Yes, the NRA instructor with the AR-15 civilian rifle saved 26 lives in that church,gun grabbers cry

Oh? Crazy violent sociopaths can't figure out other means of killing people? Do tell...

I'm sure they can.... just not this effectively.

For instance, a violent sociopath named Tim McVeigh used fertilizer and diesel fuel to blow up a federal building. .

But a funny thing happened after that. They actually restricted who could buy fertilizer. They tracked who was buying large quantities of it to make sure they were actually, you know, farmers.

Ammonium Nitrate Security Statutes and Regulations | Homeland Security

Wow. You mean they checked into the backgrounds of people buying a dangerous item to make sure they weren't dangerous. What a totally crazy idea!!!!

I guess we should be glad that the Founders didn't write a badly worded amendment about farmers that would be misinterpreted 200 years later.

Those are SUGGESTED regulations, they haven't been enacted to whit...

Proposed Rule: Ammonium Nitrate Security Program (PDF, 50 pages – 379 KB). Published August 3, 2011. This proposed rule would implement anti-terrorism measures to better secure the homeland. The Department of Homeland Security would regulate the sale and transfer of ammonium nitrate pursuant to section 563 of the Fiscal Year 2008 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, Public Law 110–161 (PDF, 614 pages – 1.7 MB), with the purpose of preventing the use of ammonium nitrate in an act of terrorism. This proposed rule seeks comment on both proposed text for such a regulation and on several practical and legal issues integral to the development of an Ammonium Nitrate Security Program. Comments were accepted from all sources through December 3, 2011.

Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Secure Handling of Ammonium Nitrate Program (PDF, 3 pages – 59 KB). Published October 29, 208. This Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) seeks comment on a recent amendment to the Homeland Security Act entitled the Secure Handling of Ammonium Nitrate. The amendment requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS or Department) to "regulate the sale and transfer of ammonium nitrate by an ammonium nitrate facility ... to prevent the misappropriation or use of ammonium nitrate in an act of terrorism." Comments on the ANRM were accepted through December 29, 2008.
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman

After 26 lives...after another free access gun offered that chance...

So nice that you accept the death of many to justify you version of the Wild West.
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman

After 26 lives...after another free access gun offered that chance...

So nice that you accept the death of many to justify you version of the Wild West.

Moron...the Wild West wasn't wild...everyone carried guns......

And the reason the first 26 died was that morons like you have made every foot of public space you can get your hands on into gun free zones....notice....a good guy with a gun stopped him...not your gun free zone....

How was it free access to a gun.....? Moron.
Oh? Crazy violent sociopaths can't figure out other means of killing people? Do tell...

I'm sure they can.... just not this effectively.

For instance, a violent sociopath named Tim McVeigh used fertilizer and diesel fuel to blow up a federal building. .

But a funny thing happened after that. They actually restricted who could buy fertilizer. They tracked who was buying large quantities of it to make sure they were actually, you know, farmers.

Ammonium Nitrate Security Statutes and Regulations | Homeland Security

Wow. You mean they checked into the backgrounds of people buying a dangerous item to make sure they weren't dangerous. What a totally crazy idea!!!!

I guess we should be glad that the Founders didn't write a badly worded amendment about farmers that would be misinterpreted 200 years later.

Really? I think you need to check your history and your facts because you are wrong on both counts.

Why would he want to do that? He just spews lies and emotion and thinks that will convince people...
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman

After 26 lives...after another free access gun offered that chance...

So nice that you accept the death of many to justify you version of the Wild West.

Moron...the Wild West wasn't wild...everyone carried guns......

And the reason the first 26 died was that morons like you have made every foot of public space you can get your hands on into gun free zones....notice....a good guy with a gun stopped him...not your gun free zone....

How was it free access to a gun.....? Moron.

Not true, the reason why 26 were killed was it was easy to do. Guns, guns and more guns.

Your wrong about the start of his plan, not the good guy at the end of 26 lives.

You accept 26 ginny pigs to prove your point, I don't.
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman

After 26 lives...after another free access gun offered that chance...

So nice that you accept the death of many to justify you version of the Wild West.

Moron...the Wild West wasn't wild...everyone carried guns......

And the reason the first 26 died was that morons like you have made every foot of public space you can get your hands on into gun free zones....notice....a good guy with a gun stopped him...not your gun free zone....

How was it free access to a gun.....? Moron.

Not true, the reason why 26 were killed was it was easy to do. Guns, guns and more guns.

Your wrong about the start of his plan, not the good guy at the end of 26 lives.

You accept 26 ginny pigs to prove your point, I don't.

It was easy to do because only the killer had a gun....once you add in a good guy with a gun, he ran away....

