Yet another school shooting

Unless you have a successful counterargument, no.

The point is, you can can kill anyone with anything. It's not the implement, it's the intent. The desire to kill, the desire to harm. Guns are made of springs, metal, and gunpowder. Leave a gun alone and it won't kill anyone. Take up the gun, aim it at someone and shoot them, then you will soon discover that it wasn't the gun who killed your target. It was you.

The desire to kill isn't influenced by what you used to kill, it was influenced by whatever inclinations you had toward your victim.

So, is there any more ridiculous nonsense you want to spew at us today? Please, learn basic human psychology before lecturing me about what arguments I can and cannot use.

Many on the Left apparently feel that it is quite acceptable to destroy families and create generations of confused, angry people prone to violence....

AS LONG AS......

You don't give them any way to harm each other. (at this time, they focus on guns because it's easiest to blame)

However if guns were gone, the violence would continue and they would then move on to knives, bats and ANY other OBJECT suitable to blame.

This is in fact exactly what is happening in the UK where knife violence and vehicle homicides are rampant but suppressed by the govt controlled or heavily biased media. Yes, they SUPPRESS these stories much of the time.
In Germany it is actually ILLEGAL to report on immigrant crime.
.So when Leftists brag that you don't hear about stories of violence in the UK etc, of course not, it's suppressed and hidden.
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I will say it again. I wish schools would take security seriously. You do not see mass shootings in courtrooms.
Its happened in Ft Lauderdale Courthouse in 1963 a defendent shot up a State Courtroom.....So never happens, it is just not reported Nation Wide

Thanks for the intel. I doubt it could happen today because they have metal detectors in the courthouses now.

Of course every deputy is armed as are the LEO's there on cases.
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested
And to think they could have just locked the doors and the guy with the shotgun wouldn't have been able to walk in and kill people

But that won't work so let's ban guns instead

You and your "locked door" stupid rant. How do you know how he accessed the building? Has that been reported or are you spitballing your pet idiocy again?

Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

Nothing has been reported, so you are just spitballing with your stupid rant!

I was a teacher and school administrator for 21 years. Guess what? In every school where I worked, the doors were locked! OMG, if you hadn't suggested it, we never would have locked the doors back in the 1990s!
Unless you have a successful counterargument, no.

The point is, you can can kill anyone with anything. It's not the implement, it's the intent. The desire to kill, the desire to harm. Guns are made of springs, metal, and gunpowder. Leave a gun alone and it won't kill anyone. Take up the gun, aim it at someone and shoot them, then you will soon discover that it wasn't the gun who killed your target. It was you.

The desire to kill isn't influenced by what you used to kill, it was influenced by whatever inclinations you had toward your victim.

So, is there any more ridiculous nonsense you want to spew at us today? Please, learn basic human psychology before lecturing me about what arguments I can and cannot use.

So your argument is that the Pulse Nightclub shooter or Vegas shooter could have killed just as many with a knife as with an AR-15 or a shotgun.

Sorry - stupid argument

So small numbers of dead people is ok with you. What is the cut off where you get concerned? I mean, if purse you only concern yourself with the biggest numbers, that supports your anti-gun agenda, but I’m curios where your concern begins. 5? 10? 20?
Its kind of sad & sick that we would use our children in our reply's to promote our political views. what ever the solution may be the cause is anger, & its out of control.
It would help if you stopped disarming victims and cheering shootings for the political points :spank:
This is a lie and strawman fallacy.

No one advocates disarming anyone.

No one is cheering school shootings ,
This is how trumpanzees can look at themselves in the making up strawmen and pretending they know what we think and feel.


who would of thunk leftist liberals have 'feelings

Well, of course it stands to reason. When con-servatives want to dehumanize people.........
Unless you have a successful counterargument, no.

The point is, you can can kill anyone with anything. It's not the implement, it's the intent. The desire to kill, the desire to harm. Guns are made of springs, metal, and gunpowder. Leave a gun alone and it won't kill anyone. Take up the gun, aim it at someone and shoot them, then you will soon discover that it wasn't the gun who killed your target. It was you.

The desire to kill isn't influenced by what you used to kill, it was influenced by whatever inclinations you had toward your victim.

So, is there any more ridiculous nonsense you want to spew at us today? Please, learn basic human psychology before lecturing me about what arguments I can and cannot use.

