Yes nazism is absolutely *leftist* according to today's American concept of leftism.

Change the channel, super duper...

If I didn't know better I would think you had seen me naked....

You can't dispute you and yours are the Nazis...
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS propaganda knows Nazis are right wing.

It’s you on the left that’s roaming around in

Gangs physically attacking those that don’t

Share your political Beliefs.

You are all Nazis....
Hilarious, brainwashed functional knucklehead LOL... A few isolated incidents a year ago and you Fox Bots are afraid to go outside.

Sad, it’s clear you are an ignorant zealot that refuses to accept facts…

Fake news cnn and msnbc have rotted your brain…

You liberals are the ones who are intellectually bankrupt,

that’s why you have to resort to violence.

We are not afraid of you and we will defeat you…

Just look at our history….

We have never lost to you Nazi’s…..
There has been a huge spike in right-wing hate crimes since Trump stupid. No liberal violence what so ever. Black Gangsta wannabes and punk anarchist anTifa are not liberals or Democrats d u h no matter how many times Fox Rush Etc show the same violence and idiots. They just hate racists and have very little support from liberals and Democrats. Don't be a hater dupe.
I'm so tired of listening to people chirrup "pfft Nazi is fascist and fascist is right wing and right wing is Republican and Republican is White and White is Nazi and Nazi is fascist" and so on and so on...


Nazis were not capitalists, people.
They were not Christians.
They were PROGRESSIVES and engaged in dangerous and frequently ignorant hero-worship of people who they thought were the arbiters of *science* and *intellect*. The Nazi party was founded by a bunch of young, smart, well educated dudes.

Those guys thought that all of Germany's problems could be cured by science and health, literally.
And they rejected Christianity because it put the lie to such nonsense.
They embraced eugenics..and rejected freedom of speech.

Who on our current political spectrum does that?

I'll tell you who...

The people who, like nazis, see everything through a filter of race.
The people who, like nazis, think children should be reared by the state.
The people who, like nazis, maintain capitalism is bad.
The people who. like nazis, seek to establish a single world order under their own ideology.

None of those are right wing tenets. All of those stances are symptomatic of radical, leftwing ideology.

Nazis are *right wing* only in their positioning, ideology-wise, to the marginal right side of marxism.

In fact, Nazis called marxists, *capitalists*, and reviled them for it. Which is a classic example of how propaganda worked then..and continues to work now...and is something else the nazis share with the left wing: their blatant and over the top use of propaganda to establish a false narrative that justifies the tyrannical and brutal acts of a murderous regime.

"Nazi rhetoric had become an integral part of a powerful anti-capitalist Zeitgeist, an ‘anti-system’ rallying cry that questioned the core principles of capitalism. Its proponents condemned its selfishness, materialism and unfairness, and instead demanded that the common good had to be protected from individual greed."
You are lost little girl.

The Program of the German Workers’ Party is a program for our time.

The leadership rejects the establishment of new aims after those set out in the Program have been achieved, for the sole purpose of making it possible for the Party to continue to exist as the result of the artificially stimulated dissatisfaction of the masses.

1. We demand the uniting of all Germans within one Greater Germany, on the basis of the right to self-determination of nations.

2. We demand equal rights for the German people (Volk) with respect to other nations, and the annulment of the peace treaty of Versailles and St. Germain.

3. We demand land and soil (Colonies) to feed our People and settle our excess population.

4. Only Nationals (Volksgenossen) can be Citizens of the State. Only persons of German blood can be Nationals, regardless of religious affiliation. No Jew can therefore be a German National.

5. Any person who is not a Citizen will be able to live in Germany only as a guest and must be subject to legislation for Aliens.

6. Only a Citizen is entitled to decide the leadership and laws of the State. We therefore demand that only Citizens may hold public office, regardless of whether it is a national, state or local office.

We oppose the corrupting parliamentary custom of making party considerations, and not character and ability, the criterion for appointments to official positions.

7. We demand that the State make it its duty to provide opportunities of employment first of all for its own Citizens. If it is not possible to maintain the entire population of the State, then foreign nationals (non-Citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich.

