Yet another school shooting

Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved

Dude - You'd be talking about tens of BILLIONS to harden every school in the country to such a degree.

Ready to solve the problem thusly?

All the schools already have locks on all the doors don't they?

The typical school is not a single building my friend. It is many MANY buildings and the school grounds typically have many MANY entrances.

There are hundreds of ways a nut with a gun can get onto the campus with a gun.

Lock every individual classroom? Okay fine, but the classrooms have windows that are not bulletproof.

The Parkland idiot in simply set off a fire alarm.

Please stop being naive.

There weren't hundreds of doors on my high school.

There were maybe 2 dozen

The fact is every school shooting could have been prevented or the damage greatly reduced if access to the building was controlled.

Stupid "lock the doors" rant, Part 3.

Prove the statement wrong if you can
It would help if you stopped disarming victims and cheering shootings for the political points :spank:
This is a lie and strawman fallacy.

No one advocates disarming anyone.

No one is cheering school shootings ,
This is how trumpanzees can look at themselves in the making up strawmen and pretending they know what we think and feel.

Isn't that what you're doing when you condemn "thoughts and prayers"?
I wish schools would take security seriously.

They had a cop at this one and was shot as well.
So what? Cops are no guarantee criminals won't succeed, but being armed will greatly reduce the success of the murderers.

You forget this was at a school. Not many kids carry guns to school unless they are going to shoot up the school.

That one cop was probably the only armed person in the school.
lol! I haven't forgot anything. If some adults were armed this crap would be greatly reduced or eliminated.
Eight dead and one shooter detained. Another person is also detained. Not sure if that second was involved or not.

Oh yeah and I think they said this one was in a gun free zone.

Another failed gun-free zone, another pissed off public school student, another inexcusably unprepared public school, and another missed opportunity to ask what these public schools are doing so wrong to their students to cause this.
As long as those people who are mentally unstable can roam the streets, and those who are crazy and young are allowed to refuse or not have the chance to get mental health care this will continue. It use to be those "who are a danger to the public or them selves ' were confined and treated or just confined to protect the public. This does and will work.
Eight dead and one shooter detained. Another person is also detained. Not sure if that second was involved or not.

Oh yeah and I think they said this one was in a gun free zone.

Another failed gun-free zone, another pissed off public school student, another unprepared public school, and another missed opportunity to ask what these public schools are doing so wrong to their student to cause this.

As long as Big Pharma can make a buck off of turning kids into emotionless killing zombies its a big win on two fronts.

Profits for Big Pharma

Political Points for the left

Win/win unless your a kid. But who the fuck cares about them?
Why are these shooters not rushed into court, with a very special chair awaiting them if they are convicted??

They should just shoot them in the head. You can bet anyone else with a thought of shooting up a school would think twice.

Shoot em in the head.
It would help if you stopped disarming victims and cheering shootings for the political points :spank:
This is a lie and strawman fallacy.

No one advocates disarming anyone.

No one is cheering school shootings ,
This is how trumpanzees can look at themselves in the making up strawmen and pretending they know what we think and feel.

Isn't that what you're doing when you condemn "thoughts and prayers"?
How have I condemned "thoughts & prayers"?
Why would it end when nothing's being done about it?

What? YOU said something reasonable?

CORRECT ! DEMOCRAT/LIBERAL POLICIES that destroy the family and confuse our children with lessons on changing sexuality instead of focusing on bringing up educated well rounded young adults IS THE PROBLEM.

And the LEFT REFUSES to do ANYTHING ABOUT it and instead deflects (surprise) and places the "solution" on taking away the Constitutional Rights of Law abiding citizens merely exercising their Constitutional Rights.
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested

And as long a Demtards like you are out there focusing on everything OTHER THAN the ROOT CAUSE, you are actively encouraging more of these tragedies.

Congrats Lefties, you OWN all these tragedies because you refuse to go after the root cause and instead deflect in favor of your political agendas.


Another Blamethrower.
Fuck blame I am looking for soluitions! Kids should feel safe going to school!
Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved

Stupid "lock the doors" rant, part 4.
Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved

Dude - You'd be talking about tens of BILLIONS to harden every school in the country to such a degree.

Ready to solve the problem thusly?

All the schools already have locks on all the doors don't they?

The typical school is not a single building my friend. It is many MANY buildings and the school grounds typically have many MANY entrances.

There are hundreds of ways a nut with a gun can get onto the campus with a gun.

Lock every individual classroom? Okay fine, but the classrooms have windows that are not bulletproof.

The Parkland idiot in simply set off a fire alarm.

Please stop being naive.

There weren't hundreds of doors on my high school.

