Yes, the GOP will probably take the Senate....but

The Republicans, even if they win the Senate, will accomplish nothing in the next 2 years, and their do nothing-ness will look worse when they're the majority.

Then in 2016, they have to defend about 25 Senate seats to the Democrats' 10, worse than the Democrats had it this year, and,

2016, being a presidential year, will bring out the vote, which will favor Democrats.
The job is to Obstruct Obama...............and his BS policies................That job has been done and will continue to be done for the next 2 years...............

It will now force him to use the VETO..................Get it ready.

Okay, but honestly, that's actually a positive for the President. Reagan issued 78 vetoes, only 9 of which were overridden. Clinton issued 39, of which only 2 were overridden.

George H. Bush issued 44 vetoes, of which only 1 was overridden.

Not that I think it will get to that point. Best case scenario, the GOP only gets 53 seats, that's not enough to end filibusters.
Can you say "nuclear option"? I knew you could.
Our GOP has two years to make things right, or millions in our party, including me, are going to have to make a tough decision in 2016.

How can we make things right with your "My way or the highway" President in the WH?
Yes, the GOP will probably take the Senate....but

Only the misguided true believer will think it changes anything.

Larry J. Sabato s Crystal Ball

"The public’s unfavorable view of the GOP, which is even greater thanthe disgust with Democrats, will likely keep the party from achieving a true sweep — and suggests the hard work ahead by the GOP in Congress and the eventual presidential nominee in 2016."

Ironically, the GOP is praying for low voter turnout and hoping apathy will rule the day. So, the GOP is more and more depending on either obstructing the right to vote or hoping that no one will vote. That is one of their last chances for survival.

You mad bro?
What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them
What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.
Regardless it won't make any big difference. The parties aren't all that different and I expect more of the same.


Next some idiot is going to say that voter ID laws are all about fair and open elections.
Or that one of them is going to deny it.

Oh, we know what voter ID laws are all about. they are about the same things that the GOP's insistence to cut voting hours are about. The ID laws and the reduced voting hours are about keep minorities and people who need to work two jobs from voting....cause they are not the "republican" type.


Next some idiot is going to say that voter ID laws are all about fair and open elections.
Or that one of them is going to deny it.

Oh, we know what voter ID laws are all about. they are about the same things that the GOP's insistence to cut voting hours are about. The ID laws and the reduced voting hours are about keep minorities and people who need to work two jobs from voting....cause they are not the "republican" type.

yeah yeah, you won't ever stop spreading lies because you are party over country (and it pains me to say that) and the rest of us who do things the RIGHT WAY can go to hell in your book. you need ids to buy liquor but hey it's too much to ask they get ONE to VOTE
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What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.

"Liberal Nazis" :lol: Right up there with "deafening silence", "diet Coke" and "clearly confused".

After all this time you still don't get the irony in your own sigline. But thanks for running it -- it's like I get two.
Is this another far left excuse thread of why they will loose the senate?

they see the writing on the wall so they are getting prepared

Well even if the GOP takes the senate with 51 members, it will still not accomplish much other than showing that Obama is a wanna be dictator.

Of course Obama could just go along with the GOP controlled Congress, wonder what excuses the far left will come up for that one..
What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.

"Liberal Nazis" :lol: Right up there with "deafening silence", "diet Coke" and "clearly confused".

After all this time you still don't get the irony in your own sigline. But thanks for running it -- it's like I get two.

Another far left drone that does not understand such words unless it is applied to anyone that is not far left..
The Republicans are SO unpopular that they are gonna' make gains in the House and take the Senate.

I WISH I were that unpopular!

It is expected, as it has been since, I believe 1952, that a two term President's party will lose the Senate in his sixth year. The GOP will crow and plume its feathers and then go right back to be the party of obstruction and NO. They will send up some ridiculous bills which will be vetoed. In doing so, they will show the voters that they are not ready to govern. They are praying that as many people as possible stay at home tomorrow THE REPUBLICAN PLAN TO REGAIN POWER!

DO NOT VOTE! (unless you are white, and or male, and or a 1%er, and or have forgotten how they screwed up the country last time)
The lone democrat will be obstructing legislation and you think its still the republicans?

Talk about out of fucking touch with reality.
What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.

"Liberal Nazis" :lol: Right up there with "deafening silence", "diet Coke" and "clearly confused".

After all this time you still don't get the irony in your own sigline. But thanks for running it -- it's like I get two.

Another far left drone that does not understand such words unless it is applied to anyone that is not far left..

Oh look - POGO rears his head, yet again. There is no "irony" in your statement, fool. You made my point in it's entirety. What? You expected me to take it down? Absolutely not. It will always be there for all to see. YOU, my liberal Nazi friend, are the personification of the words "Liberal Nazi". And remember - it wasn't I who said that you liberals are Nazis. It was a VERY well-known democrat. And STILL not one of you have ever responded to that politicians statement back in 1968.

He had this generation completely pegged. However, I frankly believe that the more appropriate wording should be "Nazi Terrorist" rather than "Liberal Nazi" - but I take what is given to me..... :)
every day on this board forces me to elevate my belief of how stupid RW's really are.

10th floor, going up !

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