Yes, the GOP will probably take the Senate....but

What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.

"Liberal Nazis" :lol: Right up there with "deafening silence", "diet Coke" and "clearly confused".

After all this time you still don't get the irony in your own sigline. But thanks for running it -- it's like I get two.

Another far left drone that does not understand such words unless it is applied to anyone that is not far left..

Oh look - POGO rears his head, yet again. There is no "irony" in your statement, fool. You made my point in it's entirety. What? You expected me to take it down? Absolutely not. It will always be there for all to see.

And again, thanks for that. It's like a little present every time you post. As I said, it's like everybody else gets one sigline and I get two. You're too kind.

YOU, my liberal Nazi friend, are the personification of the words "Liberal Nazi".

I'm an oxymoron? Essplain.

And remember - it wasn't I who said that you liberals are Nazis. It was a VERY well-known democrat. And STILL not one of you have ever responded to that politicians statement back in 1968.

No idea what you're babbling about at this point. Have you seen a doctor?
every day on this board forces me to elevate my belief of how stupid RW's really are.

10th floor, going up !
Thats funny. Everyday, I see liberals and progressives prove there is no floor with regard to lowering their IQ....

Just so I understand what's going on here, let me see if I have this right:

Assuming the GOP takes the Senate, their goal over the next 18 months (before the next horrific and insulting campaign season gets up to speed) is to pass bills that Obama may or may not sign. And it is their belief that the bills he signs will clearly be positives for America -- enough that the electorate will see it in 2016 and give them credit -- and that they will be able to point to the bills he vetoes and convince the electorate that they WOULD have been good for America.

How close am I here?

Every bill the GOP passes is good for America

If you believe that I have a bridge in NYC you will be interested in purchasing for a really good price.
What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.

The Dems will filibuster just like the GOP did.

Oh, and you just conceded defeat by invoking Godwin's law.
What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.

The Dems will filibuster just like the GOP did.

Oh, and you just conceded defeat by invoking Godwin's law.

Take your "Godwin's law" and have fun running it up your hiney. Again, the point of this victory will soon be obvious. The Democrats will be FORCED to vote on the Senate floor. They will have no choice. Harry Reid will be yesterday's news. He will be unable to stop anything from coming to the floor for voting (as he has done for the last 8 years). Democrats will then have to be accountable for their voting records in '16.

Life is a bitch for you democrats - starting tonight. :dance:
What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.

The Dems will filibuster just like the GOP did.

Oh, and you just conceded defeat by invoking Godwin's law.

Take your "Godwin's law" and have fun running it up your hiney. Again, the point of this victory will soon be obvious. The Democrats will be FORCED to vote on the Senate floor. They will have no choice. Harry Reid will be yesterday's news. He will be unable to stop anything from coming to the floor for voting (as he has done for the last 8 years). Democrats will then have to be accountable for their voting records in '16.

Life is a bitch for you democrats - starting tonight. :dance:

Predictions from extremist TP whackos seldom have any credence.
What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.

The Dems will filibuster just like the GOP did.

Oh, and you just conceded defeat by invoking Godwin's law.

Take your "Godwin's law" and have fun running it up your hiney. Again, the point of this victory will soon be obvious. The Democrats will be FORCED to vote on the Senate floor. They will have no choice. Harry Reid will be yesterday's news. He will be unable to stop anything from coming to the floor for voting (as he has done for the last 8 years). Democrats will then have to be accountable for their voting records in '16.

Life is a bitch for you democrats - starting tonight. :dance:

Predictions from extremist TP whackos seldom have any credence.

Yet here we are, on the verge of kicking you Liberal Nazis in the balls......... :)
What are they going to call it when Obama VETOS all the bills the Republicans send to him?

the excuses should be good. Can't wait to see them

Here's the point of all of this: The republicans WILL take the Senate and keep (add) the House. This will obviously force the democrats to vote yea or nay on legislation because Mitch Mcconnell (or whoever is chosen to be majority leader) WILL do the exact opposite of Harry Reid - and actually DO his job. Democrats will have no choice but put their votes on the record.

By 2016 - America will see where these Liberal Nazis stand. Game, Set, Match.

The Dems will filibuster just like the GOP did.

Oh, and you just conceded defeat by invoking Godwin's law.

Take your "Godwin's law" and have fun running it up your hiney. Again, the point of this victory will soon be obvious. The Democrats will be FORCED to vote on the Senate floor. They will have no choice. Harry Reid will be yesterday's news. He will be unable to stop anything from coming to the floor for voting (as he has done for the last 8 years). Democrats will then have to be accountable for their voting records in '16.

Life is a bitch for you democrats - starting tonight. :dance:

Predictions from extremist TP whackos seldom have any credence.

Yet here we are, on the verge of kicking you Liberal Nazis in the balls......... :)

Blowing yourself because no one else will?
There's no doubt that republicans will take the Senate – and a win is a win, regardless how it's achieved.

But the problem for most on the right is that they'll incorrectly infer that this is some sort of an 'endorsement' of republican policies, when in fact it is not. And republicans need to seriously consider the value and meaning of a victory in the context of low voter turnout, with those voting not representative of the Nation as a whole.

Democrats deserve to lose, no doubt – the consequence of their failure to get out the vote, and the propensity of most democrats to not vote during Midterms; but republicans will still have many problems they need to address, problems that will be too late to fix come 2016.

