Yet Another Obama Administration Lie


Opinionated Ass
Nov 1, 2012
(Like there's not already too many to list, right?

Although the petition calling for action on Sgt. Tahmooressi's behalf met the 100k signature requirement for a response from the White House several months ago, no response has been given.

Why is our supposed leader who is willing to release 5 high ranking terrorists in exchange for an alleged deserter not willing to so much as speak out in support of an honorable Marine who actually earned his rank?

While I applaud politicians such as Tim Donnelly who actually put in an admirable effort to work for the release of Sgt. Tahmooressi by keeping attention on the issue as best he can, he simply can't do what the so-called leader of our nation can & demand the Sergeant's return.

Why is this administration remaining silent on Sgt. Tahmooressi's captivity when they are willing to undermine our national security in order to bring home a soldier of far less loyalty by any standard?

Bergdahl's critical letters alone show that he had no particularly love of country, but Tahmooressi is an honorable & faithful soldier who is being let down by the very government that he swore to serve.
What's the lie? Did the president promise to address this issue if a petition crossed his desk?
Maybe if Sgt. Toomhoosi hadn't tried to bring his arsenal into Mexico he wouldn't have a problem.
How do you know he didn't simply make a wrong turn like he said he did? Why not give an honorable man the Benefit of the doubt?
Mexican justice will take its course just like American justice takes its course when Mexicans break the law

Not much for Obama to do other than make sure he is treated humanely
White House responds to Tahmooressi petition: ‘We respect the rule of law’

The White House has responded to a popular petition that demands the release of U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican prison, explaining that the Obama administration respects the rule of law and will continue to monitor the situation to make sure the soldier is treated fairly.

More than 134,000 people signed a petition on the White House’s “We the People” website asking the president to demand the release of Sgt. Tahmooressi, who was imprisoned nearly five months ago for illegally crossing from California into Mexico with three firearms in his truck. The Marine maintains that he crossed the border by accident after making a wrong turn on his way to meet a friend. He faces up to 14 years in prison if convicted.

“As in all cases when a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, our goal is to see that Mr. Tahmooressi is treated fairly during the judicial process with the hope that he can receive the support, both emotional and medical, that he may require now and at the conclusion of the proceedings,” the White Housesaid in an official response Friday.

Read more: White House responds to Tahmooressi petition We respect the rule of law - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

It appears the president picks and chooses what laws he respects and what laws he does not respect! So it also appears that that apparent wrong turn will cost this man 14 years of his life. Obama be damned.

I agree with the OP the Bergdahl was exchanged for high ranking terrorists and the president couldn't go to bat for a patriot soldier? That's just more evidence of the warped mind of this CIC.
Oh, THIS Tamoressi:

The story and spin behind ex-Marine Tahmooressi jailed in Mexico - LA Times

What we know about her 25-year-old son is that he acquitted himself with valor on the field of battle during two tours in Afghanistan, and made some whopping mistakes upon his return, including driving across the border on March 31 with three loaded guns in his truck, a serious violation of Mexican law, for which he is now on trial.

Tuesday, at a news conference in a tavern half an hour north of San Diego, Jill Tahmooressi dissolved into tears as she described for the umpteenth time a phone conversation with her son on his first night in Tijuana’s La Mesa prison, when Andrew, who was diagnosed in March with post-traumatic stress disorder, told her he would not “last the night.”

He did survive, of course, and what followed were two escape attempts, including one described as a "ninja-style scaling of a wall topped with coiled barbed wire," and an incident in which he slashed his neck with a broken lightbulb. After that, he was moved to El Hongo prison in Tecate, one of a handful of Mexican prisons accredited by the American Correctional Assn., where he is now living in what his mother describes as "solitary confinement" and what others have called a "private cell."

In a story headlined "Ex-Marine did not enter Mexico by mistake," Ines Garcia Ramos reported that around 10:30 p.m. on March 31, as Tahmooressi began to drive into Mexico, border officers who noticed a mattress and other large items in his truck waved him over to an inspection area, where his weapons were discovered during a search. Contrary to his assertion that he stopped to ask how to return to the U.S., she wrote, he appeared to be driving away from the border. (After his guns were discovered, he called 911, telling an American operator he had crossed the border "by accident ... and they're trying to take my guns from me.")

If he is convicted of illegally possessing guns and ammunition, Tahmooressi faces up to 14 years in prison.
White House responds to Tahmooressi petition: ‘We respect the rule of law’

The White House has responded to a popular petition that demands the release of U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican prison, explaining that the Obama administration respects the rule of law and will continue to monitor the situation to make sure the soldier is treated fairly.

