Yes, You're A Communist

As much s the citizens of that state will allow. If enough of us protest with votes and activism we could cause sweeping tax reforms. If it was as much of a concern as you posit, I suspect the majority of voters would have pressed their elected representatives toward that goal. That is, if the Republic would permit We The People to do that. The middle men have ways of thwarting the public's wishes don't they?

On the other hand, if 51% find they can take from the other 49% using the implied violence of the state..

Hence, California.
well, are you trying to tell me you are against majority rule? What are you; an oligarch's shill or a fascist?
So, you really have no clue at all what an economic system is or how they operate... :thup:

I was responding to the post about coercion not economics,. Please pay attention!

And you failed completely on that as well. You choosing a crappy career is not coercion.
And I suppose you are the sole arbiter of who "fails" here or not! KMFA..heh heh heh! You don't know what my career is so stop being silly. I did alright with my life, that is all you need to know. Whats the matter did I hit a nerve? You are one of those trapped "wanna be capitalists burdened by credit card debt, mortgages and student loans aren't you. The list is probably longer but I AM merciful sometimes.

No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.
Last edited:
The key to Communism is plank 1. How many Democrats in public office can you name who support the abolition of private property?

All of them.

Oh, they won't say it in those terms, but when we hear them rail against inherited wealth they are saying that property does not belong to the owner to bequeath as she chooses, but is rightfully the property of the state to disperse as they please.

Bernie Sanders Calls For 65% Top Estate Tax Rate

All Democrats want to abolish all private property. I'd say that's idiotic even for you, but I'd be forgetting much else of what you've said on USMB.

Suffice to say that's idiotic.

The commies at the EPA want to change the interpretation of the Clean Water Act to define "Navigable Waters of the United States" to mean any water in the United States. That means the EPA could regulate your property if you have a temporary puddle on it after a rainstorm. If you were to landscape your land and eliminate the puddle, the EPA could fine you for tens of thousands of dollars per day. The decision is totally up to the EPA and totally arbitrary. That amounts to outright confiscation of all the private property in the USA.

I have never seen any of you private property loving leftwing douche bags attack this policy. Many have supported it.

Just admit you're a commie right now while you're ahead.

We all know the truth.
We have pumped a Poli post to 759. She should be ecstatic.
She should thank NY for all he has fed her. It was good, nourishing food, but I doubt she accepts it gracefully. In fact, it might give her indigestion.
Her little minions scuttling around trying to prop up her suppositions merit no more than ridicule; not even that. She is their star. Without her, there would be no entertainment.
Thanks also to JQ, Jillian, Wind, Dr. and anyone overlooked.
It was good yuks.
Now, good luck.

An eruption of vomit dignifying nothing.
The key to Communism is plank 1. How many Democrats in public office can you name who support the abolition of private property?

All of them.

Oh, they won't say it in those terms, but when we hear them rail against inherited wealth they are saying that property does not belong to the owner to bequeath as she chooses, but is rightfully the property of the state to disperse as they please.

Bernie Sanders Calls For 65% Top Estate Tax Rate

All Democrats want to abolish all private property. I'd say that's idiotic even for you, but I'd be forgetting much else of what you've said on USMB.

Suffice to say that's idiotic.

Do you oppose the EPA's policy on changing the definition of "Navigable Waters of the United States?"
Lincoln wasn't an economist. His theory is false.

Capitalism is the system that results when you respect the laws of economics. They are not whims. They are laws.
Lincoln didn't have to be an economist to realize that Capitalism depends on cheap labor, cheap raw materials and cheap energy so that there is enough profit to pay the owners of the means of production far more than they deserve and to pay the workers far, far less than they deserve.

Capitalism doesn't depend on cheap anything. The fundamental law of economics is that all resources are scarce, including labor.

LIke every Marxist, you don't understand the first thing about economics.
Your brilliance is stunning. But dontcha think 7 billion people might be enough of a labor pool to do any jobs on this planet?
Sure when we colonize other planets or even the moon that number might seem paltry..but right now..heh heh heh...I don't think we have a labor shortage...


There are 7 billion people on the planet available to perform labor, but all those same people need the services and products that labor produces.

You really don't think these things out, do you?
Heh heh heh...No I guess I don't see things your way...No sireeeee! :lol:

Yeah, I know. Simple facts elude you.
The key to Communism is plank 1. How many Democrats in public office can you name who support the abolition of private property?

All of them.

Oh, they won't say it in those terms, but when we hear them rail against inherited wealth they are saying that property does not belong to the owner to bequeath as she chooses, but is rightfully the property of the state to disperse as they please.

