Yes, Republicans really did re-elect Mark Sanford!!! Forfeits all "values"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
What a surreal week in Charleston, SC, one of our nation's oldest, most beautiful, most historically significant cities. Although it is the lone "liberal" city in South Carolina, the region on the coast as a whole still leans GOP and always has.

Well, the party of "family values" and honesty and proper use of tax dollars........just surrendered their trademark on all those values.

Mark Sanford lied to taxpayers. He disappeared on the job, with even the State Police not knowing where the heck he was. He used taxpayer money to travel to cheat on his wife. He shows up at his recent primary win with the new fling, in front of his kids....who didnt get prewarned she would be there. And, to top it all off, he was charged with trespassing on his ex-wife's beachfront property- snooping around using his cell phone as a flash light, and had court TODAY to answer to that accusation!!!!

Yet........the tea party radicals said fuck it. He has a big red "R". Traditional family values, honesty and proper use of tax money be damned.

Oh. By the way........two the most critical economic boosters in the Charleston region's recent history are the port dredging and the building of the massive Ravenel Bridge. Mark Sanford voted NO to both.

Why? Because it used government build a critical bridge, and to dredge the states #1 source of economic income- the Charleston port.

And we just put him back in office. OH and one last thing. Mark Sanford voted to impeach Bill Clinton as a House member for......yep, lying to the people and cheating on his wife!!!!!!

Mark Sanford- the new face of the Republican Party!
It's south carolina. They could run a eugenic supporting Koran burning inbred moron with a civil war beard and win.

Unfortunately they may try this in other states too.
Sanfords a POS no doubt but the Democrat that ran against him had her brother as her best qualification. She too has ethical issues or did you just not bother to read of her contempt of court arrest during her divorce in the '80's?
Nope, keep trying though

A cop who prefers democrats, disgusting

Yep, a former cop though.

But yes, I prefer democrats. And guess what? A LOT of cops, and firemen, and teachers.....are slowly leaving the radical GOP. See....a lot of people work for the government. Like cops. And firemen. And teachers.

OH....AND the military.

So, while those groups have always tended to lean right, the right has all of a sudden gone whacko, and turned ALL government into some evil entity that we should all hate. They spent the last 4 years demonizing the word "government" and spreading ideas of the evil government worker draining our tax dollars. They lumped cops, teachers and firemen into it. They are slowly (but in a far quieter way) lumping the military into it.

So while RIGHT NOW Wall Street and corporations are seeing record profits, the right is still pushing the idea of slashing government budgets at all levels. And a lot of those budget cuts are straight to the wallets of government employees. Because politicians who make those cuts will ALWAYS cut employee salaries and benefits first.

Why? Because cutting money for parks, earmarks, special projects, etc, etc. will piss off voters. But no one other than the employees themselves get pissed about cutting employee pay. So if you are, say, the mayor of a Southern city of 200,000 people, and you have 500 cops, who you gonna piss off more when budget cuts come around? Cutting funding for the unnecessary parks/rec dept and arts festivals and other government funded goodies.....and piss of 150,000 people (voters)...........or cut employee pay and piss off 500 people?

So yes. Many cops are telling the GOP to fuck off. ANd firemen. And teachers. And coming soon.....much of the military.
Sour grapes much?

I guess you all are beginning to dust off your excuses to use when you don't win the House back.
Ahhhh, well I see that once again, facts are NOT a friend of the left.

I hate to break the news to you, but South Carolina is a conservative state. Oh my GAWD, I know it's so hard to believe isn't it?!?!?! And you're going to piss and moan over a very liberal Democrat getting the crap kicked out of her?

Mark Sanford run against a very liberal Democrat. Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, when asked, did not know what the Toomey-Manchin bill was. In a state where 90% of the people do NOT want gun control and she didn't know what it was? She also opted out of most of the debates that she was presented with.

Mark Sanford ran a grass-roots campaign and traveled the state shaking hands, going to barbeques, and talking to people. Mark Sanford went door-to-door and let people vent their anger and frustration with him in person. When he spoke at functions he brought a life-size cutout of Nancy Pelosi with him. Elizabeth? Well, she opted for the big donor dinners with the Democratic elite. She didn't go door-to-door and absolutely shunned functions with 'regular folk' assuming that since she was running against Sanford, people would just naturally flock to her. They didn't.

