Yes, You're A Communist

Btw, does anybody know, in reality both communism and socialism were based on very wide low-level democracy. People didn't have ability to say "Hey, Brezhnev, you doing something wrong!", but could say "hey, my boss - you are really doing something wrong!" - don't try to repeat it in current life.

So, it's a logical, Ayn Rand hated the communism, because she couldn't live in communism, like her bloodsuckers family... Communism is really a formation for million people, which prefer to live by their labor, not by slave-like exploitation of other people...
Uh-huh and it's worked out so spectacularly for the 100's of millions of people that have lived in countries where it's been implemented too, just ask all the "citizens" of the former Soviet Union just how peachy things were.

Oh, it was a perfect, beautiful time, instead of current...
You claim people of former USSR as slaves only because you don't know, the real slaves - a billion people around. A slaves of money, of political correctness, of gay propaganda, of democracy ideology, of stock playing, periodic financial crisyses and so on, till the Obamacare... :) It's really psychologically hard, but look at mirror first :)
So let me guess this straight, your argument is that the citizens living under capitalism enjoying a wide distribution of wealth, prosperity, upward mobility, living standards and individual liberty are the slaves; while the citizens of the Soviet Union weren't ?

BTW; Apparently the television signals from Earth have been horribly distorted on their journey to your planet, don't worry we'll send a probe loaded with MPEG's so you can see what life was really like in the good ole Soviet Union.
Communism, socialism and liberalism - good company... Add here a feodalism, it based at a faith in government too... ::)

Welcome to the board, Sbiker.

What do you mean, 'good company'?

I know of no such term as 'feodalism.'

Feudalism. Sorry for my spelling.

I mean, if you could see a bloody battles between communists and liberals here, you should not combine this two different things.

Liberalism - is priority of individualism over the society. In fact, people cannot live in society and feel free of it, so in practice liberalism is a kind of parasitism of some people on others.

Communism, in ideal - is something like "superdemocracy" - a dictatorship of working majority. Without rules of defence of some minority groups in society. It's a reason of hate of communism from some different kind of people... :)

LOL!!! You're the complete opposite of accurate. You couldn't possibly be more incorrect and wrong

You just show on my example, how you can mix strongly opposed concepts :)
I'm right, because I could see at practice, what was communist and what is liberal ideologies...

You fail to understand that what is called 'Liberalism' is not classical liberalism...but a bastardization of the name: communist John Dewey (look him up) had the Socialist Party change its name to 'Liberal'....and that is the modern iteration.

Hm. maybe... Looks like another Newspeak...
4. The sextuplets, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, Progressivism, Nazism, were born in Germany.....birthed by the philosopher Hegel.....

Mussolini, the guy who invented fascism, was an Italian so that didn't come out of Germany


You couldn't be more wrong.
You could try, but you wouldn't succeed.

1."Mussolini’s career as a Socialist agitator began at age eighteen as a writer for various left-wing magazines. By 1905, he had been arrested numerous times in Switzerland, France, and Austria for revolutionary agitation and Italian police had opened a dossier which characterized him as “impulsive and violent.” Although Fascists and Communists alike were anxious to deny it later, Karl Marx was the biggest single influence on Mussolini and he considered Marx “the greatest of all theorists of Socialism.”[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] He shared Marx’ opinion on religion and once shocked his audience by daring God to strike him dead."[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Were Hitler and Mussolini Socialists? - The History Forum[/FONT]

2. At its core, fascism is the view that every element of society must work together in spiritual union toward the same goals at the behest of the state. One can see it defined in Mussolini's own summary of the Fascist philosophy: "Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato" (Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State) MODERN LEFTISM AS RECYCLED FASCISM

3. Note: Roosevelt copied the New Deal from Mussolini's corporatism.

As uneducated as you prove to be, daily, do you realize how lucky you are that I am here to educate you????
If it wasn't for the evil, socialist, food stamps thousands of people would be indeed be starving under the holy "free" market rules


Tonight on Fox news, the starving Swedes...
To be followed by a documentary entitled "Retards that believe Sweden is a socialist country"....

