Yet again the experts say the stimulus worked

Why not claim 16 trillion over 10 years? You know, as long as you're making shit up.
Just because you hafve to make shit up doesn't mean I do
here is a list of how much money the stimulus will save in 10 years
^1 trillion computerized health records
^34 billion community health centers
^20 billion head start
^77 billion MEP
^8 billion WIC
^10 billion AmeriCorps
^10 billion NASA
^100b-1t billion electric smart grid
^7 billion cash for claunkers
^6 billion preventative medicine
^43-63 billion from public transportation
^22 billion WAP
^46-100 billion from alternative energy
^22b-1t(estimate) from comparative effectiveness/health research
^8-80 billion science research
^100 billion pre-school/early education

You left a zero off the end of all those numbers.
Or was it two zeros?
Hell, with $5 trillion in additional debt, our GDP should have doubled by now, with all of the great investments Obama made. :lol:

See this is the problem you are so stupid that you don't know the difference between the stimulus act and government spending.
Furthermore the last Bush budget had a deficit of 1.4trillion, while the last Obama budget had a deficit of 1.3trillion.. so like always you blame Obama for things he had no part in mostly becaue you are to stupid to think for yourself
They do. But they don't support tax cuts that eh GOP wants because the GOP wants to give tax cuts to international corporations and billionaires
so plz come back when you have a clue

We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world. Obviously, the way to grow the economy is to make them even higher. Obviously. :cuckoo:

See this is the problem. You are so ignorant that you think the earth is flat and yet you call anyone who says the earth isn't flat that they are cuckoo

Two-Thirds of Corporations Pay No Taxes, But McCain Still Wants To Lower the Corporate Tax Rate | ThinkProgress
Error -
^United states corporate tax revenue is half that of the OCED average.
You would have to increase USA corporate taxes by 100% in America for the USA to have corporate taxes equal to the OCED average.

Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower Than Most Other Developed Nations | ThinkProgress
^United states has one of the lower corporate tax rates in the 1st world

26 Major Corporations Paid No Taxes For The Last Four Years
^From 2008-2011 the 30 largest corporations paid a negative income taxes despite having 205billion in profits

You see, you can have high tax rates and large write-offs and still pay no taxes.
Kind of like when Reagan was elected and we had a 70% top rate.
The solution is to cut the rate and simplify the tax code.
That means eliminate many of the favors the politicians write into the code to help their donors. Like the green energy money giveaways that Obama likes for GE.
Yep Obama is to blame for job losses in January 2009 when he became president in January 20th of 2009.
This is the difference between you and me I actually state the effects of obama policies while you just blame Obama for everything

You're right, businesses never look forward to see what's going to happen in the future.
They don't react after an election in November, they wait until January to notice an anti-business candidate has been elected.
And we still have fewer jobs. Over 3 years later and the smartest President in history hasn't fixed the economy yet?
Hell, he was going to stop the rise of the oceans. :cuckoo:

ROTFL so your argument is that jobs losses in 2008 are because of Obama...Plz come back when your argument is something other then "everything is Obama's fault and if you disagree with that you are cukoo" also plz explain how Obama cutting businesses taxes is anti-buisens. THis is your problem are you are able to do is spout right-wing talking points that have no basis in reality and when confronted with realtiy you are so stubborn an pathetic that you reject it with "oh you are cuckoo for not being brainwashed like me"

No, my argument is that we have fewer jobs today than the day he took office.
And we have $5 trillion more debt. Great job sparky!
Just because you hafve to make shit up doesn't mean I do
here is a list of how much money the stimulus will save in 10 years
^1 trillion computerized health records
^34 billion community health centers
^20 billion head start
^77 billion MEP
^8 billion WIC
^10 billion AmeriCorps
^10 billion NASA
^100b-1t billion electric smart grid
^7 billion cash for claunkers
^6 billion preventative medicine
^43-63 billion from public transportation
^22 billion WAP
^46-100 billion from alternative energy
^22b-1t(estimate) from comparative effectiveness/health research
^8-80 billion science research
^100 billion pre-school/early education

You left a zero off the end of all those numbers.
Or was it two zeros?
Hell, with $5 trillion in additional debt, our GDP should have doubled by now, with all of the great investments Obama made. :lol:

See this is the problem you are so stupid that you don't know the difference between the stimulus act and government spending.
Furthermore the last Bush budget had a deficit of 1.4trillion, while the last Obama budget had a deficit of 1.3trillion.. so like always you blame Obama for things he had no part in mostly becaue you are to stupid to think for yourself