I don't accept guys created gun free zones..that is on you....26 people accepted your idea about gun free took one good guy, with a gun, to save 26 lives...after your gun free zone allowed them to be easily murdered...and your background check system failed to keep him from getting a gun....your ideas failed...multiple times..

One man with an AR-15 civilian rifle, made this killer stop......that he was late to the scene is too bad, because had he been there sooner, more lives would have been saved...

Notice...genius....the police didn't get there at all........
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman

After 26 lives...after another free access gun offered that chance...

So nice that you accept the death of many to justify you version of the Wild West.

Moron...the Wild West wasn't wild...everyone carried guns......

And the reason the first 26 died was that morons like you have made every foot of public space you can get your hands on into gun free zones....notice....a good guy with a gun stopped him...not your gun free zone....

How was it free access to a gun.....? Moron.

Not true, the reason why 26 were killed was it was easy to do. Guns, guns and more guns.

Your wrong about the start of his plan, not the good guy at the end of 26 lives.

You accept 26 ginny pigs to prove your point, I don't.

Wow. Would you look at this. Looks like you are wrong yet again.

At least ten children among 84 slaughtered by truck driver who ploughed through Nice crowd ‘like a bowling ball while shouting Allahu Akbar’

Nice Terror Attack: Truck driver shouting Allahu Akbar kills 84 on Bastille Day
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman

After 26 lives...after another free access gun offered that chance...

So nice that you accept the death of many to justify you version of the Wild West.

Moron...the Wild West wasn't wild...everyone carried guns......

And the reason the first 26 died was that morons like you have made every foot of public space you can get your hands on into gun free zones....notice....a good guy with a gun stopped him...not your gun free zone....

How was it free access to a gun.....? Moron.

Not true, the reason why 26 were killed was it was easy to do. Guns, guns and more guns.

Your wrong about the start of his plan, not the good guy at the end of 26 lives.

You accept 26 ginny pigs to prove your point, I don't.

Wow. Would you look at this. Looks like you are wrong yet again.

At least ten children among 84 slaughtered by truck driver who ploughed through Nice crowd ‘like a bowling ball while shouting Allahu Akbar’

Nice Terror Attack: Truck driver shouting Allahu Akbar kills 84 on Bastille Day

How many mass shootings have happened in America since that tragedy in France?

And YOUR ability to use that one event after every mass shooting in America shows your morally indefensible philosophy to except murder as a political point.

And that is sad.
Last edited:
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman

After 26 lives...after another free access gun offered that chance...

So nice that you accept the death of many to justify you version of the Wild West.

Moron...the Wild West wasn't wild...everyone carried guns......

And the reason the first 26 died was that morons like you have made every foot of public space you can get your hands on into gun free zones....notice....a good guy with a gun stopped him...not your gun free zone....

How was it free access to a gun.....? Moron.

Not true, the reason why 26 were killed was it was easy to do. Guns, guns and more guns.

Your wrong about the start of his plan, not the good guy at the end of 26 lives.

You accept 26 ginny pigs to prove your point, I don't.

Wow. Would you look at this. Looks like you are wrong yet again.

At least ten children among 84 slaughtered by truck driver who ploughed through Nice crowd ‘like a bowling ball while shouting Allahu Akbar’

Nice Terror Attack: Truck driver shouting Allahu Akbar kills 84 on Bastille Day

How many mass shootings have happened in America since that tragedy in France?

And are YOUR ability to use that one event after every mass shooting in America shows your morally indefensible ability to except murder as a political point.

And that is sad.

Morality is a religious construct. The fact that I have guns that you don't like is not a moral issue. it is a control issue. The Paris France attack that killed more than both of these last two combined, shows that gun bans don't work. Face it, people who do these terrible things ALWAYS seem to get the tools they want. Until you accept that very basic fact, and try to come up with some tactic that will actually WORK, you are merely pissing up a rope.

I hope you don't get too soaked.
After 26 lives...after another free access gun offered that chance...

So nice that you accept the death of many to justify you version of the Wild West.

Moron...the Wild West wasn't wild...everyone carried guns......

And the reason the first 26 died was that morons like you have made every foot of public space you can get your hands on into gun free zones....notice....a good guy with a gun stopped him...not your gun free zone....

How was it free access to a gun.....? Moron.

Not true, the reason why 26 were killed was it was easy to do. Guns, guns and more guns.

Your wrong about the start of his plan, not the good guy at the end of 26 lives.

You accept 26 ginny pigs to prove your point, I don't.

Wow. Would you look at this. Looks like you are wrong yet again.

At least ten children among 84 slaughtered by truck driver who ploughed through Nice crowd ‘like a bowling ball while shouting Allahu Akbar’

Nice Terror Attack: Truck driver shouting Allahu Akbar kills 84 on Bastille Day

How many mass shootings have happened in America since that tragedy in France?

