Yes it is anecdotal, but is there an undertow of old Democrats that will switch their votes?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
My mother lives with us, we have a full sized walkout basement where she lives.
So talking with her and she said something that stunned me. She is 80 years old. All of her siblings are still alive with the oldest at 82 and youngest 77. (5 in total) They all talk in an email group daily.
My mom has voted Democrat every election since 1958. Not once voting Republican. She does not like Trump, thinks he is rude and just not a good person..but hear this. She said she will probably vote for him because she cannot vote Democrat when they are supporting what these people are doing. She is afraid we will lose our identity as a nation and people, and the Democrats have let this happen by not stamping out the bad in the party.
Holy hell.
So then... she talked about her bros. and sisters and all but one is saying the same thing. (They have all always voted Democrat) Saying Trump is the only one speaking out against what is happening.

You know what the prime objective of Marxist and Communists regimes is?
DISCREDIT thy enemy.
That is exactly what the media has done to Trump over the last few years.

The media has 100% convinced anyone stupid enough to lend an ear that Trump is the anti-Christ.
And you'd be surprised of the people who have fallen into the Lemming line.
Even though Trump put some establishment hacks on the scotus, if Democrats win, I think we're going to see the most shocking turn towards Authoritarianism this nation has ever witnessed.

2nd amendment rights MUST GO PERIOD. That is going to be the primary push once they have power. Mark my words (you prolly already knew that)
Until Americans are disarmed, they won't feel 100% safe throwing you under the bus.

But overall, as long as we can only have a Republican party candidate or a Democrat party candidate, Washington DC wins....America loses.
You know what the prime objective of Marxist and Communists regimes is?
DISCREDIT thy enemy.
That is exactly what the media has done to Trump over the last few years.

The media has 100% convinced anyone stupid enough to lend an ear that Trump is the anti-Christ.
And you'd be surprised of the people who have fallen into the Lemming line.
Oh hell yes, but the question is.... the elderly Democrats. They don't buy into the regressive left. The majority of them are religious and are more like Republicans than Democrats in their daily living. They are home all day long. They still watch the news. And they are sitting there watching the country being torn apart, and the ones doing the tearing are Democrats. And the leading Democrats are NOT speaking out against it.
Oh hell yes, but the question is.... the elderly Democrats. They don't buy into the regressive left. The majority of them are religious and are more like Republicans than Democrats in their daily living. They are home all day long. They still watch the news. And they are sitting there watching the country being torn apart, and the ones doing the tearing are Democrats. And the leading Democrats are NOT speaking out against it.

I wish.
The old democrats in my family have 100% bought the line that Trump is the anti-Christ.
They all but disown me if I mention Trump as anything but scum and evil.
They are truly Snowflakes of the first degree.

If CNN or MSNBC says it....they will preach it, swear by it and call you a fool if you disagree.. I saddens me but they refuse to listen to any reasoning.
having people this delusional and misguided in my family hurts. Noting I can do for them.
You don't hear much about it now, but some time ago there was talk about how many Dems have left the party because the far left socialist loons have taken over. "I didn't leave the party, the party left me, remember that"? I don't know if many of them will vote for Trump cuz frankly he ain't easy to support but damn, the alternative is bat-shit crazy.
Like I said, i can't wait for November.


Or so you think.
Ironically, when Democrats win, blacks will begin to see exactly how used they were.
Fortunately, many blacks are too wise to be fooled by CNN etc

That said, trump will protect the establishment first and foremost.
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You don't hear much about it now, but some time ago there was talk about how many Dems have left the party because the far left socialist loons have taken over. "I didn't leave the party, the party left me, remember that"? I don't know if many of them will vote for Trump cuz frankly he ain't easy to support but damn, the alternative is bat-shit crazy.

Many have 100% bought the BS CNN and MSNBC spews about Trump. They believe it better to vote for Satan himself than trump
The media single handedly caused the fall of America.
If there was ever a civil war, all the media stations would have to be taken first, otherwise the war is already over.
My mother lives with us, we have a full sized walkout basement where she lives.
So talking with her and she said something that stunned me. She is 80 years old. All of her siblings are still alive with the oldest at 82 and youngest 77. (5 in total) They all talk in an email group daily.
My mom has voted Democrat every election since 1958. Not once voting Republican. She does not like Trump, thinks he is rude and just not a good person..but hear this. She said she will probably vote for him because she cannot vote Democrat when they are supporting what these people are doing. She is afraid we will lose our identity as a nation and people, and the Democrats have let this happen by not stamping out the bad in the party.
Holy hell.
So then... she talked about her bros. and sisters and all but one is saying the same thing. (They have all always voted Democrat) Saying Trump is the only one speaking out against what is happening.

I suspect it may depend on an individual's hot button issues. The Democratic Party is a full-on flaming shit show right now, and the Identity Politics/PC ideology that has essentially consumed it can be pretty fucking repulsive. And, at the same, there is the arrogant, ignorant ugliness that is Trumpism.

The tribe members are baked in, they're not going anywhere because they have no interest in understanding anything outside their little bubbles. But the rest of the country, the rest of us, have to wrestle with these two steaming bowls of shit.

I'd guess there are many like me, who would rather vote third party, or not even vote, but find one of the bowls of shit so detestable that they have to hold their nose and vote against it. I think we need to look at what it is about us, our culture, our society, that chooses the "leaders" we do.
You don't hear much about it now, but some time ago there was talk about how many Dems have left the party because the far left socialist loons have taken over. "I didn't leave the party, the party left me, remember that"? I don't know if many of them will vote for Trump cuz frankly he ain't easy to support but damn, the alternative is bat-shit crazy.
Are you aware of how many former Republicans say the same thing about their old party?
You don't hear much about it now, but some time ago there was talk about how many Dems have left the party because the far left socialist loons have taken over. "I didn't leave the party, the party left me, remember that"? I don't know if many of them will vote for Trump cuz frankly he ain't easy to support but damn, the alternative is bat-shit crazy.
Well that is kind of it isn't it?
In their eyes...
1) Vote for the entity that is tearing the country apart - or-
2) Vote for Trump who they don't like, but wants to stop the country from being torn apart
You don't hear much about it now, but some time ago there was talk about how many Dems have left the party because the far left socialist loons have taken over. "I didn't leave the party, the party left me, remember that"? I don't know if many of them will vote for Trump cuz frankly he ain't easy to support but damn, the alternative is bat-shit crazy.
Are you aware of how many former Republicans say the same thing about their old party?

Yeah, but the alternative is still bat-shit crazy.
My mother lives with us, we have a full sized walkout basement where she lives.
So talking with her and she said something that stunned me. She is 80 years old. All of her siblings are still alive with the oldest at 82 and youngest 77. (5 in total) They all talk in an email group daily.
My mom has voted Democrat every election since 1958. Not once voting Republican. She does not like Trump, thinks he is rude and just not a good person..but hear this. She said she will probably vote for him because she cannot vote Democrat when they are supporting what these people are doing. She is afraid we will lose our identity as a nation and people, and the Democrats have let this happen by not stamping out the bad in the party.
Holy hell.
So then... she talked about her bros. and sisters and all but one is saying the same thing. (They have all always voted Democrat) Saying Trump is the only one speaking out against what is happening.


Both my wife and mother have never paid any attention to politics in the past.

But they absolutely hate Trump with a passion, and would vote for a hedgehog before they'd vote for Trump.

I have found this reaction amongst many females.

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