Bernie Sanders Calls For 65% Top Estate Tax Rate

All Democrats want to abolish all private property. I'd say that's idiotic even for you, but I'd be forgetting much else of what you've said on USMB.

Suffice to say that's idiotic.

The commies at the EPA want to change the interpretation of the Clean Water Act to define "Navigable Waters of the United States" to mean any water in the United States. That means the EPA could regulate your property if you have a temporary puddle on it after a rainstorm. If you were to landscape your land and eliminate the puddle, the EPA could fine you for tens of thousands of dollars per day. The decision is totally up to the EPA and totally arbitrary. That amounts to outright confiscation of all the private property in the USA.

I have never seen any of you private property loving leftwing douche bags attack this policy. Many have supported it.

Just admit you're a commie right now while you're ahead.

We all know the truth.

When you have to make up absurd scenarios to support your paranoia, well,

that's what paranoia is.
I was responding to the post about coercion not economics,. Please pay attention!

And you failed completely on that as well. You choosing a crappy career is not coercion.
And I suppose you are the sole arbiter of who "fails" here or not! KMFA..heh heh heh! You don't know what my career is so stop being silly. I did alright with my life, that is all you need to know. Whats the matter did I hit a nerve? You are one of those trapped "wanna be capitalists burdened by credit card debt, mortgages and student loans aren't you. The list is probably longer but I AM merciful sometimes.

No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.
The key to Communism is plank 1. How many Democrats in public office can you name who support the abolition of private property?

All of them.

Oh, they won't say it in those terms, but when we hear them rail against inherited wealth they are saying that property does not belong to the owner to bequeath as she chooses, but is rightfully the property of the state to disperse as they please.

Bernie Sanders Calls For 65% Top Estate Tax Rate

All Democrats want to abolish all private property. I'd say that's idiotic even for you, but I'd be forgetting much else of what you've said on USMB.

Suffice to say that's idiotic.

Do you oppose the EPA's policy on changing the definition of "Navigable Waters of the United States?"

I have no idea. You have Court to go to if you think the EPA has acted outside the law.
And you failed completely on that as well. You choosing a crappy career is not coercion.
And I suppose you are the sole arbiter of who "fails" here or not! KMFA..heh heh heh! You don't know what my career is so stop being silly. I did alright with my life, that is all you need to know. Whats the matter did I hit a nerve? You are one of those trapped "wanna be capitalists burdened by credit card debt, mortgages and student loans aren't you. The list is probably longer but I AM merciful sometimes.

No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.
The key to Communism is plank 1. How many Democrats in public office can you name who support the abolition of private property?

All of them.

Oh, they won't say it in those terms, but when we hear them rail against inherited wealth they are saying that property does not belong to the owner to bequeath as she chooses, but is rightfully the property of the state to disperse as they please.

Bernie Sanders Calls For 65% Top Estate Tax Rate

All Democrats want to abolish all private property. I'd say that's idiotic even for you, but I'd be forgetting much else of what you've said on USMB.

Suffice to say that's idiotic.

The commies at the EPA want to change the interpretation of the Clean Water Act to define "Navigable Waters of the United States" to mean any water in the United States. That means the EPA could regulate your property if you have a temporary puddle on it after a rainstorm. If you were to landscape your land and eliminate the puddle, the EPA could fine you for tens of thousands of dollars per day. The decision is totally up to the EPA and totally arbitrary. That amounts to outright confiscation of all the private property in the USA.

I have never seen any of you private property loving leftwing douche bags attack this policy. Many have supported it.

Just admit you're a commie right now while you're ahead.

We all know the truth.

When you have to make up absurd scenarios to support your paranoia, well,

that's what paranoia is.

It's only "absurd" in the sense that it's difficult to believe the EPA actually does this. I notice you decline to criticize the EPA's agenda on "Navigable Waters of the United States." If you actually believed in property rights, you wouldn't hesitate to condemn this power grab. However, we all know you believe private property is a tool of government policy and not a fundamental right.
And you failed completely on that as well. You choosing a crappy career is not coercion.
And I suppose you are the sole arbiter of who "fails" here or not! KMFA..heh heh heh! You don't know what my career is so stop being silly. I did alright with my life, that is all you need to know. Whats the matter did I hit a nerve? You are one of those trapped "wanna be capitalists burdened by credit card debt, mortgages and student loans aren't you. The list is probably longer but I AM merciful sometimes.

No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

What "whims of Western capitalists" are they subject to? How does a corporation coerce a government?