8. Any further immigration of non-Germans is to be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who entered Germany after August 2, 1914, be forced to leave the Reich without delay.

9. All German Citizens must have equal rights and duties.

10. It must be the first duty of every Citizen to carry out intellectual or physical work. Individual activity must not be harmful to the public interest and must be pursued within the framework of the community and for the general good.

We therefore demand:

11. The abolition of all income obtained without labor or effort.

Breaking the Servitude of Interest.

12. In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all enterprises (already) converted into corporations (trusts).

14. We demand profit-sharing in large enterprises.

15. We demand the large-scale development of old-age pension schemes.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle class; the immediate communalization of the large department stores, which are to be leased at low rates to small tradesmen. We demand the most careful consideration for the owners of small businesses in orders placed by national, state, or community authorities.

17. We demand land reform in accordance with our national needs and a law for expropriation without compensation of land for public purposes. Abolition of ground rent and prevention of all speculation in land.

18. We demand ruthless battle against those who harm the common good by their activities. Persons committing base crimes against the People, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished by death without regard to religion or race.

19. We demand the replacement of Roman Law, which serves a materialistic World Order, by German Law.

20. In order to make higher education – and thereby entry into leading positions – available to every able and industrious German, the State must provide a thorough restructuring of our entire public educational system. The courses of study at all educational institutions are to be adjusted to meet the requirements of practical life. Understanding of the concept of the State must be achieved through the schools (teaching of civics) at the earliest age at which it can be grasped. We demand the education at the public expense of specially gifted children of poor parents, without regard to the latters’ position or occupation.

21. The State must raise the level of national health by means of mother-and-child care, the banning of juvenile labor, achievements of physical fitness through legislation for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and maximum support for all organizations providing physical training for young people.

22. We demand the abolition of hireling troops and the creation of a national army.

23. We demand laws to fight against deliberate political lies and their dissemination by the press. In order to make it possible to create a German press, we demand:

a) all editors and editorial employees of newspapers appearing in the German language must be German by race;

b) non-German newspapers require express permission from the State for their publication. They may not be printed in the German language;

c) any financial participation in a German newspaper or influence on such a paper is to be forbidden by law to non-Germans and the penalty for any breach of this law will be the closing of the newspaper in question, as well as the immediate expulsion from the Reich of the non-Germans involved.

Newspapers which violate the public interest are to be banned. We demand laws against trends in art and literature which have a destructive effect on our national life, and the suppression of performances that offend against the above requirements.

24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations, provided that they do not endanger the existence of the State or offend the concepts of decency and morality of the Germanic race.

The Party as such stands for positive Christianity, without associating itself with any particular denomination. It fights against the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us, and is convinced that a permanent revival of our nation can be achieved only from within, on the basis of: Public Interest before Private Interest.

25. To carry out all the above we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the Reich. Unquestioned authority by the political central Parliament over the entire Reich and over its organizations in general. The establishment of trade and professional organizations to enforce the Reich basic laws in the individual states.

The Party leadership promises to take an uncompromising stand, at the cost of their own lives if need be, on the enforcement of the above points.

Munich, Germany

February 24, 1920.

Sources: Das Programm der NSDAP ("The Program of the National-Socialist German Workers' Party"); Yad Vashem

Yup sounds like the leftist American manifesto
According to today's beliefs communism is right wing and Republican.
According to today's beliefs communism is right wing and Republican.

Everybody was more Right-Wing than what we got in Western society today, Ultimately it's Capitalism, not Communism which is what lead to this society filled with social Liberal values, and being filled with immigrants.
According to today's beliefs communism is right wing and Republican.

Everybody was more Right-Wing than what we got in Western society today, Ultimately it's Capitalism, not Communism which is what lead to this society filled with social Liberal values, and being filled with immigrants.
They are refugees mainly thank you George W bush... He wrecked the Middle East for no reason and the World Financial system. Great job!
If I didn't know better I would think you had seen me naked....

You can't dispute you and yours are the Nazis...
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS propaganda knows Nazis are right wing.

It’s you on the left that’s roaming around in

Gangs physically attacking those that don’t

Share your political Beliefs.

