Yes, You're A Communist

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.
I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.

You cannot refute my premise and you don't WANT to know the truth. It is far easier to deflect and try to trivialize things yo do not understand. An intelligent reader would see that my mention of 3rd world victims of WESTERN capitalism underlines my major point precisely. Colonialism was a subset of Capitalism and so was slavery. But I don't judge ALL forms of Capitalism by the extremes of some as you judge all Communists by one standard. I am most content to have mixed capitalist and socialist leanings. I have an almost subliminal aversion to communism because I have been so throughly indoctrinated against it from my earliest childhood. But I have researched and read for myself the writings of Marx and Engels, checking books out of the college library under the suspicious eyes of judgmental librarians. Again I feel both Marx and Engels would have ejected Stalin or Mao's murderous approach to power.

I think that is a wrap…. your rhetoric is devolving into raw ad hominem attacks and wild accusations that hve n basis in reality. I've said my piece…let the readers judge us both!

Dude you are really dumb.

Slavery is not a subset of capitalism. It just happened to happen during an era of capitalism, and let's be clear about this, it was the era of capitalism that ENDED slavery. So there you go. It could be said that to the extent the culture had slavery, it was not capitalist.

So stop dwelling into completely unrelated scenarios. Slavery has nothing to do with capitalism. Please show us this mythical capitalists/voluntarist who believes in slavery. I bet you can't find even one. The ideology antithetically opposes slavery.

It's incredible that you are apologizing for a murderous coercive ideology that killed 100 million. I am not sure whether you are plain evil or just extremely cognitively limited.

Slavery is 10,000 years old. Attempting to attribute it to capitalism only shows that you're an ideologically driven douche bag.

While the sentiment is correct, I believe you have misaddressed the post.
True. I deleted it and addressed a new one to the actual douche bag.
Slaves were taxed as property, owned as property,and sold as property. Slavery was part of different economic system in history. Perhaps we are still in the age of enlightenment and reason that spawned our government and Constitution?
Slaves were taxed as property, owned as property,and sold as property. Slavery was part of different economic system in history. Perhaps we are still in the age of enlightenment and reason that spawned our government and Constitution?

Is your point that Americans must never forget the iniquity of the Democrats, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship for black Americans?

And never forget that right up until the mid 20th century, Democrats in the Senate blocked every anti-lynching bill that came their way?

If that is your meaning...well, bravo!
I was wondering when you'd stop posting in support of communists and communist allies like Franklin Roosevelt.

Your turnabout is most welcome.
Slaves were taxed as property, owned as property,and sold as property. Slavery was part of different economic system in history. Perhaps we are still in the age of enlightenment and reason that spawned our government and Constitution?

Is your point that Americans must never forget the iniquity of the Democrats, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship for black Americans?

And never forget that right up until the mid 20th century, Democrats in the Senate blocked every anti-lynching bill that came their way?

If that is your meaning...well, bravo!
I was wondering when you'd stop posting in support of communists and communist allies like Franklin Roosevelt.

Your turnabout is most welcome.
Thank you, you knew I was right all the time, and now to extend your simplistic education. Of course, treatment of people was exactly why the Democratic party had to shed that portion of their party, the Solid South. FDR began the ejection ever so gently, but Truman didn't fool around, and out the door they went, bags signs and nooses. Where did they end up; they ended up in the Republican party, where they still reside waiting for Trump to build a wall.
Slaves were taxed as property, owned as property,and sold as property. Slavery was part of different economic system in history. Perhaps we are still in the age of enlightenment and reason that spawned our government and Constitution?

Is your point that Americans must never forget the iniquity of the Democrats, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship for black Americans?

And never forget that right up until the mid 20th century, Democrats in the Senate blocked every anti-lynching bill that came their way?

If that is your meaning...well, bravo!
I was wondering when you'd stop posting in support of communists and communist allies like Franklin Roosevelt.