There were maybe 2 dozen

The fact is every school shooting could have been prevented or the damage greatly reduced if access to the building was controlled.

That sounds like a very small school.

First of all, making classrooms iron clad with impenetrable locks and bulletproof glass is cost prohibitive in and of itself.

Second, to keep guns off campus you would need a single entrance with metal detectors and scanners with trained personnel. Multiply the billions that would cost by the number of possible entrances.

And you fail to address the fact that students from middle school up don't stay in the same classroom all day. And there's a lunch break .. And there are fire alarms.

THINK please
You are thoroughly inculcated in the politics of fear. You cannot grasp the scope of the problem, so you fall back on a boogeyman defense. It has to be blamed on someone else, someone you disagree with, someone different.

You fear so you believe you must be armed. You fear so we must build a wall. You fear so we must rid ourselves of Muslims. You fear so you feel comfortable in demonizing your opposition.

Guess what? Most of us are not so gullible, so fearful, so utterly cynical. Your pronouncements illustrate just how vulnerable you are. We will not be lead by, be governed by or influenced by the fearful.

Above is the post of an imbecile first class who has NO CLUE what the 2nd Amendment was drafted for
It was not drafted in order to put any gun you desire into the hands of anyone regardless of their emotional or psychological state of mind.
Only a bigger A-hole would continue to ignore the ROOT cause of these tragedies and instead keep focusing on attacking the rights of good, law abiding citizens as a supposed cure.

The root cause, is a gun

The root cause is a person who chose to kill and injure his fellow classmates, teachers and staff. The gun was merely a tool. Replace that gun with a knife. A baseball bat. No matter the implement of violence it will not have changed the murderous desires that festered in the killer's mind.

Guns aren't harmful if left alone by themselves. I went to a gun range last year, hosted by a gun store. If the root cause was a gun, then all of the guns in that store, including the one in my hand I used for target practice would have sprung up and killed every person on the premises.

You are wholly clueless and ignorant when it comes to the true root of the cause. It would be better if you would stop posting your "idiot-grams" for a while. You know NOTHING.
You don't kill eight, ten, fourteen people with a baseball bat.

Yeah, you can. Just because they aren't guns doesn't mean they can't kill you. What an utterly clueless response, Nosmo.

Try posting apart from your emotions for once.

Of course you can, but the carnage numbers achievable with a knife, hammer or anything else pale in comparison.

Please stop using this ridiculous argument.

Unless you have a successful counterargument, no.

The point is, you can can kill anyone with anything. It's not the implement, it's the intent. The desire to kill, the desire to harm. Guns are made of springs, metal, and gunpowder. Leave a gun alone and it won't kill anyone. Take up the gun, aim it at someone and shoot them, then you will soon discover that it wasn't the gun who killed your target. It was you.

The desire to kill isn't influenced by what you used to kill, it was influenced by whatever inclinations you had toward your victim.

So, is there any more ridiculous nonsense you want to spew at us today? Please, learn basic human psychology before lecturing me about what arguments I can and cannot use.
Why are these shooters not rushed into court, with a very special chair awaiting them if they are convicted??

They should just shoot them in the head. You can bet anyone else with a thought of shooting up a school would think twice.

Shoot em in the head.

Not if they are on a medication that turns them into emotionless zombies. It takes emotions to react to deterrent. These drugs virtually destroys any hope of that.

Copy cat killings are the norm when you fake news peddlers make every effort to glorify and keep the press focused on your petty stupid political campaigns, in this case trying to smear the NRA.

The fact is you and your ilk dance in the streets and cheer every one of these 'Teachable Moments' as one more 'Event For The Cause', most especially your sicko fans in the media. Quit pretending you don't approve of this; you encourage it no end.
Sadly this is true. We can now expect a slew of comments making the claim that only one school shooting today, and yet 10,000 times today a gun will prevent the loss of life or property.

That's exactly right s0n.... and at the end of the day your side will lose again in prolific fashion like always.

Armed police officers in schools. Period. It's coming.... the bubble dwellers won't like it but that's the way it's going to be.

An armed LE deputy/officer (resource office) on duty at every school is an expensive proposition. Since it seems that gun owners and those who support gun control agree students should be safe in school, let's add an excise tax on every gun and every bullet sold, to provide pay to the agency which employs and places on the campus a highly trained resource officer.
It is clearly a problem caused by our gun ownership. This doesn’t happen where there is low ownership.

Wrong, nearly all the shootings have been linked to the use of SSRI class antidepressants. The notion of gun ownership plays a greater part than what drives these kids in the first place is simply a political stunt.

So, do you have your response ready for when a shooter is not taking these drugs?
has that come up yet?
Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children

So now you want to hire monitors for every door? Armed guards outside every door??

Think please

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