Yet another Democrat politician convicted of appalling corruption


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
It is the norm for the left. This is why they are accusing Trump of every crime under the hide their own criminality and to desensitize the public to it:

"Allentown mayor Ed Pawlowski was found guilty Thursday of 47 counts of rigging city contracts for those who gave him money for political campaigns."

"Pawlowski's six-week trial in federal court in Allentown, Pennsylvania, ended when jurors found the mayor guilty of charges he gave city contracts to law firms and businesses that gave him money for campaigns for governor and U.S. Senate.

"He retaliated against companies that refused to play along or didn't give sufficiently, according to prosecutors."

"Pawlowski learned July 25 he'd been indicted on 54 federal charges for allegedly accepting more than $150,000 in campaign contributions from potential city contractors. FBI agents raided his offices in 2015.

"He refused to step down as mayor and won re-election in November 2017 despite the indictment and looming trial."

The fact that the dems re-elected a known criminal, and his refusal to step down, just further confirms what we all know...they are criminal, treasonous pigs and they should all be locked up. I think if you vote for or support a known criminal, you should be charged with aiding and abetting.

Allentown mayor found guilty, sold office to donors
This guy is as corrupt as the day is long. I hope he is made an example of by the courts.

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