Your turnabout is most welcome.
Thank you, you knew I was right all the time, and now to extend your simplistic education. Of course, treatment of people was exactly why the Democratic party had to shed that portion of their party, the Solid South. FDR began the ejection ever so gently, but Truman didn't fool around, and out the door they went, bags signs and nooses. Where did they end up; they ended up in the Republican party, where they still reside waiting for Trump to build a wall.

1. "Thank you, you knew I was right all the time,..."

Au contraire....

I knew you were LEFT all the time.

2. "Of course, treatment of people was exactly why the Democratic party had to shed that portion of their party, the Solid South. FDR began the ejection ever so gently, but Truman didn't fool around, and out the door they went, bags signs and nooses. Where did they end up; they ended up in the Republican party, where they still reside waiting for Trump to build a wall."

So sad....the facts belie your worldview....

Truman....the man who learned during his presiency, and reversed the pro-communist policies of Roosevelt, was President from 1945-1953.

The following clearly reveals the fallacy in your hallucinations:

1966- Republican Spiro Agnew ran against Democrat segregationist George Mahoney for governor of Maryland. Agnew enacted some of the first laws in the nation against race discrimination in public housing. “Agnew signed the state's first open-housing laws and succeeded in getting the repeal of an anti-miscegenation law.” Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's take a look at the most popular Democrat today, and see how your math holds up...

  1. a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

    b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:
  2. (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy


Bill Clinton: In Past, Obama Would Be 'Carrying Our Bags' - Breitbart

Shall I wait for you to acknowledge the truth....

....or are you a Liberal?
Slaves were taxed as property, owned as property,and sold as property. Slavery was part of different economic system in history. Perhaps we are still in the age of enlightenment and reason that spawned our government and Constitution?

Is your point that Americans must never forget the iniquity of the Democrats, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship for black Americans?

And never forget that right up until the mid 20th century, Democrats in the Senate blocked every anti-lynching bill that came their way?

If that is your meaning...well, bravo!
I was wondering when you'd stop posting in support of communists and communist allies like Franklin Roosevelt.

Your turnabout is most welcome.
Thank you, you knew I was right all the time, and now to extend your simplistic education. Of course, treatment of people was exactly why the Democratic party had to shed that portion of their party, the Solid South. FDR began the ejection ever so gently, but Truman didn't fool around, and out the door they went, bags signs and nooses. Where did they end up; they ended up in the Republican party, where they still reside waiting for Trump to build a wall.

1. "Thank you, you knew I was right all the time,..."

Au contraire....

I knew you were LEFT all the time.

2. "Of course, treatment of people was exactly why the Democratic party had to shed that portion of their party, the Solid South. FDR began the ejection ever so gently, but Truman didn't fool around, and out the door they went, bags signs and nooses. Where did they end up; they ended up in the Republican party, where they still reside waiting for Trump to build a wall."

So sad....the facts belie your worldview....

Truman....the man who learned during his presiency, and reversed the pro-communist policies of Roosevelt, was President from 1945-1953.

The following clearly reveals the fallacy in your hallucinations:

1966- Republican Spiro Agnew ran against Democrat segregationist George Mahoney for governor of Maryland. Agnew enacted some of the first laws in the nation against race discrimination in public housing. “Agnew signed the state's first open-housing laws and succeeded in getting the repeal of an anti-miscegenation law.” Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let's take a look at the most popular Democrat today, and see how your math holds up...

  1. a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

    b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:
  2. (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy


Bill Clinton: In Past, Obama Would Be 'Carrying Our Bags' - Breitbart

Shall I wait for you to acknowledge the truth....

....or are you a Liberal?
I'm a liberal, but I'm also proud of the Confederate flag, just not some of the uses it has been put too. The Bill Clinton quote is one that indicates America's progress in race relations and I'm proud of that too. I wonder if that and our history indicate a slow but constant change to liberalism? Just during my lifetime blacks are allowed to play professional baseball, and the army is integrated.
well, are you trying to tell me you are against majority rule? What are you; an oligarch's shill or a fascist?

