Yes, it’s collusion. And conspiracy.

It's a felony for a candidate or campaign to obtain anything of value, or pay for anything of value from a foreign entity for direct help in an election.

Manafort's screw up in redacting shows the Trump campaign gave the Russians polling data, at the same time it was trying to build a Trump Tower, during the election. What we don't have any proof of is why Trump/campaign did this, and what (if anything) they obtained from Russia.

once the Mueller team has had their final say I will gladly wait for the many trials for treason, the guilty verdicts, and the following executions for treason.
It's gets weirder by the day. But because of MANAFORT'S LEAK we now know there was a direct link in sharing data between Team Trump and Russia and the Oligarch Trump was trying to borrow money from for his Tower.
if Mueller can prove Manafort got something from Russia in return for his intel it will get really ugly for President Boris.
It's a felony for a candidate or campaign to obtain anything of value, or pay for anything of value from a foreign entity for direct help in an election.

Manafort's screw up in redacting shows the Trump campaign gave the Russians polling data, at the same time it was trying to build a Trump Tower, during the election. What we don't have any proof of is why Trump/campaign did this, and what (if anything) they obtained from Russia.

once the Mueller team has had their final say I will gladly wait for the many trials for treason, the guilty verdicts, and the following executions for treason.
It's gets weirder by the day. But because of MANAFORT'S LEAK we now know there was a direct link in sharing data between Team Trump and Russia and the Oligarch Trump was trying to borrow money from for his Tower.

I doubt that. Hell they offered a 50 million dollar bribe to get the Tower built but it didn't work. No Tower.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
“Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” Noble wrote. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.” Clinton’s campaign had paid Fusion GPS directly; it’s a campaign expenditure, not a campaign contribution. Since it’s not a contribution, the FEC allows it.

(Lawrence Noble, former chief counsel for the FEC)

Stark difference between Trump campaign sharing US polling data with Russia, to allow Russia to target their influence on our election.
And the word collusion is just used as slang for legalese, "conspiracy to defraud united states".
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually believe Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.
That is the CEO of google telling us the exact amount google got. It is a fact, deal with it.
Facebook got $100,000
Russian Accounts Bought $100,000 in Facebook Ads in 2016 Election

The problem was that the Obama admin didn't do as much as they needed to to keep Russia from messing with the 2016 election. The Russian ads were generally trying to create animosity between different factions in the US.
Hillary paid Russia $12m for the Steele Dossier to defeat Trump, that was real collusion.
if Mueller can prove Manafort got something from Russia in return for his intel it will get really ugly for President Boris.
We cannot know (yet) why Manafort did this, or if he was told to by the Trump campaign, and if so whether it can be tied to Trump personally. It may actually NOT be connected to the campaign getting help from Russia. It may have been Manafort acting on his own for his own interests.

But it really smells.

Months ago I posted Team Trump could not possibly be dumb enough to leave a paper trail or working hand in hand with the former KGB on the campaign. Ever sense then, shit's been happening to make me wonder if they weren't really that stupid.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
“Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” Noble wrote. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.” Clinton’s campaign had paid Fusion GPS directly; it’s a campaign expenditure, not a campaign contribution. Since it’s not a contribution, the FEC allows it.

(Lawrence Noble, former chief counsel for the FEC)

Stark difference between Trump campaign sharing US polling data with Russia, to allow Russia to target their influence on our election.
And the word collusion is just used as slang for legalese, "conspiracy to defraud united states".
This link says that Clinton paying for the Steele Dossier was illegal
Watchdog Group: DNC & Clinton Campaign Broke The Law With Dossier Payments
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
“Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” Noble wrote. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.” Clinton’s campaign had paid Fusion GPS directly; it’s a campaign expenditure, not a campaign contribution. Since it’s not a contribution, the FEC allows it.

(Lawrence Noble, former chief counsel for the FEC)

Stark difference between Trump campaign sharing US polling data with Russia, to allow Russia to target their influence on our election.
And the word collusion is just used as slang for legalese, "conspiracy to defraud united states".
This link says that Clinton paying for the Steele Dossier was illegal
Watchdog Group: DNC & Clinton Campaign Broke The Law With Dossier Payments
Your link is literally
1. I find it disturbing that our political leaders collaborate with foreign nations to win elections here.

2. The problem with this story is that the hypocrisy reeks to high heaven. We are only having this discussion because spoiled brats are STILL melting down because it was HER TURN.

3. I am no legal expert (lol) but I have seen no laws prohibiting the sharing polling information with foreign nationals. If someone could provide a link, that would be great. Otherwise, it sounds to me like this guy is talking out of his ass.

