Yes or No

As a rule I’m very careful with whom I speak to about politics. I don’t do it with most, and definitely not with strangers, even when they try to engage me in a political discussion
Politics aren't a major component of who me and my friends are so I would still have the conversation. By major part I mean we'll freely state our opinions but know better than to try to push them onto one another.

Whether things got out of hand would be up to the stranger. If I keep my cool while the other person loses theirs then I consider it a win for me.
Broomstick Alert
Politics aren't a major component of who me and my friends are so I would still have the conversation. By major part I mean we'll freely state our opinions but know better than to try to push them onto one another.

Whether things got out of hand would be up to the stranger. If I keep my cool while the other person loses theirs then I consider it a win for me.
Broomstick Alert
Generally speaking, Conservatives are able (and willing) to discuss politics with those who have differing opinions. This is not true for Progressives, who either shun or personally attack those who do not share their beliefs.
Generally speaking, Conservatives are able (and willing) to discuss politics with those who have differing opinions. This is not true for Progressives, who either shun or personally attack those who do not share their beliefs.
I think so. My libtard friend I’ve know for years proves that point. He won’t outright say a fascist or racist is in the White House. Instead, he adds “like” to the end of it. So which is it dagnabit? He is or isn’t?

Another buddy swears that the main reason he supports Bernie Sanders is because rich people have too much money. And he can’t argue his own point as to why it’s bad to have more than others. He just says cuz it is.

I don’t understand how hard it is to keep it simple so everyone understands. They can’t do it.
Generally speaking, Conservatives are able (and willing) to discuss politics with those who have differing opinions. This is not true for Progressives, who either shun or personally attack those who do not share their beliefs.
I think so. My libtard friend I’ve know for years proves that point. He won’t outright say a fascist or racist is in the White House. Instead, he adds “like” to the end of it. So which is it dagnabit? He is or isn’t?

Another buddy swears that the main reason he supports Bernie Sanders is because rich people have too much money. And he can’t argue his own point as to why it’s bad to have more than others. He just says cuz it is.

I don’t understand how hard it is to keep it simple so everyone understands. They can’t do it.
Watch videos of these people freaking out when Hillary lost, case closed.
Generally speaking, Conservatives are able (and willing) to discuss politics with those who have differing opinions. This is not true for Progressives, who either shun or personally attack those who do not share their beliefs.

Have you read any of your posts?

Posit: Donald Trump is unfit to be President of the United States!

Maybe so....

If you were are having a conversation with a stranger in a park on a nice sunny day, and you both realized through pleasant conversation, that you are each others main adversary on here, would you still have a conversation? Would it get out of hand instantly?

Yes, I would. No I don’t think it would get out of hand.
A sincere question.
Smart ass comments are coming

Yes I would.

I don't know if the conversation would get out of hand.

I know on my part, it wouldn't get out of hand. I don't sweat the small stuff.

Some one calls me a racist, for disagreeing with them, and I'm going to call them a name BACK.

I never called you a racist so there is no reason to reply to my post that way.

I'm not surprised that you're so consumed with hate.

I don't think of you as my main adversary on this site.

I was not thinking of you, as the one that would probably not be able to not be rude to me.

Though, now that I think about it, I bet that the lefties on here, would be lot more polite face to face...


Oh, and reacting to being insulted, is not hate, it is anger.


Do you know there is more to life than this board? You really should get one.

If you can't take people calling you names, why do you call people names?

Because if you don't push back, the assholes get to create the illusion that their lies have credibility though the logical fallacy of proof by assertion.

Why become what you obviously don't like?

Big difference between lying about someone, and truthfully calling someone out for being an asshole to you.

That you make no distinction between the two, shows what side you are on.

Why put a answer about racism to a reply to one of my posts when it has nothing to do with me?

Because the question in the op is the thread topic. It was not, the person talking to you right now, would you...

I've met a lot of racists in my life. One thing I've learned from it, just walk away. I'm not going to change anyone and me saying something is only going to trigger them. Trash like that just isn't worth my time.

Too bad a lot of libs don't take their cue from you then. Most libs seem to love to get in the face of people they like to pretend are "racist" and troll them.

And, btw, being angry with someone is a dick to you, is not being triggered.

So if you're going to reply to me, make that reply relevant to me and what I've posted.

When you are the topic, or we are talking about you, I will be happy to. The thread was about someone else. Your confusion on that, was all you.

If someone called you a racist direct that post at them. Not me.

And I did.

Yes it is hate. Hate is one of the results of anger.

It can grow into that, if someone or some group of someone's acts in an asshole manner for many years. It starts as anger though.

