Yet another school shooting

Your link proved u r a liar. Nothing about CCs. Murders up in blue cities with gun laws. You are a liar
So you don’t think carry is up? Link proved violent crime is up.
In blue cities with no cc dumb ass. Read your own link. Brainless
Texas is SOOOOOOO blue.
School gun laws are federal

Just to clear it up where Texas Law Stands.
It would help if you stopped disarming victims and cheering shootings for the political points :spank:

Yeah cause shootings have gone down with more carry. Violent crime is up with more carry...
That's a total lie
You're in no position to accuse others of lying.
You don't kill eight, ten, fourteen people with a baseball bat.

There have been 5 incidents where high explosives were found in the possession of those intending to bring great harm to innocent people recently.
Vehicles have been used more lethally and killed more faster than guns several times in recent tragic incidents.

You fighting just as hard to ban vehicles and explosives?
I will say it again. I wish schools would take security seriously. You do not see mass shootings in courtrooms.

Of course you don't because courthouses are loaded with LEO's either working there or there for a case. Only a dumbass would try to shoot up a courthouse.
It would help if you stopped disarming victims and cheering shootings for the political points :spank:

Yeah cause shootings have gone down with more carry. Violent crime is up with more carry...

Now that is false!

CC began in my state the 1980's, crime rate went down for years afterwards................

The per capita murder rate PEAKED way back in 1980 it is about 50% LOWER today.

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Violent crime is up now as is carry.

Your lies are not convincing.

There are a few states that doesn't even require a permit to Conceal Carry a gun, do you know what they are?
Those are facts. Violent crime up, concealed carry up.
Causation fallacy
Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved

Dude - You'd be talking about tens of BILLIONS to harden every school in the country to such a degree.

Ready to solve the problem thusly?

All the schools already have locks on all the doors don't they?

The typical school is not a single building my friend. It is many MANY buildings and the school grounds typically have many MANY entrances.

There are hundreds of ways a nut with a gun can get onto the campus with a gun.

Lock every individual classroom? Okay fine, but the classrooms have windows that are not bulletproof.

The Parkland idiot in simply set off a fire alarm.

Please stop being naive.

There weren't hundreds of doors on my high school.

There were maybe 2 dozen

The fact is every school shooting could have been prevented or the damage greatly reduced if access to the building was controlled.

Stupid "lock the doors" rant, Part 3.
It would help if you stopped disarming victims and cheering shootings for the political points :spank:
This is a lie and strawman fallacy.

No one advocates disarming anyone.

No one is cheering school shootings ,
This is how trumpanzees can look at themselves in the making up strawmen and pretending they know what we think and feel.
I wish schools would take security seriously.

They had a cop at this one and was shot as well.
So what? Cops are no guarantee criminals won't succeed, but being armed will greatly reduce the success of the murderers.

You forget this was at a school. Not many kids carry guns to school unless they are going to shoot up the school.

That one cop was probably the only armed person in the school.
You are thoroughly inculcated in the politics of fear.

No, Nosmo, you are. You are the one wanting to control the usage of an inanimate object out of an overruling sense of fear. You are "inculcated" in the practice emotional politics.
Why are these shooters not rushed into court, with a very special chair awaiting them if they are convicted??
I will say it again. I wish schools would take security seriously. You do not see mass shootings in courtrooms.

Of course you don't because courthouses are loaded with LEO's either working there or there for a case. Only a dumbass would try to shoot up a courthouse.
So why won't they allow people to be armed in the schools to prevent this shit?
Only an A-Hole would make this comment ^^^.

Only a bigger A-hole would continue to ignore the ROOT cause of these tragedies and instead keep focusing on attacking the rights of good, law abiding citizens as a supposed cure.

The root cause, is a gun

The root cause is a person who chose to kill and injure his fellow classmates, teachers and staff. The gun was merely a tool. Replace that gun with a knife. A baseball bat. No matter the implement of violence it will not have changed the murderous desires that festered in the killer's mind.

Guns aren't harmful if left alone by themselves. I went to a gun range last year, hosted by a gun store. If the root cause was a gun, then all of the guns in that store, including the one in my hand I used for target practice would have sprung up and killed every person on the premises.

You are wholly clueless and ignorant when it comes to the true root of the cause. It would be better if you would stop posting your "idiot-grams" for a while. You know NOTHING.
You don't kill eight, ten, fourteen people with a baseball bat.

Yeah, you can. Just because they aren't guns doesn't mean they can't kill you. What an utterly clueless response, Nosmo.

Try posting apart from your emotions for once.

Of course you can, but the carnage numbers achievable with a knife, hammer or anything else pale in comparison.

Please stop using this ridiculous argument.

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