering to vote is just too hard for them. Doesn't stop illegal aliens through motor voter registration. When they do that, they appear legit and that's good enough for Dems since the illegals are wanting them to steal from tax payers on their behalf and grant amnesty for their crime of breaking immigration laws, stealing identities of citizens and who knows what else.

We need to stop motor voter registration. Aside from the fact that illegal benefit from it and appear legitimate, there are millions of legally registered voters who don't vote and those unused ballots are up for grabs. There is no way to determine how many legal registrations are being used illegally. There is no way to check for it, but the left wants to ensure that millions of available ballots are there to tilt an election if need be. When we saw over 100% of eligible votes going to Obama in certain areas, that is proof enough that the extra, unused ballots were filled out illegally and counted.

Minorities are not helpless and they are perfectly able to register. Forget photo ID since that won't begin to address the real problem with cheating.

We need to have every citizen who plans to vote re-register and end motor voter. That way, the only ones who register will be those who intend to use their own ballot and we won't have millions of ballots at the disposal of dishonest poll workers and others who will stop at nothing to forge ahead with the far left agenda.

Illegal Aliens Voting
Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens Caught Voting In Florida In Large Numbers | Top Right News

Given the fact we have a notorious Chicago democrat in the White House are these 'voters' among the living?
There is no system to check citizenship, so it's easy for the left to claim the problem doesn't exist. How can it exist when they not only refuse to look for it, but make it difficult for anyone else to do so? I know the left likes to claim that minorities are so fucking stupid that registering to vote is just too hard for them.

Jesus, look at this mountain of straw men fallacies! Holy shit!

And then look at the evidence provided in the video. :eusa_whistle:

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