So you support the concept that 51% of the population can take the rights away from the other 49%?

If there are 5 (Muslim) men and 4 women, you support a binding vote on whether or not it is okay to forcibly rape the women.

You Khmer Rouge democrats are a danger to children and other living things.
No, that would be RW shills like you. Just ask the Children of Flint Michigan how they like that Republican water!
Truly, morals can guide profit motive, but profit motive cannot be a moral guide.
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.

You cannot refute my premise and you don't WANT to know the truth. It is far easier to deflect and try to trivialize things yo do not understand. An intelligent reader would see that my mention of 3rd world victims of WESTERN capitalism underlines my major point precisely. Colonialism was a subset of Capitalism and so was slavery. But I don't judge ALL forms of Capitalism by the extremes of some as you judge all Communists by one standard. I am most content to have mixed capitalist and socialist leanings. I have an almost subliminal aversion to communism because I have been so throughly indoctrinated against it from my earliest childhood. But I have researched and read for myself the writings of Marx and Engels, checking books out of the college library under the suspicious eyes of judgmental librarians. Again I feel both Marx and Engels would have ejected Stalin or Mao's murderous approach to power.

I think that is a wrap…. your rhetoric is devolving into raw ad hominem attacks and wild accusations that hve n basis in reality. I've said my piece…let the readers judge us both!
Slavery is 10,000 years old. Attempting to attribute it to capitalism only shows that you're an ideologically driven douche bag.
And you are an ignorant POS who thinks capitalism started in 1850. How do you know slavery existed 10,000 years ago? There was no writing back then.
Capitalism may not have invented slavery, but certainly made no effort to end it and unhesitatingly embraced its use. Technology and economics made slavery unworkable, evolution of human standards made it illegal.
Capitalism may not have invented slavery, but certainly made no effort to end it and unhesitatingly embraced its use. Technology and economics made slavery unworkable, evolution of human standards made it illegal.

You do know that it was the age of capitalism that ended slavery in the west?

How dumb can a person be?
She has problems with race, religion, ethnicity, nationalism, political speech. I doubt she is a Nazi, but I do believe she would be inflamed with Mussolini if she were alive at that time.

Using her own crazy guilt by association ideas and other fallacious arguments, she is definitely a Nazi. lol
Except she isn't a big government supporter....
Slaves were taxed as property, owned as property,and sold as property. Slavery was part of different economic system in history. Perhaps we are still in the age of enlightenment and reason that spawned our government and Constitution?

Nonsense, we are entering a dark age, and anyone with a brain knows it.

In a thousand years, we may once again yearn for liberty and advance as free people.
Capitalism may not have invented slavery, but certainly made no effort to end it and unhesitatingly embraced its use. Technology and economics made slavery unworkable, evolution of human standards made it illegal.

You do know that it was the age of capitalism that ended slavery in the west?

How dumb can a person be?

Someone seems to be 'dumb' enough to think "enlightenment" and "capitalism" are synonymous.
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.
Well, duh, in the United States, ANY ideal is a voluntary ideology to include Islam Communism, Socialism and Atheism. So why is the right so intent on demonizing people who voluntarily choose Communism or Socialism ? The act of harassing and demonizing American Communists or socialists is coercion just as much as making social pariahs out of Gays and Lesbians is. Is capitalism to blame? I don't think it is any more than Communism is.

It seems you have cognitive deficiency in understanding the issue.

Communism and socialism aren't ideologies based on voluntarism. Atheism is not even an ideology!

The whole point is that plenty of people are subjected to communism or socialism whether they wanted it or not. That's the very definition of involuntary ideology. If you could simply choose not to be a communist in a communist society I wouldn't have any problems with it. However, the very definition of communism is that you can't! You are in essence making choices for other people...