The IMF uses no coercion to collect payments on the loans it makes, and the rates of interest are quite favorable.

Apparently your definition of coercion is that when 'B' makes demands of 'A,' and the later says "no," then the later 'A' is coercing 'B.'
The key to Communism is plank 1. How many Democrats in public office can you name who support the abolition of private property?

All of them.

Oh, they won't say it in those terms, but when we hear them rail against inherited wealth they are saying that property does not belong to the owner to bequeath as she chooses, but is rightfully the property of the state to disperse as they please.

Bernie Sanders Calls For 65% Top Estate Tax Rate

All Democrats want to abolish all private property. I'd say that's idiotic even for you, but I'd be forgetting much else of what you've said on USMB.

Suffice to say that's idiotic.

Do you oppose the EPA's policy on changing the definition of "Navigable Waters of the United States?"

I have no idea. You have Court to go to if you think the EPA has acted outside the law.

It's not outside the law. That's the problem. It's the law that servile boot licking douche bags like you endorse: you know, the people who deny they are commies.
And I suppose you are the sole arbiter of who "fails" here or not! KMFA..heh heh heh! You don't know what my career is so stop being silly. I did alright with my life, that is all you need to know. Whats the matter did I hit a nerve? You are one of those trapped "wanna be capitalists burdened by credit card debt, mortgages and student loans aren't you. The list is probably longer but I AM merciful sometimes.

No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.
And I suppose you are the sole arbiter of who "fails" here or not! KMFA..heh heh heh! You don't know what my career is so stop being silly. I did alright with my life, that is all you need to know. Whats the matter did I hit a nerve? You are one of those trapped "wanna be capitalists burdened by credit card debt, mortgages and student loans aren't you. The list is probably longer but I AM merciful sometimes.

No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.

You cannot refute my premise and you don't WANT to know the truth. It is far easier to deflect and try to trivialize things yo do not understand. An intelligent reader would see that my mention of 3rd world victims of WESTERN capitalism underlines my major point precisely. Colonialism was a subset of Capitalism and so was slavery. But I don't judge ALL forms of Capitalism by the extremes of some as you judge all Communists by one standard. I am most content to have mixed capitalist and socialist leanings. I have an almost subliminal aversion to communism because I have been so throughly indoctrinated against it from my earliest childhood. But I have researched and read for myself the writings of Marx and Engels, checking books out of the college library under the suspicious eyes of judgmental librarians. Again I feel both Marx and Engels would have ejected Stalin or Mao's murderous approach to power.

I think that is a wrap…. your rhetoric is devolving into raw ad hominem attacks and wild accusations that hve n basis in reality. I've said my piece…let the readers judge us both!
well, are you trying to tell me you are against majority rule? What are you; an oligarch's shill or a fascist?

So you support the concept that 51% of the population can take the rights away from the other 49%?

If there are 5 (Muslim) men and 4 women, you support a binding vote on whether or not it is okay to forcibly rape the women.

You Khmer Rouge democrats are a danger to children and other living things.
No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.
No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.

You cannot refute my premise and you don't WANT to know the truth. It is far easier to deflect and try to trivialize things yo do not understand. An intelligent reader would see that my mention of 3rd world victims of WESTERN capitalism underlines my major point precisely. Colonialism was a subset of Capitalism and so was slavery. But I don't judge ALL forms of Capitalism by the extremes of some as you judge all Communists by one standard. I am most content to have mixed capitalist and socialist leanings. I have an almost subliminal aversion to communism because I have been so throughly indoctrinated against it from my earliest childhood. But I have researched and read for myself the writings of Marx and Engels, checking books out of the college library under the suspicious eyes of judgmental librarians. Again I feel both Marx and Engels would have ejected Stalin or Mao's murderous approach to power.

I think that is a wrap…. your rhetoric is devolving into raw ad hominem attacks and wild accusations that hve n basis in reality. I've said my piece…let the readers judge us both!

Dude you are really dumb.

Slavery is not a subset of capitalism. It just happened to happen during an era of capitalism, and let's be clear about this, it was the era of capitalism that ENDED slavery. So there you go. It could be said that to the extent the culture had slavery, it was not capitalist.

So stop dwelling into completely unrelated scenarios. Slavery has nothing to do with capitalism. Please show us this mythical capitalists/voluntarist who believes in slavery. I bet you can't find even one. The ideology antithetically opposes slavery.

It's incredible that you are apologizing for a murderous coercive ideology that killed 100 million. I am not sure whether you are plain evil or just extremely cognitively limited.
You cannot refute my premise and you don't WANT to know the truth.