Name a socialist country.
Cuba... you want me to point it out on a map for you too?

Why do you call Obama a Marxist then?
I didn't call Obama a Marxist, the voices in your head been fucking with your vision again?
Ludwig von Mises stated:

The essence of Socialism is this: All the means of production are in the exclusive control of the organized community. This and this alone is Socialism. All other definitions are misleading. [10] is Mises wrong,

if not,

name the socialist countries in the world.

Welcome to the board, Sbiker.

What do you mean, 'good company'?

I know of no such term as 'feodalism.'

Feudalism. Sorry for my spelling.

I mean, if you could see a bloody battles between communists and liberals here, you should not combine this two different things.

Liberalism - is priority of individualism over the society. In fact, people cannot live in society and feel free of it, so in practice liberalism is a kind of parasitism of some people on others.

Communism, in ideal - is something like "superdemocracy" - a dictatorship of working majority. Without rules of defence of some minority groups in society. It's a reason of hate of communism from some different kind of people... :)

LOL!!! You're the complete opposite of accurate. You couldn't possibly be more incorrect and wrong

You just show on my example, how you can mix strongly opposed concepts :)
I'm right, because I could see at practice, what was communist and what is liberal ideologies...

You fail to understand that what is called 'Liberalism' is not classical liberalism...but a bastardization of the name: communist John Dewey (look him up) had the Socialist Party change its name to 'Liberal'....and that is the modern iteration.

Classical liberals thought government was the danger. They were wrong. Capitalism turned out to be the real danger,
hence the development of modern liberalism to rein in the horrors of out of control capitalism.
Foolish and proves you have failed to learn from 5k years of history. Government, particularly the unlimited kind you prefer, has murdered, enslaved, and caused more suffering than any other cause known to man.
Tonight on Fox news, the starving Swedes...
To be followed by a documentary entitled "Retards that believe Sweden is a socialist country"....

Name a socialist country.
Cuba... you want me to point it out on a map for you too?

Why do you call Obama a Marxist then?
I didn't call Obama a Marxist, the voices in your head been fucking with your vision again?

Okay, so then you must agree that the throngs of RW'ers on this forum, for example, including the OP of this thread,

are fucking idiots for calling Obama a Marxist.

Before you go on with your fence about you try to respond to post #114.
I can't think of an issue on which I'm on the fence.

And post 114 has nothing to do with my post, which said: "We're nowhere near communal ownership of property, we're nowhere near central control of production & distribution."

You wrote this:
"This binary, "anyone to the Left of me is a communist" thinking really doesn't help the conservative cause. Why? Because it's just so easy to poke gaping holes in binary thought."

Get off that fence before you get splinters.

And post #114 puts you in your place.
Btw, does anybody know, in reality both communism and socialism were based on very wide low-level democracy. People didn't have ability to say "Hey, Brezhnev, you doing something wrong!", but could say "hey, my boss - you are really doing something wrong!" - don't try to repeat it in current life.

So, it's a logical, Ayn Rand hated the communism, because she couldn't live in communism, like her bloodsuckers family... Communism is really a formation for million people, which prefer to live by their labor, not by slave-like exploitation of other people...
Uh-huh and it's worked out so spectacularly for the 100's of millions of people that have lived in countries where it's been implemented too, just ask all the "citizens" of the former Soviet Union just how peachy things were.

Oh, it was a perfect, beautiful time, instead of current...
You claim people of former USSR as slaves only because you don't know, the real slaves - a billion people around. A slaves of money, of political correctness, of gay propaganda, of democracy ideology, of stock playing, periodic financial crisyses and so on, till the Obamacare... :) It's really psychologically hard, but look at mirror first :)
So let me guess this straight, your argument is that the citizens living under capitalism enjoying a wide distribution of wealth, prosperity, upward mobility, living standards and individual liberty are the slaves; while the citizens of the Soviet Union weren't ?
BTW; Apparently the television signals from Earth have been horribly distorted on their journey to your planet, don't worry
we'll send a probe loaded with MPEG's so you can see what life was really like in the good ole Soviet Union.