And are YOUR ability to use that one event after every mass shooting in America shows your morally indefensible ability to except murder as a political point.

And that is sad.

Morality is a religious construct. The fact that I have guns that you don't like is not a moral issue. it is a control issue. The Paris France attack that killed more than both of these last two combined, shows that gun bans don't work. Face it, people who do these terrible things ALWAYS seem to get the tools they want. Until you accept that very basic fact, and try to come up with some tactic that will actually WORK, you are merely pissing up a rope.

I hope you don't get too soaked.

Las Vegas killed 58 and Texas 26... count you count.

Additionally, morality doesn't come from religion. That is a very smug Christian falsehood.
Moron...the Wild West wasn't wild...everyone carried guns......

And the reason the first 26 died was that morons like you have made every foot of public space you can get your hands on into gun free zones....notice....a good guy with a gun stopped him...not your gun free zone....

How was it free access to a gun.....? Moron.

Not true, the reason why 26 were killed was it was easy to do. Guns, guns and more guns.

Your wrong about the start of his plan, not the good guy at the end of 26 lives.

You accept 26 ginny pigs to prove your point, I don't.

Wow. Would you look at this. Looks like you are wrong yet again.

At least ten children among 84 slaughtered by truck driver who ploughed through Nice crowd ‘like a bowling ball while shouting Allahu Akbar’

Nice Terror Attack: Truck driver shouting Allahu Akbar kills 84 on Bastille Day

How many mass shootings have happened in America since that tragedy in France?

And are YOUR ability to use that one event after every mass shooting in America shows your morally indefensible ability to except murder as a political point.

And that is sad.

Morality is a religious construct. The fact that I have guns that you don't like is not a moral issue. it is a control issue. The Paris France attack that killed more than both of these last two combined, shows that gun bans don't work. Face it, people who do these terrible things ALWAYS seem to get the tools they want. Until you accept that very basic fact, and try to come up with some tactic that will actually WORK, you are merely pissing up a rope.

I hope you don't get too soaked.

Las Vegas killed 58 and Texas 26... count you count.

Additionally, morality doesn't come from religion. That is a very smug Christian falsehood.

I can, clearly you're unable to...
The attacks were described by President Francois Hollande as an "act of war" organised by the Islamic State (IS) militant group.

Shootings and bomb blasts left 130 people dead and hundreds wounded, with more than 100 in a critical condition.

"Three co-ordinated teams" were believed to have been behind the attacks, according to Paris chief prosecutor Francois Molins.

In the days immediately after the attacks, French police carried out hundreds of raids across the country, as the search for suspects continued. Raids also took place in the Belgian city of Brussels.

This is how the attacks happened.

Paris attacks: What happened on the night
As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

except he didn't save 26 lives. 26 people died despite there being a good guy with a gun compensating for a tiny pecker.

Here's the thing. YOu don't get credit for solving a problem you caused.
You seem to have size issues... It’s best for you to stay in your mothers basement snowflake
Moron...the Wild West wasn't wild...everyone carried guns......

And the reason the first 26 died was that morons like you have made every foot of public space you can get your hands on into gun free zones....notice....a good guy with a gun stopped him...not your gun free zone....

How was it free access to a gun.....? Moron.

Not true, the reason why 26 were killed was it was easy to do. Guns, guns and more guns.

Your wrong about the start of his plan, not the good guy at the end of 26 lives.

You accept 26 ginny pigs to prove your point, I don't.

Wow. Would you look at this. Looks like you are wrong yet again.

At least ten children among 84 slaughtered by truck driver who ploughed through Nice crowd ‘like a bowling ball while shouting Allahu Akbar’

Nice Terror Attack: Truck driver shouting Allahu Akbar kills 84 on Bastille Day

How many mass shootings have happened in America since that tragedy in France?

And are YOUR ability to use that one event after every mass shooting in America shows your morally indefensible ability to except murder as a political point.

And that is sad.

Morality is a religious construct. The fact that I have guns that you don't like is not a moral issue. it is a control issue. The Paris France attack that killed more than both of these last two combined, shows that gun bans don't work. Face it, people who do these terrible things ALWAYS seem to get the tools they want. Until you accept that very basic fact, and try to come up with some tactic that will actually WORK, you are merely pissing up a rope.

I hope you don't get too soaked.

Las Vegas killed 58 and Texas 26... count you count.

Additionally, morality doesn't come from religion. That is a very smug Christian falsehood.

Rental truck....89, murdered ove 450 injured....

Both shootings, total, Las Vegas and Texas.....84...

and on top of that....there are 16 million of these rifles in this country......2 were used to kill fewer people than a rental truck.......
Not true, the reason why 26 were killed was it was easy to do. Guns, guns and more guns.

