Yet another school shooting

You are thoroughly inculcated in the politics of fear. You cannot grasp the scope of the problem, so you fall back on a boogeyman defense. It has to be blamed on someone else, someone you disagree with, someone different.

You fear so you believe you must be armed. You fear so we must build a wall. You fear so we must rid ourselves of Muslims. You fear so you feel comfortable in demonizing your opposition.

Guess what? Most of us are not so gullible, so fearful, so utterly cynical. Your pronouncements illustrate just how vulnerable you are. We will not be lead by, be governed by or influenced by the fearful.

Above is the post of an imbecile first class who has NO CLUE what the 2nd Amendment was drafted for
Sadly this is true. We can now expect a slew of comments making the claim that only one school shooting today, and yet 10,000 times today a gun will prevent the loss of life or property.

That's exactly right s0n.... and at the end of the day your side will lose again in prolific fashion like always.

Armed police officers in schools. Period. It's coming.... the bubble dwellers won't like it but that's the way it's going to be.

An armed LE deputy/officer (resource office) on duty at every school is an expensive proposition. Since it seems that gun owners and those who support gun control agree students should be safe in school, let's add an excise tax on every gun and every bullet sold, to provide pay to the agency which employs and places on the campus a highly trained resource officer.
It is clearly a problem caused by our gun ownership. This doesn’t happen where there is low ownership.

Wrong, nearly all the shootings have been linked to the use of SSRI class antidepressants. The notion of gun ownership plays a greater part than what drives these kids in the first place is simply a political stunt.

So, do you have your response ready for when a shooter is not taking these drugs?

It is unsure that any were not on these drugs. In several of these cases, although there is testimony that they were on the drug, the courts have blocked the release of the information, and in others, though the toxicology showed none in there bloodstream at the time, the shooter was in the withdraw period, which is reportedly even more dangerous in some people.
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested
And to think they could have just locked the doors and the guy with the shotgun wouldn't have been able to walk in and kill people

But that won't work so let's ban guns instead

You and your "locked door" stupid rant. How do you know how he accessed the building? Has that been reported or are you spitballing your pet idiocy again?
Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved

Dude - You'd be talking about tens of BILLIONS to harden every school in the country to such a degree.

Ready to solve the problem thusly?

All the schools already have locks on all the doors don't they?

The typical school is not a single building my friend. It is many MANY buildings and the school grounds typically have many MANY entrances.

There are hundreds of ways a nut with a gun can get onto the campus with a gun.

Lock every individual classroom? Okay fine, but the classrooms have windows that are not bulletproof.

The Parkland idiot in simply set off a fire alarm.

Please stop being naive.
And as long a Demtards like you are out there focusing on everything OTHER THAN the ROOT CAUSE, you are actively encouraging more of these tragedies.

Congrats Lefties, you OWN all these tragedies because you refuse to go after the root cause and instead deflect in favor of your political agendas.


Another Blamethrower.
Fuck blame I am looking for soluitions! Kids should feel safe going to school!
Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved
Mosboro 12 gage loaded with dear slugs will take care of most locks. I am starting to think we must arm teachers.

It will still slow a shooter down
Every second counts

We could use the old fashioned yet highly effective barring of a door or multipoint steel locks
I agree, maybe we should look into putting potasium glas(bullet proof glass) into the windows. In the end the solution is likely to be found by throwing multiple ideas at it, but In the end I believe we can figure out how to at least reduce these numbers.
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested
And to think they could have just locked the doors and the guy with the shotgun wouldn't have been able to walk in and kill people

But that won't work so let's ban guns instead

You and your "locked door" stupid rant. How do you know how he accessed the building? Has that been reported or are you spitballing your pet idiocy again?

Well he was carrying a fucking shotgun and since nothing was reported about him shooting out a window or a door it is safe to assume he walked in through a fucking open unmoniitored door

I can't believe people allow a fucking moron like you to to teach their children
Yep.... the Disney dwellers sit out there in radioland and think that there is some way we're going to have a day where tragedies don't happen. It's called missing too many memos. we should just get used to it....I agree. School shootings are the new normal in this country. #MAGA!
You are truly a disgusting and sick walking bag. We all know how to stop these shooters, problem is democrats lust for dead victims and fight every chance to end it.
Oh shut up! That sort of nonsense does not belong among adults.
Truth hurts huh? You guys need dead kids so you can push your gun control agenda to the eventual ban you want. We know how to greatly reduce this crap but liberals fight it tooth and nail. This crap is on you.
You are thoroughly inculcated in the politics of fear. You cannot grasp the scope of the problem, so you fall back on a boogeyman defense. It has to be blamed on someone else, someone you disagree with, someone different.

You fear so you believe you must be armed. You fear so we must build a wall. You fear so we must rid ourselves of Muslims. You fear so you feel comfortable in demonizing your opposition.

Guess what? Most of us are not so gullible, so fearful, so utterly cynical. Your pronouncements illustrate just how vulnerable you are. We will not be lead by, be governed by or influenced by the fearful.
The scope of the problem is that libtarded scum refuse to allow people to be armed in the schools to defend children. And that's exactly how you want it. You go ahead and keep spinning your lies, normal people know better.
Now...what kind of person would say "congrats" in a situation like this.......:eusa_think:

Congrats. You leftists are high fiving each other. Friday just got better for you. Disarming victims worked. Good job
I don't see any high fives....maybe one needs those special trump company glasses made in China to see that kind of stuff.....then go into "congrats" mode.
You're the one who voted for the orange clown
Oh really? :71:
Only an A-Hole would make this comment ^^^.

Only a bigger A-hole would continue to ignore the ROOT cause of these tragedies and instead keep focusing on attacking the rights of good, law abiding citizens as a supposed cure.

The root cause, is a gun

The root cause is a person who chose to kill and injure his fellow classmates, teachers and staff. The gun was merely a tool. Replace that gun with a knife. A baseball bat. No matter the implement of violence it will not have changed the murderous desires that festered in the killer's mind.

Guns aren't harmful if left alone by themselves. I went to a gun range last year, hosted by a gun store. If the root cause was a gun, then all of the guns in that store, including the one in my hand I used for target practice would have sprung up and killed every person on the premises.

You are wholly clueless and ignorant when it comes to the true root of the cause. It would be better if you would stop posting your "idiot-grams" for a while. You know NOTHING.
You don't kill eight, ten, fourteen people with a baseball bat.

Yeah, you can. Just because they aren't guns doesn't mean they can't kill you. What an utterly clueless response, Nosmo.

Try posting apart from your emotions for once.
Eight dead and one shooter detained. Another person is also detained. Not sure if that second was involved or not.

Oh yeah and I think they said this one was in a gun free zone.
Schools are all gun free zones, that's why they are excellent places to create multiple dead kids
Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved

Dude - You'd be talking about tens of BILLIONS to harden every school in the country to such a degree.

Ready to solve the problem thusly?

All the schools already have locks on all the doors don't they?

The typical school is not a single building my friend. It is many MANY buildings and the school grounds typically have many MANY entrances.

There are hundreds of ways a nut with a gun can get onto the campus with a gun.

Lock every individual classroom? Okay fine, but the classrooms have windows that are not bulletproof.

The Parkland idiot in simply set off a fire alarm.

Please stop being naive.

There weren't hundreds of doors on my high school.

There were maybe 2 dozen

The fact is every school shooting could have been prevented or the damage greatly reduced if access to the building was controlled.

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