Do you really think you got all this things because of "awesome capitalism" or "kindness richmen"???

You got ALL of it, because USSR HAD it! Because capitalism needed to defend its existanse. Because without of all this things you would be the first, who want to change capitalism to socialism.

USSR was fallen.. Do you really live better, since 80th? How about statistic?

BTW. I was born at Soviet Union. I LIVED there, instead of you ;)
Feudalism. Sorry for my spelling.

I mean, if you could see a bloody battles between communists and liberals here, you should not combine this two different things.

Liberalism - is priority of individualism over the society. In fact, people cannot live in society and feel free of it, so in practice liberalism is a kind of parasitism of some people on others.

Communism, in ideal - is something like "superdemocracy" - a dictatorship of working majority. Without rules of defence of some minority groups in society. It's a reason of hate of communism from some different kind of people... :)

LOL!!! You're the complete opposite of accurate. You couldn't possibly be more incorrect and wrong

You just show on my example, how you can mix strongly opposed concepts :)
I'm right, because I could see at practice, what was communist and what is liberal ideologies...

You fail to understand that what is called 'Liberalism' is not classical liberalism...but a bastardization of the name: communist John Dewey (look him up) had the Socialist Party change its name to 'Liberal'....and that is the modern iteration.

Classical liberals thought government was the danger. They were wrong. Capitalism turned out to be the real danger,
hence the development of modern liberalism to rein in the horrors of out of control capitalism.
Foolish and proves you have failed to learn from 5k years of history. Government, particularly the unlimited kind you prefer, has murdered, enslaved, and caused more suffering than any other cause known to man.

Nor did he learn anything in the five years of schooling he had.
Feudalism. Sorry for my spelling.

I mean, if you could see a bloody battles between communists and liberals here, you should not combine this two different things.

Liberalism - is priority of individualism over the society. In fact, people cannot live in society and feel free of it, so in practice liberalism is a kind of parasitism of some people on others.

Communism, in ideal - is something like "superdemocracy" - a dictatorship of working majority. Without rules of defence of some minority groups in society. It's a reason of hate of communism from some different kind of people... :)

LOL!!! You're the complete opposite of accurate. You couldn't possibly be more incorrect and wrong

You just show on my example, how you can mix strongly opposed concepts :)
I'm right, because I could see at practice, what was communist and what is liberal ideologies...

You fail to understand that what is called 'Liberalism' is not classical liberalism...but a bastardization of the name: communist John Dewey (look him up) had the Socialist Party change its name to 'Liberal'....and that is the modern iteration.

Classical liberals thought government was the danger. They were wrong. Capitalism turned out to be the real danger,
hence the development of modern liberalism to rein in the horrors of out of control capitalism.
Foolish and proves you have failed to learn from 5k years of history. Government, particularly the unlimited kind you prefer, has murdered, enslaved, and caused more suffering than any other cause known to man.

You deny the horrors of the Industrial Revolution? The working conditions, the exploitation of people, child labor, and on and on.

You deny that ever happened. You're insane.
Btw, does anybody know, in reality both communism and socialism were based on very wide low-level democracy. People didn't have ability to say "Hey, Brezhnev, you doing something wrong!", but could say "hey, my boss - you are really doing something wrong!" - don't try to repeat it in current life.

So, it's a logical, Ayn Rand hated the communism, because she couldn't live in communism, like her bloodsuckers family... Communism is really a formation for million people, which prefer to live by their labor, not by slave-like exploitation of other people...
Uh-huh and it's worked out so spectacularly for the 100's of millions of people that have lived in countries where it's been implemented too, just ask all the "citizens" of the former Soviet Union just how peachy things were.