So your argument is that the Pulse Nightclub shooter or Vegas shooter could have killed just as many with a knife as with an AR-15 or a shotgun.

Sorry - stupid argument
Uhm, no.

School attacks in China (2010–12) - Wikipedia
Knife-wielding attackers kill 29 at China train station - CNN
Knifeman kills nine students in China
Knife Attack at Chinese Middle School Leaves Nine Children Dead

In your words, think please.
The root cause, is a gun

The root cause is a person who chose to kill and injure his fellow classmates, teachers and staff. The gun was merely a tool. Replace that gun with a knife. A baseball bat. No matter the implement of violence it will not have changed the murderous desires that festered in the killer's mind.

Guns aren't harmful if left alone by themselves. I went to a gun range last year, hosted by a gun store. If the root cause was a gun, then all of the guns in that store, including the one in my hand I used for target practice would have sprung up and killed every person on the premises.

You are wholly clueless and ignorant when it comes to the true root of the cause. It would be better if you would stop posting your "idiot-grams" for a while. You know NOTHING.
You don't kill eight, ten, fourteen people with a baseball bat.

Yeah, you can. Just because they aren't guns doesn't mean they can't kill you. What an utterly clueless response, Nosmo.

Try posting apart from your emotions for once.

Of course you can, but the carnage numbers achievable with a knife, hammer or anything else pale in comparison.

Please stop using this ridiculous argument.

Unless you have a successful counterargument, no.

The point is, you can can kill anyone with anything. It's not the implement, it's the intent. The desire to kill, the desire to harm. Guns are made of springs, metal, and gunpowder. Leave a gun alone and it won't kill anyone. Take up the gun, aim it at someone and shoot them, then you will soon discover that it wasn't the gun who killed your target. It was you.

The desire to kill isn't influenced by what you used to kill, it was influenced by whatever inclinations you had toward your victim.

So, is there any more ridiculous nonsense you want to spew at us today? Please, learn basic human psychology before lecturing me about what arguments I can and cannot use.
What is ridiculous nonsense is that in this instance you are still insisting that without a gun this mass killing would still have taken place. No, it wouldn't have. You think he could have killed 8 people, including a school police officer, and injured six others with a knife or a hammer? No. Most of the victims could have run faster than that.
Need to ban all guns, butter knives and sling shots. Oh, need to ban box cutters, and pressure cookers.


Can't. All those thing can be considered "Arms" and are protected by the 2nd.
Brought to you by the BNA.
I saw this the part where we are not supposed to talk about gun control?
It would help if you stopped disarming victims and cheering shootings for the political points :spank:
This is a lie and strawman fallacy.

No one advocates disarming anyone.

No one is cheering school shootings ,
This is how trumpanzees can look at themselves in the making up strawmen and pretending they know what we think and feel.


who would of thunk leftist liberals have 'feelings

Well, of course it stands to reason. When con-servatives want to dehumanize people.........

Aw, well look at you, dehumanizing your political opposition. Don't you feel special?
Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

So now you want to hire monitors for every door? Armed guards outside every door??

Think please

Ha, and you want to pass more laws and post more "gun free zone" signs. Clearly your methods are not working.

That's not what I suggested. Hire more highly trained, armed security at the most vulnerable campuses. Base those numbers on the student body size. Arming teachers or students is stupid. The idea of hardening every campus in the country is cost prohibitive.

Finally, raise the age to 21 on all firearms purchases. 3 day mandatory waiting period and universal background checks. Also better mental health background checks. If cops had had more authority, they would have disarmed Nikolas Cruz after 30-some bright red flags.
As long as Big Pharma can make a buck off of turning kids into emotionless killing zombies

Has it been shown that most/all of these kid school shooters have been needlessly on drugs?
Do most/all of these kids have clinically diagnosed behavior problems?
Is there a pattern of doctors aggressively over-medicating children?
Is there a tendency now to diagnose otherwise normal child behavior into any number of "disorders"? (I think the answer there might be yes)

The root cause is a person who chose to kill and injure his fellow classmates, teachers and staff. The gun was merely a tool. Replace that gun with a knife. A baseball bat. No matter the implement of violence it will not have changed the murderous desires that festered in the killer's mind.

Guns aren't harmful if left alone by themselves. I went to a gun range last year, hosted by a gun store. If the root cause was a gun, then all of the guns in that store, including the one in my hand I used for target practice would have sprung up and killed every person on the premises.