Here's some advice I've learned in nearly 60 years of life, hate will kill your soul. If you hate long enough you will kill your soul. You will end up as a shell who spends all if it's time spreading as much hate and hurt to as many people as you possibly can because you will be incapable of any other emotions. You will be miserable and you will have caused your own misery.

This is just a message board. There are more important things in life than what some anonymous person on a message board posts to you.

If your life is so empty that a post on a message board upsets you that much, my advice is to go do something about it.

Get a life.

You will be much happier.

Sorry. NOt going to let people lie about me, especially to my face. They act the asshole, I am going to be calling them on their asshole behavior.
Maybe so....

If you were are having a conversation with a stranger in a park on a nice sunny day, and you both realized through pleasant conversation, that you are each others main adversary on here, would you still have a conversation? Would it get out of hand instantly?

Yes, I would. No I don’t think it would get out of hand.
A sincere question.
Smart ass comments are coming

Yes I would.

I don't know if the conversation would get out of hand.

I know on my part, it wouldn't get out of hand. I don't sweat the small stuff.

Some one calls me a racist, for disagreeing with them, and I'm going to call them a name BACK.
I see you pride yourself on maturity and ability to explain or defend your positions in a positive way.

Yes. And my willingness to not let assholes get away with being asshole.

They come at me high or they come at me low, either way, they don't get to walk over me.

No, I would walk away from the asshole.

That is because you are stuck inside a box and not open to other's opinions. Something I've seen countless times in your posts.

No, it is because you people tend to be assholes. I am completely open to other's opinions. I am not open to letting an asshole like you, insult me to my face, and pretend that it is a valid difference of opinion.
Not sure what your question has to do with "politics", but a very good rule is never discuss politics with family or strangers.
And then one wonders why so much of the nation lives in an echo chamber as we grow further and further apart politically.

This is an asinine 'rule' and I talk politics all the time with friends and family. Not a single issue. We should be talking politics, that is how ideas both grow and are killed - open discussion. This is particularly true with those you trust - they are the ones that can make you think the most about your positions.
No, I would walk away from the asshole.

That is because you are stuck inside a box and not open to other's opinions. Something I've seen countless times in your posts.

No, it is because you people tend to be assholes. I am completely open to other's opinions. I am not open to letting an asshole like you, insult me to my face, and pretend that it is a valid difference of opinion.

LOL, your post above is proof you don't have an open mind, and all you have are ad hominems and deflections.
No, I would walk away from the asshole.

That is because you are stuck inside a box and not open to other's opinions. Something I've seen countless times in your posts.

No, it is because you people tend to be assholes. I am completely open to other's opinions. I am not open to letting an asshole like you, insult me to my face, and pretend that it is a valid difference of opinion.

LOL, your post above is proof you don't have an open mind, and all you have are ad hominems and deflections.

Or it could be that my read on the situation is correct, and that you liberals tend to be assholes. That I am open to other people's opinions, but I am not open to letting assholes like you, insult me to my face and pretending that it is a valid difference of opinion.

I mean, obviously, that is a real option. To make the case that it is not, you would have to actually make such a case.

Just stating that it is not and dismissing me, ironically supports MY position, that you and people like you, tend to be assholes.

Just keeping it real over here. Your turn. You might want to give your next post some thought before you post.
I know people say you shouldn't talk about things like politics or religion at a dinner party or whatever, but I like having interesting conversations, so yeah, I would have a conversation with a political adversary, as long as they're capable of being civil. (Yikes, run on sentence.)

Just the other day I got into a conversation with an employee at a paint store here in Baja, about covid19. How else are people going to wake up if we don't communicate with each other, and instead live in an echo chamber bubble?
No, I would walk away from the asshole.

That is because you are stuck inside a box and not open to other's opinions. Something I've seen countless times in your posts.

No, it is because you people tend to be assholes. I am completely open to other's opinions. I am not open to letting an asshole like you, insult me to my face, and pretend that it is a valid difference of opinion.

LOL, your post above is proof you don't have an open mind, and all you have are ad hominems and deflections.

Or it could be that my read on the situation is correct, and that you liberals tend to be assholes. That I am open to other people's opinions, but I am not open to letting assholes like you, insult me to my face and pretending that it is a valid difference of opinion.

I mean, obviously, that is a real option. To make the case that it is not, you would have to actually make such a case.

Just stating that it is not and dismissing me, ironically supports MY position, that you and people like you, tend to be assholes.

Just keeping it real over here. Your turn. You might want to give your next post some thought before you post.

Okay, I have given my thoughts on Politics Today, and I honestly wonder why anyone will vote for Donald Trump for another four years?

Trump is in my opinion (and I'm not alone) mentally unfit to be President of the United States.

Open your mind and read the link on Personality Disorders:

Then: follow the page and read the elements in Clusters A, B & C thinking about Trump's behavior since becoming President.