If a bunch of regressives decided to come together and sign a contract which subjected themselves to communism, I would have zero problem with it. Then it would be voluntary... It would still most likely fail though.

I understand all too well the bigger picture. Your shallow worldview is showing as is your naiveté.

Plenty of third world and developing countries are subject to the whims of Western capitalists whether they want it or not. Coercion is the chief weapon used to enforce the repayment of usurious loans made by the IMF. Austerity dooms the infrastructure and devastates the GDP of any country that falls into that IMF loan trap just as , before Obama, credit card companies and Health insurance providers preyed on US citizens when they needed help the most. Don't try to con an old veteran and tell me how good capitalism is across the board. Sometimes it stinks to high heaven and has been, in the past, a root cause for as you say, people joining together and becoming Communists.

It's abundantly clear you have no clue what you are talking about - trying to bring completely unrelated issues to the discussion, which in many cases have nothing to do with coerion. What you are spouting is Marxist nonsense, clearly you have been indoctrinated.

Basically what you are saying amounts to this "Person made a really stupid decision" "THEREFORE COERCION!!". It's just dumb as hell. It's rather clear that you got nothing when you can't give a simple concrete example, but have to fall into the Marxist fairy-tale talk of mythical evil capitalist boogeyman. Especially funny is that you venture into territories, like 3rd world dictatorship, which aren't exactly capitalist... conflating concepts to the maximum.

You cannot refute my premise and you don't WANT to know the truth. It is far easier to deflect and try to trivialize things yo do not understand. An intelligent reader would see that my mention of 3rd world victims of WESTERN capitalism underlines my major point precisely. Colonialism was a subset of Capitalism and so was slavery. But I don't judge ALL forms of Capitalism by the extremes of some as you judge all Communists by one standard. I am most content to have mixed capitalist and socialist leanings. I have an almost subliminal aversion to communism because I have been so throughly indoctrinated against it from my earliest childhood. But I have researched and read for myself the writings of Marx and Engels, checking books out of the college library under the suspicious eyes of judgmental librarians. Again I feel both Marx and Engels would have ejected Stalin or Mao's murderous approach to power.

I think that is a wrap…. your rhetoric is devolving into raw ad hominem attacks and wild accusations that hve n basis in reality. I've said my piece…let the readers judge us both!

Dude you are really dumb.

Slavery is not a subset of capitalism. It just happened to happen during an era of capitalism, and let's be clear about this, it was the era of capitalism that ENDED slavery. So there you go. It could be said that to the extent the culture had slavery, it was not capitalist.

So stop dwelling into completely unrelated scenarios. Slavery has nothing to do with capitalism. Please show us this mythical capitalists/voluntarist who believes in slavery. I bet you can't find even one. The ideology antithetically opposes slavery.

It's incredible that you are apologizing for a murderous coercive ideology that killed 100 million. I am not sure whether you are plain evil or just extremely cognitively limited.

Stupidity must be a virtue in your household. You don't even know what capitalism is. Chattel slavery is a subset of capitalism. I guess I had to put that modifier ( chattel) on the word for slow learners like you. Do you understand NOW, idiot? But in modern times slavery has simply been redefined in the industrial milieu . Ever heard of sweatshops? Yep, some of those still exist right here in the USA. Many of them are immigrant children from Latin countries working on US farms. But even those existing in China do so at the behest o USA capitalists seeking to maximize their profit margins.. Are the cobwebs being swept away now, you friggin dunce?

But it doesn't end there. Workers in low paying jobs that can barely make ends meet have spawned an emerging neologism that cannot be denied. They call themselves WAGE SLAVES. Many are locked into those dead end low wage jobs because they have no other choices. Welfare takes up the slack and, in effect, subsidizes the business so the employee can feed his/her family and have shelter.
Are your dialed pupils recording all of this? Please fire up that other brain cell to energize your limited memory banks so I won't have to repeat this further down the road.

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