The last Bush budget? You mean the one Obama signed? LOL!
You're right, businesses never look forward to see what's going to happen in the future.
They don't react after an election in November, they wait until January to notice an anti-business candidate has been elected.
And we still have fewer jobs. Over 3 years later and the smartest President in history hasn't fixed the economy yet?
Hell, he was going to stop the rise of the oceans. :cuckoo:

ROTFL so your argument is that jobs losses in 2008 are because of Obama...Plz come back when your argument is something other then "everything is Obama's fault and if you disagree with that you are cukoo" also plz explain how Obama cutting businesses taxes is anti-buisens. THis is your problem are you are able to do is spout right-wing talking points that have no basis in reality and when confronted with realtiy you are so stubborn an pathetic that you reject it with "oh you are cuckoo for not being brainwashed like me"

No, my argument is that we have fewer jobs today than the day he took office.
And we have $5 trillion more debt. Great job sparky!

You see your problem is the American people are far too honest for your stupid bullshit to fool them.

They know damned well who caused this whole mess.

YOUR party
what makes you think people think Obama will lose the election?

Mitt Romney has jumped to a seven-point lead over President Obama in a national poll released today.

The Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll shows Romney ahead of the president with 50 percent to Obama's 43 percent.

It is the highest level of support the presumptive Republican nominee has received in his matchup against Obama as well as his largest lead.

they dont count anymore because they are so incorrect that they always show a right wing bias
The economy is bad because the stimulus worked in making the economy bad, which means the economy is really good. The worse the economy gets, really, the better it will be.
Why is it Obama is saving us money ten years from now and not in the present? The answer is, he won't. Its all scenarios given to the CBO and theory only.
Repeatedly calling me "stupid" without backing up WHY I'm stupid is TruthMatters typical approach, Star...not really the person you want to be emulating. I'm curious... do you really not understand why only creating 4 million jobs was in fact failure on a rather grand scale? You're not coming across as a very well educated person so I'm guessing this is all a bit over your head. If I could make a suggestion? Fewer nights spent with Blizzard and more nights spent with your nose in a book about economics would probably do WONDERS for your ability to discuss things like this without coming off like a stoned 16 year old.

I keep waiting for Star to mature as a poster and keep praying that he(?) will mature into a legitimate poster and not fall into the rdean, TDM, Chris category of troll.

Most posters come on to sites like this guns blazing, "knowing" that they know everything and everyone that opposes them are "stupid". The vast majority of them actually mature into decent posters who are worth having discussions with. I have not lost hope on Star yet.


See this is the proiblem according to you posting facts isn't legitamte this is because facts are contrarty to what you post

Who said anything about facts?

Your problem is that you are too immature to just post facts. You think lacing your posts with "stupid" makes you smart.

I think it makes you look like an 11 year old who doesn't want a little girl chasing him around the playground so he gives her a little shove.

I'm actually hoping that you mature into someone that will post facts and decent opinions so that it is worth having a discussion with you.

Cheaper gas also helped boost consumer confidence in May to its highest level in four years. A preliminary index compiled by Thomson Reuters and the University of Michigan climbed to 77.8 from last month’s 76.4, reaching a point not seen since January 2008.

That’s the ninth straight monthly rise.

Gas prices keep inflation tame, push confidence to four-year high -

Confidence is rising because consumers see the end of Obama's reign is near.

Wait until they get a load of the man they have chosen to succeed him. /shutters

I keep waiting for Star to mature as a poster and keep praying that he(?) will mature into a legitimate poster and not fall into the rdean, TDM, Chris category of troll.

Most posters come on to sites like this guns blazing, "knowing" that they know everything and everyone that opposes them are "stupid". The vast majority of them actually mature into decent posters who are worth having discussions with. I have not lost hope on Star yet.


See this is the proiblem according to you posting facts isn't legitamte this is because facts are contrarty to what you post

Who said anything about facts?

Your problem is that you are too immature to just post facts. You think lacing your posts with "stupid" makes you smart.

I think it makes you look like an 11 year old who doesn't want a little girl chasing him around the playground so he gives her a little shove.

I'm actually hoping that you mature into someone that will post facts and decent opinions so that it is worth having a discussion with you.

COme back when you aren't such a retard
See this is the proiblem according to you posting facts isn't legitamte this is because facts are contrarty to what you post

Who said anything about facts?

Your problem is that you are too immature to just post facts. You think lacing your posts with "stupid" makes you smart.

I think it makes you look like an 11 year old who doesn't want a little girl chasing him around the playground so he gives her a little shove.

I'm actually hoping that you mature into someone that will post facts and decent opinions so that it is worth having a discussion with you.

COme back when you aren't such a retard

I'm losing hope in you.

Grow up.

You're actually acting like the other brainless bitches on site. Good for you, hang tough.

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