Oh, it was a perfect, beautiful time, instead of current...
You claim people of former USSR as slaves only because you don't know, the real slaves - a billion people around. A slaves of money, of political correctness, of gay propaganda, of democracy ideology, of stock playing, periodic financial crisyses and so on, till the Obamacare... :) It's really psychologically hard, but look at mirror first :)
So let me guess this straight, your argument is that the citizens living under capitalism enjoying a wide distribution of wealth, prosperity, upward mobility, living standards and individual liberty are the slaves; while the citizens of the Soviet Union weren't ?
BTW; Apparently the television signals from Earth have been horribly distorted on their journey to your planet, don't worry
we'll send a probe loaded with MPEG's so you can see what life was really like in the good ole Soviet Union.

Do you really think you got all this things because of "awesome capitalism" or "kindness richmen"???

You got ALL of it, because USSR HAD it! Because capitalism needed to defend its existanse. Because without of all this things you would be the first, who want to change capitalism to socialism.

USSR was fallen.. Do you really live better, since 80th? How about statistic?

BTW. I was born at Soviet Union. I LIVED there, instead of you ;)

{Pssst! The communists gave up to capitalism early on......look up the Stakhanovite Revolution....)
LOL!!! You're the complete opposite of accurate. You couldn't possibly be more incorrect and wrong

You just show on my example, how you can mix strongly opposed concepts :)
I'm right, because I could see at practice, what was communist and what is liberal ideologies...

You fail to understand that what is called 'Liberalism' is not classical liberalism...but a bastardization of the name: communist John Dewey (look him up) had the Socialist Party change its name to 'Liberal'....and that is the modern iteration.

Classical liberals thought government was the danger. They were wrong. Capitalism turned out to be the real danger,
hence the development of modern liberalism to rein in the horrors of out of control capitalism.
Foolish and proves you have failed to learn from 5k years of history. Government, particularly the unlimited kind you prefer, has murdered, enslaved, and caused more suffering than any other cause known to man.

Nor did he learn anything in the five years of schooling he had.

So you agree with him that government should have no power over business? lol, where has that ever worked?
Before you go on with your fence about you try to respond to post #114.
I can't think of an issue on which I'm on the fence.

And post 114 has nothing to do with my post, which said: "We're nowhere near communal ownership of property, we're nowhere near central control of production & distribution."

You wrote this:
"This binary, "anyone to the Left of me is a communist" thinking really doesn't help the conservative cause. Why? Because it's just so easy to poke gaping holes in binary thought."

Get off that fence before you get splinters.

And post #114 puts you in your place.
You're certainly welcome to point out an issue on which I'm on the fence.

That quote was quite clear and not on a fence.

You've used the term twice now, perhaps it's time to back up your words.
Do you always quote crazy people from your head?

Just wondering.....have you read her books?
I have, yet feel the need to wretch... have strong feelings based on ignorance?

It is one of the benefits of being a never have to read anything, or even know anything.
A real time saver.
It's like the Communist Manifesto, the Bible, Mein Kamph, they suck, they are dry, philosophical moments I don't feel the propaganda lifting my spirit....I'd rather be reading IRS laws....Those can be eye crossers...

So you rushed out to this thread to proclaim you know nothing?

You say COmmunism, then at the bottom it says Socialism. Er...

Clean off your specs.

The OP explains:
You're running out of original crackpot ideas.

There is no essential difference between communism, socialism, Liberalism and/or Progressivism. At the heart of each is a faith and adherence to big, overarching government, the representative of the collective, at the cost of individual liberty and freedom.

Meaning you have to admit that the OP is 100% accurate.


Communism, socialism and liberalism - good company... Add here a feodalism, it based at a faith in government too... ::)

Welcome to the board, Sbiker.

What do you mean, 'good company'?

I know of no such term as 'feodalism.'

Feudalism. Sorry for my spelling.

I mean, if you could see a bloody battles between communists and liberals here, you should not combine this two different things.