When Sanford's infidelity (which I do not condone or defend by the way) was brought up, the Republicans in the state found an arrest mug shot of Elizabeth after she was arrested during a very, very messy divorce. The Democrats response? There wasn't one. You see it's kind of hard to throw stones when you live in a glass house.

The national Republican party didn't do hardly anything to help Sanford. He'll remember that, I'm sure.

You can cry and whine all you want about the people of South Carolina, but they had two choices in the end. Sanford or the spitting image of Nancy Pelosi. And you're shocked because a southern state chose Sanford?

The ignorance of the left never ceases to amaze and amuse me...
Nah, I wasnt crazy about Colbert-Busch either.

But, Republican voters had 12 other GOP nominees in the primary for this race. Yep, 12 other self-proclaimed fiscal conservatives with conservative "family values" to choose from. Many men who did not have Sanford's baggage.

But, the Republicans- who have stood on the idea of family values, honesty and responsible use of tax dollars as pillars of their ideology- instead chose to put Mark Sanford on the GOP ticket. Cheating on his wife, wasting tax money on trips to Argentina to cheat on her, lying to the taxpayers about it, voting NO to 2 of the states most crucial economic projects............all that be damned. He's a dad gum Republican, so none of that matters.

Mark Sanford is the new face of the GOP.
What a surreal week in Charleston, SC, one of our nation's oldest, most beautiful, most historically significant cities. Although it is the lone "liberal" city in South Carolina, the region on the coast as a whole still leans GOP and always has.

Well, the party of "family values" and honesty and proper use of tax dollars........just surrendered their trademark on all those values.

Mark Sanford lied to taxpayers. He disappeared on the job, with even the State Police not knowing where the heck he was. He used taxpayer money to travel to cheat on his wife. He shows up at his recent primary win with the new fling, in front of his kids....who didnt get prewarned she would be there. And, to top it all off, he was charged with trespassing on his ex-wife's beachfront property- snooping around using his cell phone as a flash light, and had court TODAY to answer to that accusation!!!!

Yet........the tea party radicals said fuck it. He has a big red "R". Traditional family values, honesty and proper use of tax money be damned.

Oh. By the way........two the most critical economic boosters in the Charleston region's recent history are the port dredging and the building of the massive Ravenel Bridge. Mark Sanford voted NO to both.

Why? Because it used government build a critical bridge, and to dredge the states #1 source of economic income- the Charleston port.

And we just put him back in office. OH and one last thing. Mark Sanford voted to impeach Bill Clinton as a House member for......yep, lying to the people and cheating on his wife!!!!!!

Mark Sanford- the new face of the Republican Party!
Wtf do you know about "values"? Please instruct us.
Conservative state with Conservative that I mean, none


You should see the so called conservatives in this city on the weekends. They have their mansions in Mount Pleasant and Kiawah and on The Battery. They of course vote only GOP. You know....damn those taxes and minorities.

They take the boat out on the water by day. Then, with their wives at home, they hit the downtown bar scene, 40 and 50 year old Mark Sanford voters.......trying to pick up the 20 year old College of Charleston women.

You see those types every freakin' day down here.
What a surreal week in Charleston, SC, one of our nation's oldest, most beautiful, most historically significant cities. Although it is the lone "liberal" city in South Carolina, the region on the coast as a whole still leans GOP and always has.

Well, the party of "family values" and honesty and proper use of tax dollars........just surrendered their trademark on all those values.

Mark Sanford lied to taxpayers. He disappeared on the job, with even the State Police not knowing where the heck he was. He used taxpayer money to travel to cheat on his wife. He shows up at his recent primary win with the new fling, in front of his kids....who didnt get prewarned she would be there. And, to top it all off, he was charged with trespassing on his ex-wife's beachfront property- snooping around using his cell phone as a flash light, and had court TODAY to answer to that accusation!!!!

Yet........the tea party radicals said fuck it. He has a big red "R". Traditional family values, honesty and proper use of tax money be damned.

Oh. By the way........two the most critical economic boosters in the Charleston region's recent history are the port dredging and the building of the massive Ravenel Bridge. Mark Sanford voted NO to both.

