Yes, the GOP will probably take the Senate....but

Notice when they lose then they want others. TO REACH out to the other side. Have Bi-partisanship. THEY scream that word again, CIVILITY just like they did RACIST when they were in CONTROL

as far as I'm concerned you all can go to hell now

WE THE PEOPLE are back in control. NOT YOUR Democrat/commie party

actually, Obama is still President and there's not much you can do about that.

The real problem is what's going to happen when you Crazy Teabaggers come up against the grownups in your own party.

WATCH US do something about it. Obama is a MAN who is President he isn't our gawDdam DICTATOR
you are frikken warped and twisted in your older age
JoeB has a typical libtard solution to job the rich and piss the money away on failed ideas.

Yes, Roads and Schools are totally failed ideas.

We need to borrow that money from China and spend them on 400 Million dollar planes we can't fly in the rain.
Maybe Obabble should have sent a secret letter to HARRY to put repair of I-10 on the agenda back in 2010. Is that hiway shovel ready or what?!
Conservatives told you liberal Democrats 6 years ago that this would end badly, but you wouldn't listen. Obama's gonna "hope and change us"!! "He's the one!!"" Yippeee!!!! Piss was running down your legs and drool was running down your gaping mouths...You people are stupid that way- you're gullible and inexperienced. That's what happens you have no core values or beliefs. You just want to be loved!! is that so wrong?? Idiots buy any line of shit that is sold to you. So you bought Obama, hook line and sinker. Swallowed the whole rig.

Well, now the truth is plain to see. Your leader, the great Obama. is a failure on every level. He's disappointed even liberal bed wetters!! That's why you're losing this election. You elected an empty suit who was great at campaigning, and lousy at leading.

Live and learn. Hopefully you won't make the same mistake in 2016?


Dude, it is a cycle. Don't get too excited. In 2016, the Dems will win the WH again and regain the Senate. Remember, if Texas goes is over for the GOP. What big state is left?

Maybe the one trick pony Wendy Davis will run again in Texas.
Conservatives told you liberal Democrats 6 years ago that this would end badly, but you wouldn't listen. Obama's gonna "hope and change us"!! "He's the one!!"" Yippeee!!!! Piss was running down your legs and drool was running down your gaping mouths...You people are stupid that way- you're gullible and inexperienced. That's what happens you have no core values or beliefs. You just want to be loved!! is that so wrong?? Idiots buy any line of shit that is sold to you. So you bought Obama, hook line and sinker. Swallowed the whole rig.

Well, now the truth is plain to see. Your leader, the great Obama. is a failure on every level. He's disappointed even liberal bed wetters!! That's why you're losing this election. You elected an empty suit who was great at campaigning, and lousy at leading.

Live and learn. Hopefully you won't make the same mistake in 2016?


Dude, it is a cycle. Don't get too excited. In 2016, the Dems will win the WH again and regain the Senate. Remember, if Texas goes is over for the GOP. What big state is left?

Maybe the one trick pony Wendy Davis will run again in Texas.

don't give them any ideas I want the ugly woman to go away and STAY AWAY
Here's another slant:

The Supreme Court Will Be a Disaster If a Justice Dies During a Republican Congress
With their vitriolic obstruction throughout the Obama presidency, including a fight over the debt ceiling and a government shutdown, some Senate Republicans have shown a willingness to paralyze the basic functions of government—and might be comfortable with an evenly divided Court of eight justices, which could mean repeated 4-4 deadlocks and opinions that lack precedential value. There may be a parallel in the recent drawn-out fight over the D.C. Circuit, in which Republicans accused Obama of "packing" the court—he wasn't—and were perfectly happy to leave seats unfilled. That prompted Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to eliminate the filibuster with the nuclear option, which in turn led to Republicans promises of retaliation.

That retaliation may come at the expense of a fully functioning Supreme Court."

A Republican Senate in 2014 Could Stall Supreme Court Vacancies New Republic

The Supreme Court nominees still require 60 votes to over ride a filibuster. The nuclear option only covers other nominees. The only way a 4-4 court would happen is if a conservative Justice dies and enough Democrats vote to over ride a Republican filibuster.
Like I said - it galls the hell out of you liberal nazis.

Meh, not really. Bruce Rauner just came out for raising the minimum wage in IL.

The Republicans won because they started talking more like Democrats and less like people like you. If they mean it, it's governmetn most of us can live with. If they don't, they'll get swept out as quickly as they got swept in.

Sonny, you're so full of shit that your breath stinks. Now, after all these years of sitting on your thumbs - allowing NOTHING to get done in Washington - you are "willing to work" with republicans. Go pound sand, clown.

