Yet another school shooting

/----/ when will criminal behavior end? Never.

Yep.... the Disney dwellers sit out there in radioland and think that there is some way we're going to have a day where tragedies don't happen. It's called missing too many memos. we should just get used to it....I agree. School shootings are the new normal in this country. #MAGA!

They have been the norm since we started drugging our kids into zombies that lack the emotion that stops them in the first place.
i do feel there is a huge connection here. in my high school days in the 80s people had shotguns and rifles in their trucks back window on a rack. never an issue.

something in society changed along the way as guns have been a part of it for a long long time.

If you go to the Doctor with a bad Stomach condition, the Doctor won't much care what you ate throughout your lifetime preceding the ailment, he will enquirer what changes in your diet occurred at the time of your ailment.

What changed in society in the last 25 years that lead to these shootings? Gun's have been around for centuries, but these shootings have rapidly accelerated only in the past 25. Ironically, the same time that SSRI antidepressants, started to be prescribed to our children. 8 MILLION prescriptions have been filled for these horrible (and ineffective) drugs each year to children UNDER 18 years old! Believe it or not, but these drugs that carry the "Black Box" label demanded by the FDA are prescribed over 200,000 times a year for children UNDER ONE YEAR OLD!

Ignoring this is not only absured, but it's costing our kids their life's.

It's time for this outrage to stop.


That is so wrong!
This stuff isn’t even news anymore. They should stop reporting it since America doesn’t give a shit, and all it does is give recognition to the gunman.
That's the solution the brain dead would embrace. The Ostrich Defense. Maybe if we ignore it, it will go away. Just like that weird mole on your back.
If only there was a federal law prohibiting guns at schools.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia
When was the last school shooting in the UK?

Any in the US that equal the massive attack in Norway? 2011 Norway attacks - Wikipedia

Stringent background checks, requirements for training. No scary M-16 look a like rifles. Yet 77 dead and 319 wounded.

Even Las Vegas was not as bad.

View attachment 194114

That’s 7 years ago. We have them monthly...
Yep.... the Disney dwellers sit out there in radioland and think that there is some way we're going to have a day where tragedies don't happen. It's called missing too many memos. we should just get used to it....I agree. School shootings are the new normal in this country. #MAGA!
You are truly a disgusting and sick walking bag. We all know how to stop these shooters, problem is democrats lust for dead victims and fight every chance to end it.
Oh shut up! That sort of nonsense does not belong among adults.
Truth hurts huh? You guys need dead kids so you can push your gun control agenda to the eventual ban you want. We know how to greatly reduce this crap but liberals fight it tooth and nail. This crap is on you.
I don’t see school shootings in countries with strong gun control...
Bon Voyage
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested

And as long a Demtards like you are out there focusing on everything OTHER THAN the ROOT CAUSE, you are actively encouraging more of these tragedies.

Congrats Lefties, you OWN all these tragedies because you refuse to go after the root cause and instead deflect in favor of your political agendas.


Another Blamethrower.
Fuck blame I am looking for soluitions! Kids should feel safe going to school!
Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved
Mosboro 12 gage loaded with dear slugs will take care of most locks. I am starting to think we must arm teachers.
Take the little evil perp or perps and place them in a classroom and send in gunmen to hunt them down and kill them...put the whole thing on TV...not pay per for all future want a be shooters to view...make it mandatory viewing on the first day of school every year.... we should just get used to it....I agree. School shootings are the new normal in this country. #MAGA!

Sadly this is true. We can now expect a slew of comments making the claim that only one school shooting today, and yet 10,000 times today a gun will prevent the loss of life or property.

That's exactly right s0n.... and at the end of the day your side will lose again in prolific fashion like always.

Armed police officers in schools. Period. It's coming.... the bubble dwellers won't like it but that's the way it's going to be.

An armed LE deputy/officer (resource office) on duty at every school is an expensive proposition. Since it seems that gun owners and those who support gun control agree students should be safe in school, let's add an excise tax on every gun and every bullet sold, to provide pay to the agency which employs and places on the campus a highly trained resource officer.
It is clearly a problem caused by our gun ownership. This doesn’t happen where there is low ownership.

Wrong, nearly all the shootings have been linked to the use of SSRI class antidepressants. The notion of gun ownership plays a greater part than what drives these kids in the first place is simply a political stunt.

So, do you have your response ready for when a shooter is not taking these drugs?
So a good guy with a gun was there and still
lots of dead.

Meanwhile no school shootings where there is strong gun control...
It could have been worse NoBrain357....And schools are gun free zones so not sure what you are talking about...gun control would not have stopped this from happening...if you think it would have I'd love to hear how...
When was the last school shooting in the UK?

Rise in recorded crime is accelerating in England and Wales

But that begs the question, not if it is guns responsible for the shootings here, but what causes the shootings in THE FIRST PLACE, and why have they only started in the past 25 years.