You are all Nazis....
Hilarious, brainwashed functional knucklehead LOL... A few isolated incidents a year ago and you Fox Bots are afraid to go outside.

Sad, it’s clear you are an ignorant zealot that refuses to accept facts…

Fake news cnn and msnbc have rotted your brain…

You liberals are the ones who are intellectually bankrupt,

that’s why you have to resort to violence.

We are not afraid of you and we will defeat you…

Just look at our history….

We have never lost to you Nazi’s…..
There has been a huge spike in right-wing hate crimes since Trump stupid. No liberal violence what so ever. Black Gangsta wannabes and punk anarchist anTifa are not liberals or Democrats d u h no matter how many times Fox Rush Etc show the same violence and idiots. They just hate racists and have very little support from liberals and Democrats. Don't be a hater dupe.

Lol what a load of complete rubbish. Typical fake news.
If anybody hasn't posted it yet, the Peanut Gallery can find the National Bolshevism article at Wiki for a beginner intro into the roots of Nazi ideology along with the names of its top Nazi fans, along with links to other sources. No need to plow through yet another spam ridden thread on it.
If I didn't know better I would think you had seen me naked....

You can't dispute you and yours are the Nazis...
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS propaganda knows Nazis are right wing.

It’s you on the left that’s roaming around in

Gangs physically attacking those that don’t

Share your political Beliefs.

You are all Nazis....
Hilarious, brainwashed functional knucklehead LOL... A few isolated incidents a year ago and you Fox Bots are afraid to go outside.

Sad, it’s clear you are an ignorant zealot that refuses to accept facts…

Fake news cnn and msnbc have rotted your brain…

You liberals are the ones who are intellectually bankrupt,

that’s why you have to resort to violence.

We are not afraid of you and we will defeat you…

Just look at our history….

We have never lost to you Nazi’s…..
CNN MSNBC BBC France 24 and every other respected media in the world against Fox, super duper--for Dupe ignoramuses conspiracy nut jobs only...

Cnn and msnbc are all FAKE NEWS….

When their not lying they are leaving the truth out.

Only a fool or a Zealot would disagree…

I’m thinking you got both bases covered.
If I didn't know better I would think you had seen me naked....

You can't dispute you and yours are the Nazis...
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS propaganda knows Nazis are right wing.

It’s you on the left that’s roaming around in

Gangs physically attacking those that don’t

Share your political Beliefs.

You are all Nazis....
Hilarious, brainwashed functional knucklehead LOL... A few isolated incidents a year ago and you Fox Bots are afraid to go outside.

Sad, it’s clear you are an ignorant zealot that refuses to accept facts…

Fake news cnn and msnbc have rotted your brain…

You liberals are the ones who are intellectually bankrupt,

that’s why you have to resort to violence.

We are not afraid of you and we will defeat you…

Just look at our history….

We have never lost to you Nazi’s…..
There has been a huge spike in right-wing hate crimes since Trump stupid. No liberal violence what so ever. Black Gangsta wannabes and punk anarchist anTifa are not liberals or Democrats d u h no matter how many times Fox Rush Etc show the same violence and idiots. They just hate racists and have very little support from liberals and Democrats. Don't be a hater dupe.

Again, only a fool or a Zealot would say there’s

no violence coming from the left….

The true RACIST and HATERS are all on the left….

Plain to see for the sane…

You and your evil cohorts are being destroyed by

President Donald J. Trump……….

You lefties are only going to get nuttier as

President Donald J. Trump gets stronger….

We can’t wait until you nut jobs are jumping off bridges

and catching your hair on fire and fun shit like that……….

It’s got to suck to be you…..
Everyone in the world outside your bubble of BS propaganda knows Nazis are right wing.

It’s you on the left that’s roaming around in

Gangs physically attacking those that don’t

Share your political Beliefs.

You are all Nazis....
Hilarious, brainwashed functional knucklehead LOL... A few isolated incidents a year ago and you Fox Bots are afraid to go outside.

Sad, it’s clear you are an ignorant zealot that refuses to accept facts…

Fake news cnn and msnbc have rotted your brain…

You liberals are the ones who are intellectually bankrupt,

that’s why you have to resort to violence.