More than 134,000 people signed a petition on the White House’s “We the People” website asking the president to demand the release of Sgt. Tahmooressi, who was imprisoned nearly five months ago for illegally crossing from California into Mexico with three firearms in his truck. The Marine maintains that he crossed the border by accident after making a wrong turn on his way to meet a friend. He faces up to 14 years in prison if convicted.

“As in all cases when a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, our goal is to see that Mr. Tahmooressi is treated fairly during the judicial process with the hope that he can receive the support, both emotional and medical, that he may require now and at the conclusion of the proceedings,” the White Housesaid in an official response Friday.

Read more: White House responds to Tahmooressi petition We respect the rule of law - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

It appears the president picks and chooses what laws he respects and what laws he does not respect! So it also appears that that apparent wrong turn will cost this man 14 years of his life. Obama be damned.

I agree with the OP the Bergdahl was exchanged for high ranking terrorists and the president couldn't go to bat for a patriot soldier? That's just more evidence of the warped mind of this CIC.

What makes Tamoressi more of a patriot than Bergdahl?
And once again, RWNJs are howling like Coyotes over---- uh, a man who landed on the wrong side of the border.

Stat, tell me that it is slightly more than interesting that the president will trade 5 high ranking terrorists for a questionable soldier yet he won't lift a finger to a soldier who had good standing in the services when he makes a wrong turn and ends up in Mexico, who is supposedly 'our friend'. Fourteen years!!!

Empathy not your strong suit? I have more respect for you than that.
And once again, RWNJs are howling like Coyotes over---- uh, a man who landed on the wrong side of the border.

Stat, tell me that it is slightly more than interesting that the president will trade 5 high ranking terrorists for a questionable soldier yet he won't lift a finger to a soldier who had good standing in the services when he makes a wrong turn and ends up in Mexico, who is supposedly 'our friend'. Fourteen years!!!

Empathy not your strong suit? I have more respect for you than that.

Actually, I am full of empathy for both young men.

But we don't know all the facts in the Bergdahl case and the whole thing reeks of secret ops to me. Why in the world would you call him "questionable"? Do YOU really know what happened, or have you already convicted that man in your own mind?

And then, you want to question MY empathy?

Funny, that.
All the corrupt fool Obama would have to do to get the Marine's release, is call the corrupt fool running the Mexican government (aka cartels) and demand his release....and it is done.

He will not because the military generally did not vote for him, dislikes him just as he dislikes them. Plus being an avid hater of the Second Amendment (except for his personal safety he gets protected by men carrying guns)...makes the Marine's case a double whammy.

Let him rot in that Mexican prison....says Obama...he has better things to do.
And once again, RWNJs are howling like Coyotes over---- uh, a man who landed on the wrong side of the border.

Stat, tell me that it is slightly more than interesting that the president will trade 5 high ranking terrorists for a questionable soldier yet he won't lift a finger to a soldier who had good standing in the services when he makes a wrong turn and ends up in Mexico, who is supposedly 'our friend'. Fourteen years!!!

Empathy not your strong suit? I have more respect for you than that.

Actually, I am full of empathy for both young men.

But we don't know all the facts in the Bergdahl case and the whole thing reeks of secret ops to me. Why in the world would you call him "questionable"? Do YOU really know what happened, or have you already convicted that man in your own mind?

And then, you want to question MY empathy?

Funny, that.

The men that served with Bergdahl say he just walked off the job and his patriotism was questionable. We don't hear that from Tahmooressi's buddies in the service. If he had PTSD, that may explain his getting his directions mixed up, I don't know. But I doubt if he was gun running with three weapons in his truck.
All the corrupt fool Obama would have to do to get the Marine's release, is call the corrupt fool running the Mexican government (aka cartels) and demand his release....and it is done.

He will not because the military generally did not vote for him, dislikes him just as he dislikes them. Plus being an avid hater of the Second Amendment (except for his personal safety he gets protected by men carrying guns)...makes the Marine's case a double whammy.

Let him rot in that Mexican prison....says Obama...he has better things to do.

Why should he be released after he broke the law?

Should Obama release all the Mexican citizens in our jails?
All the corrupt fool Obama would have to do to get the Marine's release, is call the corrupt fool running the Mexican government (aka cartels) and demand his release....and it is done.

He will not because the military generally did not vote for him, dislikes him just as he dislikes them. Plus being an avid hater of the Second Amendment (except for his personal safety he gets protected by men carrying guns)...makes the Marine's case a double whammy.

Let him rot in that Mexican prison....says Obama...he has better things to do.