And it appears that England BANNED SSRI Class antidepressants for children! Coincidence?

Drugs for depressed children banned

The overall murder rate in England is up since the ban went into effect, the question is, what changed here.

The gun has been available for centuries, but the school shooting phenomenon has only happened in the past 25 years.

If you have a digestive problem, would you want your doctor asking what you ate 20 years ago, or what you ate just prior to the problem happening?

It really is just that simple.
It would appear that the "good guys with guns" theory has failed again, but never fear - The Trumplings are here! :rolleyes:

Another student, Tyler Hunter, said the school usually has several armed school-resource officers on campus.

One man prompted further controversy outside the school on Friday morning, where he arrived carrying an American flag and a holstered gun on his hip. He told reporters he was there to offer "support."

"Get to the school, make America great again," he said, referring to President Donald Trump's popular slogan.​

At least 8 people killed in shooting at Texas high school; suspected gunman arrested

And as long a Demtards like you are out there focusing on everything OTHER THAN the ROOT CAUSE, you are actively encouraging more of these tragedies.

Congrats Lefties, you OWN all these tragedies because you refuse to go after the root cause and instead deflect in favor of your political agendas.


Another Blamethrower.
Fuck blame I am looking for soluitions! Kids should feel safe going to school!
Then lock the fucking doors and don't let people with guns into the buildings

Problem solved
Mosboro 12 gage loaded with dear slugs will take care of most locks. I am starting to think we must arm teachers.

It will still slow a shooter down
Every second counts

We could use the old fashioned yet highly effective barring of a door or multipoint steel locks
Only an A-Hole would make this comment ^^^.

Only a bigger A-hole would continue to ignore the ROOT cause of these tragedies and instead keep focusing on attacking the rights of good, law abiding citizens as a supposed cure.

The root cause, is a gun

The root cause is a person who chose to kill and injure his fellow classmates, teachers and staff. The gun was merely a tool. Replace that gun with a knife. A baseball bat. No matter the implement of violence it will not have changed the murderous desires that festered in the killer's mind.

Guns aren't harmful if left alone by themselves. I went to a gun range last year, hosted by a gun store. If the root cause was a gun, then all of the guns in that store, including the one in my hand I used for target practice would have sprung up and killed every person on the premises.

You are wholly clueless and ignorant when it comes to the true root of the cause. It would be better if you would stop posting your "idiot-grams" for a while. You know NOTHING.
This stuff isn’t even news anymore. They should stop reporting it since America doesn’t give a shit, and all it does is give recognition to the gunman.
Another lie. We care. Liberals refuse to allow it to be stopped. The only way to stop it is put armed people in the schools and kill the bastard when they pull the gun. You don't want that, instead you disparage the whole country and want to disarm us all so we will be at the mercy of criminals that you refuse to punish.
When was the last school shooting in the UK? Japan? Germany? They must be doing something different...

Japan is a monoculture nation, subjected to centuries of strong central authority power. Compliance to government has been beaten into them for a long time.

America is a nation with so many conflicting cultures in it, hard to be stable anymore. It was once a dominant White Christian nation with strong European culture and a single dominant language, that formed a good melting pot. Now we have waves of different incompatible cultures coming in recent decades that REFUSE to assimilate and learn English, they promote a lot of divisive crap as well.

Schools is a gun free zone, made easy for the sick or drugged whacko to shoot it up.
It's a sure thing the shooter was on a watch list somewhere.

Democrat education policies have driven a generation mad, but they refuse to clean up their mess for the sake of political correctness.
Only an A-Hole would make this comment ^^^.

Only a bigger A-hole would continue to ignore the ROOT cause of these tragedies and instead keep focusing on attacking the rights of good, law abiding citizens as a supposed cure.

The root cause, is a gun

The root cause is a person who chose to kill and injure his fellow classmates, teachers and staff. The gun was merely a tool. Replace that gun with a knife. A baseball bat. No matter the implement of violence it will not have changed the murderous desires that festered in the killer's mind.

Guns aren't harmful if left alone by themselves. I went to a gun range last year, hosted by a gun store. If the root cause was a gun, then all of the guns in that store, including the one in my hand I used for target practice would have sprung up and killed every person on the premises.

You are wholly clueless and ignorant when it comes to the true root of the cause. It would be better if you would stop posting your "idiot-grams" for a while. You know NOTHING.
You don't kill eight, ten, fourteen people with a baseball bat.
Hits close to home. I used to work with some ot those folks
The root cause, is a gun

You're an ignorant dumbass.


Why weren't these incidents as rampant back before Liberals corrupted our schools and government?
Explain the "democrat/leftist policies" in Texas that caused this shooting. Convince me.

I think you (18 and up) can walk into any Academy and pick up a shotgun any day of the week.

Texas Gun Laws: Everything You Need For Concealed Carry

Damn liberals!

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