Just keep it real, and answer my question, will you vote for Donald Trump?
No, I would walk away from the asshole.

That is because you are stuck inside a box and not open to other's opinions. Something I've seen countless times in your posts.

No, it is because you people tend to be assholes. I am completely open to other's opinions. I am not open to letting an asshole like you, insult me to my face, and pretend that it is a valid difference of opinion.

LOL, your post above is proof you don't have an open mind, and all you have are ad hominems and deflections.

Or it could be that my read on the situation is correct, and that you liberals tend to be assholes. That I am open to other people's opinions, but I am not open to letting assholes like you, insult me to my face and pretending that it is a valid difference of opinion.

I mean, obviously, that is a real option. To make the case that it is not, you would have to actually make such a case.

Just stating that it is not and dismissing me, ironically supports MY position, that you and people like you, tend to be assholes.

Just keeping it real over here. Your turn. You might want to give your next post some thought before you post.

Okay, I have given my thoughts on Politics Today, and I honestly wonder why anyone will vote for Donald Trump for another four years?

Trump is in my opinion (and I'm not alone) mentally unfit to be President of the United States.

Open your mind and read the link on Personality Disorders:

Then: follow the page and read the elements in Clusters A, B & C thinking about Trump's behavior since becoming President.

Just keep it real, and answer my question, will you vote for Donald Trump?

Trump's behavior has been fine, especially considering the out of control behavior of the press.

Your changing of the subject is noted, btw. My point stands. You liberals tend to be assholes.
There can be no civil conversations with liberals.

They're wasting the oxygen we humans need to live.
No, I would walk away from the asshole.

That is because you are stuck inside a box and not open to other's opinions. Something I've seen countless times in your posts.

No, it is because you people tend to be assholes. I am completely open to other's opinions. I am not open to letting an asshole like you, insult me to my face, and pretend that it is a valid difference of opinion.

LOL, your post above is proof you don't have an open mind, and all you have are ad hominems and deflections.

Or it could be that my read on the situation is correct, and that you liberals tend to be assholes. That I am open to other people's opinions, but I am not open to letting assholes like you, insult me to my face and pretending that it is a valid difference of opinion.

I mean, obviously, that is a real option. To make the case that it is not, you would have to actually make such a case.

Just stating that it is not and dismissing me, ironically supports MY position, that you and people like you, tend to be assholes.

Just keeping it real over here. Your turn. You might want to give your next post some thought before you post.

Okay, I have given my thoughts on Politics Today, and I honestly wonder why anyone will vote for Donald Trump for another four years?

Trump is in my opinion (and I'm not alone) mentally unfit to be President of the United States.

Open your mind and read the link on Personality Disorders:

Then: follow the page and read the elements in Clusters A, B & C thinking about Trump's behavior since becoming President.

Just keep it real, and answer my question, will you vote for Donald Trump?

Trump's behavior has been fine, especially considering the out of control behavior of the press.

Your changing of the subject is noted, btw. My point stands. You liberals tend to be assholes.

F. U. Trump's behavior has been fine? You're not just a liar, you are too dumb to offer any evidence to prove he is mentally fit to serve as President.

No, I would walk away from the asshole.

That is because you are stuck inside a box and not open to other's opinions. Something I've seen countless times in your posts.

No, it is because you people tend to be assholes. I am completely open to other's opinions. I am not open to letting an asshole like you, insult me to my face, and pretend that it is a valid difference of opinion.

LOL, your post above is proof you don't have an open mind, and all you have are ad hominems and deflections.

Or it could be that my read on the situation is correct, and that you liberals tend to be assholes. That I am open to other people's opinions, but I am not open to letting assholes like you, insult me to my face and pretending that it is a valid difference of opinion.

I mean, obviously, that is a real option. To make the case that it is not, you would have to actually make such a case.

Just stating that it is not and dismissing me, ironically supports MY position, that you and people like you, tend to be assholes.

Just keeping it real over here. Your turn. You might want to give your next post some thought before you post.

Okay, I have given my thoughts on Politics Today, and I honestly wonder why anyone will vote for Donald Trump for another four years?

Trump is in my opinion (and I'm not alone) mentally unfit to be President of the United States.

Open your mind and read the link on Personality Disorders:

Then: follow the page and read the elements in Clusters A, B & C thinking about Trump's behavior since becoming President.

Just keep it real, and answer my question, will you vote for Donald Trump?

I received one comment on this post, something I've called an idiot-gram, variety, deflection wrapped in an ad hominem. My open question is this:

Is Donald Trump mentally fit to serve as President of the United States? Yes or No. Before posting, check out these links and when reading them consider the behavior of Donald Trump:



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