Yes...there was collusion and it is a crime



I hear that Mueller is going to charge Trump's driver for running a red light!
And there is clear Trump tower collusion at the bar that serves vodka

I hear that Trump's secretary watched "To Russian With Love" the other night.

So Much Collusion!
I heard Trump was Russian to the toilet yesterday.

Collusion Collusion Collusion.
Trump has gotten the biggest threat on the planet to re-evaluate the NK position and Libbies are welded to the fantastic notion that Russian somebodies altered the outcome of the election
Pure fantasy may be a comfortable safe space for children but for adults??????

I hear that Mueller is going to charge Trump's driver for running a red light!
And there is clear Trump tower collusion at the bar that serves vodka

I hear that Trump's secretary watched "To Russian With Love" the other night.

So Much Collusion!
I heard Trump was Russian to the toilet yesterday.

Collusion Collusion Collusion.

Trump once ate a Russian Tea Cake.

Now that's what I call COLLUSION!

I hear that Mueller is going to charge Trump's driver for running a red light!
And there is clear Trump tower collusion at the bar that serves vodka

I hear that Trump's secretary watched "To Russian With Love" the other night.

So Much Collusion!
I heard Trump was Russian to the toilet yesterday.

Collusion Collusion Collusion.

Trump once ate a Russian Tea Cake.

Now that's what I call COLLUSION!
Trump once charged three hundred dollars at the Russian tea room...... and it's on his credit record with the vodka bill as well
And even Mo Busted!

Oh Teh Collusion!!!!1

From the article:

Daily Comment
The Department of Justice Thinks That Collusion Is a Crime
By Jeffrey Toobin

April 4, 2018


The special counsel in the Russia investigation, Robert Mueller, now has the authority, and the legal theory, to bring criminal charges for collusion.

Photograph by Tin Shen / Xinhua / eyevine / Redux

Is collusion a crime? That is one of the central questions of the investigation into Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. elections. Even if it could be proved that Donald Trump and his supporters worked with the Russian government, or with Russian citizens, to win the Presidential race, would that activity have violated United States law? It’s long been an article of faith for Trump supporters, and for Trump himself, that collusion is not illegal. As the President told the Times in an interview last December, “There is no collusion, and even if there was, it’s not a crime.”

Now, it appears, Trump’s own Justice Department may have a different view. That conclusion appears in a document released earlier this week, in the course of pre-trial litigation in the case of Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, on charges including money laundering. Lawyers for Manafort, who has pleaded not guilty to the charges, asked that they be dismissed on the grounds that Robert Mueller, the special counsel, did not have the right to bring them; Manafort’s lawyers assert that the case—which centers on work that Manafort did for the pro-Russia government of Ukraine—was outside Mueller’s jurisdiction.

In response to this claim, Mueller filed a brief that laid out the basis for him to bring the case. As described in the brief, after Mueller was appointed, in May of last year, he asked Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General and Mueller’s supervisor, for specific authorization for the areas that he wanted to investigate. In a memorandum issued on August 2nd, Rosenstein spelled out the details of Mueller’s jurisdiction. He said that Mueller had the authority to investigate:

Allegations that Paul Manafort:

Committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government’s efforts to interfere with the 2016 election for President of the United States, in violation of United States law;

That doesn't say that collusion is a crime, dumbfuck.
I was all set to vote for Hillary when I suddenly remembered a Russian sponsored post on The Facebook and then flipped over to Trump, snoe
The Russia stuff is very overblown however Trump and his minions never should have lied about it. This mess likely would not have grown to the level that it has.

They didn't lie about anything. That's snowflake horseshit.

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