What fine circular logic.

Your "premise" is akin to "the moon is made of green cheese." You make laughably absurd claims that reveal the depth of your ignorance. You have literally zero grasp of the subject at hand.

It is far easier to deflect and try to trivialize things yo do not understand. An intelligent reader would see that my mention of 3rd world victims of WESTERN capitalism underlines my major point precisely. Colonialism was a subset of Capitalism and so was slavery.

Ah, so the Romans were "capitalists," as were the Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, Toltecs, et al?

You employ "capitalist" in the same way that Muslims employ "infidel," you simply mean your enemy.

But words have actual meanings. It's clear to all in this thread that you have utterly no grasp of economic theories

But I don't judge ALL forms of Capitalism by the extremes of some as you judge all Communists by one standard. I am most content to have mixed capitalist and socialist leanings. I have an almost subliminal aversion to communism because I have been so throughly indoctrinated against it from my earliest childhood. But I have researched and read for myself the writings of Marx and Engels, checking books out of the college library under the suspicious eyes of judgmental librarians. Again I feel both Marx and Engels would have ejected Stalin or Mao's murderous approach to power.

I think that is a wrap…. your rhetoric is devolving into raw ad hominem attacks and wild accusations that hve n basis in reality. I've said my piece…let the readers judge us both!

If you completed high school, you did so through social promotion, avoiding any and all exposure to the concepts of markets and economic theory.

You've made a fool of yourself in this thread, but you don't grasp it. You lack the foundational knowledge requisite to be embarrassed by you ignorant posts.

No, the moon is not made of green cheese, and no I'm not going "prove it."

No, slavery is not a subset of capitalism, nor even compatible with same, and no I'm not going "prove it."

I and the others in this thread will laugh at you and mock you, because that is what you have earned.
It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.
It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.

You cannot refute my premise and you don't WANT to know the truth. It is far easier to deflect and try to trivialize things yo do not understand. An intelligent reader would see that my mention of 3rd world victims of WESTERN capitalism underlines my major point precisely. Colonialism was a subset of Capitalism and so was slavery. But I don't judge ALL forms of Capitalism by the extremes of some as you judge all Communists by one standard. I am most content to have mixed capitalist and socialist leanings. I have an almost subliminal aversion to communism because I have been so throughly indoctrinated against it from my earliest childhood. But I have researched and read for myself the writings of Marx and Engels, checking books out of the college library under the suspicious eyes of judgmental librarians. Again I feel both Marx and Engels would have ejected Stalin or Mao's murderous approach to power.

I think that is a wrap…. your rhetoric is devolving into raw ad hominem attacks and wild accusations that hve n basis in reality. I've said my piece…let the readers judge us both!

Dude you are really dumb.

Slavery is not a subset of capitalism. It just happened to happen during an era of capitalism, and let's be clear about this, it was the era of capitalism that ENDED slavery. So there you go. It could be said that to the extent the culture had slavery, it was not capitalist.

So stop dwelling into completely unrelated scenarios. Slavery has nothing to do with capitalism. Please show us this mythical capitalists/voluntarist who believes in slavery. I bet you can't find even one. The ideology antithetically opposes slavery.

It's incredible that you are apologizing for a murderous coercive ideology that killed 100 million. I am not sure whether you are plain evil or just extremely cognitively limited.

Slavery is 10,000 years old. Attempting to attribute it to capitalism only shows that you're an ideologically driven douche bag.

While the sentiment is correct, I believe you have misaddressed the post.
No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.
No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.

You cannot refute my premise and you don't WANT to know the truth. It is far easier to deflect and try to trivialize things yo do not understand. An intelligent reader would see that my mention of 3rd world victims of WESTERN capitalism underlines my major point precisely. Colonialism was a subset of Capitalism and so was slavery. But I don't judge ALL forms of Capitalism by the extremes of some as you judge all Communists by one standard. I am most content to have mixed capitalist and socialist leanings. I have an almost subliminal aversion to communism because I have been so throughly indoctrinated against it from my earliest childhood. But I have researched and read for myself the writings of Marx and Engels, checking books out of the college library under the suspicious eyes of judgmental librarians. Again I feel both Marx and Engels would have ejected Stalin or Mao's murderous approach to power.

I think that is a wrap…. your rhetoric is devolving into raw ad hominem attacks and wild accusations that hve n basis in reality. I've said my piece…let the readers judge us both!
Slavery is 10,000 years old. Attempting to attribute it to capitalism only shows that you're an ideologically driven douche bag.

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