Why? Because it used government build a critical bridge, and to dredge the states #1 source of economic income- the Charleston port.

And we just put him back in office. OH and one last thing. Mark Sanford voted to impeach Bill Clinton as a House member for......yep, lying to the people and cheating on his wife!!!!!!

Mark Sanford- the new face of the Republican Party!
Wtf do you know about "values"? Please instruct us.


1- Not cheating on your wife
2- Not using taxpayer money to fly to Argentina to cheat on your wife
3- Not lying to the taxpayers or the state police about flying to Argentina on tax payer dollars to cheat on your wife
4- After doing 1-3, then you shouldnt then accept your primary win with the new Argentinan fling....without warning your kids she'll be there. Awkward.
5- After all of the above, try to NOT violate the divorce agreement by snooping around and trespassing at your ex-wife's house and then having a court date to defend those charges the day after you win the election.

That would be a good start to avoid doing 1-5.

We just endorsed this behavior by making Mark Sanford the new face of the GOP.
What a surreal week in Charleston, SC, one of our nation's oldest, most beautiful, most historically significant cities. Although it is the lone "liberal" city in South Carolina, the region on the coast as a whole still leans GOP and always has.

Well, the party of "family values" and honesty and proper use of tax dollars........just surrendered their trademark on all those values.

Mark Sanford lied to taxpayers. He disappeared on the job, with even the State Police not knowing where the heck he was. He used taxpayer money to travel to cheat on his wife. He shows up at his recent primary win with the new fling, in front of his kids....who didnt get prewarned she would be there. And, to top it all off, he was charged with trespassing on his ex-wife's beachfront property- snooping around using his cell phone as a flash light, and had court TODAY to answer to that accusation!!!!

Yet........the tea party radicals said fuck it. He has a big red "R". Traditional family values, honesty and proper use of tax money be damned.

Oh. By the way........two the most critical economic boosters in the Charleston region's recent history are the port dredging and the building of the massive Ravenel Bridge. Mark Sanford voted NO to both.

Why? Because it used government build a critical bridge, and to dredge the states #1 source of economic income- the Charleston port.

And we just put him back in office. OH and one last thing. Mark Sanford voted to impeach Bill Clinton as a House member for......yep, lying to the people and cheating on his wife!!!!!!

Mark Sanford- the new face of the Republican Party!
Wtf do you know about "values"? Please instruct us.


1- Not cheating on your wife
2- Not using taxpayer money to fly to Argentina to cheat on your wife
3- Not lying to the taxpayers or the state police about flying to Argentina on tax payer dollars to cheat on your wife
4- After doing 1-3, then you shouldnt then accept your primary win with the new Argentinan fling....without warning your kids she'll be there. Awkward.
5- After all of the above, try to NOT violate the divorce agreement by snooping around and trespassing at your ex-wife's house and then having a court date to defend those charges the day after you win the election.

That would be a good start to avoid doing 1-5.

We just endorsed this behavior by making Mark Sanford the new face of the GOP.
Are you seriously suggesting that liberal values in fact and fiction are any different?
Conservative state with Conservative that I mean, none

Oh you little political hack make it too easy!

And this is after a one second search. If I really wanted to I could dig up a WHOLE lot more....but you allready know that don't you sunshine...

Senate Democrats accepted Burris because they believed what he told them: He was clean. Burris now admits he tried to raise money for Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who authorities say sought to sell President Barack Obama's former Senate seat. And Burris is on the defensive, pleading with constituents to avoid what he calls "a rush to judgment."

"The story seems to be changing day by day," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat of Nevada, said Wednesday.

The political mess for the Democratic Party, however, isn't Burris' conduct alone; it's the pattern that has developed so quickly over the past few months.

• The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Charles Rangel, a Democrat of New York, is the subject of a House ethics investigation. It's partly focused on his fundraising practices for a college center in his name, his ownership financing of a resort property in the Dominican Republic and his financial disclosure reports.

• Federal agents raided two Pennsylvania defense contractors that were provided millions of dollars in federal funding by Rep. John Murtha, a Democrat of Pennsylvania, chairman of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee.