Your side got the shit kicked out of it. Now, they MUST be accountable for their voting records. The republicans are going to open the Senate again. America is going to work again. Suck it.
Notice when they lose then they want others. TO REACH out to the other side. Have Bi-partisanship. THEY scream that word again, CIVILITY just like they did RACIST when they were in CONTROL

as far as I'm concerned you all can go to hell now

WE THE PEOPLE are back in control. NOT YOUR Democrat/commie party

Indeed. Who was that politician that said "elections have consequences?" Suck it Barry.
Sonny, you're so full of shit that your breath stinks. Now, after all these years of sitting on your thumbs - allowing NOTHING to get done in Washington - you are "willing to work" with republicans. Go pound sand, clown.

Your side got the shit kicked out of it. Now, they MUST be accountable for their voting records. The republicans are going to open the Senate again. America is going to work again. Suck it.

Guy, you won a few backwater states with less votes than Romney got in them two years ago.

No one is impressed.

The ugly truth of midterms is that no one takes them seriously because no one votes in them.
Sonny, you're so full of shit that your breath stinks. Now, after all these years of sitting on your thumbs - allowing NOTHING to get done in Washington - you are "willing to work" with republicans. Go pound sand, clown.

Your side got the shit kicked out of it. Now, they MUST be accountable for their voting records. The republicans are going to open the Senate again. America is going to work again. Suck it.

Guy, you won a few backwater states with less votes than Romney got in them two years ago.

No one is impressed.

The ugly truth of midterms is that no one takes them seriously because no one votes in them.

Go sit down Joe, you are done at least until 16 ;)

You haven't dealt well with your impotence have you?

One political party, yes they are the same.

Wants to continue PRETENDING to provide affordable healthcare for as many as possible.

If it REALLY wanted to mae healthcare affordable it would abolish medicare, medicaid and all other regulayions.

Healthcare became expensive for the poor in 1965 when those two programs went into effect.

Go sit down Joe, you are done at least until 16 ;)

You haven't dealt well with your impotence have you?

again, everyone said Reagan was done after he lost the senate in 86. He wasn't.

Everyone said Bush was done after '06. He still managed to find ways to fuck up the economy and escalate the war.

If anything, Obama is kind of liberated. Now he can sign all the executive orders he wants.
One political party, yes they are the same.

Wants to continue PRETENDING to provide affordable healthcare for as many as possible.

If it REALLY wanted to mae healthcare affordable it would abolish medicare, medicaid and all other regulayions.

Healthcare became expensive for the poor in 1965 when those two programs went into effect.

Guy, the poor just didn't get healthcare before those two programs and they fucking died.

Which is why the average life expectancy in 1960 was 66 and today it's 78.

Okay,now being a LIbertarian Retard, this is where you say something about the Founding Fathers or Freedom or some such shit.
Sonny, you're so full of shit that your breath stinks. Now, after all these years of sitting on your thumbs - allowing NOTHING to get done in Washington - you are "willing to work" with republicans. Go pound sand, clown.

Your side got the shit kicked out of it. Now, they MUST be accountable for their voting records. The republicans are going to open the Senate again. America is going to work again. Suck it.

Guy, you won a few backwater states with less votes than Romney got in them two years ago.

No one is impressed.

The ugly truth of midterms is that no one takes them seriously because no one votes in them.

You are that guy that gets his ass kicked in a bar fight, goes home and tells his Wife that "he showed them". Face it. Sonny. You got your ass handed to you. Be man enough to admit it and move on.
You are that guy that gets his ass kicked in a bar fight, goes home and tells his Wife that "he showed them". Face it. Sonny. You got your ass handed to you. Be man enough to admit it and move on.

Um, no, not really. Frankly, you guys are going to find out how meaningless a midterm is when Obama starts vetoing your crazy shit.
ooooooh, goody, goody, i hope he vetos every bill that comes to him, then we will rapidly find out whom is the really true obstructionist !! :up:
You are that guy that gets his ass kicked in a bar fight, goes home and tells his Wife that "he showed them". Face it. Sonny. You got your ass handed to you. Be man enough to admit it and move on.

Um, no, not really. Frankly, you guys are going to find out how meaningless a midterm is when Obama starts vetoing your crazy shit.
ooooooh, goody, goody, i hope he vetos every bill that comes to him, then we will rapidly find out whom is the really true obstructionist !! :up:

More importantly, the Dems will have to go on the record (they haven't done that in 8 years) and show themselves to be the obstructionists that they are. In 2016 - they will be clobbered.

And, of course, the Half-Breed will be gone - so there's that.......
More importantly, the Dems will have to go on the record (they haven't done that in 8 years) and show themselves to be the obstructionists that they are. In 2016 - they will be clobbered.

And, of course, the Half-Breed will be gone - so there's that.......

Yes, I know it burns you he's accomplished more than you ever will, Uncle Tom.

You're too funny white boy......... :)

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