We are not afraid of you and we will defeat you…

Just look at our history….

We have never lost to you Nazi’s…..
There has been a huge spike in right-wing hate crimes since Trump stupid. No liberal violence what so ever. Black Gangsta wannabes and punk anarchist anTifa are not liberals or Democrats d u h no matter how many times Fox Rush Etc show the same violence and idiots. They just hate racists and have very little support from liberals and Democrats. Don't be a hater dupe.

Again, only a fool or a Zealot would say there’s

no violence coming from the left….

The true RACIST and HATERS are all on the left….

Plain to see for the sane…

You and your evil cohorts are being destroyed by

President Donald J. Trump……….

You lefties are only going to get nuttier as

President Donald J. Trump gets stronger….

We can’t wait until you nut jobs are jumping off bridges

and catching your hair on fire and fun shit like that……….

It’s got to suck to be you…..
The whole world outside your bubble of BS propaganda thinks you are nuts LOL....
It’s you on the left that’s roaming around in

Gangs physically attacking those that don’t

Share your political Beliefs.

You are all Nazis....
Hilarious, brainwashed functional knucklehead LOL... A few isolated incidents a year ago and you Fox Bots are afraid to go outside.

Sad, it’s clear you are an ignorant zealot that refuses to accept facts…

Fake news cnn and msnbc have rotted your brain…

You liberals are the ones who are intellectually bankrupt,

that’s why you have to resort to violence.

We are not afraid of you and we will defeat you…

Just look at our history….

We have never lost to you Nazi’s…..
There has been a huge spike in right-wing hate crimes since Trump stupid. No liberal violence what so ever. Black Gangsta wannabes and punk anarchist anTifa are not liberals or Democrats d u h no matter how many times Fox Rush Etc show the same violence and idiots. They just hate racists and have very little support from liberals and Democrats. Don't be a hater dupe.

Again, only a fool or a Zealot would say there’s

no violence coming from the left….

The true RACIST and HATERS are all on the left….

Plain to see for the sane…

You and your evil cohorts are being destroyed by

President Donald J. Trump……….

You lefties are only going to get nuttier as

President Donald J. Trump gets stronger….

We can’t wait until you nut jobs are jumping off bridges

and catching your hair on fire and fun shit like that……….

It’s got to suck to be you…..
The whole world outside your bubble of BS propaganda thinks you are nuts LOL....

You need to take your meds and a nap....
Hilarious, brainwashed functional knucklehead LOL... A few isolated incidents a year ago and you Fox Bots are afraid to go outside.

Sad, it’s clear you are an ignorant zealot that refuses to accept facts…

Fake news cnn and msnbc have rotted your brain…

You liberals are the ones who are intellectually bankrupt,

that’s why you have to resort to violence.

We are not afraid of you and we will defeat you…

Just look at our history….

We have never lost to you Nazi’s…..
There has been a huge spike in right-wing hate crimes since Trump stupid. No liberal violence what so ever. Black Gangsta wannabes and punk anarchist anTifa are not liberals or Democrats d u h no matter how many times Fox Rush Etc show the same violence and idiots. They just hate racists and have very little support from liberals and Democrats. Don't be a hater dupe.

Again, only a fool or a Zealot would say there’s

no violence coming from the left….

The true RACIST and HATERS are all on the left….

Plain to see for the sane…

You and your evil cohorts are being destroyed by

President Donald J. Trump……….

You lefties are only going to get nuttier as

President Donald J. Trump gets stronger….

We can’t wait until you nut jobs are jumping off bridges

and catching your hair on fire and fun shit like that……….

It’s got to suck to be you…..
The whole world outside your bubble of BS propaganda thinks you are nuts LOL....

You need to take your meds and a nap....
Great argument you have there. Not.
right wing hate attacks on the rise since Trump - Google Search
Sad, it’s clear you are an ignorant zealot that refuses to accept facts…

Fake news cnn and msnbc have rotted your brain…

You liberals are the ones who are intellectually bankrupt,

that’s why you have to resort to violence.

We are not afraid of you and we will defeat you…

Just look at our history….

