Yes, You're A Communist

All Democrats want to abolish all private property. I'd say that's idiotic even for you, but I'd be forgetting much else of what you've said on USMB.

Suffice to say that's idiotic.

The party is openly hostile to the concept. I have no right to property if I cannot leave it to my children. It is they after all, who I worked so hard to provide for.

Further, in reference to real property, IF it is privately owned, then the owner does not pay rent. Can you follow that idea? IF you must pay rent for the property you are on, whether monthly or yearly, then you do not own that property. Stop paying rent and the owner will evict you. I pay rent to the County of Orange. Should I not pay my rent, they will evict me. Ergo I do not own the property I "own." We have no right of private property.
We have pumped a Poli post to 759. She should be ecstatic.
She should thank NY for all he has fed her. It was good, nourishing food, but I doubt she accepts it gracefully. In fact, it might give her indigestion.
Her little minions scuttling around trying to prop up her suppositions merit no more than ridicule; not even that. She is their star. Without her, there would be no entertainment.
Thanks also to JQ, Jillian, Wind, Dr. and anyone overlooked.
It was good yuks.
Now, good luck.

You of the retard squad have indeed played your usual role of clowns and fools. :thup:
All Democrats want to abolish all private property. I'd say that's idiotic even for you, but I'd be forgetting much else of what you've said on USMB.

Suffice to say that's idiotic.

The party is openly hostile to the concept. I have no right to property if I cannot leave it to my children. It is they after all, who I worked so hard to provide for.

Further, in reference to real property, IF it is privately owned, then the owner does not pay rent. Can you follow that idea? IF you must pay rent for the property you are on, whether monthly or yearly, then you do not own that property. Stop paying rent and the owner will evict you. I pay rent to the County of Orange. Should I not pay my rent, they will evict me. Ergo I do not own the property I "own." We have no right of private property.

So we're all Communists, including the Democrats, the Republicans, the Independents, etc., etc., etc.

It makes you a Communist too.
America is a nation of liberty, brotherhood and intellectual clarity. There is no 'ism' that made or makes it great; it is the people who make it so. If it is not great, it is nevertheless the people who make it so.
The 'founders' were eclectic, not simple ideologues. They accepted and incorporated divergent concepts of theology, politics and economics.
Worshiping 'capitalism' is such a gross error that it seems unthinkable such a thing could happen. 'Capitalism' is merely a tool, something we can use, not something that must be used. It may be appropriate in some cases and not others. Blind faith in something that is not even a faith is inhuman. Capital itself is a mere creation of the mind of man, thus it and all value issue from the same source; human thought, followed by human effort.
"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln wasn't an economist. His theory is false.

Capitalism is the system that results when you respect the laws of economics. They are not whims. They are laws.
Lincoln didn't have to be an economist to realize that Capitalism depends on cheap labor, cheap raw materials and cheap energy so that there is enough profit to pay the owners of the means of production far more than they deserve and to pay the workers far, far less than they deserve.

Actually capitalism primarily depends only on one thing: lack of coercion.

Same can't be said about communism, which primarily depends on coercion.

I am not sure your premise is correct. Coercion doesn't necessarily have to be violent. All social systems have laws and those laws restrict us all in some way. In our free market system, places where Christianity is most ubiquitous have the most strict laws and ordinances.. Violate them enough and you will end up being penalized in some way. Anti miscegenation laws kept people of different races from marrying in many southern states.. here were Jim Crow laws. There were laws to facilitate the health and welfare of one group at the expense of another....

Millions in our capitalist system find themselves trapped in a 9 to 5 job they hate. They have a spouse they can't stand, are plagued by a host of social ills and are overburdened by so much debt that many will never be able to pay off. Feeling trapped? Hows that for coercion? And noooo, you can't just walk away. They'll come after you for child support and they should if you don't take care of your kids. Still, it is a trap...and many of you are miserable....

Coercion doesn't have to be violent indeed, never said that. Usually it's done by putting a gun on one's head and demanding they do what thy desire. And that is exactly what communists believe in, and capitalists don't.

No one coerces anyone to take any debt in capitalism. It's ridiculous to state that you should be able to steal the wealth of others because you chose a crappy profession. You commie apologist regressives are laughable, did you not hear... 100 million dead? You don't have to apologize, FUCK communism.

Meanwhile, in an American universities, where the commie apologists (or rather the full blown Marxists) decided to host a meeting, expressing their true views and methods:

Let me tell you how this discussion would go if we were talking about Nazism. Everyone would deem it racist and state "Fuck Nazism", perhaps that is what the course of action should be in this case as well? Absent the indoctrination presented above, that would be the reasonable course to take...

