Yet ANOTHER AGW k00ks prediction fAiL

Westwall, where are you? You don't seem comfortable when the topic is your inconsistent behavior. Since you claim to always admit mistakes, let's get to work on that.

On multiple occasions, you have called me a sock as well, despite having zero evidence for such a thing. Please tell everyone here that you made a mistake to do so, and that you have zero evidence that Crick and I have ever run socks. If you won't do that, at least post your evidence that we did run socks, so everyone will know you're not simply refusing to admit your mistakes.

Next, let's talk about your mistakes concerning the way you, on multiple occasions, have fabricated fake quotes and assigned them to me. You know, those times you wrote that I said I was a "nucular (sic) watch officer". "(sic)" means "thus it was written". Use of that word means you were not paraphrasing me; you were directly attributing those exact words to me. Since I have never used the word "nucular", that was obviously a fake quote you created. Will you own up to that mistake?

The ball's in your court. Do you admit your mistakes?

:lol::lol::lol: No, those are called satire and sarcasm. I don't misquote anyone as that is patently against the rules and if you feel I have done so then by all means report it to the Administration. I used "nucular" because you hate Bush the junior and that is how he pronounced it so I figured your lie about being a "Nuclear Watch Officer" a position that does not exist in the US Navy, warranted the use of the word.

I find you tiresome as well as your fellow socks! But instead of simply cursing you (like your fellow traveler trolling blunder) I choose to mock you instead. The fact that you're not smart enough to figure it out...and my don't you and Crick whine about the same things in the same way:lol::lol::lol: just reinforces my low opinion of you and your fellow socks!:lmao:
Hmm... no Westwall response. No admission of his violation of the rules. No retraction. No apology.

No surprise

Unlike you I have a life, and also have to take care of this Board as a Mod. I'm busy!:lol: Oh, yes...I almost forgot. When you silly people require a response don't forget to use the @ function. That way I'll be sure to see whatever little insult you wish to hurl at me. [MENTION=48966]Crick[/MENTION], [MENTION=39072]mamooth[/MENTION]
Is there any behavior you can't find acceptable with such a position? Ethically, you're the fucking black hole of Calcutta.

You are a stupid, bigoted asshole.

And yet he doesn't call people who don't agree with him "deniers". You are the very personification of bigoted.
The topic here is your claim that you own up to your mistakes. Since I've never seen you own up to a mistake, I find it to be a most peculiar claim on your part. On the contrary, your inability to admit any mistake is what gets you into so much trouble. You make a minor mistake, you get called on it, and instead of just saying "oops", you double down on the mistake and swear eternal vengeance against the one who pointed it out.

:lol::lol::lol: No, those are called satire and sarcasm. I don't misquote anyone as that is patently against the rules and if you feel I have done so then by all means report it to the Administration. I used "nucular" because you hate Bush the junior and that is how he pronounced it so I figured your lie about being a "Nuclear Watch Officer" a position that does not exist in the US Navy, warranted the use of the word.

Ooh, can we go over this again? I adored showing how much you failed on this issue. Would you like to tell us again how everyone discharged from the US military gets a Retired Military ID? Those were some fun times, watching your obsessions end in hilarious failure.

If you have evidence I've lied about my military service, post it here for everyone to see. I have nothing to hide on that topic, but you apparently do. After all, I demanded you bring it up with all the other vets on the board, but you never would. I met every challenge you gave me, which only caused you to create an ever more elaborate conspiracy web about how everything was a forgery that I had been working on for decades, just so I could make a single offhand comment about heat flow on a message board. Yeah, that makes sense.

Now, we both know what actually happened. You were angry that I kept pointing out how bad your science was, so out of vindictive rage, you flung out a stupid accusation. You know it was a big mistake, but since you're not capable of admitting a mistake, you're still bitterly clinging to your conspiracy theory. Why not come clean instead? You'd feel better, getting it off your chest.

I find you tiresome as well as your fellow socks! But instead of simply cursing you (like your fellow traveler trolling blunder) I choose to mock you instead. The fact that you're not smart enough to figure it out...and my don't you and Crick whine about the same things in the same way:lol::lol::lol: just reinforces my low opinion of you and your fellow socks!:lmao:

Again, if you have any evidence that I or Crick have ever used socks, post it here. We keep asking you to post your evidence, and you keep sidestepping the issue. Instead, you're confirming the rule that says people who call others socks do so because they're too wimpy to address the actual arguments. Why not just come clean and admit all your mistakes? Think of how much easier you'd sleep.
A new study by a “group of mean reactionary science purists” at the Journal Nature Climate Change took a look at 117 of the Left’s wild claims. Its results are devastating for Gore and the Left. They show that 114, or 97.4%, of them were wrong. They weren’t just a little “ooops, I hit the wrong number on my computer – wrong but wrong by a you – don’t – know what – in- the – world – you’re –are talking – about” wrong. The average “mistake” was an overstatement of global warming by double actual reality.

Two attacks on these lies came from Alabama, which of course disqualifies them in the scolding eyes of the New York Times.

Nevertheless, here’s what these professors from the University of Alabama had to say:

“It’s a real problem [the misinformation] … it shows that there really is something that needs to be fixed in the climate models.” – Climate scientist John Christy.

“I looked at 73 climate models going back to 1979 and every single one predicted more warming than happened in the real world.” – John Christy, professor at the University of Alabama Huntsville.
Read more at Global warming predictions proven wrong 97.4% of the time

Real scientists would go at these fails in model and revise them with vigor and excitement to be approaching ever so close tot he Truth.

AGW 'scientists' make up excuses, make further 'adjustments' to their data and then merely repeat their claims.

Pathetic losers.
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