Your wrong about the start of his plan, not the good guy at the end of 26 lives.

You accept 26 ginny pigs to prove your point, I don't.

Wow. Would you look at this. Looks like you are wrong yet again.

At least ten children among 84 slaughtered by truck driver who ploughed through Nice crowd ‘like a bowling ball while shouting Allahu Akbar’

Nice Terror Attack: Truck driver shouting Allahu Akbar kills 84 on Bastille Day

How many mass shootings have happened in America since that tragedy in France?

And are YOUR ability to use that one event after every mass shooting in America shows your morally indefensible ability to except murder as a political point.

And that is sad.

Morality is a religious construct. The fact that I have guns that you don't like is not a moral issue. it is a control issue. The Paris France attack that killed more than both of these last two combined, shows that gun bans don't work. Face it, people who do these terrible things ALWAYS seem to get the tools they want. Until you accept that very basic fact, and try to come up with some tactic that will actually WORK, you are merely pissing up a rope.

I hope you don't get too soaked.

Las Vegas killed 58 and Texas 26... count you count.

Additionally, morality doesn't come from religion. That is a very smug Christian falsehood.

Rental truck....89, murdered ove 450 injured....

Both shootings, total, Las Vegas and Texas.....84...

and on top of that....there are 16 million of these rifles in this country......2 were used to kill fewer people than a rental truck.......
Progressives will always be scared of harmless firearms, It’s always been about control not firearms
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman
Asshole, that is really comforting to the people that the crazy killed, now isn't it? Maybe if we had laws for these assault rifles the same as for the full auto .45 Thompson, there would not have been 26 people murdered. You bastards insist on providing that crazies with the tools of mass murder. You are just as guilty of the murders as they are. There has been enough mass murders in this nation with these weapons to establish that they are a large part of the problem.
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman
Asshole, that is really comforting to the people that the crazy killed, now isn't it? Maybe if we had laws for these assault rifles the same as for the full auto .45 Thompson, there would not have been 26 people murdered. You bastards insist on providing that crazies with the tools of mass murder. You are just as guilty of the murders as they are. There has been enough mass murders in this nation with these weapons to establish that they are a large part of the problem.
Firearms don’t kill people people kill people, most people learn that in grade school you stupid ass motherfucker… LOL
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman
Asshole, that is really comforting to the people that the crazy killed, now isn't it? Maybe if we had laws for these assault rifles the same as for the full auto .45 Thompson, there would not have been 26 people murdered. You bastards insist on providing that crazies with the tools of mass murder. You are just as guilty of the murders as they are. There has been enough mass murders in this nation with these weapons to establish that they are a large part of the problem.

Wrong dipshit......If you ban the AR-15 civilian rifle......Virginia Tech, 32 people murdered with 2 pistols....moron.

Luby's cafe, 23 people murdered with 2 pistols....

But it isn't about the deaths, since knives murder over 1,500 people every is about banning whatever guns you think you have the power to ban, then moving on to the next gun....the deaths don't concern you, the power they give you to ban guns gives you the warm fuzzies.......

And again....that rifle was used to save 26 lives...your gun free zone allowed the killer to murder 26....and your federal government allowed that guy to get that gun....

It isn't the's you.
Gun control has never been about saving lives... its whole agenda is control. No two ways about it
Yep......the talking point of the left wing gun grabbers is that the former NRA instructor who used his privately owned, AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle didn't save any lives since the shooting was over by the time he got there.

As with almost everything anti gunners claim...this is not true.....the AR-15 rifle was used to likely save 26 lives in that church.....

The killer was walking around the church, murdering the injured.....he was walking up to one injured woman, and as he approached her, he shot the woman next to her....several times, .....and then, he was distracted by a man with a gun at the front of the church....

We know what happened from there....but don't take my is the son of the woman who was saved by the good guy with the AR-15 civilian, self defense rifle....and all the other people who were injured in that church...also saved by that man with the AR-15 civilian self defense rifle....

The son is on the following video telling what happened in that church....

WATCH: TX Shooting Victim's Son Tells Mom's Story of Encountering Gunman
Asshole, that is really comforting to the people that the crazy killed, now isn't it? Maybe if we had laws for these assault rifles the same as for the full auto .45 Thompson, there would not have been 26 people murdered. You bastards insist on providing that crazies with the tools of mass murder. You are just as guilty of the murders as they are. There has been enough mass murders in this nation with these weapons to establish that they are a large part of the problem.

16,000,000 of these rifles in private hands.... 2 were used to murder 84 rental truck was used to murder 89 people....yet you aren't calling for banning pick up trucks and panel isn't the deaths that concern you...cause knives murder over 1,500 people every single year...while these rifles are used to murder less than 300 every year...if that.....

You are an irrational nut bag.........

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