The hate of Jews was established throughout Europe BEFORE Nazism was ever a thought in the minds of it's founders. Germany embraced Nazism to address the needs of the masses. Hitler took advantage of that jingoistic energy and shaped it into a genocidal war machine to exact revenge and ethnic cleansing. But keep in mind that socialism only served to provide a name for the destructive force unleashed by der Führer. ☠️
All Democrats want to abolish all private property. I'd say that's idiotic even for you, but I'd be forgetting much else of what you've said on USMB.

Suffice to say that's idiotic.

The party is openly hostile to the concept. I have no right to property if I cannot leave it to my children. It is they after all, who I worked so hard to provide for.

Further, in reference to real property, IF it is privately owned, then the owner does not pay rent. Can you follow that idea? IF you must pay rent for the property you are on, whether monthly or yearly, then you do not own that property. Stop paying rent and the owner will evict you. I pay rent to the County of Orange. Should I not pay my rent, they will evict me. Ergo I do not own the property I "own." We have no right of private property.

So the County of Orange and every county in the country that collects property taxes is Communist.

So you're a Communist for going along with it.
How many more posts does Mr. NYCarbineer have to make before he finally stops apologizing for communism?

Even a retard would have certainly understood a long time ago, that supporting income tax doesn't make you a communist, but it nonetheless is an idea communism presents. Based on not understanding this after pages of discussion, it's safe to assume how truly special of an IQ this person has.

Given that for the last 100 years USA has persistently slided towards communism, perhaps it's the best course of action to condemn anyone who supports the principles?

It's indeed starting to get to the point where if a person supports even more state intervention, you can safely call him a communist. Now, the government is taking 40 % of average person's income... just wondering Mr. Carbineer... What is the appropriate amount of a person's income the state should be able to steal?
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So the County of Orange and every county in the country that collects property taxes is Communist.

So you're a Communist for going along with it.

Oh, I said that did I?

Orange county does not respect the right of private property. Your jump from a to z is laughable.

Adolf Hitler drank water, hence if YOU drink water, you are Adolf Hitler.
America is a nation of liberty, brotherhood and intellectual clarity. There is no 'ism' that made or makes it great; it is the people who make it so. If it is not great, it is nevertheless the people who make it so.
The 'founders' were eclectic, not simple ideologues. They accepted and incorporated divergent concepts of theology, politics and economics.
Worshiping 'capitalism' is such a gross error that it seems unthinkable such a thing could happen. 'Capitalism' is merely a tool, something we can use, not something that must be used. It may be appropriate in some cases and not others. Blind faith in something that is not even a faith is inhuman. Capital itself is a mere creation of the mind of man, thus it and all value issue from the same source; human thought, followed by human effort.
"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln wasn't an economist. His theory is false.

Capitalism is the system that results when you respect the laws of economics. They are not whims. They are laws.
Lincoln didn't have to be an economist to realize that Capitalism depends on cheap labor, cheap raw materials and cheap energy so that there is enough profit to pay the owners of the means of production far more than they deserve and to pay the workers far, far less than they deserve.

Actually capitalism primarily depends only on one thing: lack of coercion.

Same can't be said about communism, which primarily depends on coercion.

I am not sure your premise is correct. Coercion doesn't necessarily have to be violent. All social systems have laws and those laws restrict us all in some way. In our free market system, places where Christianity is most ubiquitous have the most strict laws and ordinances.. Violate them enough and you will end up being penalized in some way. Anti miscegenation laws kept people of different races from marrying in many southern states.. here were Jim Crow laws. There were laws to facilitate the health and welfare of one group at the expense of another....

Millions in our capitalist system find themselves trapped in a 9 to 5 job they hate. They have a spouse they can't stand, are plagued by a host of social ills and are overburdened by so much debt that many will never be able to pay off. Feeling trapped? Hows that for coercion? And noooo, you can't just walk away. They'll come after you for child support and they should if you don't take care of your kids. Still, it is a trap...and many of you are miserable....

So, you really have no clue at all what an economic system is or how they operate... :thup:

I was responding to the post about coercion not economics,. Please pay attention!
Lincoln wasn't an economist. His theory is false.

Capitalism is the system that results when you respect the laws of economics. They are not whims. They are laws.
Lincoln didn't have to be an economist to realize that Capitalism depends on cheap labor, cheap raw materials and cheap energy so that there is enough profit to pay the owners of the means of production far more than they deserve and to pay the workers far, far less than they deserve.

