Yet another Fauci Flip-Flop.

Times change, with new information on the NOVEL virus...and with these new variations developing that are 7 times more contagious...

Bottom line, we all need N95 masks, the govt should supply them for us.
why do I need one? I don't care if I get it. I'm not afraid of the boogeyman.
Bottom line, we all need N95 masks, the govt should supply them for us.
Why dont you buy one with your own money?
I have them....

But if the govt believes the n95 is what gives us 95% protection from the corona virus, then the cost of supplying them is a heck of a lot cheaper than all of these bailouts for businesses and people....affected negatively by the virus spread.
based on no scientific study. I thought you all were about the science? I'm waiting for the evidence to support your nonsense.
Anyone who still believes there is CV19 in the US is a certifiable sub human invalid.

Hey shit for brains, my daughter recently had it. She still has breathing difficulty. Now, go climb back under that rock from whence you slithered.
The N95 masks are the only ones that work...the CDC and Fauci has said that cotton will not work...but then the dems and lovers of China realized that China had all of the N95 masks because they sent those jobs to when China wouldn't sell us any back they had to switch their message to cotton was ok to use...all of a sudden there were thousands of cotton masks on the shelves and patterns on line to make your own useless mask....

How many times does it have to be explained to you idiots? Masks protect other people from YOU, unless you are wearing your vaunted N95, which protects you.

You should stay inside and hunker down. I haven't worn one not will I start.

How many people did you infect while you were asymptomatic?

Im sorry to hear that and I hope she gets better. My brother in law had it, friends of mine etc. I haven't infected anyone.

So you know what asymptomatic means, dumbass?

I know exactly what it means. I'm not buying your lies. I've worked in a level 2/3 hood. Go pitch your nonsense somewhere else.
It's weird that you guys don't get how the response to COVID is going to change as new information is gained.
It's weird how you guys have bitched and moaned since Jan that Trump didn't know exactly what to do from day one.

He didn't.

....and yet you are here defending the latest flip-flop from the "foremost expert on controlling a virus"

Double masking isn't new. It's not even a "flip flop".
Link us up to Fauci telling us to wear 2 masks from the beginning.


He didn't. First he said wearing a mask wasn't necessary because we didn't at the time know that asymptomatic and pre symptomatic people were shedding the virus. So, we were told if you don't feel well stay home. Also, we wanted to insure that healthcare workers would not run out of masks because the public bought them all up.

Then we found out differently and Fauci, the CDC and the rest of the world's healthcare organizations stated for people to wear masks when not able to social distance.

For double masking he was asked the question and he said it's a good idea. To my knowledge no policies have been changed and even if they are, so what?
Is this a green beard sock?
Anyone who still believes there is CV19 in the US is a certifiable sub human invalid.

Hey shit for brains, my daughter recently had it. She still has breathing difficulty. Now, go climb back under that rock from whence you slithered.
The N95 masks are the only ones that work...the CDC and Fauci has said that cotton will not work...but then the dems and lovers of China realized that China had all of the N95 masks because they sent those jobs to when China wouldn't sell us any back they had to switch their message to cotton was ok to use...all of a sudden there were thousands of cotton masks on the shelves and patterns on line to make your own useless mask....

How many times does it have to be explained to you idiots? Masks protect other people from YOU, unless you are wearing your vaunted N95, which protects you.

You should stay inside and hunker down. I haven't worn one not will I start.

How many people did you infect while you were asymptomatic?
your daughter never got sick before? she's fking lucky. Hope she gets better, but the flu is as bad and everyone for the most part has dealt with that in life. live in a bubble and don't come out if you're that afraid of viruses.
Im sorry to hear that and I hope she gets better. My brother in law had it, friends of mine etc. I haven't infected anyone.
I now know a few friends and relatives who've been sick. all recovered. not many symptoms. I had a worse experience with the flu and a cold before. Ever have allergies? very fking irritating sickness. I get three shots a month. so anyone crying about catching a boogeyman, stay home and in your bubble and let's let the normal people live.
First masks didn't work, then they did, then they didn' you gotta wear 2.

What a clown.

In all fairness to Dr. Fauci, the right way to confront the pandemic is a work in progress.

No one really knows how to handle it.

Ideas come and go.

So it does seem common sense to say that two masks are more effective than one mask.

But nobody really knows at this point.

And I guess that three masks would be more effective than two masks.

In one or two years from now, we will learn that "science" was right on some points and wrong on other points (even terribly wrong?).
well you don't ruin millions of lives while you learn, and that's what happened here. ridiculous that this got where it got. we allowed it as a people and shame on us. I had my way, there'd have been no lock down, and this thing would have passed by now. this all prolonged it, and that's based on logic.
Covid truth = what Fauci said the first time.

It will come.

It will be one bad flu season, and then it will be gone.... AND IT WAS 100% GONE IN MAY AND THAT's THE REAL TRUTH

Covid BULLSHIT = what Fauci said after his "First Take"

Covid will require us to have absentee ballot fraud next November to prevent Trump from releasing the 911 FBI file and JFK and all the rest of the treasonous Zionist assaults on America.

Fauci - just another Col Tim Osman in a different role....

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