• Blagojevich was arrested Dec. 9 on federal charges, including allegations he schemed to sell the Senate seat to the highest bidder.

• Tom Daschle, the former Senate majority leader from South Dakota, abandoned his bid to become health and human services secretary and the administration's point man on reforming health care; and Nancy Killefer stepped down from a newly created position charged with eliminating inefficient government programs.

Both Daschle and Killefer had tax problems, and Daschle also faced potential conflicts of interest related to working with health care interests.

• Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was confirmed after revealing he had tax troubles.

• Obama's initial choice for commerce secretary, Bill Richardson, stepped aside due to a grand jury investigation into a state contract awarded to his political donors.

• While the Senate voted overwhelmingly to confirm William Lynn as deputy defense secretary, Obama had to waive his ethics regulations to place the former defense lobbyist in charge of day-to-day operations at the Pentagon.

Democrats' ethical problems piling up |
When it comes to the Republicans, principles and values are just something to beat the other guy with, don't try and make them stick to them.
Conservative state with Conservative that I mean, none

Oh you little political hack make it too easy!

And this is after a one second search. If I really wanted to I could dig up a WHOLE lot more....but you allready know that don't you sunshine...

Senate Democrats accepted Burris because they believed what he told them: He was clean. Burris now admits he tried to raise money for Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who authorities say sought to sell President Barack Obama's former Senate seat. And Burris is on the defensive, pleading with constituents to avoid what he calls "a rush to judgment."

"The story seems to be changing day by day," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat of Nevada, said Wednesday.

The political mess for the Democratic Party, however, isn't Burris' conduct alone; it's the pattern that has developed so quickly over the past few months.

• The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Charles Rangel, a Democrat of New York, is the subject of a House ethics investigation. It's partly focused on his fundraising practices for a college center in his name, his ownership financing of a resort property in the Dominican Republic and his financial disclosure reports.

• Federal agents raided two Pennsylvania defense contractors that were provided millions of dollars in federal funding by Rep. John Murtha, a Democrat of Pennsylvania, chairman of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee.

• Blagojevich was arrested Dec. 9 on federal charges, including allegations he schemed to sell the Senate seat to the highest bidder.

• Tom Daschle, the former Senate majority leader from South Dakota, abandoned his bid to become health and human services secretary and the administration's point man on reforming health care; and Nancy Killefer stepped down from a newly created position charged with eliminating inefficient government programs.

Both Daschle and Killefer had tax problems, and Daschle also faced potential conflicts of interest related to working with health care interests.

• Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was confirmed after revealing he had tax troubles.

• Obama's initial choice for commerce secretary, Bill Richardson, stepped aside due to a grand jury investigation into a state contract awarded to his political donors.

• While the Senate voted overwhelmingly to confirm William Lynn as deputy defense secretary, Obama had to waive his ethics regulations to place the former defense lobbyist in charge of day-to-day operations at the Pentagon.

Democrats' ethical problems piling up |

So, let me understand this...Your defense is to not defend it. But to say that other people do it too so that means its ok?

Gotcha! Since you hate liberals so much it only makes sense that you try to be like them...or something, no one knows what you're doing to be honest
When it comes to the Republicans, principles and values are just something to beat the other guy with, don't try and make them stick to them.
Seriously, and you would contrast that with what. Democrat values? Stop being stupid, take at least a day off.
If conservative Christians can forgive Sanford's trespasses, why can't liberal heathens, atheists, nihilists, or whatever they call themselves?

It's a strange thing when they wax Puritanical, isn't it?

Ugly, too.
Ok. Got it. The Republicans defend this by saying "See, Democrats do it too".

So my point is made.

Republicans- you have officially forfeited the right to EVER claim moral superiority in the areas of family values, honesty or responsible use of tax dollars.

If you TRULY were faithful to those ideals, Sanford never would've won even the GOP primary. But, you all voted for him, because you figured he'd be the best option to beat the Democrat- who you thought would vote to raise taxes.

So, when it came to:

A) Stick true to values, but, risk higher taxes
B) To hell with values, we dont want to risk higher taxes

You chose B.

The Party of values is over. It is now the party of no taxes. And that is ALL it is. The party of rich people who dont want to pay taxes. Thats the Republican Party. Period.

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