Liberalism - is priority of individualism over the society. In fact, people cannot live in society and feel free of it, so in practice liberalism is a kind of parasitism of some people on others.

Communism, in ideal - is something like "superdemocracy" - a dictatorship of working majority. Without rules of defence of some minority groups in society. It's a reason of hate of communism from some different kind of people... :)
But the USA is not a democracy,,sorry old chap, but that alley oop won't score you shit......

Don't worry.. Almost all social consepts were seriously distorted last years. What is communism? What is capitalism? There are no any accurate definitions, only opinions... Awesome food for trolls like you and me :)))
Feudalism. Sorry for my spelling.

I mean, if you could see a bloody battles between communists and liberals here, you should not combine this two different things.

Liberalism - is priority of individualism over the society. In fact, people cannot live in society and feel free of it, so in practice liberalism is a kind of parasitism of some people on others.

Communism, in ideal - is something like "superdemocracy" - a dictatorship of working majority. Without rules of defence of some minority groups in society. It's a reason of hate of communism from some different kind of people... :)

LOL!!! You're the complete opposite of accurate. You couldn't possibly be more incorrect and wrong

You just show on my example, how you can mix strongly opposed concepts :)
I'm right, because I could see at practice, what was communist and what is liberal ideologies...

You fail to understand that what is called 'Liberalism' is not classical liberalism...but a bastardization of the name: communist John Dewey (look him up) had the Socialist Party change its name to 'Liberal'....and that is the modern iteration.

Classical liberals thought government was the danger. They were wrong. Capitalism turned out to be the real danger,
hence the development of modern liberalism to rein in the horrors of out of control capitalism.
Foolish and proves you have failed to learn from 5k years of history. Government, particularly the unlimited kind you prefer, has murdered, enslaved, and caused more suffering than any other cause known to man.

All of human existence is the existence of government, right down to the government within one's family.

There is no such thing as the absence of government.

Anyone can meaninglessly over-generalize to create a fallacious point. You're a master of it.
Before you go on with your fence about you try to respond to post #114.
I can't think of an issue on which I'm on the fence.

And post 114 has nothing to do with my post, which said: "We're nowhere near communal ownership of property, we're nowhere near central control of production & distribution."

You wrote this:
"This binary, "anyone to the Left of me is a communist" thinking really doesn't help the conservative cause. Why? Because it's just so easy to poke gaping holes in binary thought."

Get off that fence before you get splinters.

And post #114 puts you in your place.
You're certainly welcome to point out an issue on which I'm on the fence.

That quote was quite clear and not on a fence.

You've used the term twice now, perhaps it's time to back up your words.

Good luck with that.
Notice how PC never offers a coherent alternative?

You couldn't waterboard out of her a coherent plan for government that she would actually endorse.
As uneducated as you prove to be, daily, do you realize how lucky you are that I am here to educate you????

Indeed, I always thought I was a socialist but thanks to you I now realize that I'm a nazi/commie/liberal etc. too

That's a problem though, I usually vote for the SP (socialist party) but now I'm not so sure anymore which party I should vote for....

Do you always quote crazy people from your head?

+1 :))

Btw, does anybody know, in reality both communism and socialism were based on very wide low-level democracy. People didn't have ability to say "Hey, Brezhnev, you doing something wrong!", but could say "hey, my boss - you are really doing something wrong!" - don't try to repeat it in current life.

So, it's a logical, Ayn Rand hated the communism, because she couldn't live in communism, like her bloodsuckers family... Communism is really a formation for million people, which prefer to live by their labor, not by slave-like exploitation of other people...
Actually it was written by a middle income kid who saw the abuses of the lower classes and felt empathy enough to write a dissertation about what he thought could fix...

Alisa Rosenbaum, known as Ayn Rand, were not from middle class! Her father was and owner of large drugstore in St.Petersburg before revolution.
Communism did not come from Ayn Rand....

But some hate of communism did :) And communism as concept had a long story...How about medieval monasteries - really, a sort of communes...

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