We have never lost to you Nazi’s…..
There has been a huge spike in right-wing hate crimes since Trump stupid. No liberal violence what so ever. Black Gangsta wannabes and punk anarchist anTifa are not liberals or Democrats d u h no matter how many times Fox Rush Etc show the same violence and idiots. They just hate racists and have very little support from liberals and Democrats. Don't be a hater dupe.

Again, only a fool or a Zealot would say there’s

no violence coming from the left….

The true RACIST and HATERS are all on the left….

Plain to see for the sane…

You and your evil cohorts are being destroyed by

President Donald J. Trump……….

You lefties are only going to get nuttier as

President Donald J. Trump gets stronger….

We can’t wait until you nut jobs are jumping off bridges

and catching your hair on fire and fun shit like that……….

It’s got to suck to be you…..
The whole world outside your bubble of BS propaganda thinks you are nuts LOL....

You need to take your meds and a nap....
Great argument you have there. Not.
right wing hate attacks on the rise since Trump - Google Search

Let’s play a little game……

Lets go tit for tat…

You show me an example of recent hate from the right

and I will show you a recent example of the same from the left…..

I will wager I can provide more examples of hate from the left….

We all know you won’t bet because we all know you are full of shit,

and deep down unless you are a complete idiot you know it too…..
There has been a huge spike in right-wing hate crimes since Trump stupid. No liberal violence what so ever. Black Gangsta wannabes and punk anarchist anTifa are not liberals or Democrats d u h no matter how many times Fox Rush Etc show the same violence and idiots. They just hate racists and have very little support from liberals and Democrats. Don't be a hater dupe.

Again, only a fool or a Zealot would say there’s

no violence coming from the left….

The true RACIST and HATERS are all on the left….

Plain to see for the sane…

You and your evil cohorts are being destroyed by

President Donald J. Trump……….

You lefties are only going to get nuttier as

President Donald J. Trump gets stronger….

We can’t wait until you nut jobs are jumping off bridges

and catching your hair on fire and fun shit like that……….

It’s got to suck to be you…..
The whole world outside your bubble of BS propaganda thinks you are nuts LOL....

You need to take your meds and a nap....
Great argument you have there. Not.
right wing hate attacks on the rise since Trump - Google Search

Let’s play a little game……

Lets go tit for tat…

You show me an example of recent hate from the right

and I will show you a recent example of the same from the left…..

I will wager I can provide more examples of hate from the left….

We all know you won’t bet because we all know you are full of shit,

and deep down unless you are a complete idiot you know it too…..
I am not interested in your stupid anecdotes or your propaganda repeated hundreds of times. I gave you statistics about the huge number of right wing hate crimes against minorities of all Kinds since Trump.
Again, only a fool or a Zealot would say there’s

no violence coming from the left….

The true RACIST and HATERS are all on the left….

Plain to see for the sane…

You and your evil cohorts are being destroyed by

President Donald J. Trump……….

You lefties are only going to get nuttier as

President Donald J. Trump gets stronger….

We can’t wait until you nut jobs are jumping off bridges

and catching your hair on fire and fun shit like that……….

It’s got to suck to be you…..
The whole world outside your bubble of BS propaganda thinks you are nuts LOL....

You need to take your meds and a nap....
Great argument you have there. Not.
right wing hate attacks on the rise since Trump - Google Search

Let’s play a little game……

Lets go tit for tat…

You show me an example of recent hate from the right

and I will show you a recent example of the same from the left…..

I will wager I can provide more examples of hate from the left….

We all know you won’t bet because we all know you are full of shit,

and deep down unless you are a complete idiot you know it too…..
I am not interested in your stupid anecdotes or your propaganda repeated hundreds of times. I gave you statistics about the huge number of right wing hate crimes against minorities of all Kinds since Trump.

It’s plain for all to see….

You are full of shit just like all ignorant lefties….

You spout Insane Bull Shit you can’t back up in the real world…..

I knew you would weasel out of the wager because

We all know you would lose….

How does it feel to live a Lie?

You should try pulling your head out of your ass and smell the truth….

Later libtard……
The whole world outside your bubble of BS propaganda thinks you are nuts LOL....