You are wholly clueless and ignorant when it comes to the true root of the cause. It would be better if you would stop posting your "idiot-grams" for a while. You know NOTHING.
You don't kill eight, ten, fourteen people with a baseball bat.

Yeah, you can. Just because they aren't guns doesn't mean they can't kill you. What an utterly clueless response, Nosmo.

Try posting apart from your emotions for once.

Of course you can, but the carnage numbers achievable with a knife, hammer or anything else pale in comparison.

Please stop using this ridiculous argument.

Unless you have a successful counterargument, no.

The point is, you can can kill anyone with anything. It's not the implement, it's the intent. The desire to kill, the desire to harm. Guns are made of springs, metal, and gunpowder. Leave a gun alone and it won't kill anyone. Take up the gun, aim it at someone and shoot them, then you will soon discover that it wasn't the gun who killed your target. It was you.

The desire to kill isn't influenced by what you used to kill, it was influenced by whatever inclinations you had toward your victim.

So, is there any more ridiculous nonsense you want to spew at us today? Please, learn basic human psychology before lecturing me about what arguments I can and cannot use.
What is ridiculous nonsense is that in this instance you are still insisting that without a gun this mass killing would still have taken place. No, it wouldn't have. You think he could have killed 8 people, including a school police officer, and injured six others with a knife or a hammer? No. Most of the victims could have run faster than that.
Read post #249. Until then, don't speak to me again.
Maybe we should ban schools until the idiots who run them learn how to lock the doors and control access

Stupid "lock the doors" rant, Part 2!

And yet you lock your doors to your home but think it's silly to lock the doors of a school

Here it is folks, an example of the idiots teaching your kids

The doors to every school where I worked were locked! You keep repeating this stupid rant in hopes that someone will be stupid enough not to recognize that a complete moron posted it!

I tell you what you need to do. Go to your local school and try to get in and report back on your success. When you get arrested, have a friend post on here of your fate, and we will all laugh at your predicament.
Make our schools as secure as banks, post offices, political offices, provide security, arm people, train them.

I'm fine with more armed, trained security, but retrofit hardening of every school in the country would cost 10 times as much as Trump's big, beautiful stupid wall.

You ready to spend that kind of money?
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested

And as long a Demtards like you are out there focusing on everything OTHER THAN the ROOT CAUSE, you are actively encouraging more of these tragedies.

Congrats Lefties, you OWN all these tragedies because you refuse to go after the root cause and instead deflect in favor of your political agendas.


Another Blamethrower.
Fuck blame I am looking for soluitions! Kids should feel safe going to school!
Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved

Stupid "lock the doors" rant, part 4.
So you can't prove the statement wrong

Didn't think you could
Now they are reporting that explosive devices have been found at the school. I can't wait to never hear why this pos did it.
Dude - You'd be talking about tens of BILLIONS to harden every school in the country to such a degree.

Ready to solve the problem thusly?

All the schools already have locks on all the doors don't they?

The typical school is not a single building my friend. It is many MANY buildings and the school grounds typically have many MANY entrances.

There are hundreds of ways a nut with a gun can get onto the campus with a gun.

Lock every individual classroom? Okay fine, but the classrooms have windows that are not bulletproof.

The Parkland idiot in simply set off a fire alarm.

Please stop being naive.

There weren't hundreds of doors on my high school.

There were maybe 2 dozen

The fact is every school shooting could have been prevented or the damage greatly reduced if access to the building was controlled.

Stupid "lock the doors" rant, Part 3.

Prove the statement wrong if you can

Already did, and on numerous occasions. You are just too stupid to realize when you are wrong.

Schools lock their doors. You are an idiot. Two undeniable facts.
Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

So now you want to hire monitors for every door? Armed guards outside every door??

Think please

Ha, and you want to pass more laws and post more "gun free zone" signs. Clearly your methods are not working.

That's not what I suggested. Hire more highly trained, armed security at the most vulnerable campuses. Base those numbers on the student body size. Arming teachers or students is stupid. The idea of hardening every campus in the country is cost prohibitive.

Finally, raise the age to 21 on all firearms purchases. 3 day mandatory waiting period and universal background checks. Also better mental health background checks. If cops had had more authority, they would have disarmed Nikolas Cruz after 30-some bright red flags.

You have managed to astound me, Doctor. That is something I can agree with.

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