Actually capitalism primarily depends only on one thing: lack of coercion.

Same can't be said about communism, which primarily depends on coercion.

I am not sure your premise is correct. Coercion doesn't necessarily have to be violent. All social systems have laws and those laws restrict us all in some way. In our free market system, places where Christianity is most ubiquitous have the most strict laws and ordinances.. Violate them enough and you will end up being penalized in some way. Anti miscegenation laws kept people of different races from marrying in many southern states.. here were Jim Crow laws. There were laws to facilitate the health and welfare of one group at the expense of another....

Millions in our capitalist system find themselves trapped in a 9 to 5 job they hate. They have a spouse they can't stand, are plagued by a host of social ills and are overburdened by so much debt that many will never be able to pay off. Feeling trapped? Hows that for coercion? And noooo, you can't just walk away. They'll come after you for child support and they should if you don't take care of your kids. Still, it is a trap...and many of you are miserable....

So, you really have no clue at all what an economic system is or how they operate... :thup:

I was responding to the post about coercion not economics,. Please pay attention!

And you failed completely on that as well. You choosing a crappy career is not coercion.
How many more posts does Mr. NYCarbineer have to make before he finally stops apologizing for communism?

Even a retard would have certainly understood a long time ago, that supporting income tax doesn't make you a communist, but it nonetheless is an idea communism presents. Based on not understanding this after pages of discussion, it's safe to assume how special of an IQ this person has.

Given that for the last 100 years USA has persistently slided towards communism, perhaps it's the best course of action to condemn anyone who supports the principles?

It's indeed starting to get to the point where if a person supports even more state intervention, you can safely call him a communist. Now, the government is taking 40 % of average person's income... just wondering Mr. Cabineer... What is the appropriate amount of a person's income the state should be able to steal?
As much s the citizens of that state will allow. If enough of us protest with votes and activism we could cause sweeping tax reforms. If it was as much of a concern as you posit, I suspect the majority of voters would have pressed their elected representatives toward that goal. That is, if the Republic would permit We The People to do that. The middle men have ways of thwarting the public's wishes don't they?
How many more posts does Mr. NYCarbineer have to make before he finally stops apologizing for communism?

Even a retard would have certainly understood a long time ago, that supporting income tax doesn't make you a communist, but it nonetheless is an idea communism presents. Based on not understanding this after pages of discussion, it's safe to assume how special of an IQ this person has.

Given that for the last 100 years USA has persistently slided towards communism, perhaps it's the best course of action to condemn anyone who supports the principles?

It's indeed starting to get to the point where if a person supports even more state intervention, you can safely call him a communist. Now, the government is taking 40 % of average person's income... just wondering Mr. Cabineer... What is the appropriate amount of a person's income the state should be able to steal?
As much s the citizens of that state will allow.

You do realize that this is not a principle US was founded on. It's a republic not a mob rule!
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As much s the citizens of that state will allow. If enough of us protest with votes and activism we could cause sweeping tax reforms. If it was as much of a concern as you posit, I suspect the majority of voters would have pressed their elected representatives toward that goal. That is, if the Republic would permit We The People to do that. The middle men have ways of thwarting the public's wishes don't they?

On the other hand, if 51% find they can take from the other 49% using the implied violence of the state..

Hence, California.
Lincoln didn't have to be an economist to realize that Capitalism depends on cheap labor, cheap raw materials and cheap energy so that there is enough profit to pay the owners of the means of production far more than they deserve and to pay the workers far, far less than they deserve.

Actually capitalism primarily depends only on one thing: lack of coercion.

Same can't be said about communism, which primarily depends on coercion.

I am not sure your premise is correct. Coercion doesn't necessarily have to be violent. All social systems have laws and those laws restrict us all in some way. In our free market system, places where Christianity is most ubiquitous have the most strict laws and ordinances.. Violate them enough and you will end up being penalized in some way. Anti miscegenation laws kept people of different races from marrying in many southern states.. here were Jim Crow laws. There were laws to facilitate the health and welfare of one group at the expense of another....

Millions in our capitalist system find themselves trapped in a 9 to 5 job they hate. They have a spouse they can't stand, are plagued by a host of social ills and are overburdened by so much debt that many will never be able to pay off. Feeling trapped? Hows that for coercion? And noooo, you can't just walk away. They'll come after you for child support and they should if you don't take care of your kids. Still, it is a trap...and many of you are miserable....

So, you really have no clue at all what an economic system is or how they operate... :thup:

I was responding to the post about coercion not economics,. Please pay attention!