You need to take your meds and a nap....
Great argument you have there. Not.
right wing hate attacks on the rise since Trump - Google Search

Let’s play a little game……

Lets go tit for tat…

You show me an example of recent hate from the right

and I will show you a recent example of the same from the left…..

I will wager I can provide more examples of hate from the left….

We all know you won’t bet because we all know you are full of shit,

and deep down unless you are a complete idiot you know it too…..
I am not interested in your stupid anecdotes or your propaganda repeated hundreds of times. I gave you statistics about the huge number of right wing hate crimes against minorities of all Kinds since Trump.

It’s plain for all to see….

You are full of shit just like all ignorant lefties….

You spout Insane Bull Shit you can’t back up in the real world…..

I knew you would weasel out of the wager because

We all know you would lose….

How does it feel to live a Lie?

You should try pulling your head out of your ass and smell the truth….

Later libtard……
I know you can come up with more examples, hater dupe, because that is what your hateful bulshit propaganda machine fills your head with... Doesn't change the fact that hate crimes by right-wingers are the only ones going up.
You need to take your meds and a nap....
Great argument you have there. Not.
right wing hate attacks on the rise since Trump - Google Search

Let’s play a little game……

Lets go tit for tat…

You show me an example of recent hate from the right

and I will show you a recent example of the same from the left…..

I will wager I can provide more examples of hate from the left….

We all know you won’t bet because we all know you are full of shit,

and deep down unless you are a complete idiot you know it too…..
I am not interested in your stupid anecdotes or your propaganda repeated hundreds of times. I gave you statistics about the huge number of right wing hate crimes against minorities of all Kinds since Trump.

It’s plain for all to see….

You are full of shit just like all ignorant lefties….

You spout Insane Bull Shit you can’t back up in the real world…..

I knew you would weasel out of the wager because

We all know you would lose….

How does it feel to live a Lie?

You should try pulling your head out of your ass and smell the truth….

Later libtard……
I know you can come up with more examples, hater dupe, because that is what your hateful bulshit propaganda machine fills your head with... Doesn't change the fact that hate crimes by right-wingers are the only ones going up.

I'm glad you admit I'm right....

This is a good first step in possibly regaining your sanity...

Don’t be afraid of the truth, it will set you free….
If anybody hasn't posted it yet, the Peanut Gallery can find the National Bolshevism article at Wiki for a beginner intro into the roots of Nazi ideology along with the names of its top Nazi fans, along with links to other sources. No need to plow through yet another spam ridden thread on it.
Meinkampf has a chapter devoted to Hitler's feelings about the German Workers Party. Wherein he discusses how they were unimpressive and he didn't want to join but he saw an opportunity to make the party his.

The Reichstag fire as well was blamed on the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), the National Bolshevists if you will.

The night of the long knives saw more reprisals against the communists.

A definite theme developing here.

Let’s play a little game……

Lets go tit for tat…

You show me an example of recent hate from the right

and I will show you a recent example of the same from the left…..

I will wager I can provide more examples of hate from the left….

We all know you won’t bet because we all know you are full of shit,

and deep down unless you are a complete idiot you know it too…..
I am not interested in your stupid anecdotes or your propaganda repeated hundreds of times. I gave you statistics about the huge number of right wing hate crimes against minorities of all Kinds since Trump.

It’s plain for all to see….

You are full of shit just like all ignorant lefties….

You spout Insane Bull Shit you can’t back up in the real world…..

I knew you would weasel out of the wager because

We all know you would lose….

How does it feel to live a Lie?

You should try pulling your head out of your ass and smell the truth….

Later libtard……
I know you can come up with more examples, hater dupe, because that is what your hateful bulshit propaganda machine fills your head with... Doesn't change the fact that hate crimes by right-wingers are the only ones going up.

I'm glad you admit I'm right....

This is a good first step in possibly regaining your sanity...

Don’t be afraid of the truth, it will set you free….
Your b******* lying piece of s***propaganda machine tells you all the stories of right-wingers being attacked, repeat them many times. You are a brainwashed functional moron. And also a conspiracy Nut Job. Typical GOP chump.

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