4. The "Russian Operatives" are never identified and their connection with the Russian government is never made clear -- by anyone. That brings me to the next issue--

5. The Russian Dossier (collaborating with foreign nations to win elections). The hypocrisy is nauseating.

6. Finally, this guy seems to believe that Trump is the one who hacked into the DNC servers and Trump is the guy who distributed the information. Hell, we don't even know how wiki-leaks got the info. If it was the Russians who hacked and gave the data to wiki-leaks, and distributed it, how does that point to Trump. Too many gaps in logic here.

Hopefully this makes clear why I am skeptical about all this bullshit and have already deemed it political ass hurt.

But, I will go on record right now. If somebody can find credible evidence that Trump or any other politician acted in any way to effectively cancel out the votes of those entitled to do so (not influence but making a vote not count), I want that person to receive the death penalty, and I am motherfucking dead ass serious. People died to give us the right to vote. People should die if they wrongfully and intentionally take it away.

OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually bleev Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.

How much does it cost to break into Hillary's personal server to overcome her handy, dandy Norton firewall?

A 16 year old in a basement could have done it.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
“Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” Noble wrote. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.” Clinton’s campaign had paid Fusion GPS directly; it’s a campaign expenditure, not a campaign contribution. Since it’s not a contribution, the FEC allows it.

(Lawrence Noble, former chief counsel for the FEC)

Stark difference between Trump campaign sharing US polling data with Russia, to allow Russia to target their influence on our election.
And the word collusion is just used as slang for legalese, "conspiracy to defraud united states".
This link says that Clinton paying for the Steele Dossier was illegal
Watchdog Group: DNC & Clinton Campaign Broke The Law With Dossier Payments

It would be great if you could some how manage to STAY ON TOPIC instead of spewing feces.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually bleev Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.

How much does it cost to break into Hillary's personal server to overcome her handy, dandy Norton firewall?

A 16 year old in a basement could have done it.
I don't see any 16 year old's here, do you? Neither do the actions described here sound all that simple.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually bleev Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.

How much does it cost to break into Hillary's personal server to overcome her handy, dandy Norton firewall?

A 16 year old in a basement could have done it.
I don't see any 16 year old's here, do you? Neither do the actions described here sound all that simple.

Hacking a personal computer is not hard dingleberry.

Really that is all it took to sink Hillary. Show her ineptitude and deviant nature.

In short, present the truth.
It is BEYOND HILARIOUS how Trump supporters continue to make excuses for Manafort & to give Manafort a pass on all of the illegal & dirty deeds Manafort has been accused of & has been convicted of.

HERE IS ALL WE NEED TO KNOW: Republicans & Trumpettes would rather be Russian than American

Hey. No one has to make excuses for Trump. There is nothing to make excuses for.

Carry on lefty loon.

I disagree....

After all, the house has started impe.......oh, wait.
OK, even if that bullshit is true, is it illegal? Did it really happen? Mueller has tons of bullshit, but none of it compares to the Clinton campaign paying Russians $12m for the Steele Dossier. What was the Obama admin doing while spying on the Trump campaign? They apparently didn't see anything illegal. So stop with the bullshit and put up a credible link.

‘Full Extent’ of Russian Meddling on Google in 2016? $4,700 Spent on Ads (VIDEO)

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia
I have noticed a lot of dumb fucks who actually bleev Russia only spent $4700 on meddling in our election.

This is actual retardation.

How much does it cost to break into Hillary's personal server to overcome her handy, dandy Norton firewall?

A 16 year old in a basement could have done it.
I don't see any 16 year old's here, do you? Neither do the actions described here sound all that simple.

Hacking a personal computer is not hard dingleberry.

Really that is all it took to sink Hillary. Show her ineptitude and deviant nature.

In short, present the truth.
That and a slow leak developed by the GRU by hacking Podesta and delivered to Assange. Were it was coordinated with the Trump campaign, to leak in a way to do maximum damage. That and a targeted campaign on social media designed to sway voters in battleground states by, what now seems to be implied by these leaks, a misinformation campaign facilitated by the Trump campaign's , campaign manager apparently giving polling data to someone who has connections to the GRU. Seems not something done by a 16 year old.
The only people that run from facts are hard core Republicans and other assorted people on the right.

Good folks on the left accept the facts, good or bad.

Take that dumb dumb Claudette for example....every. single. post. of hers thus far in this thread has been nothing but conjecture and projection.

Nothing fact-based at all.

Well, she’s an idiot, so…
The only people that run from facts are hard core Republicans and other assorted people on the right.

Good folks on the left accept the facts, good or bad.

Take that dumb dumb Claudette for example....every. single. post. of hers thus far in this thread has been nothing but conjecture and projection.

Nothing fact-based at all.

Fact: collusion is not a crime.
Fact: conspiracy is a crime.

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