And you failed completely on that as well. You choosing a crappy career is not coercion.
And I suppose you are the sole arbiter of who "fails" here or not! KMFA..heh heh heh! You don't know what my career is so stop being silly. I did alright with my life, that is all you need to know. Whats the matter did I hit a nerve? You are one of those trapped "wanna be capitalists burdened by credit card debt, mortgages and student loans aren't you. The list is probably longer but I AM merciful sometimes.
Actually capitalism primarily depends only on one thing: lack of coercion.

Same can't be said about communism, which primarily depends on coercion.

I am not sure your premise is correct. Coercion doesn't necessarily have to be violent. All social systems have laws and those laws restrict us all in some way. In our free market system, places where Christianity is most ubiquitous have the most strict laws and ordinances.. Violate them enough and you will end up being penalized in some way. Anti miscegenation laws kept people of different races from marrying in many southern states.. here were Jim Crow laws. There were laws to facilitate the health and welfare of one group at the expense of another....

Millions in our capitalist system find themselves trapped in a 9 to 5 job they hate. They have a spouse they can't stand, are plagued by a host of social ills and are overburdened by so much debt that many will never be able to pay off. Feeling trapped? Hows that for coercion? And noooo, you can't just walk away. They'll come after you for child support and they should if you don't take care of your kids. Still, it is a trap...and many of you are miserable....

So, you really have no clue at all what an economic system is or how they operate... :thup:

I was responding to the post about coercion not economics,. Please pay attention!

And you failed completely on that as well. You choosing a crappy career is not coercion.
And I suppose you are the sole arbiter of who "fails" here or not! KMFA..heh heh heh! You don't know what my career is so stop being silly. I did alright with my life, that is all you need to know. Whats the matter did I hit a nerve? You are one of those trapped "wanna be capitalists burdened by credit card debt, mortgages and student loans aren't you. The list is probably longer but I AM merciful sometimes.

No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
How many more posts does Mr. NYCarbineer have to make before he finally stops apologizing for communism?

Even a retard would have certainly understood a long time ago, that supporting income tax doesn't make you a communist, but it nonetheless is an idea communism presents. Based on not understanding this after pages of discussion, it's safe to assume how special of an IQ this person has.

Given that for the last 100 years USA has persistently slided towards communism, perhaps it's the best course of action to condemn anyone who supports the principles?

It's indeed starting to get to the point where if a person supports even more state intervention, you can safely call him a communist. Now, the government is taking 40 % of average person's income... just wondering Mr. Cabineer... What is the appropriate amount of a person's income the state should be able to steal?
As much s the citizens of that state will allow.

You do realize that this is not a principle US was funded on. It's a republic not a mob rule!
Did you miss my mention of the Republic in the paragraph you butchered? BTW did you mean to use the word "founded" instead of "funded.?" In either case your knowledge of the "principles on which this nation was founded, is sorely lacking.. Have you even glanced at the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? Judging you by your spurious rhetoric, I doubt it.
I am not sure your premise is correct. Coercion doesn't necessarily have to be violent. All social systems have laws and those laws restrict us all in some way. In our free market system, places where Christianity is most ubiquitous have the most strict laws and ordinances.. Violate them enough and you will end up being penalized in some way. Anti miscegenation laws kept people of different races from marrying in many southern states.. here were Jim Crow laws. There were laws to facilitate the health and welfare of one group at the expense of another....

Millions in our capitalist system find themselves trapped in a 9 to 5 job they hate. They have a spouse they can't stand, are plagued by a host of social ills and are overburdened by so much debt that many will never be able to pay off. Feeling trapped? Hows that for coercion? And noooo, you can't just walk away. They'll come after you for child support and they should if you don't take care of your kids. Still, it is a trap...and many of you are miserable....

So, you really have no clue at all what an economic system is or how they operate... :thup:

I was responding to the post about coercion not economics,. Please pay attention!

And you failed completely on that as well. You choosing a crappy career is not coercion.
And I suppose you are the sole arbiter of who "fails" here or not! KMFA..heh heh heh! You don't know what my career is so stop being silly. I did alright with my life, that is all you need to know. Whats the matter did I hit a nerve? You are one of those trapped "wanna be capitalists burdened by credit card debt, mortgages and student loans aren't you. The list is probably longer but I AM merciful sometimes.

No, actually you failed to establish how capitalism depends on coercion, that's not an opinion. You are still failing...

And you will keep failing for a long time unless you abandon the argument, because capitalism is a voluntarist ideology. Duh...
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

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