Good grief.. so, if the Dems win, it I an endorsement of their policies but if the GOP wins, not so much... people still want what the Dems are offering, just not enough to vote for more of it.

That makes absolutely no sense.
There's no doubt that republicans will take the Senate – and a win is a win, regardless how it's achieved.

But the problem for most on the right is that they'll incorrectly infer that this is some sort of an 'endorsement' of republican policies, when in fact it is not. And republicans need to seriously consider the value and meaning of a victory in the context of low voter turnout, with those voting not representative of the Nation as a whole.

Democrats deserve to lose, no doubt – the consequence of their failure to get out the vote, and the propensity of most democrats to not vote during Midterms; but republicans will still have many problems they need to address, problems that will be too late to fix come 2016.

Good grief.. so, if the Dems win, it I an endorsement of their policies but if the GOP wins, not so much... people still want what the Dems are offering, just not enough to vote for more of it.

That makes absolutely no sense.

You must learn to think like a Progressive, in the most convoluted way imaginable.
There's no doubt that republicans will take the Senate – and a win is a win, regardless how it's achieved.

But the problem for most on the right is that they'll incorrectly infer that this is some sort of an 'endorsement' of republican policies, when in fact it is not. And republicans need to seriously consider the value and meaning of a victory in the context of low voter turnout, with those voting not representative of the Nation as a whole.

Democrats deserve to lose, no doubt – the consequence of their failure to get out the vote, and the propensity of most democrats to not vote during Midterms; but republicans will still have many problems they need to address, problems that will be too late to fix come 2016.

Good grief.. so, if the Dems win, it I an endorsement of their policies but if the GOP wins, not so much... people still want what the Dems are offering, just not enough to vote for more of it.

That makes absolutely no sense.
Clay cracks me the hell up. He thinks he has all the answers and is so brilliant. as he accuses everyone else of being ignorant
damn we needed Harrys decoder ring for that post of his

It was not the Framers' intent that there be a 'do-nothing' Congress.

sure it was!! The whole purpose of the huge cumbersome process was to slow things down so govt couldn't do the things it usually does, namely, oppress the people. They could have had a king if they wanted it to be easy for govt to do liberal things.[/QUOTE]
There's no doubt that republicans will take the Senate – and a win is a win, regardless how it's achieved.

But the problem for most on the right is that they'll incorrectly infer that this is some sort of an 'endorsement' of republican policies, when in fact it is not. And republicans need to seriously consider the value and meaning of a victory in the context of low voter turnout, with those voting not representative of the Nation as a whole.

Democrats deserve to lose, no doubt – the consequence of their failure to get out the vote, and the propensity of most democrats to not vote during Midterms; but republicans will still have many problems they need to address, problems that will be too late to fix come 2016.

Who was it that said "elections have consequences?"
I would always prefer that the House and Senate were controlled by a party opposite of the President's party, regardless of the President's party.

but sadly when govt is divided between opposites you get crap. Ideal is Republicans and libertarians control all so you have intelligent govt. With liberals still involved it is like we invited retards to help us with policy.

Easy to prove of course.
Larry J. Sabato s Crystal Ball

"The public’s unfavorable view of the GOP, which is even greater thanthe disgust with Democrats, will likely keep the party from achieving a true sweep — and suggests the hard work ahead by the GOP in Congress and the eventual presidential nominee in 2016."

Ironically, the GOP is praying for low voter turnout and hoping apathy will rule the day. So, the GOP is more and more depending on either obstructing the right to vote or hoping that no one will vote. That is one of their last chances for survival.

This is why no matter what happens today, the Republicans are going to get creamed in 2016. If Democrats worked at getting their people out to vote the way Obama did in 2012, then Republicans wouldn't have a chance. Today, the ground game is just as important to the Dems as running ads, and may actually be more important.
Larry J. Sabato s Crystal Ball

"The public’s unfavorable view of the GOP, which is even greater thanthe disgust with Democrats, will likely keep the party from achieving a true sweep — and suggests the hard work ahead by the GOP in Congress and the eventual presidential nominee in 2016."

Ironically, the GOP is praying for low voter turnout and hoping apathy will rule the day. So, the GOP is more and more depending on either obstructing the right to vote or hoping that no one will vote. That is one of their last chances for survival.

This is why no matter what happens today, the Republicans are going to get creamed in 2016. If Democrats worked at getting their people out to vote the way Obama did in 2012, then Republicans wouldn't have a chance. Today, the ground game is just as important to the Dems as running ads, and may actually be more important.

Yes but perhaps the shere stupidity of electing a man just because he's black will sink in and they won't be so dumb twice and elect Hillary just because she's a woman.
Larry J. Sabato s Crystal Ball

"The public’s unfavorable view of the GOP, which is even greater thanthe disgust with Democrats, will likely keep the party from achieving a true sweep — and suggests the hard work ahead by the GOP in Congress and the eventual presidential nominee in 2016."

Ironically, the GOP is praying for low voter turnout and hoping apathy will rule the day. So, the GOP is more and more depending on either obstructing the right to vote or hoping that no one will vote. That is one of their last chances for survival.

This is why no matter what happens today, the Republicans are going to get creamed in 2016. If Democrats worked at getting their people out to vote the way Obama did in 2012, then Republicans wouldn't have a chance. Today, the ground game is just as important to the Dems as running ads, and may actually be more important.

lets hope you end up eating those word make that prediction TWO years out from the elections

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