Yes, it’s collusion. And conspiracy.

OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually bleev Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.

How much does it cost to break into Hillary's personal server to overcome her handy, dandy Norton firewall?

A 16 year old in a basement could have done it.
Yet no one was able to do it, and most were unaware of its existence.

You’re not smart.
The only people that run from facts are hard core Republicans and other assorted people on the right.

Good folks on the left accept the facts, good or bad.

Take that dumb dumb Claudette for example....every. single. post. of hers thus far in this thread has been nothing but conjecture and projection.

Nothing fact-based at all.


Trump does the very same sh!t so, we really should not expect anything less from those that adore him.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually bleev Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.

How much does it cost to break into Hillary's personal server to overcome her handy, dandy Norton firewall?

A 16 year old in a basement could have done it.
I don't see any 16 year old's here, do you? Neither do the actions described here sound all that simple.

Hacking a personal computer is not hard dingleberry.

Really that is all it took to sink Hillary. Show her ineptitude and deviant nature.

In short, present the truth.
Hillary’s server was not hacked.

You’re a complete dumbass.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually bleev Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.

How much does it cost to break into Hillary's personal server to overcome her handy, dandy Norton firewall?

A 16 year old in a basement could have done it.
Yet no one was able to do it, and most were unaware of its existence.

You’re not smart.
I see, so no one hacked her system.

According to Comey that was not the case.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually bleev Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.

How much does it cost to break into Hillary's personal server to overcome her handy, dandy Norton firewall?

A 16 year old in a basement could have done it.
Yet no one was able to do it, and most were unaware of its existence.

You’re not smart.
I see, so no one hacked her system.

According to Comey that was not the case.
You’re lying.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually bleev Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.

How much does it cost to break into Hillary's personal server to overcome her handy, dandy Norton firewall?

A 16 year old in a basement could have done it.
And yet no one did. So I guess you just made a fool of yourself.

As for cost, how much do you think the operating costs of the Internet Research Agency troll farm were?

How much do you think the operating costs of the GRU's Units 26165 and 74455 were?
The only people that run from facts are hard core Republicans and other assorted people on the right.

Good folks on the left accept the facts, good or bad.

Take that dumb dumb Claudette for example....every. single. post. of hers thus far in this thread has been nothing but conjecture and projection.

Nothing fact-based at all.

Fact: collusion is not a crime.
Fact: conspiracy is a crime.
A financial crime as in colluding to set prices. I don’t see any price setting here.
TR☭MP Campaign Manager colluded with Russian Intelligence to commit conspiracy against the United States on behalf of TR☭MP.

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Whenever you start investigating clinton, comey, mueller, steering govt contracts, sales of uranium, etc, get back to us. Otherwise....pound sand.

burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp :alcoholic:

you left out Kenya and Benghazi Mr Sandpounder
“There Is No Endgame”: Trump Aides Fear the Wall Will Be His Alamo


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