Why should he be released after he broke the law?

Should Obama release all the Mexican citizens in our jails?

He will in time to vote Democratic in the 2016 election.
All the corrupt fool Obama would have to do to get the Marine's release, is call the corrupt fool running the Mexican government (aka cartels) and demand his release....and it is done.

He will not because the military generally did not vote for him, dislikes him just as he dislikes them. Plus being an avid hater of the Second Amendment (except for his personal safety he gets protected by men carrying guns)...makes the Marine's case a double whammy.

Let him rot in that Mexican prison....says Obama...he has better things to do.

Why should he be released after he broke the law?

Should Obama release all the Mexican citizens in our jails?

He will in time to vote Democratic in the 2016 election.

Link to any illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
All the corrupt fool Obama would have to do to get the Marine's release, is call the corrupt fool running the Mexican government (aka cartels) and demand his release....and it is done.

He will not because the military generally did not vote for him, dislikes him just as he dislikes them. Plus being an avid hater of the Second Amendment (except for his personal safety he gets protected by men carrying guns)...makes the Marine's case a double whammy.

Let him rot in that Mexican prison....says Obama...he has better things to do.

Why should he be released after he broke the law?

Should Obama release all the Mexican citizens in our jails?

In case you haven't heard, Big Ears released terrorists....guess what dummy? They broke the law.

Do you really think this Marine is going to get justice in a nation run by drug dealers? Silly question to someone as silly as you....of course you do.
(Like there's not already too many to list, right?

Although the petition calling for action on Sgt. Tahmooressi's behalf met the 100k signature requirement for a response from the White House several months ago, no response has been given.

Why is our supposed leader who is willing to release 5 high ranking terrorists in exchange for an alleged deserter not willing to so much as speak out in support of an honorable Marine who actually earned his rank?

While I applaud politicians such as Tim Donnelly who actually put in an admirable effort to work for the release of Sgt. Tahmooressi by keeping attention on the issue as best he can, he simply can't do what the so-called leader of our nation can & demand the Sergeant's return.

Why is this administration remaining silent on Sgt. Tahmooressi's captivity when they are willing to undermine our national security in order to bring home a soldier of far less loyalty by any standard?

Bergdahl's critical letters alone show that he had no particularly love of country, but Tahmooressi is an honorable & faithful soldier who is being let down by the very government that he swore to serve.

Could it be that the open borders have something to do with the Sargent? Maybe that is the deal that was made behind closed doors. Or maybe the real problem the sergeant has is that he is white.
All the corrupt fool Obama would have to do to get the Marine's release, is call the corrupt fool running the Mexican government (aka cartels) and demand his release....and it is done.

He will not because the military generally did not vote for him, dislikes him just as he dislikes them. Plus being an avid hater of the Second Amendment (except for his personal safety he gets protected by men carrying guns)...makes the Marine's case a double whammy.

Let him rot in that Mexican prison....says Obama...he has better things to do.

Why should he be released after he broke the law?

Should Obama release all the Mexican citizens in our jails?

He will in time to vote Democratic in the 2016 election.

Link to any illegal Mexicans voting in our elections

Virtually impossible without voter id, oh right that is the point.
White House responds to Tahmooressi petition: ‘We respect the rule of law’

The White House has responded to a popular petition that demands the release of U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi from a Mexican prison, explaining that the Obama administration respects the rule of law and will continue to monitor the situation to make sure the soldier is treated fairly.

More than 134,000 people signed a petition on the White House’s “We the People” website asking the president to demand the release of Sgt. Tahmooressi, who was imprisoned nearly five months ago for illegally crossing from California into Mexico with three firearms in his truck. The Marine maintains that he crossed the border by accident after making a wrong turn on his way to meet a friend. He faces up to 14 years in prison if convicted.

“As in all cases when a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, our goal is to see that Mr. Tahmooressi is treated fairly during the judicial process with the hope that he can receive the support, both emotional and medical, that he may require now and at the conclusion of the proceedings,” the White Housesaid in an official response Friday.

Read more: White House responds to Tahmooressi petition We respect the rule of law - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

It appears the president picks and chooses what laws he respects and what laws he does not respect! So it also appears that that apparent wrong turn will cost this man 14 years of his life. Obama be damned.

I agree with the OP the Bergdahl was exchanged for high ranking terrorists and the president couldn't go to bat for a patriot soldier? That's just more evidence of the warped mind of this CIC.

What makes Tamoressi more of a patriot than Bergdahl?

Maybe because Tamoressi served with honor and distinction, Bergdahl not so much?

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