Yes, The Democrats Can Legally Access The Pres's Tax Returns, & Yes, The Info Will Be Made Public

Moron, what part of my post has anything to do with socialized medicine or politicians?
Do you read your own posts?

You whine like a 2 year old saying Trump promised to release his taxes and it hurt your feelings.

Then you eat the vomit that every Socialist dog spits out and you ask for 2nds.
Why are the complaints unfounded? He could still release his taxes if he wanted to.
He could. So could Pelosi.

But neither is obligated to do so.
She didn’t promise to.

He promised to do so after the auditing was over. Thanks to your post from yesterday, we know it is not over.
Nope, he said nothing about an audit when he first promised to release his taxes. His audit excuse came later as pressure mounted for him to release them.
...and YES, their doing so is completely politically motivated, no matter what they and their surrogate fake news media cohorts claim.

26 U.S. Code § 6103:
26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
The Code / Law allows the chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, among other senior lawmakers, to seek returns by sending a written request to the Treasury Secretary.
-- It is officially the authority of the Treasury Secretary to decide if those tax returns are released or not. (The President will undoubtedly 'pressure' the Treasury Secretary NOT to release them, appropriately pointing out the request is politically motivated. If Mnuchin refuses, however, Congress can hold him in Contempt of Congress.
*** The Code has rarely been used, but there has been no reported refusal by a Treasury Secretary.

Once in the hands of the Democrats, either in the House Ways and Means Committee or in the hands of Democrats in general, it is almost guaranteed that personal /private data will not only be leaked to the public but it will also be used to fuel more unsubstantiated claims, accusations, and attacks against the President.
*** The historic evidence of Democrat / conspirator / liberal media's leaking information - from Comey's to his professor buddy (with the intent it be leaked to the liberal press) to McCabe's leaking (for which he was recommended for indictment by the US IG) to D-Schiff's admitted leaking to the Mueller 'Hit Squad's leaking of info in the last few days - proves this to be the case.

Despite Democrats' claim their request for 6 years of Trump's tax returns is not politically motivated, the direct evidence that it is will be the almost immediate release / leak of information from those returns after they are released to the Democrats. IT WILL HAPPEN! (I predicted it officially here 1st! :p )

Another more immediate bit of obvious evidence exposing this as being politically motivated is that despite the Mueller report (so far) exposing there was no crime of collusion established, no indictments made for 'illegal collusion', and no more indictments coming, the Democrats want to go on this new 'fishing expedition', displaying they think they can find something criminal in the President's tax returns despite the IRS, whose job it is to audit tax payers and determine this, having found no evidence to date of criminal activity by the President, either.

Can House Democrats release Donald Trump's tax returns?

When dems lose the House back in the 2020 Landslide, we'll get EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR RETURNS RELEASED.
As pointed out in the OP this is legal and can not be blocked

Oh well. Can’t hide behind “they’re being audited” lies any more huh?

It's the Nuclear Option again.

When dems lose everything in 2020 and we get all their taxes too
I hate the racists.
Based on the fact that the DNC's leaked e-mails exposed racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic language...on the fact that several of the new Socialist Democrat party members are anti-Semites...based on the fact that the Democratic Party has openly embraced anti-Semitism...and based on the fact that one of the new Socialist Democrat Party's 2020 candidates is a perpetrator of Stolen Heritage - claiming falsely to be Native American just to con her way into a prestigious college and steal a minorities can't be a big fan of the new Socialist Democrat Party.

Oh no honey the right are the masters in racism. You want s fact ?
Most minorities overwhelmingly vote anti GOP because we know you are the party of the racists.
name something racist they did. ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,

As if you give a shit about America.

Says a troll that is triggered by MAGA.
name something racist they did. ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,
That's easy.

That mean old Trump and his evil MAGA campaign has forced a record % of minorities off of their knees by helping them get real jobs allowing them to personally provide for their families with self respect and dignity.

What a bastard....
name something racist they did. ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,ba,
That's easy.

That mean old Trump and his evil MAGA campaign has forced a record % of minorities off of their knees by helping them get real jobs allowing them to personally provide for their families with self respect and dignity.

What a bastard....
goes against everything the demolosers stand for.
Trump in 2014: "If I decide to run for office, I'll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do that," he said in an interview with Ireland's TV3.
Trump says he won't deliver tax returns to Congress
Look at you, trying to pass these off in the same context.
Congress asked the IRS for Trump's tax records in a desperate attempt to find something illegal; Trump will not allow the IRS to release them pursuant to said request.
Apples and oranges.
Trump in 2014: "If I decide to run for office, I'll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do that," he said in an interview with Ireland's TV3.
Trump says he won't deliver tax returns to Congress
Look at you, trying to pass these off in the same context.
Congress asked the IRS for Trump's tax records in a desperate attempt to find something illegal; Trump will not allow the IRS to release them pursuant to said request.
Apples and oranges.
It’s like during The Witch Hunt where “prove yourself innocent” or “connect the dots for us” kept being demanded.
It’s like during The Witch Hunt where “prove yourself innocent” or “connect the dots for us” kept being demanded.
They're desperate to continue a narrative - any narrative.
You know if you watch BBC they actually do talk about news effecting the globe and don’t talk only about Trump. We will look back on this period soon enough with astonishment as we nearly succumbed to emotional addleism.

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