Yes...there was collusion and it is a crime

Rosenstein is an incompetent jackass. That's all you proved.
Rosenstein was appointed by Trump
All that proves is that Trump didn't really know who Rosenstein is.
Pretty careless for Trump to appoint him as deputy AG then don’t you think?
Trump keeps listening to estblishment RINO douchebags. He fucks himself every time he does that. He's got some of these weasels in his administration, and they need to go.

Trump is in a tight spot because he needs some people who know their way around government, but almost all those people are back stabbing weasels.

trumps biggest enemy is trump. Did u hear the rambling on FIX news yesterday morning. The idiot shots himself in the foot each time he open his orange mouth.

His words were used against by the attorneys looking into Cohen's case....hours after he ranted.

Ife he is deposed...he will doubt.

There's nothing for the witch hunt to use. That's purely a snowflake delusion.
Rosenstein was appointed by Trump
All that proves is that Trump didn't really know who Rosenstein is.
Pretty careless for Trump to appoint him as deputy AG then don’t you think?
Trump keeps listening to estblishment RINO douchebags. He fucks himself every time he does that. He's got some of these weasels in his administration, and they need to go.

Trump is in a tight spot because he needs some people who know their way around government, but almost all those people are back stabbing weasels.

trumps biggest enemy is trump. Did u hear the rambling on FIX news yesterday morning. The idiot shots himself in the foot each time he open his orange mouth.

His words were used against by the attorneys looking into Cohen's case....hours after he ranted.

Ife he is deposed...he will doubt.

There's nothing for the witch hunt to use. That's purely a snowflake delusion.

Answer Slade....or can you?
sure --just like we are going to war with North Korea--the nukes are COMING!!!!
RUN for the shelters
The Department of Justice Thinks That Collusion Is a Crime | The New Yorker

Manafort at least colluded...when he flips we will find out who else did.
Donald Trump, Jr. tried to collude. He so badly wanted to collude. But then his idiot father bragged to the world he was about to get some dirt on Clinton...

Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, plus collusion.

Mueller has indicated that he will finish the Obstruction report before an interview with trump. That would indicate that he doesn't need the interview to make his case. The Jolly Orange Liar has given him plenty of evidence through Tweets and insane outburts.

OoJ is a give me. Criminal Collusion is just around the corner. Cohen will flip....and heaven knows what secrets he will divulge. Over 15 years as Donalds fixer leaves much to the imagination.
The Department of Justice Thinks That Collusion Is a Crime | The New Yorker

Manafort at least colluded...when he flips we will find out who else did.
Donald Trump, Jr. tried to collude. He so badly wanted to collude. But then his idiot father bragged to the world he was about to get some dirt on Clinton...

Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, plus collusion.

It seems the Nunes led the H. or Rep. investigation which cleared Trump of Collusion - yet Nunes has not been cleared of colluding with Trump to obstruct justice.

Nunes knows he will not be reelected (no doubt in my opinion) and is feathering his nest with future employment with one one of the Conservative Think Tanks, Ministry of Truth Section.

It seems Nunes and Sarah H. Sanders are the front runners for the Ignoble Prize this year.
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The Department of Justice Thinks That Collusion Is a Crime | The New Yorker

Manafort at least colluded...when he flips we will find out who else did.
Donald Trump, Jr. tried to collude. He so badly wanted to collude. But then his idiot father bragged to the world he was about to get some dirt on Clinton...

Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice, plus collusion.

It seems the Nunes led the H. or Rep. investigation which cleared Trump of Collusion - yet Nunes has not been cleared of colluding with Trump to obstruct justice.

Nunes knows he will not be reelected, no doubt in my opinion, and is feathering his nest with future employment with one one of the Conservative Think Tanks, Ministry of Truth Section.

It seems Nunes and Sarah H. Sanders are the front runners for the Ignoble Prize this year.

Nunes is a trump lapdog.
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That statute doesn't work unless one can prove the crime or intended crime.
Gee, I guess all those indictments and guilty pleas must be fake news!
I was all set to vote for Hillary when I suddenly remembered a Russian sponsored post on The Facebook and then flipped over to Trump, snoe
You know, you're just too stupid to bother with. Seriously.

I'm done with you.

That statute doesn't work unless one can prove the crime or intended crime.
Gee, I guess all those indictments and guilty pleas must be fake news!
Trump was indicted and pled guilty

r u sure or are you just walking again

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