Yes, the NRA instructor with the AR-15 civilian rifle saved 26 lives in that church,gun grabbers cry

Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman
Asshole, that is really comforting to the people that the crazy killed, now isn't it? Maybe if we had laws for these assault rifles the same as for the full auto .45 Thompson, there would not have been 26 people murdered. You bastards insist on providing that crazies with the tools of mass murder. You are just as guilty of the murders as they are. There has been enough mass murders in this nation with these weapons to establish that they are a large part of the problem.

16,000,000 of these rifles in private hands.... 2 were used to murder 84 rental truck was used to murder 89 people....yet you aren't calling for banning pick up trucks and panel isn't the deaths that concern you...cause knives murder over 1,500 people every single year...while these rifles are used to murder less than 300 every year...if that.....

You are an irrational nut bag.........
Hes fucked in the head, the spineless control freak
Those are SUGGESTED regulations, they haven't been enacted to whit...

Amendments to the existing rules.

Hey, there's a reason we haven't had another fertilizer bomb since OK City. They actually DID something to keep it from happening again.

Ignoring ammonium nitrate law, Romney says OKC bombing is reason for no gun control

In fact, a law regulating ammonium nitrate sales was signed by President George W. Bush 12 years after the Oklahoma City Bombing. The Secure Handling of Ammonium Nitrate Act of 2007 required the licensing of ammonium nitrate facilities and registration for buyers.

“Transactions involving the sale or transfer of ammonium nitrate will be regulated at the point of sale and procedures for reporting a theft or loss of ammonium nitrate will be established,” according to the Department of Homeland Security.

“Each purchaser and seller will be required to apply for an Ammonium Nitrate (AN) Registered User Number with the Department, and each applicant will be screened against the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).”
Those are SUGGESTED regulations, they haven't been enacted to whit...

Amendments to the existing rules.

Hey, there's a reason we haven't had another fertilizer bomb since OK City. They actually DID something to keep it from happening again.

Ignoring ammonium nitrate law, Romney says OKC bombing is reason for no gun control

In fact, a law regulating ammonium nitrate sales was signed by President George W. Bush 12 years after the Oklahoma City Bombing. The Secure Handling of Ammonium Nitrate Act of 2007 required the licensing of ammonium nitrate facilities and registration for buyers.

“Transactions involving the sale or transfer of ammonium nitrate will be regulated at the point of sale and procedures for reporting a theft or loss of ammonium nitrate will be established,” according to the Department of Homeland Security.

“Each purchaser and seller will be required to apply for an Ammonium Nitrate (AN) Registered User Number with the Department, and each applicant will be screened against the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).”

And as i already showed you, none of them have been implemented yet. How many years ago did that terrible attack occur?

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