Yet another "sneaky" stunt by the Trumpster

Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.

So Trump outwitted you libs again? :laugh:
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.

/---- When is Hildabeast's news conference??? Bwhahaha bwhahaha

Damn she fell right off the grid after Trump whooped her ass. I thought she would be running her mouth by now, probably too embarrassed to show her face in public.
The interesting question remains unanswered:
When, if ever, will half brained, right wingers finally realize they've been screwed by a demagogue, charlatan with VERY thin skin who doesn't give a crap about anyone else but himself?
When did you discover this about Obama? I imagine it will be right about that time.

The problem you have with all of this is that the media is not being allowed to ask leading questions with false premises in an effort to mislead the American people with, "See, it's in his own words".

You've been outwitted and that sticks in your craw because you THINK that you're more intelligent than Trump, but you're realizing that you're not.
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.

/---- When is Hildabeast's news conference??? Bwhahaha bwhahaha

Here is Hillary's cabinet that will help her through that news conference.


hillary cabinet.jpg
Vladimir Trump's surrogates were on the talking head shows. After appearing on those shows every week for a year, Trump suddenly can't show his face.

Trump's ego still can't admit he was given a leg up by Putin. So his surrogates are putting for the message for his Chumps to parrot. "Russia has been interfering in our elections for 50 years."
Trump has his own press conferences. Not with the leftist media, but with the people. Fuck the press. They print what they're told.

MSM makes the old pravda look legit.
Vladimir Trump's surrogates were on the talking head shows. After appearing on those shows every week for a year, Trump suddenly can't show his face.

Trump's ego still can't admit he was given a leg up by Putin. So his surrogates are putting for the message for his Chumps to parrot. "Russia has been interfering in our elections for 50 years."
Trump has his own press conferences. Not with the leftist media, but with the people. Fuck the press. They print what they're told.

MSM makes the old pravda look legit.
Very true, sad and SCARY.
Trump's embarrassed he was installed by Putin. He's going to hide until the goldfish forget like they usually do.

You should be embarrassed that you keep repeating that lame line.

When you have evidence that one vote was added or taken away from either Hillary or Trump's National Election tally DO LET US KNOW.

Until then you libs are just frothing at the mouth, making excuses for an stunning defeat.

Get over it.
The pseudocons were bragging about the leaks destroying Clinton's election chances all summer and fall.

Now those same tards are claiming they had no impact! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

"We've always been at war with Eastasia."

See how they are saying what they were told to say? So malleable, these goldfish.

Claiming now that the leaks had no impact is an open admission Russia was behind the leaks.,

The "leaks" came from a DNC insider, and not from Russia.

I know it galls you that the truth about Hillary became public, but Putin doesn't get the credit.

Apparently you believe the government should prosecute anyone who tells the truth about Hillary.

I know it galls you that the truth about Hillary became public,

it certainly causes much leftard butthurts

Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.

He must have learned this tactic from watching Obama operate the last 8 years
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.

Ok, can you help me here? What Vetting? The Trump team announced they had selected someone to run HUD. Nobody has ever heard of the guy, and everyone immediately said he was a Nazi, totally unqualified, and shouldn't be in charge of the drive through much less HUD. Trump nominated a woman to run Department of Education. Never heard of her myself. Not to worry, read plenty of articles here and everywhere else where discussion goes on about how she was a Nazi, totally unqualified, worst choice ever.

Vetting means you actually learn about the person before you pronounce judgement. Why should we start now?
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.

It takes some practice to become a skilled manipulator , Trump hasnt been in office long enough.

Neal Boortz - The Obama Diversion Game
The problem you have with all of this is that the media is not being allowed to ask leading questions with false premises in an effort to mislead the American people with, "See, it's in his own words".

No, moron, if a wanna-be president can't address even LEADING questions, the charlatan has no business (pardon the expression) to step into the oval office.

But, YES....trump WILL have to address such questions regarding his torrid love affair with Putin, his businesses making money off of federal properties, and what the fuck happened to that wall to be paid by Mexico.......LOL
The problem you have with all of this is that the media is not being allowed to ask leading questions with false premises in an effort to mislead the American people with, "See, it's in his own words".

No, moron, if a wanna-be president can't address even LEADING questions, the charlatan has no business (pardon the expression) to step into the oval office.

But, YES....trump WILL have to address such questions regarding his torrid love affair with Putin, his businesses making money off of federal properties, and what the fuck happened to that wall to be paid by Mexico.......LOL
But Obama will be gone in under 2 weeks....
He must have learned this tactic from watching Obama operate the last 8 years

Obama's entire cabinet was FULLY vetted before going before the senate for confirmation......Trump's picks are NOT.......Your choice boils down to just how many times you don't mind getting screwed.
Media outlets have been long waiting for Trump to hold a bona fide news conference to get some responses from the clown on important issues....responses that would be a bit more important to this country than the tweeting that this ego maniac sends out in the middle of the night.

So, what does the Trumpster do to manipulate us further?

Well he schedules the news conference on the SAME day that just about a half dozen of his cabinet nominees' are scheduled to address senate committee members for their approval.....mindful of the fact that most of these nominees have not yet been fully vetted.

Like this, Trump hopes that the two events "neutralize" their media impact and would give this incoming administration yet another pass of lessened scrutiny.

We, of course, may expect tons of these stunts in the upcoming months.

Media is concerned about being manipulated. The irony.
He must have learned this tactic from watching Obama operate the last 8 years

Obama's entire cabinet was FULLY vetted before going before the senate for confirmation......Trump's picks are NOT.......Your choice boils down to just how many times you don't mind getting screwed.
Wow! Obama's Anti-US cabinet was vetted.
Shows you the value of vetting.
The problem you have with all of this is that the media is not being allowed to ask leading questions with false premises in an effort to mislead the American people with, "See, it's in his own words".

No, moron, if a wanna-be president can't address even LEADING questions, the charlatan has no business (pardon the expression) to step into the oval office.

But, YES....trump WILL have to address such questions regarding his torrid love affair with Putin, his businesses making money off of federal properties, and what the fuck happened to that wall to be paid by Mexico.......LOL
No imbecile. You don't even know the difference between a wannabe President and one who WILL be President in 12 days.
Media is concerned about being manipulated. The irony.

No, no....don't get me wrong, we SHOULD and MUST rely on trump's tweets (like about Arnold's poor ratings on the Apprentice) to discern where our country is headed.....Screw all that stuff about ISIS, Syria, North Korea, the economy, etc.......Right wingers (like you) must have much more important expectations from Trump.
Media is concerned about being manipulated. The irony.

No, no....don't get me wrong, we SHOULD and MUST rely on trump's tweets (like about Arnold's poor ratings on the Apprentice) to discern where our country is headed.....Screw all that stuff about ISIS, Syria, North Korea, the economy, etc.......Right wingers (like you) must have much more important expectations from Trump.

Isis is the JV team, Bill Clinton solved everything with North Korea, GM is alive......why are you concerned about these areas? Have you not been listening to your leaders?

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